Continued From Page 1

NO DEALS FROM THE CHEAP BASTARDS AT DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS–Not a whole lot to report on this week….we’ve been balls to the wall getting customers bikes running for Myrtle Beach, as well as attending events every weekend since God only knows!!!!

A coupla weekends ago, it was the VA is for Lovers Extravaganza at the VA Motorsports Park. That’s where the first coopla shots were taken….look at that lineup, would ya!!!! Last weekend, we put on the Hooters Annual Spring Bike Show… That’s me surrounded by a bevy of beauties….This weekend, we’ll be co-sponsoring The Strokes concert at a local amphitheatre, and next weekend is the DBW SPRING THROWDOWN here at the shop. I’ll try to get Justin to email you the flyer, but we both know how that’ll go. Until next time….
Keep It Greasy,
–Greg “Z” Hall
Service Manager/Public Relations
Departure Bike Works

378 SW 14 TH AVE

BUBS BONNEVILLE 2006 INTERNATIONAL SPEED TRAILS POSTER HOT OFF THE PRESSES–New 2006 posters are here and ready to be sent out to you! If you haven’t already, let me know if you want one, or more and I would be happy to send some out to you!This year’s poster features over 40 riders, is the same great quality, and best of all…… is FREE!!!!
Our flyers, sponsored by, with entry information on the back will be arriving on Thursday so I can also send those out to you too.Do you have a store or dealership? We can send out extras for you to distribute.

Just drop me an email with the quantity, and your name and postal address and we put them in the mail.If you have participated at our event previously- I already have one to send to you- so no need to write, it’ll be on its way.
Don’t forget to keep posted to our website- we will be having regular salt conditions updates in the news section. We will be checking the salt several times during June and July, so for all those looking forward to the Bonneville racing season, keep posted.
Remember…. pre-entry must be postmarked by 4th July, so get it in early to ensure you get all the extras.
As usual if you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to call us!
International Motorcycle Speed Trials by BUB and Sponsored by Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489

AMA NEWS, DANNY’S LAW– West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin, himself a motorcyclist, has signed a bill that increases penalties for reckless driving convictions. “Danny’s Law” was named in honor of Danny Kneisly, who was hit and killed when a driver turned left in front of him; the driver subsequently received a $20 fine. Danny?s death and the ensuing support of his family added momentum to efforts to pass the bill, which ABATE of West Virginia, AMA members and staff, and other motorcycle activists had been working toward for nearly five years.
The new law provides for penalties of a minimum of 10 days in jail and a maximum of six months, and/or a fine of at least $50 and up to $1,000, for those convicted of reckless driving if they seriously injure someone.The AMA Justice for All campaign is focused on inadequate sentencing of drivers who seriously injure or kill others on the road. Learn more at
The Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM) recently proposed transferring $750,000 from the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund for to be used for purposes other than rider education and training.The AMA alerted the Ohio riding community through the AMA Rapid Response Center and encouraged AMA members, motorcyclists’ rights organizations, and other supporters of rider education to contact the six elected officials of the Ohio Controlling Board (OCB) to stop the transfer. The Fund is financed by a $6 assessment on every motorcycle registration in Ohio and is to be used solely for the motorcycle safety and training program, Motorcycle Ohio.
The OCB, at its April 24 meeting, agreed with the motorcycling community and amended the request from the OBM. The Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund was preserved.

BRITISH PROTEST RIDE ENCOURAGED– The British Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is encouraging all motorcyclists who ride into the City of Westminster to respond to a web-based consultation on motorcycle parking.
The consultation focuses on whether there is sufficient provision for motorcycle parking, whether motorcycles should pay for parking, whether secure parking facilities should be provided and whether motorcycles should pay the congestion charge.
MAG in London has long been campaigning for increased motorcycle parking provision to accommodate the increase in motorcycle commuting as commuters switch from cars to bikes to beat both congestion and the congestion charge. Presently many commuters are left with no option but to park on pavements where they are being ticketed and can cause obstructions to pedestrians.
MAG insist that riders are helping Westminster’s congestion problem, as motorcycles from the smallest scooter to the largest touring bike not only use less space than cars when moving and parking but they also liberate road space for essential four wheeled traffic to move more easily.

TRUE-TRACK RESCUES BONNEVILLE EFFORT–Is that an OEM front rubber motor mount that you put on the Bonneville Bike? If so, my own experience tells me that the ‘120’ torque is gonna squish that thing flat in the first 10 minutes of your maiden putt. Am I right on this? May wanna double check on this one?
–Pauly D.
Will Phillips, the master engineer of V-twin handling, is coming over next Tuesday. We are going to switch out the rear rubber mounts with heavy duty jobs and a 3/4 swingarm axle. We’re adding steering dampers and a True-Track system to keep this puppy in line. I’ll ask him about the front mount.–Bandit
QUESTION OF THE DAY-WHERE THE HELL IS HALLCRAFT WHEELS?–Just a note to let you know that I found my industry directory, and the numbers for Hallcraft are all disconnected, so if you hear anything through your very large grapevine in regards to that let me know, we are trying to find some super fat spoke wheels.
–Lucky Devil
I suggested Black Bike for killer spoked wheels.–Bandit

