I don’t know if you’re running into this, but motorcyclists are under siege in Long Beach and San Pedro. It was caused by bullshit wimps who have nothing to complain about but motorcycle noise. A buddy, Buster said it best, “We face drug dealers in our community daily, kids hit by drunks, domestic violence and we’re at war, but the cops are chasing bikes because they make too much noise.”
A citizen who created a mass e-mail campaign to the police, pulling them off life-saving efforts, to curb the noise in their neighborhood, said, “It’s a quality of life issue.” If terrorist start to blow up more buildings no one will be concerned about second-hand smoke or loud pipes. Loud pipes do save lives and Bikernet proved it in our recent noise study. We also proved that, in the scheme of things, motorcycle noise is nominal and transitory. In cities we face noise constantly and maybe motorcycle noise for a couple of minutes a day – gimme a break.
Okay, we’ve published our noise study and you’re welcome to copy it and go after these bastards. http://www.bikernet.com/news/PageViewer.asp?PageID=902
Shit, I’d rather rant on about sex and the bikes we’re building. Let’s hit the news:

BIKERNET RADIO REACHES THE ORIGINAL INDIAN–Brandscome Richmond talks with Rey Sotelo, ex-Indian President, to get his side of the story. He points to the man that put the stake in the heart of Indian Motorcycle. Rey doesn’t pull punches. Click>http://www.bikernet.com/mediacast/0506br_sotelo.htm”>Click here to tune-in and turn-on.

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–No. 991, Inner Cam Bearing Installer Tool- Use on all 2006to present Dyna Models. Use this tool to press in the two inner cam bearings, JIMS No. 8991K new cam bearings. This tool has been designed to press from letter side of the inner cam bearings, by putting all the pushing pressure to the very outer wall of bearing shell. Eliminating any damage to the bearings, cam and cases.

This tool will stop at the case and set the bearing depth to .023″ to .028″ below the case surface. A must use for the longest bearing and cam life. Use with JIMS Tool No.993.

TERRORIST WARNING– How would we survive?This morning Bikernet spy embedded in a cave somewhere in Pakistan, with Taliban Minister ofMigration, Mohammed Omar, warned the United States that if military actionagainstIraq continues, Taliban authorities will cut off America’s supply ofconvenience store managers. And if this action does not yield sufficientresults,cab drivers will be next, followed by Deli customer service reps.
It’s getting ugly
–from Joe Lankau

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE V-ROD RIDERS MOVE UP THE POINT STANDINGS WITH ROUND WINS AT NATIONAL TRAIL RACEWAY–Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines team riders Andrew Hines and GT Tonglet each made a move up the NHRA POWERade Pro Stock Motorcycle point standings this weekend. Hines jumped up to second place while Tonglet moved up to seventh after Sunday’s Pontiac Excitement NHRA Nationals at National Trail Raceway.
Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso said the best part of the weekend was the performance numbers produced by each of the V-Rod entries.
“We ran some really good times this weekend which eventually helped us pick up some points,” Paluso said. “Andrew was the quickest rider after the first day of racing (Friday) and now we can take those positive results and apply it to the next race. We’re building some good momentum and hopefully it will carry over to the next event in two weeks.”
Hines – the reigning two-time defending NHRA POWERade Pro Stock Motorcycle champion – beat Ryan Schnitz in the first round of eliminations, turning in a 7.085-second pass at 184.42 mph to beat Schnitz’s 7.134 at 183.99 on a Buell. Tonglet earned his first round victory over Tom Bradford. Tonglet went 7.107 186.82, topping Bradford’s 7.118 at 186.02 on a Buell.
For the second consecutive event this season, Hines and Tonglet faced each other in the early rounds. Hines beat Tonglet in Atlanta two weeks ago in the first round. He beat him again this weekend, this time in second round action.
Hines rode his V-Rod to a 7.116 at 187.73 to earn the victory over Tonglet’s 7.160 at 186.54. Hines lost his semifinal race against Matt Smith after fouling on the starting line.
“The only way to avoid racing each other in the early rounds is to qualify first and second and meet in the finals in the best case scenario,” said Byron Hines, team owner. “We weren’t in that situation this weekend but we ran some pretty good numbers and had some good results. We’re back in the position to be more competitive. It would have been nice to see Andrew in the finals, but we just had a red light (foul).”
Hines was the top qualifier after Friday’s sessions, but slipped to second on Saturday with a 7.038 pass at 189.26. Tonglet was seventh with a 7.084 at 188.04. It was the first time this season Tonglet qualified in the top half of the field.
“Overall I’m happy with the weekend because our performance has us a lot closer to the front of the pack,” Hines said. “That red light came out of nowhere. I felt comfortable all weekend with my reaction times, the semifinal round was just one of those things. It’s really important that both bikes won some rounds this weekend because we can’t let her (points leader and event winner Angelle Sampey) get too far ahead of us.”
While Hines has a Columbus victory on his resume from the 2004 season, Tonglet was thrilled to leave National Trail Raceway behind him for the year.
“I’ve never done well at this track,” Tonglet said. “We earned the No. 1 qualifier here last year, but I think that’s the best thing that’s ever happened here, so I’m happy to come away with at least one round win and be done with this one.
“We’re getting a better handle on my V-Rod and we moved up one spot in the point standings, so now we just need to build on that and keep climbing up the ladder. We had lane choice in the first round for the first time this season and hopefully that will be a trend we can continue at the next event.”
The next NHRA POWERade Drag Racing event that features the Pro Stock Motorcycle class is the CARQUEST Auto Parts NHRA Nationals, June 8-11, at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Ill.

