Hello from the Arizona Fine Art Expo in beautiful Scottsdale!  It’s been a busy but reflective week for me as I continue to produce both commercial art for my clients as well as a slew of private commissions for my existing supporters.  This week we said goodbye to both Kirk Douglas as well as Robert Conrad, both of whom were in some of my favorites while growing up including Spartacus, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Wild Wild West series.

There were some artistic struggles for me as well as I stayed focused on a commercial art assignment that had a tight deadline and I feel that often time the commercial artist has a lot more to deal with than the purely fine artist.  As a fine artist we hope to please ourselves as the ‘creator’ of the art, and we hope the art connects with a future buyer who wants to enrich their life by owning and viewing the art, but the commercial artist has a completely different set of considerations.

The commercial artist is working with specific deadlines and parameters of the assignment and not only wants to please themselves with the art, but ALSO has to please the client AND the fan base/potential customer that the art is for.  This audience could range from just a few people to, potentially, thousands or millions of viewers/customers so I feel the ‘weight’ if you will is far greater as an illustrator.

Although I have found success as an illustrator, every single time you reveal your creation to the client you wait for the response, which could be kudos, disappointment or changes that are needed to be made, and for that reason you find much fewer artists who want to work for clients, than do the artist who just wants to create what they want to create.  Each artist has their own path…and mine has been a wondrous journey of multiple paths and many Moore artistic wanderings.

#ExpectMoore  BAM! – Monte

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