Continued From Page 3

STURGIS ATTRACTION THUNDER ROAD SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM, PICKED TO HOST AMD’S 2006 OFFICIAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF CUSTOM BIKE BUILDING EVENT–AMD Magazine has inked a deal with Sturgis Bike Week (SBW) Productions to make their popular Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building event a premier attraction at Thunder Road in Sturgis this year.
More than 100 competitors from 34 states and 13 countries participated in last year?s Official World Bike Building Championship held in November. For its Sturgis debut, organizers will once again offer the largest single cash prize for a custom bike competition with awards totaling more than $50,000.
“We are very excited and honored to see how fast this event has grown and to see how well it has been received in the industry,” said Robin Bradley, AMD Publisher and Official World Bike Building Championship owner. “What better location to have this competition than Sturgis, the world’s largest biker rally, and at Thunder Road, the custom bike capital of Sturgis. Our decision to relocate the event will create more opportunities for the builders and more visibility for our sponsors.”
The Official World Championship will kick off Sturgis Bike Week and begin on Saturday, Aug. 5 and run for three days ending Monday, Aug. 7. The awards ceremony is scheduled to take place on Monday, Aug. 7 at 3 p.m. During the exhibit, visitors will have an opportunity to meet the world-rated custom builders, as well as get autographs and photos in the “Meet the Champions” lounge.
For the first time, AMD is expanding the sponsor roster to include parts and accessory vendors. Companies interested in sponsoring the Championship should contact Chris McGee at (310) 374-3140 or email

BIKERNET RESEARCH SHOWS THAT THERE ARE SEVEN TYPES OF SEX– The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex. This kind of sex happenswhen you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue inthe face.
The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. This is when you havebeen with your partner for a short time and you are so horny you willhave sex anywhere, even in the kitchen.
The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. This is when you havebeen with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine andyou usually have sex only in your bedroom.
The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex. This is when you havebeen with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in thehallway you both say “screw you.”
The 5th kind of sex is called: Religious Sex, which means you getNun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night.
The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. This is when you cannot standyour wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in frontof everyone
And last, but not least, the 7th kind of sex is called: SocialSecurity Sex. You get a little each month. But not enough to live on.
–from Robin H.

VON DUTCH/DAVID MANN AUCTION RESULTS–Did you go to and hit the {results key}? Click on Brucker Collection and finally…{show all}. I could not believe how inexpensive much of the collection ultimately was. The huge shocker was the ME 108B airplane. As a WWII complete aircraft and the parent design of the ME 109…a total bargain…$44,000.That is about one tenth of it’s real value. Take it to sell at The Oshkosh fly-in and you would easily get $440,000 and probablymuch more. David’s paintings were relatively cheap as well. Jacquie was heartbroken she could not participate…still, she understood and accepted the lost opportunity. Hope you are well. We will all be at Hanford next Sat. morning for the big antique bike swap and show…hope you can make it. Yours daily….{I am ez}
….Big Dave

Thunder Cycle and Sport will knock 10% off in-store purchases for this event
Arrive 8:00am
Ride kicks off 10:00am sharp
All riders welcome
Entry Fee $20 per person or $25 per couple
Complimentary BBQ and Raffle ticket with entry fee
Info Contact John Jackson 476-4110 or Jason Lentz
Or Thunder Cycle and Sport 476-5225
Ride route will be a scenic tour of the county with a short stop at the Black River Cheese Factory ending at the Jackson Farm with a BBQ
BYO “beverages” no bottles cans only please

BIKENET BLONDE JOKE OF THE WEEK– Q: What do you do if a Blonde throws a pin at you?
A: Run, she’s got the grenade in her mouth!

