Continued From Page 2

NEW TWIN TECH FUEL INJECTION TUNING KIT– In the TCFI Kit the customer gets everything he needs to install thesystem. It includes the NUT fo the O2 Sensor, O2 sensor, TCFI ECU, Softwareand the PC Link and the WEGO with all the hardware to install the system.
The nice thing about the system compared to the rest you don’tneed a dyno to tune it. You get on the bike and ride it and it tunes itself.
If you compare pricing to the Powercommander 3 which retails for about $350plus pay $200 for dyno time plus labor to install it. Then if you make anychanges you have to back and put it on the dyno to adjust for the changes.
The difference between TCFI andthe DFO and Powercommander is we are taking the system from a speed densityto a Alpha/N closed loop. The problem with speed density is when you get into high lift cams thesystem can’t handle it. Our system works like most of the formula 1 racecars. If an engine builder is using a certain combination all the time he canthen save the program after he dials it in using the O2 sensor and then withour PC Link he can upload that program into TCFI

A chart comparing single to dual fire ignitions. Watch for the TCFI tech to be launched on Bikernet in the next couple of days.
Allen Alvarez
Sales Manager

CRUISING RIDER MAGAZINE TO CARRY RARE PANHEAD EDITORIAL–I wrote a column for Cruising Rider last week that involves a contraption I built for my dual-carb, ’48 Panhead. I’m not sure this article makes sense to me, but here’s what the esteemed editor had to say. Let me know what you think when to see a copy in about four months:
“Good column,” Josh Placa said, “Mr. Bandit, although my melon started to twist trying to keep upwith the various permutations of your cobbed carb project. My only surpriseis that a genius such as your esteemed self didn’t anticipate all thisbefore you even started.
So, how does the thing run? Dual 2003 Mikunis metering fuel to a ’48 Pandefinitely bridges the tech gap of more than a half century. Please excusemy ignorance here, but what is the advantage of such a set-up other than itlooking cool and being a bear to hook up? BYW, I assume ID stands for InsideDiameter and OD for Outside Diameter? Or does it mean Overdose of gas fumes.”
Also, how can you expand the ID without expanding OD? Isn’t it really thesame?”
I tried to answer his questions and explain. I suppose his jumbled quiz points out just a few problems with the rambling article. If only I can find that Irish Whiskey.–Bandit
BIKERNET ACCIDENT ADVICE–Two bikers are riding side by side down a county road. One of them has the zipper on his jacket break, and the flapping in the wind is driving him crazy. So he pulls over and decides to don the jacket backwards, at least til they get home. It works well enough, if a bit uncomfortable.
A little while later both guys wipe out in a turn when they don’t see a patch of loose gravel. They are lying inert in a field, their bikes nearby, when a farmer happens upon them. He immediately calls 911.
“You gotta send an ambulance!” he yells into the phone. “These two boys are twisted up pretty bad.”
“Are they still breathing?” asks the operator.
“Well the one was, until I turned his head back around the right way….”
–from Chris T.

Cyril Huze Spikelights–These spikelights are provided in 3 designs & 3 sized: Mini, Hardcore or Visor style. They are offered in 2-function bulb or 2-function L.E.D.. L.E.D’s are brighter than bulb, have no filaments, are not susceptible to failure due to vibrations, and have a 100,000 continuous hour life span. Choice of lens: red, amber, blue & clear. All lights are high gloss polishing billet aluminum. Wiring is included.
Cyril Huze CustomMotorcycles & Parts
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

PROFESSOR NUTTBOY ON TULLAMORE DEW– It’s an illusive thing, the dew, it be. Many a tale is told ’bout sippin such 12-year nectar ‘neath the risin’ moon on a foggy bog. But then them tales be in yer head, ya blatherin’ idjit. It’s as dear as me old mammy’s heart, as rare as a nun’s fart, and as welcome as the charms of a comely, young tart. You find it, me young bucko and I’ll gladly share a dram or two.
–A thirsty Ladd
BIKERNET SEXUAL SCHOOL–She married and had 13 children. Her husband died. She married again and had 7 more children. Again, her husband died. But, she remarried and this time had 5 more children. Alas, she finally died.Standing before her coffin, the preacher prayed for her.
He thanked The Lord for this very loving woman and said, “Lord, they’re finally together.”
One mourner leaned over and quietly asked her friend, “Do you think he means her first, second or third husband?”
The friend replied, “I think he means her legs.”
–from Ray R.

THE BIKERNET MOST INTERESTING EXHAUST SYSTEM OF THE WEEK AWARD GOES TO HACKASAW–I may run them into a collector and out under the seat,” Hackasaw said recently. “Some 55 hours in them so far.All root passes have been made and some of the fill passes are done.Still have to make tabs and such as well as heat shielding.”

Later…….. I can’t wait until this bike gets it’s hand hammered alloy tank fitted…….. HELL NO it won’t be “period correct” or anything conventional”

FRANCE FOUND GUILTY–The London Guardian found documents showingParis fed intelligence to Baghdad before the war.Iraq got diplomatic secrets and military guidancefrom France. Who else could have taught the Iraqis how to lose their entire country in two weeks?
–from Bob T.
Dave Mulholland & Ujjwal Dey, if you?re reading this I need you to send me an email at Congrats! BIKERNET ACCIDENT REPORT CORRECTIONS–Damit Bandit, you published NHTSA’s lie in Thursdays news again. Assoon as they get the whole world convinced that “TRAFFIC SAFETYOFFICIALS SEE SHARP RISE IN MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES” they will startdumping a bunch of “safety” laws on our asses. If you’re going topublish it can’t you at least set the record straight? They are using bogus data for “vehicle miles traveled (VMT)” to come up with thislie. How can we have over a million more motorcycles on the road in2001 thSn we did in 1998 and travel a billion fewer miles? NHTSA saysthe average rider traveled 1,943 miles in 2001. Our recent Internetsurvey showed that only 7% of motorcyclist traveled under 2,500 milesand 74% travel more than 5000 miles per year. 26% said they travelmore that 10,000 miles per year. There is not any increase inmotorcycle fatalities, it’s another NHTSA lie! The total number ofinjuries have actually lowered. The percentage of injured that die hasremained the same. The number of fatalities track with the number ofregistered motorcycles with a consistently widening gap since 1986. Iwill again attach the charts I compiled from NHTSA’s Traffic SafetyFacts Report dated December 2002. FTW, Continued On Page 4