WE?RE ON A COUNTDOWN HERE–Counting the days and hours till tomorrow. Bandit will be back in all his glory and the site will rock the way he use to make it rock.
This is gonna be a quick intro, a short news and then a quick word from Bandit in the end. I?ve had one heck of a whacky week; trying to guide my son, who is jobless as he finishes the brand-new, custom crafted closet Torsten built last week. It?s fantastic. Kraig, on the other hand is not. He?s stained two coats, brushed on the first coat of sealer, sanded after the appropriate amount of time and for some darn reason the second coat is showing brush strokes and specs.
We were at each others throats yesterday, I guess too many cooks so today I backed off. Pray for a satin finish for me will ya?

AMA HOSTS 2ND SUMMIT ON MOTORCYCLE SOUND; GROUP PUBLISHESRECOMMENDATIONSPICKERINGTON, OHIO — The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) hasannounced that the second National Summit on Motorcycle Sound was heldon Saturday, May 14 in Columbus, Ohio, and that the group has publishedits recommendations for addressing the issue.
The recommendations, released as a document called “Sound Advice,” isthe product of two years of effort by the Motorcycle Sound WorkingGroup, which was formed after the first summit conference in May of2003. Contributors included representatives of the street and off-roadmotorcycling communities, as well as motorcycle manufacturers,aftermarket companies, event organizers, law enforcement, municipalgovernment, and research institutions and regulatory agencies.
“We’re grateful to all those who contributed to these recommendations,helping American motorcyclists address a difficult and important issue,”said Robert Rasor, AMA President. “Now, for the motorcycling communityand the powersports industry, the real work begins, and the AMA willcontinue to participate in creating solutions.”
“‘Sound Advice’ speaks with virtually every voice in Americanmotorcycling, and it speaks to everyone who has a stake in Americanmotorcycling’s future,” said Ed Moreland, AMA Vice President forGovernment Relations and facilitator of the Motorcycle Sound WorkingGroup. “We encourage motorcyclists, businesses, and communities to worktogether to support the working group’s recommendations.”
“Sound Advice” is available on the AMA’s website, AMADirectlink.com, athttp://www.ama-cycle.org/legisltn/Sound_Advice.asp.

NEW FROM AEROMACH–Flame Levers for Stock Harley ControlsThese flame levers replace the factory levers easily and look great on your bike. The edges of the levers are rounded so they are comfortable to squeeze. CNC machined from T6 extruded billet aluminum, chrome plated and designed to mount to all Harley Davidson’s 1996-2005 with manual clutch. FLAME LEVER SET For Harley-Davidson w/OEM Controls $135.95/Pair

Pistol Grip Levers for PM Contour Hand ControlsThese levers are made specifically to fit the awesome, performance machine controls. CNC machined from 6061-T6 aluminum and chrome plated. Use with manual clutch contour controls. Pistol Grip Lever Set For PM Contour Controls $139.95/Pair
Aeromach Mfg Inc.
800 990-9392

THE LONG AWAITED CARIBBEAN REPORT–Ok, guys and ladies, like Bandit, I am back for this week. I guess this is the longest I have been away from the news, but such is life.
As you might know, I am building a bike for the Horse Chop Off, plus we have several other projects to finish, so yeap, what’s new, the urgency is because we have a new local event. Memorial week end to be exact, and some of the customers bikes need to be done, that also cuts my Chop Off build time for about a week. While all the other guys can breeze it up to the 22nd of June or so, my shit has to be shipped by the 10th. There?s a lot of people and companies that have helped with the build and soon I will mention each one of them.
Hank Young and Roland Sands will join us for the event here and from there my bike and Hank’s head over to Hawaii, no I will not be taking part of the Choppers Only show, we have our own agenda. I will release the news in due time, but don’t expect to see my face around KCC.
I also have a show here in PR Father’s day week end, and right after that we will be heading over to Atlanta to ride with Hank to North Carolina. It’s kind of crazy, but what the fuck, if I could convert all that shit going on into bill paying cash, it would be well worth it.. Let’s see what happens.
To top it off, I also broke off all relations with the Puerto Rico Bike weekend, and we are working hard on our own event for December, which will be better and funnier than ever.Keep an eye out cause there’s like 5 more bikes coming out of the shop soon……and a few more to start, so it’s all cool, and to top it off, I like most of the bikes….
Anyway, I just dropped this short note to let you know what was going on, very long nights await…. So what the fuck… See you next week, I hope.
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter

