Continued From Page 2

NEW IMPROVED BIKERNET GULCH OFFERS BANDIT’S BEDROLLS–I thought about the Old West and the bedrolls the cowboys used to carry their shit, and it came to me. Something over the headlight, as long as it wasn’t too heavy, could do the trick. The bike would maintain its nasty profile; I could still pack someone on the back, and carry my shit.
As I wound through the canyon, my mind went to work on the bedroll concept. Could it carry all I wanted to pack? Another question smacked me as I rounded another corner and caught a glimpse of the Pacific lapping the Malibu shores in the distance. What about a tool bag?
Bandit’s Bedroll is the perfect combo of tool bag and weekender engineered by the man that delivers form and function and keeps your ride looking clean. So pull out your wallet and click here to get your official Bandit Bed Roll Today.

RUDE DRIVERS STUDY– Residents in the following 25 cities were surveyed and are listed in order from those reporting the most incidents of road rage to the fewest:
1. Miami
2. New York
3. Boston
4. Los Angeles
5. Washington, D.C.
6. Phoenix
7. Chicago
8. Sacramento
9. Philadelphia
10. San Francisco
11. Houston
12. Atlanta
13. Detroit
14. Minneapolis-St. Paul
15. Baltimore
16. Tampa
17. San Diego
18. Cincinnati
19. Cleveland
20. Denver
21. Dallas-Ft. Worth
22. St. Louis
23. Seattle-Tacoma
24. Pittsburgh
25. Portland, Ore.
Source: AutoVantage’s “In the Driver’s Seat Road Rage Survey”
MIAMI (AP) – For the second consecutive year, rude Miami drivers have earned the city the title of worst road rage in a survey released Tuesday.Miami motorists said they saw other drivers slam on their brakes, run red lights and talk on cellphones, according to AutoVantage, a Connecticut-based automobile membership club offering travel services and roadside assistance.
Other cities near the top of the rude drivers list were New York, Boston, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.South Miami resident Erik Pinto told The Associated Press that he has probably seen every bad driving habit on Miami’s roads.
“You don’t want to know what I’ve seen,” Pinto said. “I’ve seen everything. I’m from L.A., and we don’t see the crazy drivers that you see here.”
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

RICK FAIRLESS FROM STROKERS DALLAS HAS SOMETHING TO SAY–Hey Ya’ll! I just wanted to take a minute to remind you of a few things coming up here at Strokers. This weekend we have the ABC Poker Run stopping by to benefit the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. We do a lot of events and fundraisers here for the TSRHC because they are great people doing a great job to help crippled children. We extend our support to any other group raising money for the same cause.
Here’s the deal: Even though every weekend is a party around here, we are celebrating the long weekend with even more BIKES, BABES, and BEER than usual. Come hang out and enjoy a cold one while you listen to live music, visit vendors, and check out hot babes all weekend long.
PLUS, I just expanded my show floor and parts room and I’m ready to fill them up with all new stuff. But that means I have to get rid of a bunch of what I have first. So I’m having a sale.
Expect major discounts on parts, accessories, apparel and gift items. I’m cutting deals on everything from t-shirts to exhaust, so empty your saddle bags, or bring the car,because you don’t want to leave this sale empty-handed!
Also, several items will be sold to raise money for the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.
RUN TO MEXICO TIPS–Just got in. Bob and I were headed for Puerta Vallarta but when we got to Nogalas they wouldn’t let me in! If you are driving in, you weren’t suppose to need a passport just a drivers license until the first of the year. The Mexican government decided to pass the law a couple of weeks ago and AAA and the travel bureau didn’t get the message. Bob and I checked with a half dozed agencies including AAA and immigrations and they all said we only needed the license.
Bob had his passport and I had mine but it expired last week.Unbelievable, 6 million illegals can live here and sponge off us, but I can’t go south and spend my dinero.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, over.
–Bob Clark

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–10 Hrs till we leave for Myrtle Beach…see ya at Suck Bang Blow!
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

