Continued From Page 2

BILLY LANE BREAKFAST TICKETS SELLING QUICK–Tickets for the 1st Annual Billy Lane Builder’s Breakfast are selling quickly. Thank you for helping us raise money for the charity! Your readers are responding already!
Tickets are selling now at:
Pencil it in:
What: Billy Lane’s 1st Annual Builder’s Breakfast
When: Tuesday 8/8 at 9AM.
Where: World Famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle
–Darcy Betlach

HOT ACES ONLINE CASINO TEAMS UP WITH THE BIKERNET FAMILY–Bikernet is happy to announce its’ affiliation with Hot Aces Casino, a new and exciting online casino., hosted by Internet celebrity Cindy Margolis, offers all your favorite casino games, in a safe and secure environment. You will find video poker, slots, craps, baccarat, card games, all of the most popular casino games, including a Sportsbook and Live Poker, all in a visually pleasing Cindy Margolis setting!
The exciting news, just for Bikernet subscribers, is that has joined the Bikernet family to offer you special weekly/monthly promotions and prizes including engines, gift certificates for bike customizing, trips, and even a motorcycle!
This week offers a 100% deposit bonus match – up to $250.00*. Just log on to and register! Make sure you check out the “Dining with Cindy” contest just make a $100.00 deposit* and you are automatically entered to have a chance to win a trip for 2 to Las Vegas and have dinner with the fabulous Internet celebrity and Hot Aces spokesperson, Cindy Margolis.
Stay tuned each week to see new promotions, contests and prizes offered by just for bikernet subscribers!
Register now at, make you deposit and get your 100% matching bonus and remember if you deposit $100.00 it will also be matched 100% AND you get a chance to have dinner in Las Vegas with Cindy Margolis. SEE YOU AT
*see promotion terms and conditions at

CYRIL HUSE SPADE VELOCITY STACKS FOR S&S CARBS–This new Spade velocity stack increases air flow and looks extremely cool on choppers & bobbers.It includes a non restrictive screen and mounting hardware to the carb. Machined from a solid block of 6061 aluminum, highly polished, then beautifully chrome plated.Fits S&S E & G and most custom applications. The perfect complement to Cyril Huze Spade sidemount tag light.
Buy At:

MORE BROKEN SPOKE UPDATES–For now, here’s some great info:
STURGIS:Discovery Channel Biker Build OFF! August 8th – noonto 6pm at the Broken Spoke Lazelle Street – JasonHart (Chopsmith) vs Brian Klock (Klock Werks Kustom)
LACONIA:Discovery Channel Biker Build OFF! June 18th – noonto 6pm at the Broken Spoke – Billy Lane (ChoppersInc.) vs. Russell Mitchell (Exile)

CALIFORNIA CARB EMISSIONS REPORT FROM REPRESENTATIVE ROBER CUTHBERTSON– Currently California has a limit of measurable NO2 levels of 0.25 ppm(parts per million) over a 1 hour time limit. The federal limit is 0.053 ppmover an annual average. California has no annual average requirements atthis time.
ARB and OEHHA has recommended that California adopt the new legal levelsto be 0.18 ppm over a 1 hour time and 0.030 ppm annual average.
According to the presenters, California’s NO2 levels have been decliningover the last 10 years. In fact, in 2005 California’s NO2 levels were justbelow the new recommendations. So, if this recommendation was passed today,Californians would not notice anything different in the air we breathe orthe vehicles currently available to us.
The problem lies that ARB and OEHHA only set the limits and have nothingto do with how those limits are achieved or enforced. This is what couldpossibly affect us as motorcyclists in the future. We have all seenCalifornia’s air pollution laws migrate east, so this has the potential toinfluence the ARB’s in your state.
I urge you to go to the following website and use this chance for public comment. You have until May 31st. Inmid-June the AQAC will meet to discuss this issue with a new report thatreflects public comments. We will have one more chance in July to voicemore public comments before this is voted on by the board.
If anyone would like more info on this, feel free to contact me and I willpass on what I know.
— Robert Cuthbertson

BIKER INVESTIGATES BIKERNET BAR LISTINGS–Dukes Road House, Addison Is your first listing. They are no longer Biker Friendly…I am a local and they ask you to remove all biker attire (Dew rags, Colors, leather vests).
My understanding is that they do not was to scare the normal people on the weekends. It might be worth a call to Dukes to confirm what I am saying so that they could be removed from the list

TODD TURNS CFL OR WCC IN LB FROM HB–On another note… just shot some pics of a CFL that Todd Silicato (Todd’s Cycle) just finished. Bike turned out really cool. Check out this shot.
“Performance Cruiser Magazine”

STEALTH BIKERNET AGENT INVESTIGATES STEALTH BIKE WORKS IN NC–I am getting ready for my ride to the Wall in Washington D.C. I realy enjoy this ride every year. I take the time to relax on the road and to think. I am leaving STEALTH BIKE WORKS in good hands, Max and Chopper John will over see things while I am gone and “THE MEANEST” will over see them!
One thing that amazes me is the effort “The Motor Company” spends trying to make people buy their exhaust systems. I read where they polled their dealers and that one-fourth of the dealers are experiencing negative community sentiment concerning noise. I wonder if these same people surveyed are concerned about loud music and loud 18 wheelers? I doubt it! What a lot of people don’t realize is who is behind all these noise regulations, yeah, the good old Motor Company.
They really don’t care what pipes you run as long as their name is stamped on them. The next time you are at a rally look and see what brand of pipes everyone is running. You will see Vance&Hines Samson, Bassani etc. Very few H-D brand pipes. Why? Because all the aftermarket pipes out perform and out style their pipes.
Maybe they should quit trying to legislate the aftermarket exhaust makers and custom bike shops out of business and build a better exhaust system that would compete with the aftermarket pipes! Greed is at the center of this issue as with most issues. The next time you purchase an exhaust system think about who is backing the E.P.A., not the aftermarket guys!
Now having got that off my chest I feel better. All of us here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS would like to wish all of you a great Memorial day weekend. Take time to think about what Memorial Day really means. Take time to think about the sacrifices made for the freedom we enjoy and take time to remember the ones still fighting today for that freedom.
With all the problems we face daily, this is still the greatest country in the world!
Until next time, RIDE!