BIKERNET ENGINE OF THE WEEK–260-INCH street motor…..Meet Randy Torgenson Hyperformance, Des Moines, Iowa.One of the best kept secrets in the industry.
–from Ray Wheeler

CUSTOM CHROME ANNNOUNCES DESIGN PARTNERSHIP WITH LEGENDARY EUROPEAN BUILDER FRED KODLIN–Custom Chrome, a division of Global Motorsport Group, Inc., has announced a new strategic design partnership with legendry European motorcycle builder Fred Kodlin. Kodlin will join other industry notable designers like Rick Doss and John Reed to create high-quality, innovative new parts and accessories for Twin Cam model motorcycles to be manufactured and distributed by Custom Chrome globally.
Fred Kodlin stormed the US market with his unique design and build talents back in 1990 when he came to the US for the first time and won the Rat’s Hole Show. From that point on, Fred became what we in the US call a Master Builder and since then has continued to wow bike builders and enthusiasts across the US and globally. Kodlin maintains his motorcycle business in Germany and welcomes visitors from across the world daily. “I am looking forward to the new alliance with Custom Chrome and to developing world class parts for Twin Cam models. This new partnership will set the standard for all things Twin Cam. My first designs will be available in the 2007 Custom Chrome catalog” Kodlin explained. To learn more about Fred Kodlin please visit: www.kodlin.com
Under new management, Custom Chrome is centering its growth plans on investing in research, development and distribution of innovative parts and accessories. “Delivering what you want, when you want it is what we are committed to giving our loyal dealers. The new alliance with Fred Kodlin demonstrates that we are working with the very best in the industry to deliver on our promise to dealers globally” said Holger Mohr, Senior Vice President (Custom Chrome US) and Managing Director (Custom Chrome Europe).

FEDERAL SOUND TESTING FORMULA–The testing was conducted per SAE J1287 “Measurement of ExhaustSound Levels of Stationary Motorcycles.” This test procedure is used tomeasure the exhaust sound levels of stationary motorcycles. This test isused by most states for determining excessive exhaust noise frommotorcycles, since the pass-by test is not practical out in the field. Somestates, such as New Hampshire, have a law of 106 dB(A) tested per SAE J1287.
The following figure shows the setup for the sound testing. A microphone wasplaced .5 meters away at 45 degrees from the centerline of the bike for eachexhaust outlet. The sound level was recorded with the motorcycle operatingat 2,750 rpm (half of rated engine speed).
A local Los Angeles cop said the limit for motorcycles is 80 db. A stock Softail is 95. We’d be forced to shoot one cylinder to be compliant.