The Man
The Man You Know
Died A Long Time Ago
But You Won?t Find His Bones
Encased In Concrete
Beneath Some Marble Headstone
He Stands On His Own
No Need For Powdered Crutches
Or Straws Of Chrome
The Crystal Has
Long Since Left His Veins
It?s Been Years
But The Damage Is Done
Everyday He Lives With
The Pain Of Addiction
Memories Of The
Ones Who Walked Away
Not To Mention The Ones
Who Made Him This Way
Others Were
Not So ?Lucky?
Locked Away , Behind Bars
Paying For Their
Some Left Us, Forever
Rotting In Graves
Of Concrete And Stone
But You Won?t Find His
Decaying Bones
Or See His Name
On Some Pretty Headstone
He Lives With His Addictions
As He Sits Before You
Reciting This Poem
As A Addict My Words
Are Just One Of My
Addictions , My Addictions
Won?t Leave Me Alone
Panhead Josh 5 – 16 ? 05

MESSAGE FROM THE DEVIL– It’s official, our painter Mike is moving in to offer in-house paint services from skins to full show customs. I just got off the phone with the installers and it looks like we will have a nice cross draft filtered booth ready to go by the first of July. Here is a shot of a small project we just finished with some wheels, paint & chrome goodies but no choppin on this one.

Here is a shot of an Evil little air dam. In this shot Bongo has just finished the initial finish work. Hope all is well and that Bandit’s transition is a smooth one.
Take care, The Devil

Myrtle Beach Bike Week Update…Billy Lane’s Blood Sweat and Gears Tour pulled into The Broken Spoke Saloon on Wednesday and will be there for the rest of the week. Billy is on stage taking questions from fans, signing autographs and building a custom bike from 12noon to 4pm each day.
Yesterday Billy stayed for over 2 hours after his show to sign autographs for the crowd.

On Saturday Billy Lane is giving one of his bikes to a very lucky U.S. Marine. For those in the Myrtle Beach area or coming into town later this week, be sure to stop by and meet Billy.

