Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Last week I ended talking a bit about time, and that got me thinking (Oh shit, thinking again !!!). I’m pretty sure a lot of people who read this will relate, others will think that this shit only happened in the old times. How come I don’t have a very chromed out Twinkie and enjoy the ” heavy mileage” of Main street? In other words, what the fuck is wrong with these guys that live in the past, and resist to follow the new ” era”? Sure there’s some things that have improved a lot since the dark ages. Brakes for one (they actually work now), tires that grip and lights that let you see the road, as well as be seen. We live in the era of 6-speeds, the starter button, and hydraulic clutches, I mean, some do, some don’t….
So what is my point? I guess it’s all going back to fun times, to some time far, far away. It could be five years, could be 15, could be 30. We rode amongst friends. Any lame excuse was valid to get on bikes, kick them over and ride around the island or around the block. It made no fucking difference, a couple phone calls and the group would meet, anywhere, anytime. Evo’s and 5-speeds were a brand new thing, way out of our budgets and out of our desires as well.
It was just about a group of friends with their ” old ” bikes, rolling around. No particular place to go, just ride and create some mayhem on the way, while leaving the eternal droppings of ” excess” oil down the black top or the puddle at any bar’s sidewalk (nope, we never parked in the lot, always the sidewalk). Those were times when you carried a tool pouch, plugs, plug tool, points and condenser. It was a must. Amazingly to some riders now, we could use and install all of the above even in the darkest of dark. Those times, when you rode 80 or 90 miles just to go eat something and then just haul ass back (mind you, in Puerto Rico that’s all the way to the other side of the island). Or we’d head out and ride around the city for half an hour, and I mean just ride around, cruising (for lack of a better term), and laughing the whole fucking way. In more simple words, enjoying the shit out of it.
Or during the times we had our bikes in Florida and would ride from Daytona to Tampa, just for the hell of it, at 3 a.m., in the crisp cool of the early morning. We stopped in the most desolate and pitch black places just to smoke a cigarette, sounds simple? It was, and fun as well. Maybe the times that we left for a short ride and ended up doing the 250 mile lap around the island, fourth gear screaming for a break. Those old Pans and Shovels putted along, even on one cylinder.

I have noticed that in much of what I share with you guys there is a strong base in what I’m talking about. The way it was, and to some still is. Your buddy would get gas in an empty beer bottle if he ran out. Your friend would grab the spare plugs in your tool pouch, if someone was too fucked to kick his bike you kicked it. If someone bought the latest ” live to ride ride to live” badges, you ripped them off his bike. Let’s not even start on the police siren stories, they were still, kinda illegal. We created so much chaos with those. Ah, the good ol’ times.
Like everything, times change, schedules and shops. We’re now building high end choppers. Events and all the stuff that involves being part of this industry has changed, while other guys grow up and have to attend to their own kind of burdens. You know, real jobs, wives and such deals. But wait, there’s hope and there’s always stuff that does not go away. Like most things in this life, the fun ones. I mean, they disappear from our schedules or get replaced by others. Not in this case, and this is certainly not the sad end of the story. Little by little all my friends have managed to keep, or even re purchase their old bikes. Sure, now they are parked next to the latest neo-chopper or maybe a Heritage. They have been re-rattled and new white walls replaced the cracked ones. Once more we are taking the time to meet at least once a week and ride a bit. The fun is coming back to this thing we call a lifestyle.
I would not change it for the world. Hell, now we don’t have to run the red light (without wanting to), since they actually Stop.
In line with what I said above, and some stuff I have been promising for ages, here’s some photos of the latest projects. It seems like we build some newer choppers and then some old school stuff. Right now we are heavily into the old stuff. Most of these bikes are getting ready to roll to the Horse Smoke Out, so there’s a lot of work ahead. While some are ready, some are not, and some like my ’60 are being rebuilt (once fucking more), just for the hell of it. Enjoy the photos !

And now to the news…..
We want to wish Jesse a prompt recoup, (yes THAT Jesse) from his shoulder surgery, I’ve seen some of his cool projects and can’t wait to get the go ahead and post them here.
We’ve got news that our own T Bear has been spending some time at Gasoline Alley, taking a look at what Indian Larry is building for the Discovery Channel Biker Build off 3. I know what it is, but I won’t let the cat out of the bag. I know T Bear has a gag order… I wonder what Paul Yaffe is up to in Phoenix ???

Speaking of T Bear, that report (by Bandit) from Tahiti rocked! I hope I can join the next trip in November. I wanted to go this time, but knowing that Bandit was going to hit on all the Tahitian wahines (you know, and tell them stories about his King) I decided to stay away and have a clear slate when I visit. I’ve heard it’s no fun going on vacation with your dad.
I guess we are all waiting on news from the Laughlin front. The over policed scene must have been a burden to many. But that’s what you gotta do so the big spenders, aka Rubbies, feel safe pretending to be bad asses.
Oh well, I’m outta here. gotta go mount that rear white wall on and secure my new seat from PDQ in the chop/bob. The super B with Goodson air cleaner is looking bad ass and I found an Imperial (whatever that is) Pan primary cover that I’m polishing back to life. Have a good week, and week end. Feliz cinco de mayo to our Mexican brothers !
–Jose, Old Skool Bikernet reporter
MOTORCYCLE STOLEN IN LODI, OHIO–We lost our ’96 RoadKing 4-27-03. Taken without a trace Sunday morning between 4:30am and 6:30am. WE feel raped. It’s like losing a loved one.
The insurance co. says we have to wait at least a month to begin anything? We want a bike now. Life sucks sometimes.
–Anne Cavano & John Emmerich

