Rare, hand made Hackasaw footpeg.
Laughlin survived another year. I dodged it primarily due to the high price to stay there. A recent report indicated that if you strolled into the desert the week before the rooms were $19 a night. During the River Run weekend rooms started at $175 a night. Does that make sense to you. The weekend the hotels are packed, the parking lot spaces are sold to vendors, the gambling is at an all time high, souveniers are sold by the bushels and the restaurants are over flowing, they charge more and more for the rooms. Bullshit.
I don’t have a problem with anyone making a living, but this goes way beyond that. We’ll have a couple of reports on the Laughlin downturn next week from Frank Kaisler and the Digital Gangster. Our web master has been missing in action since Thursday of last week. I’ll jump off the soap box and get to the news:

NEW EXHAUST SYSTEMS FOR EVO, TWIN CAMS AND SPORTSTERS–10 different designs will be available from Cyril Huze. See them installed at: Cyril Huze Custom CHARLESTON HERITAGE MOTORCYCLE RALLY–The first annual Heritage Motorcycle Rally in Charleston South Carolina roared into the Ladson Fairgrounds April 16th and lasted through April 20th, 2003. A great time was had by most and prices and lodging were cheap. Most vendors were located at the fairgrounds however others setup at various other venues and watering holes. Lowcountry ABATE provided camping at a rate of $10 per night and provided live entertainment at Minky’s Social Club one Mile from the Campground. The Campground provided by Lowcountry ABATE was within 10 miles of the Rally Central at the fairgrounds. Lowcountry ABATE’s Booth at the fairgrounds provided information to those curious about ABATE and Motorcycle Rights. Uncle Rock of Cycle Source Magazine and the SOLR paid Charleston a visit during this new rally. Look for an upcoming issue with Heritage Motorcycle Rally coverage and pictures soon. This rally was fatality free. Police from as far away as Daytona Beach came to the event to enjoy the fun and crowds. Most tickets written during the rally went to dangerous cagers who were speeding or otherwise endangering others. If you missed this years rally be sure to come visit Charleston during next year’s Heritage Motorcycle Rally. During Lowcountry ABATE’s Night Run we we paid a visit by our state and local public servants; I sure hope the local citizens don’t mind all the tax money spent to make sure we were save and sound. Apparently one of the SLED agents at the scene was curious about the injustice just up the coast as he took a copy of the SOLR Blood on the Badge flyer with him; he later declined a matching decal. During the start of the Night Run one half of the Ladson Tackle Box’s parking lot was filled with at least 18 police cars all in an effort to inform the owner to close at 2:00 AM. –FastFred –from Rogue LAWYER FIGHTS TO CALL TO TESTIFY AGAINST CLIENT–By David Damron | Sentinel Staff Writer. In a unusual legal move, Orange-Osceola State Attorney Lawson Lamar’soffice is asking a judge to make a public defender testify against hisclient. The legal maneuver — Lamar’s firstsuch, by his own account — hasenraged local defense attorneys, who argue that compelling such testimonycould undermine the faith clients put in their ability to talk freely to anattorney. “I will become dysfunctional as a lawyer,” said Gavin Elliot, the27-year-old assistant public defender at the center of the dispute. “And I’mnot willing to risk my client’s rights. I can’t fold on this.” Prosecutors want to prove Elliot’s client, Tim E. Whittington, was justoutside a courtroom Dec. 4 where he was scheduled for a hearing. They allegethat Whittington left the courthouse after he learned he would be arrestedif he attended the hearing. Assistant State Attorney Jim Altman asked Circuit Judge Frederick Lautento make Elliot testify that his client was outside the courtroom that day,which would prove Whittington intentionally missed a hearing, a separatefelony. –from Rogue THE IRISH BIKER–A drunk biker is riding through the city and his bike is weaving violently all over the road. An Irish cop pulls him over. The cop says to the biker, “Where have you been?” “I’ve been to the pub,” slurs the biker. “Well,” says the cop, “It looks like you’ve had quite a few.” “I did all right,” the biker says with a smile. “Did you know,” says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms, “that a few intersections back, your wife fell off the bike?” “Oh, thank heavens” sighs the biker. “For a minute there, I thought I’d gone deaf.” –from Chris T. MELBOURNE VETERAN’S REUNION– Frank Alverson makes it a point every year to come to the Vietnam veterans’ reunion to chat with old friends but also to pay homage to those whose names are on the replica of the Vietnam wall memorial. The wall, a smaller version of the Vietnam memorial in Washington, D.C., inspires him to think mostly about old war glories and friends who have died. “It was great, very exciting — until I got shot down,” said the 61-year-old Malabar man, a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. “Bullets came in from the bottom. If it hadn’t been for my crew, I would’ve bled to death.” Alverson and his men were looking for a downed Air Force pilot. After the helicopter went down, he and his crew evaded a Viet Cong ambush and got