Moondog Rides Again




Hello Bandit I ended up paralyzed after riding my Harley on Sept 2 2004.

I went around a sweeping corner at a high velocity and a woman talking on her cell phone hit me head on. I ended up bouncing off the wind shield and over the roof going like Superman without my arms out and hit the next car in the middle of the front rim head first. A month and a half later I woke up from a coma in the hospital bed not being able to get up to go take a piss. I was wondering what was going on so finally a nurse came in and just jokingly I asked her if I’m paralyzed and she looked at me and said, “Oh you don’t know?” and took off. WOW!!! I was in shock and a million things ran through my head as I was left there for half an hour to wonder. One of the things I worried about was how the hell am I going to be able to ride a Harley because that was what I lived for.

This is the story of how I built a Trike to ride again!



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