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HIGHBAR STUDY BY ABATE OF CALIFORNIA–When ABATE of CA Legislative Director, Jean and I sought scientific data from the engineering world to help ABATE of California raise handlebar height limits a few years ago, I turned to Tony Foale, who lives in Spain, and he gave us the hi-tech terminology we needed to ‘git ‘er done. As a result, the legislature voted unanimously to raise the arbitrary height standard another six inches above the first arbitrary height standard, and the apes tickets STOPPED! (New Law: Grips-6″ above shoulder height when seated)
Thanks, ABATE!
Apparently, Tony will be in the states at the end of July…so if anyone can attend, tell him “thanks” for the help in California!
Here’s the article which helped get the ball rolling in CA: and it’s still good reading since NOW it applies to loud pipes.~splatt
MOTORCYCLE DYNAMICS SEMINAR IN OHIO-31 JULY/AUGUST 1–One of Tony Foale’s seminars is being planned to coincide with the AHRMA vintage motorcycle races at Mid Ohio in July. Basically a two day event, but each day will be independent for the benefit of those only able to attend for one day.
Most motorcyclists from road riders up through racers and on to race mechanics and engineers find it difficult to get reliable information to help understand why motorcycles behave as they do. Riders, both road and racing, want to understand more to help their riding technique. Engineers need the knowledge to help set-up winning motorcycles. In general, as bikes become more technically sophisticated there is an increasing need for such education.
The seminars
To help solve this problem, at least for a limited number of people, Tony Foale has called on his 40+ years of experience, riding, racing, building and studying motorcycle behavior to design a series of seminars on motorcycle dynamics. These seminars explain how tires work, how we balance and corner, what stops us from cornering faster, suspension, steering geometry, squat, braking, stability and much more.
If you are interested then please let us know ASAP to help us get an idea if there will be enough people to make it viable. No commitment at this stage, we just want to gauge the level of interest. Please pass this message to any friends or colleages who may want to go.
More info about these seminars, including typical topics, can be viewed at
Tony Foale Designs
Espa?a / Spain

CAN’T BEAT THE ORIGINAL KEIM– So why even try? No point in messing around with knock-offs when the original is readily available. The Doug Keim Creative Cycles’ (DKCC) Checkmate II pipes eliminate the need for bolt-on heat shields, and feature 1-3/4-inch diameter tubing stepped up to 2 inches. Flawlessly chromed, these DKCC originals will work on Evo, Softail, twin cam, and custom applications.
Checkmate II pipes are available as a Custom Chrome Doug Keim Signature Series Part or directly from DKCC. For more information, contact: Doug Keim Creative Cycles, (732) 751-1403,

AND YOU THOUGHT GAS PRICES WERE RIDICULOUS ON THE MAINLAND–Bikernet just received this report from Oahu, Hawaii. “We thought the prices were high on Oahu,” said Chris T. from the North Shore. The man who creates all Jesse James and Bikernet Stickers. This image shows gas prices on the island of Lanai.

LES FITCH ( JOHN LESLIE FITCH ) 1946-2006– Les died on Sunday April 23, 2006 @ 8:45 PM. There will be a Remembrance and Celebration of Life Memorial on Saturday May 20, 2006 from – at Zion Lutheran Church located at 1405 East Fallbrook Street in Fallbrook, California 92028
If coming to Celebration, Please RSVP
–Denise Fitch
( 760 ) 728-4610

FAMOUS SHRUNKEN FXR FOR SALE IN SAN DIEGO–That’s right the famous Bikernet Shrunken FXR, designed for the smaller rider is for sale at Randy Aron’s shop, Cycle Visions, right around the corner from historic Old Town Dago.
Buy it, we need the money to finish Sin Wu’s kitchen. It’s a rare, Bandit built, one off custom motorcycle-all new.
Randy Aron
Cycle Visions
(619) 295-7800
CARBURETOR TUNERS BANNED– Effective July 1, 2006, the sale of mercury carburetortuners and the replacement mercury for them will be banned in the states ofCalifornia and Maine. It’s already banned in Connecticut and Rhode Island andthen next year in New York and Vermont. These tuners (Carb Stix, Motion Pro,etc.) are usually four long glass or plastic tubes that are attached to a vacuumspigot on each carb of a four cylinder bike. Vacuum sucks the mercury up thetube and the four carbs are balanced so that each has the mercury going up tothe same level.
This has been how ya’ do it on multi-carb bike for years. Myboss Sam Hochberg will tell ya; he used to ride a KZ-650 back in the 80’s, and itran with four carbs. Because the mercury is toxic it will now be banned. There’sgotta be SOMETHING to replace those suckers! Meanwhile, don’t break yercarb-stick; soon ya can’t get a new one
–from Rogue
NCOM CONVENTION IN LOUISVILLE–For those going to this years NCOM Convention in Louisville we willbe getting together Friday night at 7pm by the pool for somesocializing. If your there come introduce yourself………I’m waypast ready.
NEBRASKA HEADS UP–Rules of engagement from the Omaha, Nebraska PD.I heard about this a couple weeks ago…didn’t think much of it.I ran into a guy last night who I’ve known for years who lives in Omaha.He told me the story.
I called a guy this morning and he confirmed the following:Omaha, Nebraska PD is setting up “safety check points”. (yeah, soundslike Gestapo checking for traveling papers…but that’s a whole ‘notherissue). If a motorcyclist is NOT wearing a DOT approved helmet (with thesticker on the back AND the patch on the inside) they are impounding thehelmet, writing a $50 ticket (+$33 court costs) and you can NOT proceedon your journey until you get a DOT helmet delivered to you or someonecomes and either rides your bike out of there with a DOT helmet on thehead or a truck/trailer to haul your bike.
If you do NOT have a valid motorcycle endorsement on your license or youlack insurance papers…your bike is immediately impounded and TOWED away.
So far, we have only heard about this at safety checkpoints. Butguarantee, that if you are pulled over for ANY other offense and thehelmet is NOT DOT approved – the results will be the same.
Thus, unless you are totally covered and got all your ducks in a row -steer clear of Omaha, Ne.
I personally think this is going to be a great recruiting tool for ABATEof Ne. I look for membership numbers to jump quickly as people getpissed off. It’s funny that the Omaha PD is giving ABATE of Ne a goldenopportunity here to gain membership and fire them up at the same time.
To join and support ABATE of Ne in this next battle…please visit thewebsite, click on “membership” and consider sending in$25 as a show of solidarity and help us beat back this latestinfringement on our Constitutional Rights.