ATTENTION OHIO BIKERS–The You’ll recall that last month the OCB rejected a request for transfer of $750,000 from the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund for other purposes. This $600,000 additional appropriation for fiscal year 2007 (July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007) will help Motorcycle Ohio provide additional training classes, sponsor sites, and purchase replacement motorcycles for its aging fleet. The motorcycling community, members of the OCB, and many state representatives and senators have clearly demonstrated their support for motorcycle safety and awareness in Ohio. Let’s continue to support Motorcycle Ohio’s efforts by monitoring its training and awareness activities to ensure all Ohioans have access to its life-saving programs. ARTISTS’ VILLAGE AT HORSE SMOKE OUT–One of the things I really like about the HORSE Backstreet Choppers Magazine Smoke Out is the village of artists behind the event. The event is about the builders, which is its own medium but then there are the bands, the writers, the photographers, and the graphic artist. Through the years we have worked with legends like Jon Towle and Frank Kozik which was a thrill for me because I have admired their work for a long time. In the future I want to talk about Johnny Crap and Tick, who have done the posters for this year but I just got the T-shirt design this week and I want to talk about that. The T-shirt design for this year’s Smoke Out VII just rocks. I am going to get about five and have a wardrobe for the year. The artist behind it is Jeral Tidwell. His website is really worth checking out He has even done some awesome skateboards decks for Reliance Skateboards. Jeral is a heavy hitter and has done work for Kid Rock, Dick Dale, Widespread Panic, Sheryl Crow and many more but I was really surprised looking at the poster section on the website. Jeral had done a poster for the Reverend Horton Heat who played the Smoke Out last year. He had a poster for Th’ Legendary Shack Shakers who are playing Smoke Out VII in Salisbury this June and he had a poster for the SuperSuckers who are playing Smoke Out West in Cottonwood in October. Overlap with the The HORSE BC, Smoke Out bands should not have surprised me though. The artist, the bands, skateboards, surfboards, The HORSE BC Magazine, choppers, bobbers, hot rods and the Smoke Out are all gears in a small but cool underground counter-culture that I am just happy to be involved in, in whatever small way that fate allows. –Edge EASILY GO 300MM WIDE ON A SOFTAIL WITH THE BAKER 300!–Since it full production release in last fall, the BAKER 300 Wide Tire Kit has maintained as the easiest and most-refined route to transforming a stock Harley-Davidson Softail rear-end to handle a 280mm or 300mm tire. BAKER observed that the primary issue when customizing the entire back-half of a motorcycle to handle the ultra-wide tires was the actual ease of the project as a whole. To do it right it can be quite an undertaking. A frustrating amount of time consumption via trial-and-error, shopping for compatible components, and excessive guesswork lends itself to many projects being incomplete or completed poorly. The engineering behind many projects left room for improvement. With the major modification of such conversions being around the drivetrain, BAKER saw the opportunity to apply its expertise in engineering and remedy the issues with going wide. The BAKER 300 offers is everything needed to complete such a project in about a day: The exclusive BAKER RIGHT-SIDE-DRIVE DIRECT DRIVE 6-SPEED COMPLETE TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY is only available with this kit and nowhere else. Not only does this solution eliminate the need to take the time to dissect the messy transmission guts to install a longer main shaft like most kits, but it is a transmission system upgrade from stock! The BAKER Right-Side-Drive solution keeps the motorcycle balanced and operates in a smoother, quieter, more-efficient fashion. A complete Harley-Davidson-style, powder-coated swingarm assembly that includes the axle, axle spacers for 280mm or 300mm wheels, subframe, and splashguard. A heavy 13-guage, paint-ready fender. Also available in H-D paint colors upon request (color number, photo, and deposit required). All the necessary hardware and fasteners to easily complete the project is included. A 28-page comprehensive instructions manual, complete with photos, is included as backup. BAKER’s renowned toll free tech support is available as additional backup. As you can see, the BAKER 300 Wide Tire Kit is all-inclusive and fully supported. Aggravation or failure will be difficult. Because BAKER has no way to presume which wheels you will apply, wheels are not provided. The BAKER 300 Wide Tire Kit spacing and centering is designed for Xtreme Machine or Performance Machine wheels. If you apply wheels from other manufacturers, additional centering and spacing is necessary for fitment. The BAKER 300 Wide Tire Kit is a quick, complete, and quality solution to the popular Softail modification for a wider tire. THE BOLT-ON KIT IS PERFECT FOR DEALERS THAT DON’T HAVE TIME FOR MAJOR HACKING AND CHOPPING TO GET TO THE GOAL. THERE IS NO MAJOR AMPUTATION NEEDED WITH THIS KIT. Note: There are minor, subjective and cosmetic ancillary purchases needed for completion, like a license plate bracket. For additional details, go online to, see page 27 of the BAKER 2006 catalog, or call 1-877-640-2004.
(For info on attending The HORSE BC Smoke Out check, or call (800) 531-9733.)
Continued On Page 4