Continued From Page 3

CRAZYHORSE PAINT AND MYRTLE BEACH REPORT OF THE WEEK–The weather here in the Carolinas has been perfect for riding. That’s good news for all the hordes that have been heading southeast for Myrtle Beach. I live near the main route to Myrtle, so each time I go out I see the bikes pass by. Each one packed up. At least from here, this is an event most people ride to. I see very few bikes being trailered. The lovely Jennifer Marquart, even rode her Redneck Rocket. Her hubby Mike is president of Redneck Engineering and trailered down a truckload of bikes. But Jennifer wanted to ride her evil teal hardtail seen above. So Mike gets to see the backside of his fine wife all the way to Myrtle.
My cop buddy traveled to New Jersey and back last weekend, and he was jonesin’ as the packs of bikes rumbled by on the Interstate. He left for the beach today on his black chopper, that he built with the help my hubby. Hope he doesn’t get pulled over. The only thing taller than his apehangers is the sissy bar. He even snatched the plate off my rigid. Bad Cop! No donut!
Wednesday I hooked up with Aaron Stevenson who is shooting my rigid for Easyriders. Then Friday I leave for the beach. My painter Wayne hates me. He says all I do is go on vacation. He sold his bike two years ago and is too cheap to buy another. We have many arguments about this, but I think he just likes to bitch and us painters do love to whine.

This week’s paint job is nothing to whine about. There must be a gazillion 100th Anniversary H-D’s out there with that gunmetal blue pearl color. Just ask Jose, I think he counted all of them at Sturgis. And everyone is keeping them stock so they’ll all be worth millions in 100 years. But Scott Berry wanted to change his just a little bit. I laid a few coats of thinned down candy blue over the stock pearl to brighten it up, taped off the stripes and emblems, and airbrushed a few metal effect flames on the tank, fenders and oil tank.

It was a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to set his bike apart from the crowd. I love jobs like this. So if you have a stock H-D with paint you want to jazz up a bit, gimme a shout. You’ll be happy. I’ll be happy. Your spouse will be happy you didn’t spend a fortune. Now if this wonderful weather will only hold up through the weekend. And don’t forget, if you’re Myrtle beach bound, stop by the Broken Spoke and see one of the best stunt riders on the planet do her thing. Sam Morgan and the Wall of Death will be there all week. I won’t be. I do need to work sometime, no matter what my painter says.

FREEDOM BY THE CHARLIE BRECHTEL BAND–Charlie Brechtel doesn’t simply take us on a serious ride into the rock and heavy blues that propel the soundtrack to this way of life…he explores just what it means to be a real biker…he explains, through his music, just what the legendary personalities in this lifestyle represent…he examines how the history of American motorcycles and the people who ride them have changed society forever.
He makes us proud of who and what we are.
“Freedom” is more than just the title to his new CD…it’s the focus that drives him…it’s what he…and we…are all about.
Charlie is from New Orleans, and all of the exotic heat, the voodoo grip, the wild-alley passion…all the power that is the unleashed scream of The Big Easy comes out in his music. Charlie’s regular band and the all-star line-up of musicians he assembled for this disc take “the serious ride” through driving rock, emotional blues and even some sweet, Neville Brothers-like gumbo funk.
The title cut of “Freedom” is rapidly becoming a classic anthem. It has already been used as the theme in several other multi-media projects. It’s the only instrumental on the disc and the feeling it generates is completely haunting…it climbs into your soul…fueled by Jeff Turner’s Satriani-style guitar it has genuinely captured the fever and the fury of “the ride.”
The rest of the CD features Charlie’s vocals…an explosive mix that sounds like the best of Dr. John, Bob Seger and John Fogerty…and it showcases Charlie’s brilliant ability to pull the essence of biker life into his lyrics.
This year’s officially sanctioned Hollister Rally DVD will also be backed by Charlie’s tunes and he and his band will be playing live throughout the entire Fourth of July celebration there.
Then it’s on to Sturgis where they will be opening for Z.Z. Top at the Buffalo Chip…then back east for an extensive tour around The Empire State.
Charlie doesn’t slow down much…but then again, neither does this lifestyle…our strength and pride just keeps on growing…just like the music of the Charlie Brechtel Band.
Reviewed by Bill Hayes
–from Rogue

