Continued From Page 1

ASSALT WEAPAN BONNEVILLE BUILD DRAWS RESPONSE–Hey Bandit, just read the article on aerodynamics from Hot Rod magazine. Must be where I got that idea about down force and wind tunnel testing I told you about.
It’s serious shit. Also congrats on your diet(s) They’re a bitch but it’ll be worth it. And just to help out, I had enough Margaritas for us both last weekend.
Ride hard,ride safe,
–Pete(from florida)

NC BAND LOOKING FOR BIKER GIGS–My name is Jamie Wellington from Lumberton, N.C. I play in a band MoJo Mac with 3 others. We are all in out late 40’s and love to jam. My band is well reasoned in rock and roll (Zepplin, Skynard, Cream, ZZ top and more). We have been playing since our teen years.
MoJo Mac has the equipment and talent for a good four hour show. Please E-mail back and let me know what it takes to play in some of your establishments. The band is willing to go to any bar or hangout located in NC, SC, or VA.
If your crowds like rock and roll you will not be disappointed.
Jamie Wellington

WHERE BAKER DRIVETRAIN THROWS STURGIS SUPPORT– Baker Drivetrain has our irons in fires all over Sturgis this year! We’ll be on Lazelle Street, out at the Buffalo Chip, the Broken Spoke, at the Kids and Chrome dinner and charity auction, the Builders Breakfast, down at Grease Monkey Mayhem, and on the Black List. Here’s the who, what, where, when and why!
The Buffalo Chip:
Above the ‘Chip’s partying masses, Baker heisted the burnout pit and dubbed it The Baker Burnout Box!!! We then we put tall torches on it for a spectacle of burning flames and burning rubber. We’ll be raisin’ hell in the middle of this staple American motorcycling destination. So follow the smell of melted rubber, ride your bike on up the ramp and show everyone at this historic Sturgis location what you’re made of! You won’t miss it: it’ll be the only burn-out box in Sturgis to sit high in the sky, surrounded by flaming torches and clouds of sweet, hot, burned up tires. Fill your lungs with scorched glory!

The Broken Spoke:
Baker is always so proud to back Jay Allen and the Broken Spoke, in all locations. This year in Sturgis is no different. We couldn’t be more proud to lend our support to Jay and the largest bar in Sturgis: the Broken Spoke, as he pushes forward helping Sturgis to grow bigger and better every year.

Kids and Chrome:
Baker will be working with the Children’s Home Society, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum, and Nick Genender from New York City Choppers in an effort to raise funds for these deserving causes. Mr. Genender and the fellas over at NYC Choppers will be building a custom motorcycle for the 2007 Kids and Chrome Raffle. Baker Drivetrain was more than happy to donate one of our 6-Speed, Right Side Drive Transmissions to this project.
We will also be donating our new Function-Formed King Kong Klutch for the auction to take place at the event, scheduled to be held Wednesday August 8th, 2007 at the Spearfish Convention Center. We hold this event near and dear to our hearts. Lisa and Bert Baker see no more deserving or worthy causes than that of a home for children in need, and a place dedicated to our American motorcycling heritage. For more info check out:

