Continued From Page 2

HIGH SPEED PURSUITS GO TO COURT–WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave police officers significant protection from lawsuits by suspects who lead them on car chases.
The justices ruled 8-1 against Georgia teenager Victor Harris, who was left a quadriplegic after a police vehicle rammed his car off the road in 2001.
A police officer used “reasonable force” when ramming the teen’s speeding car, the high court ruled. A videotape of the pursuit played a key role in the decision.

BIKERNET DISCOVERS HANGOVER CODE–One Star Hangover (*):No pain. No real feeling of illness. You”re able to function relativelywell. However, youare parched. You can drink 5 sodas and still feel this way. For some reason,you are craving a steak and fries.
Two Star Hangover (**):No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay, but you havethe mental capacity of astaple gun. The coffee you are chugging is only increasing your rumblinggut, which is still tossingaround the fruity pancake from the 3:00 a.m. Waffle House excursion. Thereis some definite havoc beingwreaked upon your bowels.
Three Star Hangover (***):Slight headache. Stomach feels crappy. You are definitely not productive.Anytime a girl walks by you gag becauseher perfume reminds you of the flavored schnapps shots your alcoholicfriends dared you to drink. Life wouldbe better right now if you were home in your bed watching Lucy reruns.You’ve had 4 cups of coffee, agallon of water, 3 iced teas and a diet Coke — yet you haven’t peed once.
Four Star Hangover (****)Life sucks. Your head is throbbing. You can’t speak too quickly or youmight puke. Your boss has alreadylambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking ofbooze. You wore nice clothes,but that can’t hide the fact that you only shaved one side of your face(for the ladies, it looks like youput your make-up on while riding bumper cars). Your eyes look like one bigred vein, and even your hairhurts. Your sphincter is in perpetual spasm, and the first of about fivedumps you take during the daybrings water to the eyes of everyone who enters the bathroom.
Five Star Hangover (*****):You have a second heartbeat in your head, which is actually annoying theemployee who sits in the nextcube. Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy. Youstill have toothpaste crust inthe corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get theremnants of the poop fairy out.Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva so your tongue issuffocating you. Any attempt todefecate results in a fire-hose-like discharge of alcohol-scented fluid witha rare ”floater” thrown in.The sole purpose of this ”floater” seems to be to splash the toilet waterall over your ass. You arethinking that Death might be better that this…
1. Indubitably
2. Innovative
3. Preliminary
4. Proliferation
1. Specificity
2. British Constitution
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Loquacious Transubstantiate
1. Thanks, but I don’t want to have sex.
2. Nope, no more booze for me.
3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type.
4. Good evening officer, isn’t it lovely out tonight.
5. Oh no, I just couldn’t. No one wants to hear me sing
–from RFR

BONHAMS TO SELL BROUGH SUPERIORNAME, TRADEMARK & LOGO RIGHTS– San Francisco, 23 April 2007 – The rights to the name, trademark, logos, and domainname of one of the greatest motorcycle marques the world has even known will beauctioned by Bonhams & Butterfields at the forthcoming Legend of the MotorcycleConcours d’Elegance.
Brough Superior, known as “the Rolls-Royce of motorcycles”, was a hand-mademotorbike renown for its performance as well as its price. As the first true luxurymotorcycle, the English-made Brough Superior gained international fame in the 1920sand ’30s. Its most famous patron was T.E. Lawrence “of Arabia” who owned seven ofthe bespoke machines, and ultimately met his death upon one.
Also included in the sale is the minute book of the Board of Directors and the registeredoffice’s brass nameplate bearing the title “Brough Superior Engineering Limited, Rolls-Royce of Motorcycles”. The rights from the sale include UK, European Community andJapanese trademarks.
As a featured marque of last year’s inaugural Legend of the Motorcycle Concoursd’Elegance, history was made when the largest number of Brough Superior motorcyclesever to assemble in North America occurred; a proud occasion for a marque stillvenerated half a century after its end.
The second annual Legend of the Motorcycle takes place Saturday May 5th at theocean-side Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California, just south of San Francisco.Tickets for this landmark international event are $50 in advance ($65 on Concours day)and may be purchased through the website at
The Bonhams & Butterfields auction will take place at 4:30 pm on Concours day atthe venue. For more information on this premier auction, visit interested in bidding, remotely or in person, may register by or 415-391-4000.