Cycle World previews 2005 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in June issue!Our tip of the helmet, or in this case Calendar Angel Rockin’ Robin Cunningham’s sailor cap, goes to senior editor Dave Edwards for the nice half-page feature preview of this year’s upcoming LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in the June issue of Cycle World, the world’s largest read motorcycle magazine.
Cycle World normally doesn’t cover motorcycle shows, let alone offer up a 1/2 page preview beforehand. We’d like to think the top quality and excitement of our event weekend as the biggest and best custom and performance streetbike Show in the world had a little to do with it.
Other wise it’s just the sexy shot of beautiful Robin in her cute sailor outfit posing with Zero Engineering’s Best of Show bike from last year?
Harley dealer sues for turf–
Merchant says vending unfair
By Dawn Bryant
The Sun News
CONWAY – The big bucks bikers spend during the Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association Myrtle Beach Rally has led to a legal turf battle between the local and outside dealers.Phil Schoonover, the local Harley dealer who last year tried unsuccessfully to move the rally dates to early May, has sued the Carolinas association, individual dealers and Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Inc.
He says allowing the outside dealers at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center infringes on his franchised territory, costing him money.And, for the first time this year, Schoonover says, he’ll take a bigger hit because the outside dealers plan to compete with him directly by selling new merchandise, not just the discontinued items they’ve sold in the past.
Harley officials say the association has sponsored the rally for 65 years and has the right to sell parts and accessories here temporarily.The lawsuit could set a precedent that affects Harley rallies in other destinations, including Daytona Beach, Fla., and Sturgis, S.D., leaders say.
“This case is about money,” said Peter Stone, a Wisconsin attorney who represents Harley corporate. “There is enough business for everybody.”The rally is a May tradition along the Grand Strand, with as many as 300,000 bikers flocking to the beach and pumping millions into the local tourism economy. The event has grown in recent years, with vendors and activities spread across the county. The lawsuit has put some Carolinas dealers on edge.
“This rally means a lot to our customers,” said Tim Lucas, owner of Harley Haven in Cayce. “We’ve created this atmosphere over the years, and they expect it.”On Thursday, Judge Paula Thomas denied Schoonover’s motion for a temporary injunction that would stop next month’s event at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center until the issue could be settled. The rally is set for May 18-21, though many of the bikers arrive earlier.Schoonover has asked for a jury trial, but no court date has been set.
“I don’t think an injunction is appropriate under the circumstances,” Thomas said Thursday. “There are adequate remedies of law.”
Schoonover and the association, of which he was president in 1993-94 but is no longer a member, butted heads last year after Schoonover pushed to move the rally to the first week of May. The association refused.
Local elected leaders, fearful of three weeks of rallies in one month, intervened and forced Schoonover to cancel the event he had been promoting.In an affidavit with the lawsuit, Schoonover says Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson could supply an adequate amount of parts and merchandise for the rally.
“He decided it was his rally. That’s what happened,” said Don Tilley, a dealer from Statesville, N.C., who has participated in the rally since 1957. “Now all of a sudden, he wants us out of here.”
That’s not the case, said Mary Eaddy, a spokeswoman for Schoonover.
“The rally belongs to the Harley-Davidson association. He doesn’t want it to be his own,” she said. “He does believe the rally can grow into something bigger than what it is.”
Schoonover filed the suit March 18 after receiving a March 4 letter from Harley’s corporate office saying the outside dealers would be selling new merchandise this year. He ordered $1.9 million in new merchandise to sell during the rally, thinking the outside dealers would offer only discontinued items, said Mike Scardato, a Charleston lawyer representing Schoonover.Schoonover claims Harley corporate is breaking its contract and does not have good cause to grant the request from member dealers to set up temporary locations within his territory.Allowing the out-of-town dealers to set up and sell merchandise, not motorcycles, doesn’t violate the contract terms because they aren’t considered permanent dealers, Stone said.
“There is no dealership being established here,” he said. “It just doesn’t ring true.”
Prior to 2003, Schoonover consented to the temporary locations as long as the outside dealers sold only discontinued items and gave him a cut of the revenues.Schoonover says he did not get a share of the revenues for the past four years, and that the association said it wasn’t making any money.
“We just want to get what is due us,” Scardato said.In his lawsuit, Schoonover asked for double the actual damages to his business, though no dollar amount is given in court filings.
“This is all totally uncalled for,” said Gene Lummus, the association’s president and one of eight dealers who attended Thursday’s hearing. “There’s enough to go around.”

EXCLUSIVE PRO-ONE CATALOG AVAILABLE NOW– Once again PRO-ONE looks as if they have raised the bar not only for quality products but for world class catalog presentation as well. Just released, their latest directory is nothing short of a work of art. High quality images set on clean backgrounds provide a clear picture of each product and important details. This catalog includes virtually everything you need to fabricate your own personalized custom. From the full line of PRO BUILDER, PIRANHA and SLINGSHOT frames to what may be the industries most exciting selection of chrome billet wheels, everything you’ve come to expect from PRO-ONE can be found in this coffee table quality catalog. Looking for the finest and widest selection of ROLLING CHASSIS KITS? They’re here and feature trend setting styles like the popular NYMPHOMANIAC, LOUNGE LIZARD, BAR FLY, EVIL BASTARD, CHEAP WHORE, DEVIL’S TAIL, BALL BANGER and SUGAR DADDY frames. From frame, fork and wheel kits to complete, fully custom painted rollers, PRO-ONE offers a collection ROLLING CHASSIS KITS unmatched in the industry. In addition to their in-house line of fine quality billet accessories PRO-ONE is proud to distribute an amazing selection of products from B.I.G.S., DAKOTA DIGITAL, CUSTOM CYCLE CONTROL, CUSTOM V VALLEY, SCORPIO, TP ENGINEERING, ROADMAX, PRIMO, BAKER LEGEND, KRAFT TECH.
The brilliant, full color collection of unique accessories is presented on 256 pages of shop friendly, heavy grade paper stock. Call 800-884-4173 to order your personal hard copy or catalog on CD today. Visit PRO-ONE on the web at http://www.pro-one.com .

