I will also begin a series of articles on Pat Kennedy?s new shop, his product line and build up of one of his bikes. These articles will also be published in HORSE magazine.
In addition, I just sent my report of violence and mayhem on the ship in Japan. Hopefully the board of directors will see fit to publish these world reports post haste, so that you will be up to date.
Whether the executive committee and racy ad hoc committee agrees or not, I?m about to write another drama for Bandit?s Cantina Soap Opera. I know there?s more, but we better get to the news before I get in trouble and am placed in irons again. Where?s my fuckin? bowl of rice?
PRESS STATEMENT FROM TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES LIMITED– Triumph Motorcycles says distribution of the Triumph range of motorcycles, parts and accessories and their warranty service will continue following a fire that affected part of one of their U.K. manufacturing facilities.
Karl Wharton, managing director of the Hinckley-based motorcycle manufacturer, says that work on rebuilding a section of their Jacknell Road production facility is due to start to later this week.
“The fire, which was confined to a section of the assembly area, was quickly brought under control and has only affected certain areas at one of our four production and distribution centers in Hinckley. No-one was hurt and all of our 650 U.K. staff are being informed that their jobs are secure,” Wharton said.
“It will have no immediate impact on motorcycles ready for distribution held in our network of bike stores in the U.K., Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries,” he added.
Many staff have been working throughout the weekend with the Triumph management team, preparing for Monday’s clean-up and contacting the company’s worldwide dealer network to inform them that they can order parts and accessories online as usual.
“Stocks of spare parts and most ranges of bikes are available to meet immediate requirements in the U.K. It is also the company’s policy to hold stocks of bikes at other distribution centers in Europe and the United States,” Wharton said.
The preliminary investigation suggests normal manufacturing operation in the effected areas will recommence within four months.
“Over the past three years Triumph has significantly expanded their manufacturing facilities in the U.K. to meet growing demand. This specific incident will not hinder the on-going success of Triumph,” Wharton said.
ROYAL BOOST AS U.K. MOTORCYCLE COMPANY TRIUMPHS OVER ADVERSITY – Issued 26th March 2002–His Royal Highness the Duke of York has given Britain’s only motorcycle manufacturer a huge boost as the company triumphs over adversity.
Within hours of learning about a fire at one of Triumph Motorcycles’ production facilities, the Duke of York, who is special representative for international trade and investment, rearranged his schedule to make a goodwill visit to the company as reconstruction work gets under way in Hinckley.
Accompanied by the lord lieutenant of Leicestershire, Timothy Brooks, His Royal Highness donned a hard hat, toured effected areas, talked to staff and heard about the company’s plans for a rapid recovery.
After the tour, the Duke of York said he was delighted to hear that work was about to start on rebuilding the factory, and predicted that the great British institution would come back stronger than ever.
“This is a great British company that has been a leader in its field for many years. I wanted to let them know how important they are to the U.K. economy,” he said.
And he told staff: “As Britain’s only motorcycle manufacturers, you have a big part to play in the market place. Triumph is going to rebuild and that is good news for the industry and for British engineering.”
The Duke of York was shown around the factory by Karl Wharton, managing director of Triumph Motorcycles, who said: “The Duke’s visit was a real boost for Triumph and everyone involved in helping to rebuild the company. Construction is soon to start and we are optimistic that production will be back to normal before the end of the summer.
“It is very important for all our customers and dealers and staff to know that there is so much support for Triumph,” he said.
The Duke of York’s activities in his new role are in support of British Trade International (BTI), the government body set up to support U.K. countries trading internationally and encourage foreign investment.
Triumph, which manufactures more than 33,000 motorcycles in Britain a year, supplies bikes, parts and accessories to over 25 different countries, including those in western Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and several markets in Latin America.
As 80 percent of the company’s production is for export, Triumph has reassured its 800-dealer network across the world that the fire will have no immediate impact on its overseas business.
“Distribution of the Triumph range of motorcycles, parts and accessories, and our warranty service, will continue as the company prepares to work round the clock to ensure that motorcycles roll off the new assembly line by late August,” Wharton said.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This week is kinda bittersweet; we have been so busy it’s not evenfunny, we’ve done a couple projects but have a lot more on the list. Our?save the Sporty? project is finally done. Remember, we kept this project on abudget (under $3,000), andwe did a lot to the bike for this money. It took a bit of imagination andelbow grease, and the owner is very happy with the results (me too) and that?swhat’s important.
Our lime green WCC chopper is finally heading towardhome. I guess Kevin got tired of riding all over PR, and I mean all over,and he?s boarding a plane back to Massachusetts. The bike will follow soon.