POT ABUSE RISES AMONG ADULTS–CHICAGO — Habitual marijuana use increased among adults in the United States during the past decade, particularly among young minorities and baby boomers, government figures showed last week.More online The prevalence of marijuana abuse or dependence climbed from 1.2 percent of adults in 1991-92 to 1.5 percent in 2001-02, or an estimated 3 million adults 18 and older. That represents an increase of 800,000 people, according to data from two nationally representative surveys that each queried more than 40,000 adults. Among 18- to 29-year-olds, the rate of abuse or dependence remained stable among whites, but surged by about 220 percent among black men and women, to 4.5 percent of that population, and by almost 150 percent among Hispanic men, to 4.7 percent. Among all adults ages 45 to 64, the rate increased by 355 percent, to about 0.4 percent of that population. The report, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, was led by Dr. Wilson Compton of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who said the rise in dependence probably was due at least partly to increases in the potency of pot during the past decade. Also, the figures may indicate baby boomers “bring their bad habits with them into old age,” he said. The researchers said adults were considered marijuana abusers if repeated use of the drug hurt their ability to function at work, in school or in social situations, or created drug-related legal problems. BY LINDSEY TANNERASSOCIATED PRESS –from Rogue RENO H-D AND KRNV NEWS 4 JOIN FORCES IN CLOTHING DRIVE FOR NEEDY KIDS– Seven-year-old Mayann was all smiles when she picked out her back to school clothes from Klothes 4 Kids at Reno Sparks Gospel Mission last year. ?She was so excited,? her mother Tanya explains, ?she was having a really special day.? Reno Harley-Davidson and KRNV News 4 hope to help the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission make many more children happy this year with the second annual Klothes 4 Kids Motorcycle Run & Back to School Clothing Drive on July 24th. The event will start out at Reno Harley-Davidson on 2295 Market Street (between Mill & Vassar, right next to U.S. 395) at 9 a.m. Saturday morning July 24th with registration, Krispy Kreme donuts and Boyds coffee. The Run will take riders up to Lake Tahoe through the fabulous Sierra and end up back at the dealership for a party in the afternoon. Drop off your article of new clothing for a school age child at Reno Harley-Davidson July 19th through the 24th for the 2nd Annual Klothes 4 Kids Motorcycle Run & Back to School Clothing Drive (boys jeans and shoes for boys and girls are particularly in demand). The entry fee for the Motorcycle Run is $15 and includes the party at Reno Harley-Davidson following the ride. Registration begins at 9 a.m. on July 24th. While kids aren?t thinking about going back to school in July ? their parents certainly are. And when money is tight ? parents are already worrying about the cost ofschool clothes for their growing children. The Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission helps an average of 350 families a year with back to school clothing for kids. ?Each child gets three or four outfits. Girls get tops and skirts or pants, boys get shirts and jeans,? says Gospel Mission spokesman Rick Redding. ?It really helps the kids feel good about themselves to be able to wear something new to school. Their parents tell us they hold their heads high. It does wonders for their self-esteem.? For details on the Klothes 4 Kids Motorcycle Run & Back to School Clothing Drive ? call Reno Harley-Davidson at 775 329-2913 or KRNV News 4 at 775-322-4444. CHEAP WHORE ROLLING CHASSIS–The radical new line of CUSTOM ROLLING CHASSIS KITS just introduced by PRO-ONE have, without a doubt, some of the most creative names we’ve seen. And they actually do reflect the image produces by the different styles. Shown here is the CHEAP WHORE, a rigid chopper frame that is anything but cheap in its quality and construction. The new frame reflects the company’s reputation for superior quality and workmanship with styling that’s right on the edge. CHEAP WHORE chassis are a perfect fit for 250, 280 and 300 applications and provide a nostalgic yet contemporary hard core chopper image. The frame is high quality tubing with 6-inch over single or dual downtubes, 5-inches in the backbone and 40 degrees rake. A custom fit steel strutless rear fender is included as is the steel Longshot front fender, oil bag, stretched chopper style gas tank and leather solo seat. PRO-ONE provides each kit with your choice of PRO-ONE 1-piece chrome billet rims, chrome billet brakes, forward controls, side mount license plate, headlight, 1-inch bars, matching rotors and drive pulley and more. CHEAP WHORE shown here includes optional assembly, custom paint, Sinister II wheels and custom stitched seat. For complete details contact PRO-ONE at 800-884-4173 or go to GHOST RIDER IS NOW AVAILABLE IN LIMITED EDITION ONLY 275– Legendary biker artist DaveMann (of Easyriders fame) has agreed to personally sign a small edition ofhis most well known painting: GHOSTRIDER. Mann’s ideas have depicted thebiker lifestye like no other for more than 30 years and this is a rarechance to own a highly collectable piece. Specs are as follows: 1. Paper:20″ x 30″ image size, 275 pcs plus 25 Artists Proofs, Price: $400 or $650framed and delivered. 2. Canvas: 24″ x 36″ image size, 125pcs. Plus 15 Artists Proofs, Price: $1550 or 1850 framed and delivered.This is an extremely limited offer and time sensitive so please contact meat your soonest convenience to secure your piece of Biker history. My best, Ron Copple 800-999-1297 Make sure to tell Ron that Bikernet sent ya. Keep in mind that we can release this news faster than any mag on the stands. You’re getting the first shot, before the world knows that these prints are available. Move fast, these classic prints could be gone in a hurry. IT’S NUTS–These news days can feel like a bastard being shot from a cannon in front of a circus crowd. We hustle, clammor, research, chase images like mad dogs hungry for a bone. I can’t wait for the final fuze to be lit and the news is posted. Am I snivelin’? As soon as it’s up we sit back, relax, run to to the bar for a drink, get the hell outta Dodge, to blow off some steam. Hope you enjoy this crap. We have a blast slamming it together, but we’re frazzed by the end of the day. Let’s ride. –Bandit