2005 FREEDOM FIGHTERS ANNOUNCED– May 2005 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is proud to announce the 2005 Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame Inductees, John “Rogue” Herlihy (CT), and Simon Milward (UK).
The Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame recognizes the commitment and sacrifices individuals across the nation, and world, have made to protect the rights of those who ride. In their honor the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame established the nation’s first and only Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame.
John “Rogue” Herlihy has been involved in motorcyclists’ rights for over 30 years and continues his efforts today. As a leader in the Connecticut Motorcycle Association, Rogue tackled the state’s helmet law fight in the 70’s. He went on to help defeat the first national helmet law, HB 3869 in 1975, a fight that solidified motorcyclists’ rights in this country and was the imputes for the powerful grass roots movement that still exists today.
Simon Milward left his lucrative job in 1989 to concentrate on something he believed in and began his full time career working for the interest of motorcyclists with the Motorcycle Action Group United Kingdom. In 1992 Simon established the Brussels headquarters of the Federation of European Motorcyclists and became its General Secretary. It is entirely due to his leadership and tireless efforts that bikers were among the first citizens to benefit from the democratic changes of the Maastrict Treaty. FEM became the Federation of European Motorcyclists Association, which today boasts 22 national riders rights organizations from 18 European countries.
Both inductees will be honored at the annual Sturgis Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast, Wednesday, 10 August, at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Breakfast tickets are available for a $20.00 donation. Traditionally the Breakfast sells out so we recommend that you purchase your tickets well in advance of the event. Tickets can be purchased by phoning the Museum 605.347.2001 or on the Museum’s web page http://www.sturgismuseum.com

CHOPPER DIVA–Hey Guys,First of all, welcome back Bandit! I know everybody, and especially Layla, are glad to have ya back full-blown. Just checking in with an update from the lovely Crystal. While everybody is sunnin’ down at Myrtle Beach, our girl will be posing for Gangster Choppers in Richmond, VA this weekend. The first couple weeks of June are full with Hawaiian Tropic events and shoots at the famous Ron Rice’s house in Daytona, then the Smoke Out in Salisbury, NC. Tell the Stealth we are headed his way! We will be giving him a shout in the next couple weeks, and hope to meet up. We have a got a shout out for ya in the news on Crystal’s site http://www.chopperdiva.com Lots of happenings, and new pics will be up shortly. Hey Bandit, get back to work! HA!!! Thanks crew, and have a good one.

LET’S RIDE!–Bad Boys six to sixty are going to be King of the local watering hole when they slide in on one of these slick CHICO CHOPS. Recently released by Chico Custom Choppers, the scaled down customs are being offered ona built to order basis with a long list of options that set them apart from the competition. Check out these features. True Chopper style tanks and fenders,CNC machined fully functional plunger front forks, custom risers, trees, pegs and other unique hardware. Each frame is CNC bent to precision specs and tig welded throughout.
There are several wheel configurations to choose from including a polished 10″ rear wheel with hydraulic disc brake and 16″ front fitwith a drum brake. Power is provided by your choice of Hongdou 125cc engines producing 12 hp. These reliable power plants can be ordered with or without electric and kick start capabilities. Power is transferred to the chain driven rear wheel through a smooth and durable 4 or 5 speed transmission. This innovative drive line combination and specially developed gearing produce topspeeds in the 55 to 60 mph range.
For you do-it-yourselfers, Chico offers their mini choppers in several stages ranging from “bare frame” to “turn keyready to rumble.” For complete details call Chico Custom Choppers at 928-778-3078 or visit them on the web at http://www.chicocustomchoppers.com

