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ERIC HERRMANN’S LAUGHLIN RENDERING–Eric was nearly finished with his new Laughlin 2001 piece while we roamed the aisles of vendors at the River Run. Here’s a sneak preview. Check out Eric’s other works right here on Bikernet. You can purchase them directly by going to the Bikernet Gulch.

ACCURATE ENGINEERING PARTNERS WITH CYRIL HUZE–I see that Cyril is doing quite well on his articles for you. Has hementioned anything about a press release announcing him getting togetherwith Accurate Engineering and them building Signature Series Engines forhim?

The owner of Accurate Engineering, Berry Wardlaw, is a very good friend ofmine and I stopped in to see him on my recent trip to Texas. They are putting a couple of engines together for Cyril to take to MyrtleBeach.
Berry is also building all my engines now. If you do not already know him,you should. Accurate Engineering, 128 Southgate Road, Dothan, Ala., 36301 -(334)702-1993
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