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WASHINGTON POST’S STYLE INVITATIONAL–Each year the Washington Post’s Style Invitational asks readers to takeany word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changingonly one letter and supply a new definition.Here are the 2002 winners:
Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until yourealize it was your money to start with.
Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of gettinglaid.
Giraffiti: Vandalism painted very, very high.
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person whodoesn’t get it.
Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.
Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit).
Karmageddon: It’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad
vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a seriousbummer.
Glibido: All talk and no action.
Dopeer Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they comeat you rapidly.
And, the winner of the Washington Post’s Style Invitational:
Ignoranus: A person who’s both stupid and an asshole

SPEEDFREAKS MAKE THE PITCH AND MARIO ‘GOES YARD’ IN THE FREAK NATION– Hollywood, CA (April 28, 2003) – As heard emanating from the Lucas Oil Studios Sunday night, SpeedFreaks and Mario Andretti reiterated how the formerly cancelled Road America Champ Car race made it’s way back onto the open wheeled series play list.
You betcha, the SpeedFreaks national radio show was the catalyst.
“Absolutely, absolutely. After our conversation a few weeks ago (in the SpeedFreaks Pits), it just got the energy going and a lot of reaction from the fans,” says Mario ‘Mojo’ Andretti. “It just rekindled the interest and a lot of voices came to the surface. We had to listen to the fans. That interview we did played a big part.”
“Why there wasn’t an open wheel race named after the Mad Italian in the first place is beyond me,” says former Italian restaurateuring busboy turned SpeedFreaks Prez, Kenny Sargent. “The next step? The Mario Andretti Grand Prix at Road America, presented by SpeedFreaks… Oh boy, Katy bar the door!”
You can hear the interview and the show in it’s entirety on the SpeedFreaks’ web site HARLEY’S 100TH THREE DAY SPECIAL–Participate in three days of special Anniversary events in and around Milwaukee that will include music, entertainment and Harley-Davidson history. Plus, an exclusive event is planned for the 20th anniversary of H.O.G. More info. Fourteen months of celebrations culminate in this event that will launch Harley-Davidson into its next 100 years. Don’t miss this party complete with music, fireworks and ceremonies that are sure to go down in history. The event to launch Harley-Davidson into the next 100 years is the 100th Anniversary Party held in Milwaukee’s Veteran’s Park on the shores of Lake Michigan, Sunday, August 31, 2003. Get ready for one of the biggest birthday parties the world has ever seen. The free main stage event will feature big-name, live entertainment and will be the culmination of the year-long anniversary celebration and kick-off another century of great motorcycles. Event details for the Party have not been finalized. More information will be added to the Harley-Davidson site as it becomes available. All dates, locations, times and activities are subject to change. Check back there often for the latest information. WELDING RECOMMENDATIONS–We recently purchased a MIG welder. We’re novices-in-training but received some hints recently. John from StraightPipez sent the following tips: “You are using the BEST made michine for welding. Miller is the Best. The “silicon” your were told to use is actually called Tip Dip. Avialable at any welding supply store in a spray can or as a paste. There are also tools and reamers for cleaning the tip. There is also a 10 in 1 pair of pliers that’ll do the trick. When you use the spray, try not to cover the actual weld area, just the surrounding area. The spray is made to keep the splatter from sticking, but won’t hinder the weld.” THE BIKERNET WHISKEY HUNT–We’re looking for 12-Year-old Tullamore Dew, an Irish whiskey. Here one connection. “We just received our delivery of Tullamore Dew 12 years old today. You mayorder it online at or give us a call at (877)772-0500or (626) 794-0500. Poker Run Registration Bike Show Registration Special Guest Edge from?The Horse/Backstreet Choppers? Magazine Pre-Run Party Door Prizes ~~~~ Good Food & Drinks~~~~ Music by Mike Brooks The DJ All Proceeds Benefit Camp Air Care – American Lung Association of NCThis camp is for children with asthma. Justin Pullin lost his life from asthma at the age of 16. For more information call Mike Pullin at 704-847-4647 or 704-573-9396 BIKERNET REPORTED EMBEDDED WITH COALITION TROOP IN IRAQ–Bandit, The dust and stress and bullshitfinally caught up with me. I spent a couple of days in intensive care inKuwait after my body told me to fuck off. Sucks when you can’t breathe andyour chest has an invisible tank parked on it. Serves me right to try tokeep up with these youngsters. Prognosois : Angina & asthma. My time in theboonies is over. I’m heading back home to Colorado on the 11th, stopping inGermany to see how much beer I can consume in a two-hour layover. Here’s a good quote. Do with it as you will. “It “It is not the critic who counts, not theman who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deedscould have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in thearena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strivesvaliantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the greatenthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; whoat the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, atworst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his placeshall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory ordefeat.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES PROUDLY PRESENTS SWAP MEET TEXAS MAY 4TH AT THE HEART OF TEXAS FAIRGROUNDS–Vendor Rentaly $30 approx. 10×10 (includes 1 admissionReservations RecommentedAdmission $8 for Adults$5 for Kids 5-12Under 5 FREE* Live Band* Door Prizes & other contests* Bargains* Discounts* Parts & PartyShow Hours: 11am-5pmVendor Setup: 8am-11amH.O.T Directions: From I-35 Exit Valley Mills, Go East on Valley Millsto Bosque Blvd. Take a right, Fairgrounds are approx 1 mile down on the left.For Info Call: 254-687-9066or Visit: www.texasscooter.comMark Your Calendar for May 18th!!!!for the 2nd Annual Dallas ChampionshipsAt Red Line RacewaySee You There!!! Continued On Page 3
Ben?s V-Twins
2429 South Tryon
$10.00 Per Hand
Poker Run ends at Tumbleweeds Barin Monroe
last hand in at 2:00
Tumbleweeds Bar
Trophies will be awarded at 3:30
Unique custom-madetrophies in every class!!!
SaturdayJuly 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Kristopher?s Sports Bar, Matthews
(Paris Sorbonne,1910)