I’m sorry to report that our friend and customer Papote was hit by a carlast Thursday and lost his lower left leg. This is very sad to us; he is agood friend and a rival in our sailing regattas. The dumbfuck who hit himdecided that he was losing too much “valuable? time by waiting for a car topark so he invaded the oncoming lane. He hit the bike on the side andripped a good part of it.
To top it off, this fucker tried to flee but a flat tire prevented his escape and, get this, his whole family was in the car! What a fuckin? beast! He deserves the beating of his life. Lucky (sortof) for our friend he was being followed by a doctor friend, who saved hislife. We know he will get better and we will still battle the winds.
Wewish you the best Papote!

Since we have nothing to do…… like the “other? shops, AKA Weasels, wedecided to take another project for the Horse. We are building a chopperwith stuff that we have lying around the shop (take offs and such). We aregoing to tackle this during our Easter break. I guess this is something toget our minds off work and see what we can do with a few partsand spray paint.
If we do finish (which I doubt) by next week, I’ll post some photos. Anyway,we will have fun with it for sure.
There are reports of Sunday’s ride with HOG. This was an open event, allV-Twins (non HOG). Those who went tell me that around 300 bikes showedup for the party Saturday night and the ride Sunday through the CentralMountain range. That’s a fun ride but I would not do it with 299 otherbikes. Ten or so of our friends would be nicer. Too bad they consider me theanti-Christ; 20 or so of our choppers would have looked good among thesea of “customized” stockers…..Oh well…

Next week the Harley BBQ will take place and we will show up in fullforce. It’s a pretty cool event, full blast chow from Longhorn and all theCoke you can drink for five bucks. So if you arereading this Rub’s, the anti-Christ crew will show up……Sheesh..
OK, so here’s a question that you can answer here or at our e-mail — Jose@chopperFreak.com — We are planning on an event in PuertoRico. Would you like to come down and ride during December? Thewheels are already turning. I can’t say much ’cause I know the”competition” reads this every week, but imagine yourself riding in warmweather with the ocean to your right and then partying all night in SanJuan. Cool eh? We?ll leave it at that.
See ya’ guys next week. Keep an eye out for The Horse #23 issue, there’s oneof our bikes there. Let me know how you like it.
Jose………Bikernet Caribbean – anti-Christ.
BEACH RIDE PROMOTES ART SHOW–The Beach Ride is a charity event in Los Angeles every summer for the last 11 years. It will be held in the park in Ventura again this year after difficult negotiations with the parks commission.
The ride was developed to raise funds for the Exceptional Children?s Foundation based in L.A. The following is information on an upcoming art show. If you?re in the area, check it out and support the kids.
View exceptional artwork by extraordinary artists withdevelopmental disabilities. Select from hundreds of drawingsand paintings, ceramics and textiles. Meet featured artist ArthurAndrews. Watch him paint. Enjoy complimentary hors d?oeuvres.Plus, a celebrity appearance is anticipated. All proceeds benefitECF and the artists themselves.Founded in 1968, the ECF Art Center is a nationally recognized,community-based art center that offers developmentally disabledadults a nurturing environment, professional art training andstudio facilities.
Thursday, April 25, 2002 < 69 pm
Aaron Brothers Art & Framing? in Encino
17230 Ventura Boulevard ? In the Encino Town Center
Between Balboa Ave. and Louise Ave.
Subject: FW: Fred–A local law enforcement officer stops a car for traveling faster than theposted speed limit.
Since he’s in a good mood that day he decides to givethe poor fellow a break and write him out a warninginstead of a ticket. So, he asks the man his name.
“Fred,” he replies.
” Fred what?” the officer asks.
“Just Fred,” the man responds.
When the officer presses him for a last name, the mantells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officerthinks he has a nutcase on his hands but plays along with it.
“Tell me Fred, how did you lose your last name?”
Theman replies, “It’s a long story so stay with me. I wasborn Fred Dingaling. I know, funny last name. The kidsused to tease me all the time. So I stayed to myself.I studied hard and got good grades.
When I got older Irealized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went throughcollege, medical school, internship, residency, finallygot my degree so I was Fred Dingaling, MD.
After a while I got bored being a doctor so I decidedto go back to school. Dentistry was my dream. Got allthe way through school, got my degree so I was nowFred Dingaling MD DDS.
Got bored doing dentistry so I started fooling aroundwith my assistant.She gave me VD. So, I was Fred Dingaling MD DDS with VD. Well, the ADAfound out about the VD so they took away my DDS so I was Fred Dingaling MDwith VD.
Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away myDDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as FredDingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my dingaling so now I’m justFred.”
The officer walked away in tears laughing so hard and tore up theWarning Ticket.
–From the Dunns
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