Continued From Page 4

LUCKY DEVIL GRAND OPENING THIS WEEKEND IN HOUSTON–Howdy Bandit, Just a quick note to let everyone know…… The Smoker is getting hot, the beer is getting cold, and we are ready to PARTY! We will miss you and Miss Sin Wu, but just a reminder to anyone in the viewing area to drop by and enjoy our down home Texas hospitality.
We will have several new and fabulous customs (made by the Devil Himself) for sale. We will also have the Texas National Bike Show booth set up for early registration.
So come on down and check us out at Lucky Devil Custom Cycles Grand Opening, Saturday May 27th from Noon to 6:00pm
See you there,
–Mrs. L. Devil

WHAT MAKES BROS CLUB INSURANCE PROGRAM DIFFERENT– Price is one consideration. The BROS Club Insurance Program can help you choose the right money-saving coverage, with up to 35% in discounts (where applicable). On top of that, the insurance program offers an option others stumble over, the “Agreed Value” endorsement. For riders with custom paint and accessories, this is a valuable point of difference.
Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the BROS Club Insurance Program is the fact that Motorcycles are their specialty. When claims happen, as they sometimes do, ask yourself one question, would you rather have a motorcycle specialist helping you to resolve your claim, or some auto or fire insurance claims adjuster…
By the way, have you heard about the Emergency Roadside Assistance plan offered through BROS Club? The cost is $68.00 for a TWO YEAR membership. ANY motorcycle, ANY year, ANY make or model and this includes bikes with side cars and even trikes. BROS Club’s Motor Club is promoted by many custom bike builders and dealerships across the USA and Canada.
For more information, visit

STEEL DREAMS EPISODE 0520 DELIVERS THE MASTER BUILDERS–This week Steel Dreams brings you the motorcycle builders who defined the world of custom V-Twins.You’ll meet the famed industry legends that today’s new breed of builders look up to – from the “Godfather of the Custom” Arlen Ness and the “Father of the Flame” Dave Perewitz to the “new breed attitude” (and supersonic fame) of today’s super-innovators, like Jesse James and the Teutuls and the powerhouse machines of Ron Simms, the “out-of-this-world” creations of Paul Yaffe and the Steed “Musclebikes” of John Covington.
You’ll also meet the legendary men and machines that inspired these “master builders,” like Willie G. Davidson (of Harley-Davidson) and high-power engine expert, Kendall Johnson, to famed custom “pioneers” like Donnie Smith and Jim Nasi.
We take you first into the garages of the “Master Builders” where they design and build the spectacular creations that riders around the world hope to one day own.Then, we fire-up these dream machines and head out for the ride of a lifetime.
You’ll also get a “peek” at one of the wildest bike-builders you’ll ever meet. It’s the “rockem’, sockem’,” high-flyin’, bad guy chasin’ world of Ralph Randolph.
It’s all there – on this week’s “Master Builder Edition” of Steel Dreams. Watch for it every Saturday. In Los Angeles it’s on KCAL channel 9 at 3:30.

2006 FREEDOM FIGHTERS ANNOUNCED– May 2006 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is proud to announce the 2006 Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame Inductees, Elizabeth “Boots” Buckholz, Rich “Neb” Nebelsick; and “Deacon” Dave Phillips.
The Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame recognizes the commitment and sacrifices individuals across the nation, and world, have made to protect the rights of motorcyclists. In their honor the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame established the nation’s first and only Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame.
Elizabeth “Boots” Buckholz has been the backbone of ABATE of Florida, serving as State Secretary, Legislative Officer and State Office Manager. She has worked tirelessly for over 20 years for the riders in Florida. Boots is passionate about riding and is dedicated to promoting women in motorcycling and their many accomplishments. Her dedication to motorcyclists extends beyond her state and has earned her national recognition.
Rich “Neb” Nebelsick took the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence to heart, “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, or Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Neb, often referred to as “just a regular guy,” owned a motorcycle shop and became a freedom fighter in the late 60’s when a rider walked in complaining about the ticket he had just received. The injustice prompted Nebelsick to take on the helmet law in Illinois, investing his money, his time, and eventually mortgaging his business for something he believed in. He took his fight all the way to the Illinois Supreme Court, where the helmet law was found to be unconstitutional. He gave his all for fellow riders and asked nothing in return. “Deacon” David Phillips founded ABATE of California in 1981. He would travel to runs and swap meets in his mobile custom paint shop and talk to his customers and friends about motorcyclist’s rights while working. ABATE meetings were held in his garage in until membership expanded enough to form Local 1. To get the word out he wrote articles on legislation, safety issues and national laws, printing the monthly newsletter on a machine he cranked by hand. He is a single man who believed in letting those ride decide, and through his leadership, hard work and dedication the organization has grown to 51 Locals. ABATE has earned the respect of both the riders and legislators in California, and continues to be a vital organization.
Inductees will be honored at the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast, Wednesday, 9 August, at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, South Dakota.Breakfast tickets are available for a $25.00 donation, or reserved tables of eight for $250.00. Traditionally the Breakfast sells out and we recommend that you purchase your tickets well in advance of the event. Tickets can be purchased by phoning the Museum 605.347.2001 or on the Museum’s web page

ILLUSION CYCLES SHOWS–Ran into the Illusion Cycles Crew at a recent show. Take a hard look at the bike above that Rod and Rusty built for a customer. Both rear wheels drive the bike.

Here?s the two man master builder shop. That’s Rod on the left, Rusty and visitor Bill Kennedy from Kennedy?s in Oceanside, the brother of Pat Kennedy in Tombstone, Arizona. Get the scoop on Illusions in a Bikernet Article:

DEAL OF THE WEEK, EXHAUST WRAP FROM LONE STAR CHOPPERS–This week only (5/26 – 6/2 ) Lone Star Choppers, INC. has 50 foot rolls of Black Thermo-Tec Exhaust wrap at a crazy ass price of $ 50.00 per roll including shipping.
Sorry for the international bros but this is only for addresses in the continental U.S.

MARGARITA TIME AT BIKERNET–Helluva weekend coming up. We?re busting ass to finish the fab shit on both Bonneville Bikes. Damn, Chris Kallas has crafted bitchin art for both bikes. Now we gotta build bikes that are up to the art and fast. Watch Bikernet tomorrow. Several features are hanging in our holding pattern waiting to be launched. We have a Peter Linney cool Panhead feature and hot babe. There?s a brake master cylinder theory tech from Wolfgang publications, the lastest wide tire install from Heartland, Coast to Coast legislative news, and mo?.

I said I was going to honor vets in every news section, so here?s a few images from a Veterans Celebration in Florida, by Rogue. These guys got together the funds to build their own Vietnam Memorial wall.

So make sure you slice a few moments out of your weekend to support old vets and young troops providing for the effort in Iraq. Our thoughts are with service folks in every branch, at every U.S. base in the world. We live in strange times.

Perhaps we?ve finally reached the point where we truly understand and respect the word ?Freedom?. Freedom is not exclusive to one race, nationality or political group. That?s what these noise police need to understand. If they want the freedom to live where bikers roam, then they need to respect our freedom and safety needs to make some noise. Can you dig it?
Ride Forever,