Continued From Page 3
Yeap, I’m going to sound like I work for the tourism board, but what thehell, it’s summer and we are in the Caribbean, so here are a few tips onour part of the world.
Some call this the 8th continent, a chain of islands from Cuba to Trinidadwith a super mix of everything in between, french, dutch, british andspanish from island to island. I have been lucky enough to sail all overthe caribbean and there are so many incredible places, I don’t even knowwere to start. My favorites are many, but islands like St Martin andAntigua are top ones, The British Virgin islands are amazing, the water,the scuba and the fun, the US Virgin Islands and British are so close youcan cruise all of them in one day, but it will take weeks to really enjoythe whole area.

St Martin, St Barths and Antigua follow the chain, obviousislands for the “stars” and super models, you can rent a Harley in St.Martin and cruise the half french, half dutch island in style , one awesomeparty that can’t be missed is Antigua Sailing Week in may, can’t bedescribed, but if my assistance record shows how great it is…….been 10straight years, and by no means miss Shirley Heights every Sunday.
Guadeloupe and Martinique are french, also Harley populated, the club medthere are to kill for and those creole chicks wearing nothing at the beachare the cherry on top. St.Lucia has Rodney Bay and the parties at GrossIllet are killer, every friday, every week, every year, plus Le Pitons, twomountains that rise right from the sea and the bay it creates it’s asbeautiful place as you could ever see. St Vincent and the Grenadines, arechock full of coves with water 50 feet deep and so clear you can see theboulders at the bottom, the local “fishermon” bring lobsters right to theboat, just caught, and sell for fair prices, Mustique is the island of therich and famous, every rock star and their mothers have a mansion there,
Bequia is friendly and amazing, and most of the Grenadines you can spendthe whole day on an island by yourself. Grenada and Barbados are at the endof the line, if you like to surf Puerto Rico and Barbados are the places todo so, Grenada is famous for the nutmeg and Barbados for the flying fishand parties.
I’m making this short since there are so many places and so many differentthings to do, Dominican Republic is a great place to have an inexpensivevacation and it’s also Harley friendly. All in all each island hassomething extraordinaire which I could not even start to describe in suchshort space. A few years ago when I had less things to do I used to cruiseall the islands, sometimes for months and always rediscovered my”attraction” to them. Hope you can do the same one day. For now, checkPuerto Rico out and give us a call if you are around we will point you inthe right direction.
By next week our friends from the Desertores should be riding the great UShighways heading for Laconia and Montreal, around a dozen bikers will rideall the way from Orlando FL, and back, I will report of their adventuresupon their return.

Three more lucky owners have received their new choppers form Bourget’s,all ready and waiting for the Summer, so we will have even more guys oncool ass choppers on the road pretty soon…. San Juan is a chopper townBaby ! get used to it.
Seems like there’s a V-rod mania going around, heard of prices up on the30’s. You gotta be nuts to pay that much for the V-Max wannabee……Ohwell different folks for different strokes I guess…… Crack kills….
That’s about it for now, have a date with a chopper that’s gotta be donefor Sturgis, even though the Black Hills are a few months away we aregetting ready now…’s a long trip from this tiny Caribbeanisland…..See ya next week.

Bikernet Wedding Coverage From the North West
The wedding was interesting … it was between a biker named Astro (in his fifties and first time married) and?my brother’s ex-girlfriend of 12 years, and in attendance was my brothers other ex-wife and kid, and his daughter (my niece) by yet another ex-wife was a bridesmaid. Basically an ex-relative biker wedding whew! The got married in the flower garden by the wishing well in Pt Defiance park.?
— Helen
As good looking as you are honey, you can say anything and it would bealright. I get the little tiny hairs on my knees standing up just when Ihear your name..
Love you,
A study in Wisconsin showed that the kind of male face a woman finds attractive can differ depending on where a woman is in her menstrual cycle.
For instance: if she is ovulating she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features; and if she is menstruating, she is more prone tobe attracted to a man with scissors shoved in his temple and a bat jammed up his ass.
MOTORCYCLE MICHAELS OPEN HOUSE–Saturday, June 15th 12-5 pm. FXR Raffle, raffle for leathers, Accessories and much more. Live Rock ‘n Blues by the Rogues, Miss Motorcycle Michael’s Wet T-shir Contest, cash prizes. He’ll throw his own bike show with Custom and Oiginal Trophies. BBQ lunch, vendow and discounts on all the stuff you need. Motorcycle Michael’s 22624 Normandie Ave. B, Torrance, CA (310) 328-3377.

HORSE COVERS BANDIT’S ARREST– Actually the coverage in an upcoming issue will discuss only the first time Bandit was arrested. Other articles in HORSE will cover more arrests. It’s the future arrests the staff of Bikernet is interested in.
The shot below is of the ’66 Shovel he was riding when arrested for kidnap and wreckless riding. That’s is first wife in the background.
You can read more life and Times of Bandit in the Cantina.

IT’S HAPPY HOUR– Let’s split to factory where the girls is just getting off work. You grab the little one, I’ll take the one with the biggest rack and let’s ride to the Cantina for margaritas, chips and salsa and…. Well, we’ll see how the evening goes. Ride forever–Bandit.