BIKERNET BUSINESS REPORT, BRASS KNUCKLES TAILLIGHTS FROM RR CHOPPERS– I am attaching a pic of a new product R R Choppers will be releasing in the coming month as he just got back from LA with the prototype & is going forward with full production. He also does complete rolling chassis kits & complete bikes out the door for under 30K with custom sheetmetal not a bad little business for 13 months in the industry. Watch for more details here on Bikernet.

–Richard K.
BIKERNET QUESTION OF THE WEEK– We are trying to find information on Steve McQueen’s charity forchildren and have not had much luck. Panoptx is interested in becominginvolved, however the information is not readily available as far as we cansee. We thought a good biker editor (such as yourself!) might be able tohelp us. Have you heard of this?
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Jody Krikstone
Panoptx PR
Richard French & Associates
112 E. Hargett St.
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 832-6300 Ext. 36
An FWV PubliCom Company
BIKERNET MYSTERY OF THE WEEK–I have been looking for big boar batteries . I have been using one of them and it went bad . I was checkin out your links but didn’t see one for Big Boar. Would you have a number or web add. you can hook me up with.
The big boar I use is a 450b with 750 cca for my stroker, so if you can help me I’d really dig it.Daytime e-mail is Thanks alot for your help –Jim International Martial Arts BoxingSeminar withRICHARD BUSTILLO–a member of the Black Belt Hall of Fame – Instructor of the Year Award, the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame – Pioneer Award recipient, the Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame – Life Time Achievement Award winner, and Bandit’s Sifu has the distinction of being certified as a law enforcement defensive tactics instructor with the FBI, LAPD, and the LASD. Sigung Bustillo is a senior instructor of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do and a recognized 9th degree rank and Grandmaster with the fame Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima of Cebu, PI. His next seminar is coming right up in Honolulu. Here’s the particulars: Saturday & Sunday, June 1 & 2, 2002 The hands-on training is not designed to compete against your style but will compliment all levels from beginner to advanced. He will teach more than martial art techniques. He calls his process, Jeet Kune Do. Evolve with change for a simple and practical seminar. Under age 18 must have prior approval to attend. No spectators or video allowed. Come see why Richard Bustillo is one of the most sought after martial artist. Jeet Kune Do Saturday Morning @ 9 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.Bruce Lee’s basic footwork, hand/foot speed to closing the gap to trapping and grappling, and training concepts to enhance the three combat ranges below. Muay Thai/Boxing Saturday @ 1 P.M. to 3:30 PMOffense/defense/counter drills on Boxing and Muay Thai techniques. Understand knee/elbow/punch/kick techniques with Thai pads for self defense and sport. Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima Sunday Morning @ 9 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.Bring double stick and single stick for training drills for Pangamot (empty hand), Agaw (disarming), Dumog (grappling), and Pormas (forms). Kali/Eskrima/Arnis Sunday Afternoon @ 1 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.Dangerous edge weapon awareness, edge weapon defense and counterdrills, standing and ground dumog against weapons, Fee: $85.00/Pre-registration before 6/1/02$105.00/Door fee, $65.00/1 day Pre-reg., $75.00/1 day,Instructors free if 5 students enroll contact: Sifu James Tanaka (818) 223-9363 BIKERNET REPORTS FROM THE FRONT– Just a little tribute and demonstration of the risks and dedication of our servicemen and women. Although the world constantly breathes down their necks and takes shots at them, they deserve our support and respect daily. — BIKERNET TRAINING HISTORY DEPARTMENT– I read the book “Russian Kettlebell Challenge”http://www.dragondoor.com/b15.html which has instructions for kettlebelllifts. Dragondoor sells kettlebells cast off the Russian molds athttp://www.dragondoor.com/p10.html but I bought an Ironhorse KB handle fromPDA because I wanted something plateloading and adjustable. The Ironhorsehandle is pictured herehttp://www.fractionalplates.com/equipment/equipment20.html I’ve found kettlebells more difficult than dumbells for both ballisticexercises (snatch, clean, jerk) and for presses. The ballistics are harderbecause the weight flips over at the end of the motion & has to becontrolled. Presses are harder because the KB hangs behind the wrist ratherthan resting on top of your straight & locked arm. Another difference isthat high-rep snatches really knock the wind out of you, which strengthensthe lungs & heart. (Theoretically, high-rep barbell snatches would knockthe wind out of you too, but they’re too dangerous–lose it & the bar comesdown on your skull). Another fun site is http://www.sandow.plus.com/ If you click on ArthurSaxon, there is a complete scan of his book “The Development of PhysicalPower,” which has instructions for bent presses, continentals, & all thoseother old-time lifts. Beware of one thing; KB lifting is a lot less technical than olympiclifting, but a lot more technical than what most people do in a gym thesedays. Perfect form is important, otherwise