Daytona 2003 – Spaghetti Wrestling. Photo By Rogue.
I try to learn something every day. I never considered myself much of a writer, so I read books about expanding my vocabularly and about writing styles. Almost weekly I learn something about the new King, welding or building bikes. Once in a while I learn something I don’t want to know.
Yesterday an old school pinstriper came by to stripe my new, almost all black Harley mags. I thought this was going to be a breeze. The spoke area is black and the rims aluminum. I was going to have a stripe run around the edge of the black. The striper, George, of Wild Brush, informed me that you can’t stripe aluminum. It won’t stick but chip off in short order. Well, so much for that plan. On the other hand, he looked at our new Miller MIG welder and told me to clean the brass gas guide. He told me there’s a tool for the process and that if I spray the guide with a sillicon spray it won’t collect slag as readily. He also told me that if I spray an area to be welded with the silicone that slag won’t stick and make weld-cleaning a fasters/easier process.
See, ya can learn something everyday, even if it’s bad news. While I go back to the drawing board, let’s get to the news:

CARLISLE BIKE FEST–Join the Wild Ride at Carlisle Summer Bike FestSecond annual event to be even bigger and better.
CARLISLE, PA – Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes off again with moreactivities, special guests, entertainment and, of course, more bikes! Thesecond annual event takes place July 25-27, 2003, and more than 35,000guests are expected to attend. Carlisle Summer Bike Fest is held inconjunction with Summer Carlisle Cool Car Cruise-In, featuring street rods,customs, classics and muscle cars.
All motorcycle riders are welcome to park on the show field at no extracharge. Just pay the admission fee and ride onto the grounds. Clubs wishingto park together should call Tiffany Moyer at (717) 243-7855, ext. 121.
Special attractions this year include return visits from Chef Biker Billy,who literally “cooks with fire”. Biker Billy’s (www.bikerbilly.com) recipes are so hot, theBurpee seed company named a hybrid jalape?o pepper after him. Other guestswill be the Star Boyz stunt riders (www.starboyz.com), whose insane antics on theirfur-coveredmotorcycles guarantee plenty of oohs and aahs?from the large crowdsthatgather to watch them.
New to the event this year will be a BattleTrax competition (www.battletrax.com). The BattleTraxcourse lets riders explore handling and braking limits in a safe,challenging environment. All types of motorcycles and all levels of ridingskill – from beginner to expert – can find fun and excitement carving cones on a BattleTrax course. Returning this year, the Observed Trialswill show advanced riding performances.
A special vintage motorcycle display will show fine examples of bikesthroughout history. Riders can find out the horsepower of their bikes onthedyno tester. Smell the rubber burn at the burnout demonstration Saturdayevening. Also that night, see the best-looking female bikers compete forcash prizes in the famous Miss Carlisle beauty contest. Live bands willentertain crowds in between the other attractions. For a break from theheatand the crowds, women can visit the Women’s Oasis to get free manicures andmassages, shop and take part in seminars. Kids? activities are alsoavailable. Try your luck at Basket Bingo for your chance to win greatbaskets.
To finish up the weekend’s excitement, a 2003 Harley-Davidson? FXSTSoftail?Standard will be given away to one lucky ticket holder on Sunday at about 3p.m. No purchase is necessary, but you must be present at the stage to win.
The 2003 edition of the Carlisle Summer Bike Fest takes place July 25-27.Gates are open from 7 a.m. to dusk daily. Admission is $5 each day.Introduce kids to the automotive hobby – children 12 and under are admittedfree. For additional information, call the Carlisle Events Hotline at (717)243-7855, or visit www.carsatcarlisle.com. There will be no on-groundscamping. For off-site camping or room reservations, call 1(877) 231-ROOM(7666).
Carlisle Events
phone: 717-243-7855, ext. 116

BIKERNET BLAST FROM THE PAST–Saw the referral to Texas Scooter Times. Thought you’d get a grin out of acover I shot back in ’81 at some Kansas drags.
That’s my oldest kid, John, in the background, standing in what was referredto as the starter’s stand. A few runs later Marion Owens grenaded Boss Hogand the kid had to find new digs.
–John Siebenthaler THREE ROSES– A very sexually active woman tells her plastic surgeon that she wants her vagina lips reduced in size because they were flapping in the breeze. Out of embarrassment she insisted that the surgery be kept a secret and the surgeon agreed. Awakening from the anesthesia after the surgery she found three roses carefully placed beside her on the bed. Outraged she immediately calls in the doctor. “I thought I asked you not to tell anyone about my operation!” The surgeon told her he had carried out her wish for confidentiality and that the first rose was from himself: “I felt sad because you went through this all by yourself. “The second rose is from my nurse. She assisted me in the surgery and empathized because she had had the same procedure done some time ago.” “And what about the third rose?” she asked. “Oh, that rose is from a man upstairs in the burn unit. He wanted to thank you for his new ears!” –from Bob T. FROM THE DESK OF SIN–I have a few things I want to go over in this weeks news; one is to explain what?s going on with Chrome Specialties in the Gulch. Chrome Specialties is merging with Custom Chrome and currently in the process of re-vamping their website. Part numbers are being converted so they show up as not available, which is usually not the case. The best thing to do, until they finish this merge, is give us a call to check availability and get the correct crossover part number. Don?t get discouraged; I?m here to help. The phone number to call is 310-521-9900 for assistance. Another thing I want to discuss is sex. Not really? I want to talk about Johnny Suede in the Gulch. In case you haven?t visited his site yet, GO DO IT GODDAMNIT! Show your support for Bikernet?s newest sponsor and you?ll be rewarded with visions of the coolest clothes around. That brings me to my last subject—the Free Contest. Johnny Suede is donating shirts, hats and beanies for our winners. Along with all the other cool stuff I have from Choppahead, Samson Exhaust, Joker Machine Apparel and Straight Pipez, you?d be silly not to enter. I know Layla said in last weeks news she would post all the winners in a Special Report, we still are. Bandit?s a fuckin? slave driver and in his attempt to keep fresh material flowing through the veins of Bikernet, he?s got Layla and me on the run. I promise by the end of this week, you will have your winners list. I want to personally thank all those who have subjected themselves to our questions when entering the contest. Your information is invaluable to us in that it helps us to see what the demographics are, what you ride, and most important, what you like best from Bikernet and what we could offer to make us even better. We love the feedback and want you coming back as a very satisfied customer. Have a great weekend and remember, you can always email me at Sin Continued On Page 2