BRAND NEW BONNEVILLE CONTINGENCY PRIZE–Nick’s Performance Accessories is sponsoring a $500.00 cash prize for the fastest American V-Twin using Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oil at the 3rd Annual BUB’s International Motorcycle Speed Trials, Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah,September 3-7 2006.
Eligibility requirements are as follows:
1. To be eligible for this award the vehicle must be powered by an American V-Twin Engine,No imported engine, transmission or other final drivetrain component allowed.
**************Made in the USA means Made in the USA!*************
2. Winning motorcycle must use Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oil and display Amsoil sticker prominently on race vehicle.
3. Sign-up at the Nick’s Performance Accessories Booth at the event Sept 2-6 2006 or online via email at anytime prior to the online closing date of September 1, 2006.
4. All entrants will be asked to provide a photo of their entry and to provide documentation of their time at theNick’s Performance Accessories booth at the event.
5.’Top Time’ Definition: Top times are defined as the motorcycle that reaches the highest speed over a timed measured mile, and that meet the appropriate category criteria as listed below. All times will be verified by the official event timer’s and the event promoters.Proof of time will be the original time slip issued by the Bub’s International Motorcycle Speed Trials.
6. This prize will only be awarded at the 3rd Annual Bub’s International Motorcycle Speed Trials.It will not be valid after the event has ended Sept 7, 2006.In other words don’t come whining to us after the event closes, If You Snooze You Lose.
All decisions of the The Event Promoters, Nick’s Performance Accessories staff and advisors are final and binding.
–Nick Roberts

WIN A SPECIAL EDITION V-ROD ENTRY FORMS AT CALIFORNIAHARLEY-DAVIDSON/BUELL–Enter the “Harley-Davidson in the Movies Sweepstakes” and startscorching some asphalt of your own. You could win one of just twospecial edition V-Rod motorcycles replicas of the hot-blooded,liquid-cooled machine seen in the new movie “X-Men: The Last Stand”.Only in theaters.
We have um…The official Sweepstakes entry form can be had atCalifornia Harley Davidson/Buell. Just stop by anytime between nowand May 31st 2006
— )

BELLY PAN FOR SALT SHAKER–Are you fabricating a belly pan for the Pan???? Having run the same trans at one time…. I was preparing a skid plate before the theft happened in Sacramento. Might be worth considering????
–Ray Wheeler
Something to think about. I could add weight to the bike with the pan.–Bandit
BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE DAY–“The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen.”
— Lee Iacocca
–from Joe Lankau
Where: Upstairs at Malone’s pub on the 900 block of 8th Street
Come find out what BCCOM is currently working on and discuss any issues youfeel are pertinent to motorcycling in B.C.All motorcyclists are welcome!For more info call 1-877-580-0111

WHITEHORSE PRESS DEALS OF THE WEEK– Special New BMW Book Available.We’re pleased to announce publication of BMW Motorcycles: The Evolution of Excellence, and to offer a special pre-publication price of $25.00 if you order before publication day on June 1st. Filled with dazzling photographs of most BMW models, this collector’s edition tells the full story of one of the world?s most admired and enduring companies whose pace of innovation is simply stunning.
Don’t Miss our May 20th Open House This SaturdayFree BBQ, Prizes, Lively Talk, and Good Shopping
Come for a fun day in the White Mountains! The First Annual Whitehorse Open House is this weekend on Saturday, May 20th, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Join all of us and special guests, Fred and Cherie Rau, for a fun-filled day of eating, schmoozing, and shopping. Here’s your chance to touch, feel, and try on all that good stuff you see in our catalog and online.
A number of groups, clubs, and individuals tell us that the Open House will be their first day-long ride of the season. How about you and your friends? It?s the perfect time to explore the notches of the White Mountains and enjoy the fresh air and spring glories of our beautiful Mount Washington Valley
Whitehorse Announces Russian Edition ofThe Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Guide toMotorcycling Excellence, 2nd Edition.The ever-popular riding skills guide, Motorcycling Excellence, has been translated into the Russian language and will be published early this summer in Russia. Russia is an emerging market for motorcycling, with new motorcycle sales at around 5,000 units in 2005, plus an additional 5,000 to 7,000 used motorcycles entering the country each year. It is estimated that about 50,000 motorcycles are now in active use in Russia.
This motorcycle market has developed mainly over the past two to three years, as the Russian economy began to stabilize from the dislocations that occurred in the 1990s.

TOP ANGEBOT VOM POCKETBIKE-ZENTRUM, MONATS-H20 WATERCOOLED ROCKETBIKES– Hammerangebot : Rocketbikes H2 O watercooled für nur 250,00 Euro !!!zzgl. nur 20,00 Euro Versandkosten – Europaweit !!!!Viele verschiedene Modelle sofort lieferbar, z.B.
Rocketbike – Fortuna Yamaha Spider Design
Rocketbike – Kawasaki Ninja Design
Rocketbike – Team Suzuki Design
Rocketbike – Valentino Rossi Yamaha Design
Rocketbike – Repsol Honda Design
Rocketbike – Marlboro Ducati Design
Rocketbike – Red Bull Ducati Design
Alle Bikes sind sofort lieferbar ! Auf Wunsch versenden wir Ihnen die Bikes auch per Nachnahme !Sie zahlen sicher und bequem, erst bei Empfang der Ware. ( Nachnahmezuschlag 12,00 Euro )
Bestellungen und Informationen unter :
Angebot gilt bis einschließlich 18.05.2006 – Nur solange Vorrat reicht !

Continued On Page 3