Now That’s a Sportster–Top Shelf Customs takes on what others are afraid to even attempt in custom motorcycle building. Redefining what a custom motorcycle can be, just look what these guys do with a Sportster. Top Shelf creates bikes using the philosophy that bolting parts together never gets the job done right. Located in Huntington Beach, California, owners Barry Lacour and Todd Silicato, former contributor to Performance Machine R&D (research & development) and PM bike builder, along with their talented crew have backgrounds in hot rods, surfing, motocross, skateboarding, along with, and just about anything else kick ass.
However, these days, they specialize in custom design, fabrication and aftermarket accessories, putting all that invaluable experience into anything they take with unparalleled style. Add to the wicked sense of style, (just look at the apparel section online) plenty of years of experience in the aftermarket custom motorcycle industry. Meaning, they know which parts if not from their own custom line of custom motorcycle parts, are the best for your bike.
More importantly, they know which parts work together to create a Top Shelf custom motorcycle. For more information, contact: Top Shelf Customs, (714) 903-8042, http://www.topshelfcustoms.com.
Top Shelf Customs
15102 Bolsa Chica Rd. Unit E
Huntington Beach CA 92649

ROADMAX FROM BIKER PROS–Hank Young, President of Young Choppers & Hot Rods, Inc., builds custommotorcycle projects in any stage, from ground up customizations to specializedadaptations and fitments. For his latest motorcycle project Young picked aRoadmax transmission to debut on his latest creation.P?I?m using a Roadmax right side drive supplied by Bob Kay of Biker Pros fora project that Micheal Lichter is putting together at the Journey Museum, Itwill coincide with the 2005 Black Hills Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis,? saidYoung. ?This motorcycle has a similar look to the Bonneville Salt Flatsracers of yesterday.?
Micheal Lichter, a world renowned motorcycle photographer, is creating anexhibition that is called Speed Demon. Lichter has collected a group ofrace-inspired motorcycles for the showcase.
The Bonneville project features a 120CI Harmon Motor manufactured by JohnHarmon in the 1980?s. This motor is a prototype based on a shovelheaddesign with dual carburetors. The style of the bike will be long and low withan aerodynamic design.
?We are excited to be a part of this project with Hank Young,? stated BobKay, President, Biker Pros. ?Hank (Young) is so enthusiastic about theRoadmax products that he is building two other custom motorcycles with Roadmaxtransmissions concurrently with his Bonneville project.?
About Roadmax Transmissions – Roadmax transmissions are designed for OEM replacement and kit bikes, as wellas high-performance and wide-tire applications. Roadmax transmissions arethoroughly tested and have passed a rigorous pre-delivery inspection.
The Roadmax product line includes six-speed conversion kits and OEM-stylereplacement transmissions for Dyna, FXR and Softail models as well astransmissions for right side applications. On most models consumers have theoption of selecting black wrinkle, polished or chrome casings.
About Biker Pros – Biker Pros is serving the American motorcycle builder with a range ofhigh-value products and services that assist builders in improving motorcycleperformance by providing high quality parts, troubleshooting Powersportsoperations, as well as building and marketing exclusive products by buildersfor the American V-Twin marketplace.
THAT?S A SHORT-ORDER WRAP–As of next week the news will be firmly back in my lap with her soft ass, I hope. I need to install my internal throttle this weekend. Next week all the part will ship to powder coating. Can?t wait.
Here?s the HOT BIKE, Street Chopper, Bike Works deal. I?m staying on board as the Editor at Large, or the Large Editor. I?ll help them with special projects, outserts, 13th issues and, we?ll you know, anything they can?t handle. There?s a good group of guys working there, keep watchin? as we tune these rags.
That?s it. Let?s ride.