ANOTHER SWAP MEET REMINDER–Just another reminder of the swap meet in Waco this Sunday. Looks like a good chance of rain this weekend, but this show is INSIDE at the Heart of Texas Fairgrounds.
Admission :$8 for Adults
$5 for Kids
Free for under 5
Show Hours 11am-5pm
Vendor Set-up 8am-11am
From I-35 Exit on Valley Mills – Go WEST ON VALLEY MILLSto Bosque Blvd. and take a right. Fairgrounds are approx one mile down on the left.
For More Information Call: 254-687-9066or visit:
Also remember to mark your calendar for theDALLAS CHAMPIONSHIPS May 18
BIKERNET MARRIAGE ADVICE–Marty wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to openhis eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and aglass of water on the side table. He sits up and sees his clothing infront of him, all clean and pressed. Marty looks around the room andsees that it is in a perfect order, spotless, clean. So’s the rest ofthe house.
He takes the aspirins and notices a note on the table, “Honey,breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping. Love you.”
So he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast andthe morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Marty asks,”Son, what happened last night?”
His son says, “Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and delirious.Broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and gave yourself a blackeye when you stumbled into the door.”
Confused, Marty asks, “So, why is everything in order and so clean, andbreakfast is on the table waiting for me?”
His son replies, “Oh that! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when shetried to take your pants off, you said, “Lady, leave me alone, I’mmarried!”
–from Redhorse

100TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE ENTRY DEADLINE OF MAY 1, 2003 APPROACHES–Don’t miss your chance to join the 100th Anniversary Parade. Get your tickets by May 1st for the 100th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee and you’ll be entered into a random drawing to ride in the parade.
Tickets on sale for the 100th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee.Join the 100th Anniversary Celebration August 28-30, 2003 in Milwaukee, Wis. Ticket packages are on sale now! Get all the details on the activities featured during this once in a lifetime event.
Collector’s Edition Mobile Phone By Motorola Now Available for a Limited Time.Don’t miss your chance to own the ultimate conversation piece. A must for every enthusiast, the Harley-Davidson? 100th Anniversary Edition Mobile Phone by Motorola brings together the classic heritage of Harley-Davidson with the forward-thinking technology of Motorola.Get more details on how you can purchase the Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Mobile phone from a participating Harley-Davidson dealer or by visiting today. Limited time offer.
15 YEARS FOR DEER HUNTING–Judge admits he had ‘great difficulty’ imposing mandatory sentence.Jack Altsman will spend a mandatory 15 years in federal prisonbecause he hunted deer on his own property, reports the AssociatedPress.
The Beaver Falls, Pa., man was caught on the horns of amandatory-sentencing statute requiring a minimum 15 yearsimprisonment for convicted felons found in possession of a firearm.Altsman, 43, has had two burglary convictions.
However, according to sentencing guidelines of the Armed CareerCriminal Act, the 15-year sentence was mandatory. McVerry could havesentenced Altsman to 19 years.

Custom Chrome ? and Chrome Specialties ??have joined forces to bring you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson ? aftermarket! At over 1,400 pages and over 25,000 part numbers, the Custom Chrome 2003 Catalog features everything from nuts & bolts to HR3 bike kits, and sets the NEW industry standard. ?
?ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping
Once you find the part you need, go into Chrome Specialties building in the Bikernet Gulch (at the bottom of the page), plug in the part number and order online for the fastest delivery! It’s that simple.?
BIKERNET MEDICAL STUDY–Should children witness childbirth?
Due to a power outage at the time, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very, very dark, so the paramedic asked Katelyn, a 3-year old girl, to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby. Very diligently, Katelyn did as she was asked. Heidi pushed and pushed, and after a little while Connor was born.
The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Katelyn for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-year old what she thought about what she had just witnessed.
Katelyn quickly responded, “He shouldn’t have crawled in there in the first place. Smack him again.”
NEWS DEADLINE APPROACHES–Suppose this is my day to bitch. I’ve been trying to bring you as much information on the 100th anniversary of Harley-Davidson, but can’t seem to get cooperation from the factory. Kate from their PR agency tried to assist. I was going to devote a special section of the site to ride-in routes, agendas, lodging, etc. I’ve been told to go to the media site or the Harley-Davidson web site. Unfortunately, I can’t pick up all I need from the H-D web site and the media site is severely lacking data and easy-to-use images. So, I suppose I’m stuck. Just trying to help. The best way for you to get information is to head over to the Harley-Davidson website. They have complete information. We’ll publish sporatic releases when we receive them.
Watch the site for new material. I’m about to wrap a Shrunken FXR tech and a new fuel injection tuning/timing and fuel delivery system was just launched by an old friend, Allen Alvarez, in Florida. An extremely interesting report that covers many of the existing systems will be launched in the next couple of days.
Seems our esteemed, tireless Digital Gangster and road- weary web master was lampooned in Laughlin and is missing in action. We have an APB out for the dizzy-eyed bastard. Report in goddamnit.