The industry lost a brother last Friday. Tony Carlini died after a losing fight with cancer. Originally he owned a shop in Detroit and ultimately migrated to the coast. For most of us, the product we will always remember Tony by is the torgue arm he developed for Evolutions, but few know the design projects he was involved with including the Dodge Prowler. A long time pal of Hulk Hogan, Tony ran with serious creative thinking design freaks. His touch will be missed.
I’m not sure where to take my rambling spirit today. One woman, Sin Wu is so kind to me I don’t know what to do with myself, the other is as vicious and a caged python. Keeps me on my toes. Nuttboy’s bike is still with Dr. John for frame modifications. We’re looking to upgrade our Bikernet welding capabilities, although I managed to build a gargoyle gate with the old Linclon stick welder. It weight 5,000 pounds and took a fork lift to move, but it will work. While I wait for the Pro street frame to be modified, I’m thinking about building a fountain in front of the head quarters with a 1916 Indian engine.
Okay, I’m losing it, I agree, while waiting for a New York agent to sell my soul and my next two books to a deep pocket publisher. Let’s get to the news:
Johnson to Challenge HarleyAt a press conference late Monday, the CEO of Johnson Marine, makers ofJohnson outboard marine engines and other recreational and powersportsequipment, unveiled a new line of heavyweight cruiser style motorcyclesdesigned to compete head to head with industry leader Harley-Davidson.
Peter Long, Johnson brands marketing manager said, “We have studied themarket and determined that Harley, while highly successful, has narrowlymissed the mark when targeting motorcycle buyers”. Long added, “We, atJohnson, are convinced our product hits the target dead center and promisesto draw sales away from Harley-Davidson in a way no other motorcycle hasbeenable to accomplish”.
The new line of bikes, marketed under the name ‘Big Johnson Motorcycles’,will, according to Long, deliver what Harley has only promised. “Ourresearchshow that this, a Big Johnson, is what Harley buyers are really after”.
At the unveiling of the new line Monday, several current Harley ownersagreed. “When I bought my Harley, what I really needed was a Big Johnson”,said one Harley owner.” But I see now that riding a Harley is no replacementfor having a Big Johnson.”

Triple A FINALLY SUPPORTS MOTORCYCLES–The auto club finally broke down and is offering support to RV users and motorcyclists. I broke down twice over the last six years and called on the Auto Club for support each time. In each event I was told that since I was riding, I was out of luck.
Fortunately the Bros Club came along to fill the gap. I threw away my Auto Club Card recently and we support the Bros Club for insurance and breakdown towing.
Now the AAA has what they call in their ads, “This exciting new benefit includes up to $200 worth of motorcycle towing service per disablement.” I thought you guys should know.
Yes, the master of the martial arts training facility, the IMB in Torrence, California is looking for a late model road king, but he wants a deal.
Let him know if you have a King for sale: Richard Bustillo,

Between 18 and 20 a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild,naturally beautiful with fertile deltas.
Between 21 and 30 a woman is like America, well developed and open to tradeespecially for someone with cash.
Between 31 and 35 she is like India, very hot, relaxed and convinced of herown beauty.
Between 36 and 40 a woman is like France. Gently aging but still a warm anddesirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50 she is like Yugoslavia, lost the war – haunted by pastmistakes. Massive reconstruction is now necessary.
Between 51 and 60, she is like Russia, very wide and borders areunpatrolled. The frigid climate keeps people away.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Mongolia, with a glorious and allconquering past but alas, no future.
After 70, they become Afghanistan. Almost everyone knows where it is, butnoone wants to go there.
Between 15 and 70 a man is like Iraq – ruled by a dick
–from Cpl. Barry C.
Goddamnit coporal, whose side are you on?
In Bikernet News last week a guy named Brian was asking about Clyde Rawlings. Clydewas busted up pretty bad in a collision with a van a few months ago. He alsolost the lease on his shop, but was ready to move into new digs when theaccident happened. He’s recuperating from his injuries, and we hope to seehim back in business soon.
Clyde’s sis, Audrey, is still painting, and stillone of the best anywhere. I’ll keep ya posted when I hear anything.

BIG DADDY CHOPPER FROM BMC– Bandit this is the new BMC Big Daddy chopper…. Jose
BMC Motorcycle Company
63018 Plateau Drive, Suite 2
Bend, OR 97701
Phone: (541) 312-2760
Phone: (541) 749-2208 Sales
Fax: (541) 312-2762
THE TED REPORT–Well bad news. titty bar Mike is going out with purhouse Don on his boat, so he ain’t going anywhere. Phillip was contacted, finally, by the Easyrider guy about the photo shoot of his bike. Ee won editors choice award at the er show in memphis (he is on your website under the arkansas abate show winners). Well his base gasket started leaking on the drag races run three weeks ago and it got oil all over the bike. He won’t ride it this weekend because he hasn’t fixed it and he doesn’t want to get oil on it again. So he ain’t going. Wayne and Mark are going to a small club party in a small town where we all grew up. I could go to that, but I spent my whole life trying to get away from those losers, and the last thing I want to do is go down there to another party. I want to GO SOMEWHERE. I got a fews days off and I want to hit the road. I am gonna go by Rodney’s and try to find some people going to Gulfport and hook up with them.
I’ll let you know.
–Ted-F.U. M/C

9/11 BROTHERHOOD BIKE FEATURE–We’re damn proud to run a bike feature this week on Frank Falco’s rigid. I hope to also see it in the HORSE in the near future.
Frank was building the bike to ride with his brother who was a New York fireman. Read the story. It will give you goosebumps and tremendous respect for Frank.
BIKERNET WEEKLY TECH TIP– While I was in Phoenix for school?Hiro a?Buell guy in my class showed me this easy pull clutch deal made by MRC Clutch. This thing?really works good. I put it in my S2 Buell.
I previously removed the spring plate in the clutch pack and added 2 metal plates and a one addtional friction disk. Along with with that I added a stronger clutch pressure?spring. The lever pressure was a bit stiffer after all the mods. With the MRC easy clutch installed it reduced the lever pressure at least 30% if not more!! Installation?for all Buell models is exactly the same as the stock H-D devices for actuating the clutch.
The MRC easy clutch are distributed by:
Phaedrus Cycle
1992 Antelope Hill Ct.
Henderson, NV. 89012
Phone/Fax: 702-269-7322, Cell: 702-580-8759
— Paul
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