NEW CYCLE WEB SITE KICKED OFF–At 7:18 PM mountain time a new web site lifted off the pad in Denver. The new and exciting web site launched without a snag. will bring parts for your chopper, custom leather items, and photo’s from all the biker events.
Along with a garage sale area with one of a kind parts for your Harley from the Pans to the Shovels to old cars to custom bikes. Have a look .
— the crew at 2wheelers
URGENT – EAGLES NEEDED AT TIMES SQUARE– Saturday, May 19, 2007 Noon to 4pm or whatever it takes. The forces of the Left wing have decided to make a mockery of everyAmerican serviceman or woman this Saturday at Times Square.
TheyHave decided to perform street theater decrying the supposed tortureOf inmates at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility at a time whenThree brave American servicemen are in the hands of IslamicTerrorists in Iraq.
They have decided to put on this travesty atThe recruiting station where we will be holding a Support the TroopsRally that day. They have effectively declared war on the UnitedStates, our Military, and the Gathering of Eagles organization.
They have no concern for OUR soldiers who are likely being tortured,Mutilated and beheaded even as I write this. This is an OUTRAGE,This is TREASON, this has got to be smothered by a display ofPatriotism so great that even the news media cannot reasonablyAssert that they are the majority in this country.
We need every one of you to contact your friends, family andNeighbors and turn out at Times Square to ridicule these leftistMorons. Spread the word and forward this alert to everyone you know.
If, however, you know that we need to support our troops who dailyPlace their lives on the line to protect our freedom. If you knowThat their many sacrifices should be honored and praised. If youKnow that the enemy is both foreign and domestic. If you know thatAll it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.Then turn out with your flags and pro-troop signs and banners. ThisIs NOT a drill. We need you NOW!
Where: Times Square Recruiting Center, traffic island at 43rdStreet between Broadway and 7th Ave.
When: Saturday, May 19, 2007, Noon to 4pm or whatever it takes to
Rout the opposition.
Directions: N. Q, R, S, 1, 2, 3, or 7 subways to Times SquareA, C, or E subways to 42nd St. (Port Authority Bus Terminal)From Penn Station take 1, 2 or 3 subway 1 stop to TimesSquare.From Grand Central Station take the S shuttle to TimesSquare.From Port Authority Terminal walk two blocks to E 43rd StAnd one block to Broadway.
Eagles Up!
–Dan Maloney
New York Coordinator

PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE MAY ATTEND LACONIA RALLY–Harley riding presidential candidate Tommy Thompson’s Team Tommy is working on plans to have him attend Laconia Motorcycle Week.The most likely dates at this time are Thursday or Friday June 14-15.
If you know any one or group in the area that would be interested in having him appear at their event or business please let me know and I will put them in contact with those handling this.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

BIKE ABOUT TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET.COM–I have been a long time reader of your website and am always looking forward to the Thursday news to find out what is going on in the motorcycle world. Just thought that I would e-mail you some pics of a bike that I just finished. I built the handlebars, gas tank, exhaust pipes and various other bracket items from scratch.

This is the first of several hand-built motorcycles that we will be turning out in the next few months at “The Shop” a new custom motorcycle shop located in Minneapolis, MN. We are also a Sucker Punch Sally’s dealer and full service garage that can perform virtually any motorcycle maintenance, upgrades and customizing in house.
Check out our website for more information and an upcoming Open House.
–Jon Fox