ANOTHER BRUKER AUCTION REPORT–A cache of artwork and memorabilia by Von Dutch and Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, icons of the so-called Kustom Kulture, was a hit with collectors.
Such pop culture items as a sign featuring the late Dutch’s trademark flying eyeball prompted spirited bidding during Saturday’s RM Auctions’ Brucker Collection sale at the Petersen Automotive Museum. The sign fetched $149,500.
Dutch’s painted “Good-Bye Cruel World,” created long before the Von Dutch brand became an overused clothing label, sold for $110,000. It shows a man turning the crank on a meat grinder that is consuming his own body.
“The name Von Dutch has become an international icon, but the man behind the name is one of the most influential and enigmatic artists of the 20th century,” said Rob Myers of RM Auctions.
More than 500 items were on the auction block and some sold for 10 times as much as had been expected.
One of the most coveted items – Von Dutch’s Personal Paint and Pin-Striping Box – fetched $310,500. Dutch’s personally engraved tools also raked in big bucks, including a body hammer ($4,600), Binks spray gun ($10,350), and custom letter opener ($3,670).
Also triggering a bidding frenzy Saturday was the late Roth’s iconic “Rat Fink” sketches, including the “Rat Fink’s Revenge” drawing. It brought in $9,775.
Roth was well-known in hot-rodding circles for Rat Fink and other motor-crazed monsters as well as fanciful hot rods such as the Beatnik Bandit or the Druid Princess.
Juxtapoz magazine founder Robert Williams’ painting “In the Land of Retinal Delights,” completed by Williams in 1968 and considered the epitome of the imagination of the Kustom Kulture movement, sold for $184,000.
The art was dubbed Kustom Kulture during a Laguna Beach art show.
There was also a great deal of interest in the items owned by actor Steve McQueen, including his Von Dutch-engraved airplane hangar locks that were bid up to $12,650 by the time the hammer fell.
“The creative legacy of Dutch and the other artists represented during the sale continue to cast a long shadow over today’s pop culture world,” Myers said.
–from Ron Starrantino
Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Development
Von Dutch Kustom Cycles
Office (909)481-0600
Cell (949)468-8746

NEW PREMIUM LEATHER TOUR-PAK FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–Gives Road King and Electra Glide Standard Models Custom Touring Style. The new Premium Leather Tour-Pak Luggage (P/N 79189-06, $1,499.00) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories is the same king-size Tour-Pak introduced on the 2006 Screamin’ Eagle Electra Glide Ultra Classic. The smooth leather-wrapped exterior features an embossed ostrich pattern insert, leather braiding and custom stitching. The raised center section allows this Tour-Pak to accommodate most full-face helmets. This Tour-Pak also includes a chrome luggage rack, chrome accent spears, and an interior light.
The Premium Leather Tour-Pak Luggage fits 1997-later Road King and Electra Glide Standard models equipped with a Tour-Pak Rack and appropriate docking hardware kits. A Tour-Pak Installation Kit (P/N 90067-06, $399.00) includes a wrap-around passenger backrest pad and required installation hardware. See dealer for ordering and fitment details.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.
ALL AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE MADNESS SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM–?Santa Maria Fair Park, Santa Maria, CA,?May 19,20, 21, 2006.Thousands of motorcyclists will fill the Fairpark for this 3-day event. This show will feature something for every type of enthusiast. Non stop action all weekend will include 3 killer bike shows, poker run, motorcycle stunt show, motorcycle racing, live music, Santa Maria Style BBQ, Ms. Ultimate Bikini contest and? over 150 vendors in the vendor village. ?
Value packed registration packages include: event t-shirt, tool kit, run pin, and a chance ticket to win The Count & Mitch Bergeron?s American Dream Bike that is being assembled at the show. ??
Come experience the MADNESS!! I’ll me there signing books, giving out Bikernet stickers, Smoke Out posters and Big Dog Calendars. Check for the HorsePower Booth.

THE END, ALMOST–I looked for something tantalizing to kick the news off with. I’ve been running at so many projects I sensed dryness in my pros. I sat back, looked at an un-open bottle of Jack, girls in overalls hammering nails and half-finished motorcycles. Maybe that’s why we’re not sitting back having fun and not working so goddamn much. I pondered, then Sin Wu burst into my office with a letter from our Vet.

That’s right our veterinarian wrote to explain the odd operation on our new evil black cat. It was turned over to us because its last owners couldn’t handle the year old monster. It crawled the walls, curtains, you name it. So we took it to be fixed. It was a female, we thought.
Here’s what the doc discovered:
We all took a close look at the external genitalia and saw vulva, clitoral fold and vagina entering. It is Female! I decided to extend the incision caudally and reflect the bladder for a good look. I saw two structures that were instantly recognized as vas deferens coursing from the neck of the bladder around and disappearing into the inguinal ring, and I now could identify the spermatic artery and vein joining and entering the ring also. I tugged slowly with increasing pressure and first one, then the second perfect testicle was drawn back. I tied them off with their adjacent blood supply. Your cat was a perfect textbook hermaphrodite.
Maybe that explained his or her moods. Have a terrific weekend. I’m judging Seth’s Bike Show in Santa Maria, California, Sunday, so the Sunday Post will be a late night edition. Hang on.

Again, I want to thank Chris Kallas for a killer job on the Salt Shaker logo, although there may be some slight modifications. Make sure to check out the R-rated version in the Sunday post.
Ride Forever,