AUTHORITIES CHARGE MAN WITH RARE MURDER BY DUEL–WELCH, West Virginia (AP) — The annoying buzz of an all-terrain vehicle may have triggered a deadly shootout that led police to file a rare charge of “murder by duel,” authorities said.
The count, based on a dueling law that predates West Virginia’s statehood, was filed Monday against Steven Bryant Simpson, 47, said State Trooper J.S. McCarty.
Simpson is accused of killing Dana Martin, 39, in an April 20 shootout a few hundred yards (or meters) from Simpson’s home.
“We’ve had shootout-type cases, but I can’t recall one quite like this where there was an argument, then the people separated and came back to the very same location, each knowing the other had a gun,” said prosecutor Sid Bell.
The law, written in 1849, reads: “If any person fight a duel in this state and in so doing inflict a mortal wound, he shall be deemed guilty of murder.” West Virginia became a state in 1863.
The felony carries the same penalty as first-degree murder, up to a life sentence, McCarty said.
Witnesses saw the men argue in the road, part ways to retrieve handguns and return with weapons, Bell said. Testing determined that both weapons were fired. Martin was fatally shot in the torso.
Witnesses told police that Simpson was disturbed by the roaring sound of an ATV that Martin repeatedly drove past Simpson’s house while helping a woman move.
A call to Simpson’s attorney, Lacy Wright Jr., was not immediately returned.
–from Robin H.

LAST STOP FOR THE EASYRIDERS CENTERFOLD TOUR 2007–(Newbury Park, CA) – May 2, 2007 – Easyriders Events sponsored by proudly announces the 2007 Easyriders Invitational V-Twin Bike Show Tour at Kansas City’s Bartle Hall on May 5th. Show hours are Saturday from 10:00a.m. until 10:00p.m. All ages are welcome to this family-friendly event showcasing the best custom motorcycles in the world. If you love custom motorcycles, this is the show to see. Kansas City boasts more than 200 chrome creations from all over the country.
Bike Show attendees can expect to see the best of the best custom-built motorcycles in the world combined with hundreds of motorcycle-related merchandise and service exhibitors. Thousands of custom designs have competed throughout the 2007 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour, and all “Best of Show” winners from the tour have been invited to compete for top honors in Kansas City on May 5th. The 1st Place Best of Show winner this weekend in Kansas City will have their winning bike featured in Easyriders magazine as well as all 2008 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour promotional posters and fliers; not to mention loads of cash and prizes from tour sponsors.
Bike Show finalists in the all-new Pro Class are vying for more than just top honors, cash or prizes; they’re competing for one of six places on the 2008 Easyriders Centerfold Tour, which affords the opportunity for any bike builder to reach an unprecedented level of national exposure. More than 25 Pro Class finalists are scheduled to compete in Kansas City for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be featured as a “Master Builder” on the 2008 Centerfold Tour. The competition will be fierce, and the editors and judges from Easyriders certainly have their work cut out for them. Winner’s lists from all 2007 Regional Bike Shows can be found online at
Dorian Swanner, owner of Carolina Custom Products, Inc., has built a ground-up custom motorcycle to be given away to one lucky attendee at the end of the 2007 Bike Show Tour. This custom motorcycle is a Carolina Custom drop seat chopper with a polished S&S motor, Baker 6-speed transmission, 300 rear tire and features exotic sheet metal with custom paint. Swanner has also designed and created custom trophies for the 2007 tour, which are sure to beautify any winner’s trophy case. Additionally, Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co. has completed a one-of-a-kind motorcycle to be given away at the 2007 Easyriders Rodeo Tour Grand Nationals in Chillicothe, Ohio. Both giveaway bikes will be on display for the public at Bartle Hall on May 5th.
Additionally, world-class creations from Paul Yaffe of Paul Yaffe Originals, Kendall Johnson of Kendall Johnson Customs, James and Dave Kaye of The Detroit Bros., Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co., Bill Rucker of Rucker Performance and Austin Weiss of Streamline Designs will be displayed for up-close viewing at each of the Easyriders V-Twin Bike Shows. “Each of this year’s builders has been selected and personally invited to join the ranks of ‘Centerfold Tour’ predecessors like Billy Lane, Rick Fairless and Ron Finch. The excitement is in the diversity of these phenomenal motorcycle builders,” explained Easyriders Events president, John Green.
As featured on Country Music Television’s new hit show, Foxworthy’s Big Night Out, the Purrfect Angelz (a.k.a. The Home Wreckers) will perform live at each Bike Show location and are available for photo shoots with bikes entered in the competition. In addition to the top-notch choreography and fashion shows put on by the Purrfect Angelz, there will be live music by Jasmine Cain throughout the day.