HIPAA LOOPHOLE FIX UPDATE–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that legislation to close theloophole thatallows insurance providers to discriminate against motorcyclists when itcomes to fullyfunding all benefits is beginning to gain some momentum. The House bill(HR 1076) has 45co-sponsors, while the Senate bill (S 616) has 3 co-sponsors. As a rule,Senators don’tco-sponsor legislation as frequently as their House counterparts. However,that certainlydoes not mean we should not ask them at every opportunity.”The impressive part of the list of House co-sponsors is that over half ofthem areRepresentatives from states that sent SMRO grassroots lobbyists to DC thisyear,”said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for theMotorcycle RidersFoundation (MRF). “I would like to give a huge thanks all of our SMROpartners thathave lobbied this important legislation.” Hennie added.
Over the past few months MI, WA, WI, NM, NY, NJ, OH, PA, CO, IA, AK, MN,and IL have allsent representatives from their respective State Motorcyclists? RightsOrganizations toWashington DC to lobby for the advancement of this issue. Those visitsresulted in over200 individual, sit-down office meetings with Senators, House Members andstaff.
US Representative Michael Burgess (R-TX), the bill sponsor, had this tosay, “No oneshould be denied health insurance benefits because they prefer to drive amotorcycle. Itis essential to provide health care benefits to those who have slippedthrough theloophole by protecting their access to substantive health care.”
–mrfnews mailing list
MOTORCYCLE RIDE AND BENEFIT LUNCHEON–Presented by The Red, White and Blue Freedom Riders.”Give Kids the World” Village is a non-profit organization located in Kissimmee, Florida, helping to fulfill the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
Register 10-11 am, May 20, at the Vietnam Veteran’s Hall, 596 Seashore Rd., Erma
$15 rider/ $10 passenger
A great motorcycle ride will be followed (at approximate. 2 PM) by good food, beverages, and our own DJ, Ed Avery. Door prizes, games, and lots of fun, all included in your donation.
No motorcycle?? NO PROBLEM! Come for the food and fun, starting at about PM. $10 donation at the door. In case of rain, the ride may be canceled but the fun will not!
For info, call Linda 609-425-6557 Check our Web site:

GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS SHORTEST SEMINAR–Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb, and Quasimodo were all talking one day.
Sleeping Beauty said, “I believe myself to be the most beautiful girl inthe world.”
Tom Thumb said, “I must be the smallest person in the world.”Quasimodo said, “I absolutely have to be the most disgusting person inthe world.”
So they all decided to go to the Guinness Book of World Records to havetheir claims verified.
Sleeping Beauty went in first and came out looking deliriously happy.”It’s official, I AM the most beautiful girl in the world.”
Tom Thumb went next and emerged triumphant, “I am now officially thesmallest person in the world.”
Sometime later, Quasimodo comes out looking utterly confused andsays.”Who the hell is Rosie O’Donnell?”
–from Chris T.

RALPH RANDOLPH TEAMS WITH COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE TO BUILD AIRCRAFT-INSPIRED TRIBUTE BIKE–MESA, AZ, May 14, 2007- Ralph Randolph Designs today announced its commission by the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) to build the organization’s 50th Anniversary Tribute Bike. The design of the one-off custom motorcycle will be inspired by vintage aircraft and unveiled to the media and public at the CAF’s 50th Anniversary Gala Event to be held July 9, 2007 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“This may be the most significant commission of my career”, states Ralph Randolph, himself a United States Marine and a captain with US Airways.
According to CAF spokesperson, John Lage, “We considered many builders for the commission including Orange County Choppers, but in the end it was my face to face meeting with Ralph that sealed the deal. Not only is he a premier motorcycle builder but he is also an accomplished pilot and we felt he could exemplify the convergence of aviation and motorcycles into the quintessential piece”.
Ralph Randolph continues, “It’s an honor and privilege to combine my true loves of aviation and custom motorcycle fabrication into one project and I guarantee the end result will reflect my passion for both.”
Ralph Randolph Designs is an Arizona-based custom motorcycle manufacturer whose clients have included Snap-On Tools and Ed Hardy Designs.
The Commemorative Air Force is a living museum whose Ghost Squadron consists of the largest collection of operational vintage aircraft in the world. With more than 150 aircraft in its fleet, the Commemorative Air Force is dedicated to preserving history and teaching history though its airshows, membership, educational programs and events.
–Ralph Randolph Designs
638 W. Broadway Road
Suite 314
Mesa, AZ 85210
Commemorative Air Force
P.O. Box 62000
Midland, TC 79711-2000

Continued On Page 4