bad injuries result. I neededto schedule a lesson with a teacher to straighten out my form–I found theinstructions in the book inadequate by themselves. –Jon Juniman BIKERNET ROAD ROGUE REPORT– Returning to Florida from a recent road trip by motorcycle to Texas I was running a little late so I decided to stop in The Florida Welcome Center and Rest Area on Interstate 10 just West of Pensacola. It was slightly after midnight and I had been on the road since noon. I was tired but also wanted to call ahead and let friends know I was running late and not to wait up for me. I had some coffee and stretched my legs a bit. When I was ready to leave, my motorcycle would not start. It turned out to be a carburetor problem that I was not going to be able to fix in the parking lot. I called my friends back and they said they would be out to get me with a trailer but it would be about three hours to get there. I took out my emergency blanket and laid down on the ground next to the motorcycle, as there was no other place to do it. I was dead tired and did not know what else to do. I woke every time some one came near and about two hours later I heard two people talking and then some one kick my foot to arouse me. It was two security guards and they informed me that I could not sleep on the ground. I asked them where I could sleep and was told I had to be in a vehicle. I explained I was on the motorcycle and there was no inside it, that I had been on the road a long time and also that the vehicle would not start. They just said that I could not lay down anywhere unless I was in a vehicle. I should note that there were 18 wheel tractor-trailers, motor homes, trucks and cars parked with people in them sleeping. Trucks and motor homes had special areas. They were no facilities for motorcycles. Luckily my friends showed up in about an hour as promised. We loaded the bike and were on our way. These areas are paid for with tax payer dollars and I suspect some money from gas taxes and vehicle registrations. These areas are set up for people to rest so as not to fall asleep while driving. I got a ride out of there but if that did not happen I would have been forced to leave and possibly have an accident. — ROGUE BIKERNET COMPUTER SURVEY– At a recent computer expo, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computerindustry with the auto industry and stated, “If GM had kept up with thetechnology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 carsthat got 1,000 miles per gallon.” In response to Bill’s comments, GM issued a press release stating, “If GMdeveloped technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with thefollowing characteristics: 1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day. 2. Every time they painted new lines on the road, you would have to buy anew car. 3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You wouldhave to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shutoff the car, restart it, and reopen the windows beforeyou could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this. 4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver like a left turn would cause your carto shut down and refuse to start, in which case you would have to reinstallthe engine. 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable,five times as fast and twice as easy to drive, but it would only run on 5%of the roads. 6. The air bag system would ask “are you sure?” before deploying. 7. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out andrefuse to let you in until you simultaneously lift the door handle, turn thekey and grabbed hold of the antenna. 8. Every time a new car was introduced, car buyers would have to learn todrive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the samemanner as before. 9. You would have to press the START button to turn the engine off. –from Ray Russell I traversed the world with a PC Laptop and I can dig the above. I could have thrown that goddamn computer overboard on several occassions–Bandit. –from Bob T. BIKERNET LAWLESS CALLER QUESTION– The famous sex therapist on Bikernet was taking questions when a caller asked, “Doctor, I want to know, why do men always want to marry a virgin?” To which the doctor handily responded, “To avoid criticism.” DUCK OUT, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE–Later today, Brian Olea, the president of Bad Pig called the Chamber of Commerce in Hollister in a panic. They told him that Hollister is good to go. We’ll see what floats to the surface next. Shortly we’ll run a tip on saving batteries and starter gears on Bikernet, but the bottom line is that Giggie and some informed sources at Compu-fire are recommending that you install solids in your performance Evos and big inch Twin Cams. You can buy a set of solids from S&S for less than $20.00 and perform the installation yourself. Hydraulics are the problem. You’ll need gaskets. I don’t get it. I can look out at the harbor, meet up with Sin, add long lunches and work on my VL in the afternoon. A brother can’t understand why I don’t want a corporate job that was offered last week. I remember the old days when bikers couldn’t get jobs or keep them. Hell, Wild Bill had the code nailed down, “Wild Bill from over the hill, never worked and never will.” Have a helluva weekend. Don’t go down or get arrested, but do everything else wrong–Bandit.
Golds Gym, (across from Advertiser Building) Honolulu, Hawaii