GUILTY CUSTOMS WINS AT RAT’S HOLE SHOW–For those of you following this build, Guilty Customs “Errant” bobberfinished 2nd in the recent Rat’s Hole Show in Florida. We’ve attacheda picture taken prior to the show and a spec sheet. Additionalinformation is available upon request.
–Carl (Cj) Hanlon
Guilty Customs, LLC

BRAND NEW PISTON RISERS FROM CARLINI–Here are the latest risers from Carlini. They are for 1.50-inch bars and feature a contrast of chrome and matte finishes. The part # is Piston1.
Available direct from Carlini Design by phone 714 432-9000. The price is 200.00.

MOTHERS DAY IN FOUR DAYS-That’s bullshit. It’s actually the 13th. Relax
MYRTLE BEACH REMINDERS– BE THERE OR BE TALKED ABOUT!!!!– Join us for the 2nd Annual Curt Brown Scholarship Ride with fellow Hamsters and friends. Meet at 9706 North Kings Highway at Thoroughbreds Restaurant in Myrtle Beach the morning of Wednesday May 16th. The 90 minute ride will leave at 10:00 am taking participants across the border into North Carolina (BE SURE TO BRING A HELMET) on a back roads journey to my hometown of Elizabethtown, NC.
The group will have a police escort into town, a brief presentation ceremony, and a free lunch of world famous burgers and hotdogs. We will make one stop in-route for gas. Last year we had over 60 riders and everyone had a blast. This year should be even bigger and better. Your donations help fund scholarships for graduating high school students pursuing studies in science and engineering.
A minimum $50.00 donation per bike to the scholarship fund will be required to participate. Advance registration is preferred. To register in advance, your check or money order made out to “Bladen County Schools” should be received no later than May 5, 2007. If you can’t make the ride, donations are still welcome. Send it along with your name and address to:
Curt Brown
If you have any questions, Please call….or email….H 715-377-9873 C 651-295-5834

CHARLES LOMBARDO OF NY TAKES HOME THE THUNDER SADDLE CUSTOM LEATHER SEAT– Charles Lombardo wins April’s Thunder Saddle contest for his flying motorcycle guy tattoo. BANDIT picked the best looking tattoo this month and Charles will be receiving a custom Thunder Saddle with his Tattoo embossed in the saddle. “Lombardo’s tattoo caught my attention,” said Bandit. “Although it’s not a Harley, it was the most unique Tat I’ve run across in a long time and motorcycle related. Besides it’s cool.”
How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest
Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your:
? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle
It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop.
BEHIND THE SCENES WITH A BIKERNET STAFF MEMBER–I had decided to do something I haven’t done since my youth and ride a horse. Although I am a huge man with a bad hip I also love horses and the chance to ride one again just seemed irresistible.
At first, everything seemed OK. The horse’s movements were steady and rythmic. Then I started to slide off. I was panic stricken. I grabbed for a handful of main but came up empty..I had slid too far off by then. Knowing that hitting the ground would be painful enough and not wanting to get my foot stuck in the stirrup, I decided to try and kick myself away from the horse as I fell so I could fall cleanly and not be trampled under hoof.
At the critical moment the horse pulled up on his own to a complete stop. It was then that I turned and saw the Wal-Mart greeter with the plug in his hand. Boy, was I lucky!

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–A dreamlike ride down the loop ~ you can almost feel the spirits of the old Florida land as you pass under the canopy of oaks.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog
Continued On Page 4