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–It was so hot the kickstands were sinking into the road. Sitting there in the shade like in an old western movie, she seemed to be the only one the heat couldn’t tame.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

D&D AWARDS SET OF DYNA EXHAUST IN BIKERNET CONTEST–Robert Brock wins a set of D&D Performance Exhaust Fat Cat pipes for the most beautiful DYNA at Here are the details on his ride:
It’s a 2004 FXDWGI 95″ with Fat Cats, Dewey’s Heads, Dewey’s Rammer aircleaner and oversize Zippers filter, Andrews 37G cams, Power CommanderIIIusb (Tuning by Cliff Piper). It has a Screaming Eagle clutch, Boss Bags (wheninstalled) Chubby’s 12.5-inch apes and risers, Mustang seat, H-D custom tins.Also there’s Progressive 440 rear shocks, Progressive front springs, HD braided cablesand lines, H-D chrome 6-spoke wheels, Meltzer’s, Ness rocker cover mountedoil pressure gauge and a shit load of various chrome pieces from H-D, eBay,and everywhere else in between.
Robert did all the work except for flowing the heads. He’s already starting on his 2nd service manual because the first one has been used so much it’s almost unreadable.
He can now distinguish the difference in tastes betweenRed and Blue Loctite. She pulls 97.9 HP and 103.3 ft. lbs of torque. The bike is his pride and joy and has brought him more joy than a box of 3 legged kittens.
–Jeff Najar

ABATE OF WISCONSIN SCORED MONSTER BILL–Included are:1) Red light running if not changed in 30 sec
2) Class C misdemeanor for injuring a motorcyclist, bicyclist orpedestrian ($500/30 days jail/30 days suspended license).
Great bodilyinjury gets ’em a Class B. ($1000/90 days jail/9 months suspendedlicense).
Death get ’em a Class A ($10,000/90 days jail/9 monthssuspended license)
3) Driver ed courses MUST include motorcycle/bicycle/pedestrianawareness training
4) Waive motorcycle test if a Basic RE course is completed
5) Requires DOT in planning any highway improvement to consider thesafety of motorcycles
The full text is here:
All that is left is for the Governor to sign it. Congrats ABATE of Wis.-spotman

BILLY LANE TO HOST “BUILDERS BREAKFAST” FOR KIDS & CHROME– May 2006 – – The incredible Billy Lane of Choppers Inc. has stepped up to the plate for Kids & Chrome with a fantastic idea to help our kids: A Builders’ Breakfast! Billy has already recruited over a dozen of the industry’s top builders for this event, set for Tuesday, August 8th at Billy’s Sturgis Rally headquarters, the Broken Spoke Saloon.Builders confirmed for the breakfast include Dave Perewitz, Mondo, Paul Cox, Jesse Rook, Russell Marlowe, Donnie Smith, Kim Suter, Jerry Covington, Russell Mitchell, Brian Klock, Rick Fairless, Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, Aaron Greene, Paul Yaffe, and of course, Billy Lane. A special memorial table will be set up in honor of Johnny Chop and Indian Larry.
Billy really wants to create a buzz in the industry, and details are still being cooked up, but it looks like he’s succeeded in finding a new way to add to the excitement of the Kids & Chrome event. “My goal is to auction off some great items and present Bob Illingworth of Kids & Chrome with a big fat, check Wednesday night at their annual banquet,” says Billy. In addition to the check, Billy plans to auction off his prized Discovery Channel Biker Build-Off trophy at the Kids & Chrome banquet. With this remarkable gesture Billy proves again, to really be an industry leader, you gotta have a heart!

Billy has partnered with Kids & Chrome to create a unique fundraising opportunity bringing today’s most sought after builders together with compassionate and charitable minded bikers, all for a worthy cause, to help kids in need. So join us for eggs and orange juice and have the unique opportunity to bid on some out-of-this-world silent auction items.
For more information on Billy Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast and ticket availability call 321.757.7262 or visit interested in participating in Kids & Chrome as a sponsor contact Bob Illingworth or telephone 623.544.2923
For information on the second annual Kids & Chrome event visit

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