Builders Breakfast:
Baker Drivetrain is joining forces with the Builders Breakfast this year at the Broken Spoke on Lazelle St. in Sturgis. This event, scheduled to take place the morning of Tuesday August 7th, 2007, is always a big draw for fans of the art of bike building and designing. Baker will assist the Builders Breakfast in their goal of raising funds for Make-A- Wish Foundation, South Dakota at the 2nd Annual Breakfast. For more info, check out: Grease Monkey Mayhem: These builders are all together in one location to celebrate the art of bike building, unity among builders, and to have a good time – and Baker Drivetrain wouldn’t miss out on this party for the world! We’re looking forward to checking out the builders all camped out in the Grease Monkey lot during Sturgis this year, and lending our support to these guys who love Baker transmissions almost as much as we do! Rupert’s Ride for Kids: We all know Rupert from his time on the ole’ t.v. as the winner of the show “Survivor”, but did you know that he has a passion for charity and a love for motorcycles? Well he does, and in Sturgis he is hosting a day long ride with food and entertainment at the end, all for a good cause: children in need. We support Rupert in his efforts in Sturgis, and hope everyone finds the time to join in the fun for a worthwhile cause. The Black List: Aw man, we’ve done it this time! Scout and Trish are always trying to make Baker Drivetrain just a little more punk rock, and we couldn’t be missing out on a bitchin’ opportunity like this! The Black List is, in its own words “A ground-breaking entertainment and events platform bringing a high-octane mix of customs, extreme sports, art and music designed to redefine and revolutionize rally entertainment”. We see it as a good f*ckin’ time! In hopes of a bike venue that caters toward a more youthful culture, we’ve been waiting for something that is more suited to BAKER’s Creative Department, and has elements of basically all things rad. This is it. We’ll be there tearin’ it up, and even giving away a transmission on stage where all this takes place: the Full Throttle Saloon. LAZELLE STREET And what would Sturgis be without Baker Drivetrain set up in our usual spot, in the corner of the Samson Lot, where 5th and Lazelle come together? Stop by, pick up one of our scandalous Baker 2007 Calendars, a catalog and some stickers and talk with us about all things Drivetrain. Our booth will be full of the guys who build and sell these trannys every day. We’ll also have lots of our new innovations, including the members of the Function-Formed family of products there, for you to see first-hand and drool over. So, think Sturgis is ready for us?! For additional information, visit TONGLET EARNS FOURTH DESTROYER WIN OF THE SCREAMIN’ EAGLE AHDRA CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON–COMMERCE, Ga. (May 28, 2007) – L.E. Tonglet has earned the Destroyer category win at four of the first five events of the Screamin’ Eagle championship AHDRA season. Not bad for a guy who won just one race in the same category in 2006. Tonglet snagged his fourth Destroyer victory of the season by beating Ronnie Fensick Sunday in the final round at the Stone Mountain Harley-Davidson Southern Nationals at Atlanta Dragway. Tonglet turned in a 9.343-second pass at 136.57 mph to beat Fensick’s 9.426 at 137.93 in Fensick’s first final round appearance of the season. Tonglet also was the top qualifier (9.195) followed by Wanda Poff (9.337) and Fensick (9.346) to round out the top three. Tak Shigematsu equaled his win total in Nitro Top Fuel racing from 2006 with his victory over Doug Vancil. The Ehime, Japan native rode his Don Johnson Racing Harley-Davidson to the victory in his first final round appearance of the season. Shigematsu recorded a 6.752 at 178.76, topping Vancil’s 11.341 at 74.52 on his Vance & Hines Motorsports Harley-Davidson. Jay Turner was the No. 1 qualifier in the Nitro Top Fuel category after turning in a 6.498 while Steve Stordeur was second (6.559) and Joey Sternotti was third (6.578). Shigematsu and Vancil were fifth and eighth, respectively. Greg Best beat Chip Sutinen for the Screamin’ Eagle Performance (SEP) victory on Sunday. Best earned his second win in as many final rounds with an 11.650 to top Sutinen’s 11.450. Joey Talbott earned his first win in his second final round appearance of the year in the ET category. Talbott recorded an 11.633 to beat Roberta Seaman, who fouled at the starting line. The next AHDRA event is the Roeder Harley-Davidson Buckeye Nationals in Norwalk, Ohio on June 9-10. LEATHER SEATS FROM ENVY–Three seat pan styles available, seven patterns all for a low $499 apiece. Watch for shots of the Streetwalker by Envy wild exhaust systems. They keep 500 in stock, so if you order, they’re shipped pronto. Also, watch for an Envy bike to be featured tomorrow with more of their seats and exhaust systems. The bike will soon be featured in Easyriders so keep your eye on the newsstands. MOTORCYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECONVENES–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce that theFederalHighway Administration’s (FHWA) Motorcycle Advisory Committee (MAC) heldits secondmeeting in Washington DC recently. As outlined in the legislation thatthe MRF wasinstrumental in developing and passing through Congress, the MAC’s purposeis toprovide advice to the Secretary of Transportation, through the FHWA, on allinfrastructure issues and how they affect motorcycles. The Council iscomprised of10 individuals representing all different facets of the motorcyclingcommunityincluding the MRF, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), The NationalAssociation of State Motorcycle