NEW PRODUCT FROM TIMOTHY REMUS & WOLFGANG PUBLICATIONS–Not everyone is a book person. And for all those individuals who would rather learn in a TV format than the traditional book, we offer you our first DVD: How to Build a New School Bobber. This DVD includes nearly three hours of material covering the construction of a Bobber kit at Redneck Engineering, and the conversion of a late-model Softail into a believable Bobber at the Brian Klock facility.
Both are new-school bobbers with modern drive-trains and modern dependability. Producing a DVD turns out to be more work than building a motorcycle. First you pay the videographer and sound-person, then you pay a company to convert the material from analog to digital, next, you throw away most of what you paid people to photograph. With the wonders of modern computer software, we’ve been able to do most of the initial editing in-house. The final edit was done by an outside vendor who promised to take all the herky-jerky out of our transitions from one sequence to the next and did a damn good job of it.
Be sure to order one of our new DVDs because: A: They’re really very good, and B: I’ve got this stack of bills from various production companies and photographers that would choke a horse. You can order the DVD now by contacting:
Wolfgang Publications Inc.
217 Second Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
E-mail: info@wolfpub.com
To Order by Phone/Fax:
24 Hour Phone Order Line: (651) 275-9411
Wolfgang Fax number: (651) 275-9330

SEMA AUTOMOBILE EXHAUST NOISE MODEL BILL– No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner sothat the exhaust system emits in excess of ninety-five decibels as measuredby the society of automotive engineers (sae) standard j1169 (may 1998). Itshall not be a violation of this section unless proven by proper authoritiesthat the exhaust system modification results in noise amplification in excessof ninety-five decibels under the prescribed SAE test standard.A court may dismiss any action for which a person is prosecuted foroperating a vehicle in violation of this subsection if it is found that thedefendant had reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle was notoperated inThe term motor vehicle as used in this section does not include motorcycles.
Senator John Brueggeman
Polson, MT 59860
PH: 406.883.2395

2nd ANNUAL GASTOWN MOTORCYCLE SHOW N’ SHINE – AUGUST 20, 2006YOUR SUMMER MOTORCYCLE SHOW!!!–It’s time to mark your calendars for the biggest motorcycle event thestreets of Vancouver have ever seen! On Sunday, August 20, 2006, the B.C.Coalition of Motorcyclists, in conjunction with the Gastown BusinessImprovement Society, will be closing down Water Street once again to put onthe 2nd Annual Gastown Motorcycle Show n’ Shine in the heart of Vancouver!
This exciting event is free to the public to attend. There will be a fashionshow, a live band and there are tons of unique shops, restaurants and pubsin Gastown for spectators to enjoy. And, of course, there will be hundredsof bikes in every make and model lined up along the cobble stone streets andeveryone’s favorite manufacturers displaying the best of their best. Thiswill be an exciting celebration of motorcycling that you do not want tomiss!
With an estimated 20,000 people showing up in the pouring rain at the 1stAnnual Gastown Show n’ Shine in 2005 we are convinced that a date in Augustwill bring out a crowd that we cannot even imagine.
EARLY REGISTRATION IS ADVISED, AS THERE IS LIMITED SPACEEntry forms available here: http://www.bccom-bc.com/gastown_2006/2006_registration_form.pdf
For information please contact the B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists at (604)580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111 or visit our website at www.bccom-bc.com

BIKER NORWEGIAN CONTACT–I have been riding a Dyna, a ’99 FXDX to be exact, and since the first day I have had it I have tried to put my own touch on it!But we have to remember this is not a Softail or a rigid!It is very hard to get info and pictures about customized Dynas! I look every day for pictures on the WEB to get inspiration for future changes on my bike!
Now you may wonder what is the point with this mail!Check this link: http://www.bikernet.com/DandD/Promotion1.asp
I just wanted to tell you that I’m happy that You posted a lot of Dynas in the Dyna pics contest!Maybe you should do a series of rebuilds on Dyna or maybe make a Dyna corner on this Website!
We’ve been contacted by several Dyna owners and have a couple of Dyna techs in the works with Lucky Devils Metal Works in Houston. Hell, we just bought a ’98 Dyna basket. We’re trying to decide what to do with it.
Continued On Page 2