away. Alverson is one of thousands of visitors expected to see the wall until it is packed up again at the end of the week. “I have a lot of friends on that wall,” he said. “I have one that goes back to the ninth grade. My best friends from flight school are on the wall. It’s a good way to remember them.” –from Rogue FLATHEAD POWER LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD DEALERS–If you need rare Knucklehead, flathead or Indian Twin engine parts, this may be your source. They are located in Sweden but want to do business with dealers in the US. Touch on the banner and check them out. BIKERNET BIKE HEAVEN–Recently killed by separate left-turning cages, Trog, Grody, and Animal were waiting for entrance into Heaven. St. Peter walked up to Trog and asked, “How many times did you cheat on your wife, and remember, I will know the truth.” Trog thought for a moment and replied, “Well, sir, it must be around 40 times.” “Fine,” said St. Peter, “you may enter Heaven but you will be riding that little green Suzuki over there.” St. Peter approached Grody and asked the same question. Grody answered, “Sir, I do believe it couldn’t have been more than 20 times. “Good,” said St. Peter, “you may enter Heaven, also, and you will be riding the red 600 Kawasaki. St. Peter stepped up to Animal and repeated the question. Without pause, Animal answered, “Never!” St. Peter peered at him quizzically and said, “Never?” “I have never been unfaithful to my wife, sir” he replied. “Excellent,” stated St. Peter. “You may enter Heaven and you will be riding that gold-chromed custom Road King over there.” Grinning from ear to ear, Animal approaches the bike, but when he reaches the exquisite showpiece, he suddenly lays his head on the tank and begins to cry. St. Peter rushes over and asks, “What’s the matter? You have never cheated on you wife, you’ve gained entrance into Heaven, and you will be riding the bike of your dreams, with no breakdowns, for the rest of eternity.” Animal replied between sobs, “See that woman over there on the old beat-up Vespa? That’s my wife!” –from Chris T. EASYRIDERS STORES ARE UNDER NEW NAMES– “Easyriders of Dallas” will soon be “Rick Fairless – Strokers Dallas”. Effective July 1, 2003, Easyriders Dallas is officially changing its name to “Rick Fairless” – STROKERS DALLAS. The name change is due to Easyriders Corporate making the decision to discontinue the store program. When the decision was made by Easyriders Corporate, Rick Fairless, owner of Easyriders Dallas began the thought process for a new name for his well known custom bike establishment. In addition to Easyriders Dallas, Rick Fairless also owns an adjoining bar & grill called Strokers IceHouse. Strokers IceHouse is a very popular hang out for all motorcycle enthusiasts in the DFW area. On a nice weekend the crowd swells to an excess of 1000 motorcycles. Strokers IceHouse is known for their outdoor atmosphere, live music & the coldest beer in Dallas. It was obvious to Rick what the new name should be, Rick Fairless’ – STROKERS DALLAS. Strokers is already a well known name because of STROKERS ICEHOUSE. “Since STROKERS is already a well known name & all my customers know me, I decided to change the name to, ‘Rick Fairless- STROKERS DALLAS’. Hey, it will make things simpler, now my Custom Motorcycle Shop & my Beer Joint can just be called ‘STROKERS’. Are we a motorcycle shop that sells beer or a beer joint that sells motorcycles? You decide!” STROKERS DALLAS will continue to build some of the most outrageous custom motorcycles in the country. Some of our customers include Randy White & Herschel Walker of the Dallas Cowboys, Mike Modano, Derian Hatcher, Richard Matvichuk, Billy Guerin, Aaron Downey, Darryl Sydor, Jason Arnott, Guy Carboneau, Brenden Morrow & Phillipe Boucher, all from the Dallas Stars Hockey Club. Rick says, “I am very proud to have been Easyriders Dallas for seven years. I want to thank Joe Teresi & the fine people of Easyriders Corporate for helping me get started. I want my customers to know that the only thing that is changing is the sign out front. Everything else is exactly the same. Please continue to expect the same quality people & positive attitude from us that you always have. We will continue to carry the fine Easyriders Roadware clothing line. We will continue to provide quality service & build some of the coolest custom motorcycles in the country. Also, we will continue to sell Big Dog, American IronHorse & Victory Motorcycles as well as late model Harleys. Hey, I look at this as an opportunity to get up a little earlier & work a little harder. I love a challenge!” FIVE-SPEED SEAL KIT–Johnson Engineering has re-engineered their critically acclaimed triple lip oil seal for five speeds, making it the longest wearing, easiest installing, best performing seal in the industry. Installation requires Johnson Engineering’s newly developed seal installation tool, which makes in-frame R&R of all seal types a snap. The new tool eisily and securely presses the seal home square to the bore. Check www.twistgear.net. Forgot to mention, the seal is available indivdually ($12) or as kit with JEalloy chamfered spacer (recommended) for $53. Spacer only is $45. Tool is$30, required for proper install, will work with all 5-speed seals. Continued On Page 2
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