Safety Administrators (SMSA), StateDepartment ofTransportation (DOT) officials and “road furniture” safety engineers. “Roadfurniture” refers to anything on the road other than the actual road – sosignage,guard rails, bridges, light posts, striping, lane markers, etc. would beconsidered”road furniture.” The best part is that ALL of the MAC members must beriders. MACcovered a lot of ground over the two-day meeting, and all of the meetingminutes,recommendations and action items will be available soon on the MAC website at A lot of the meeting was spent on retro-reflectivity of pavement markings,which isessentially the brightness of the markings when headlights light them up.Apparently with materials currently used for pavement markings, when youincreaseslip resistance you decrease the level of retro-reflectivity. Thisfundamental issueputs motorcycling directly at odds with pavement markings the way they arethoughtof today. In the safety community brighter is better, and very littlethought hasgone into slip resistance except with pedestrian markings. For years,both publicand private highway designers have forgotten to consider the smallsignature oftwo-wheeled vehicles. MAC was designed to change that mentality, and as aMACmember who has attended both meetings on your behalf, I can tell you witheveryconfidence that is about to change. Another issue discussed a lot was the cable barriers across the countrythat arecommonly referred to as “bologna slicers” or “cheese slicers.” I have totell youthat the state DOT folks and safety engineers do not agree withmotorcyclists onthis one. Obviously all types of barriers are bad, and when roadsidedepartureoccurs, things go from bad to worse in a fraction of second. Anything youstrikewith your bike, car or body is going to be a serious factor in the crash. Otherpotential hazards include signposts, telephone and utility poles, firehydrants, oranything else commonly found occupying space on the side of the road.According tothe engineers, there is no proof that concrete barriers are less deadlythan cablebarriers; in fact, they claim that the opposite is true. With the use ofcablebarriers in the state of Texas last year, they went from 54 deaths fromvehiclescrossing the median or double yellow line down to 2. With results like that,motorcyclists will have a tough time declaring cable barriers unsafe atany speed. Cable barriers came from Europe, like a lot of things these days, and areundergoingmany safety upgrades across the pond. Retrofitting wood, plastic and/ornylon tothe cable barriers may decrease the chances of the rider being, for lackof a moreglamorous term, sliced in half. The MRF and its SMRO partners envisioned and helped create this MotorcycleAdvisoryCommittee to bring the issues and concerns of motorcyclists to the peoplewho designthe roads we use. As you can see, the MAC is accomplishing exactly thatgoal. Ride Free and Ride Often –Jeff Hennie MORE WILD REPORTS COMING FROM PAUL GARSON–Ya got love the Mini- Peterbilt the Ed Built – very cool daily driver. Dale Walksler and Indian on which he Barber Museum Race of the Century Just completed “Akira” bike…a runner…for rap video..and I was there…but notRapping –Paul Garson SCOTT JACOBS DEAL OF THE WEEK–A rare and important original acrylic painting is up for sale from the artist’s private collection. SPLITTING IMAGE is that painting and was created during the period that Mr. Jacobs was the official artist for Chevrolet’s Fine Art Program. The opportunity to collect an original of this magnitude comes along once in a blue moon. This is the actual original that the limited edition: “Splitting Image” was produced from and hence became the most successful and recognized print of the entire Corvette line. The original painting measures a magnificent 40″ x 50″ and was completed over ten years ago. This one of a kind was also the LAST mid-year Corvette painting rendered by Scott Jacobs. The logical place, financially speaking, to offer this work would be at auction but Scott’s wish is for one of his loyal collectors to acquire and enjoy it. He also would like to know where it is and be able to access the work for possible future museum exhibitions. If you are at all interested in the painting (see visual below) please contact me to discuss or email any questions you may have. Cheers, BACK STREET HEROS CHECKS IN–All received safe and sound, and Scooter has been abig help with SALT SHAKER pics from the salt flats. I think thefeature will be scheduled in for the issue after theone we’re working on. I would have liked to have gotit in sooner but we’re in the great/frustratingposition of having so much damn material at the momentthat we could do with an extra fifty pages a month. It’s crazy, I’ve been doing this job for twelve or soyears, and I’ve never known a year like the last onein the UK – we’ve been innundated with both featurebikes and events stuff. Guess it’s all good forbusiness! How are things over there? I had a mysterious emailfrom Mr Reed saying he’s not working for CCI any more.I can’t say I’m surprised. He’s trying to persuade meto go to Disneyland rather than the Las Vegas BikeFest. I suspect I wouldn’t notice the differenceanyway… –Blue CHRIS CARR IS A SPEED FREAK – ON BIKERNET TV– Chris Carr is the fastest Motorcycle Racer in the World. His boss, Denis Manning, a 2006 inductee in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, is the designer, builder, and owner of the BUB #7 streamliner. Carr talks with Thunder Bob on Bikernet TV about his World Record of 350.885 MPH. Don’t miss it, you can almost feel the heat and smell the salt. Check it out here. –Jeff Najar Continued On Page 3
–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio
Bikernet TV Network