Continued From Page 3
THIS WEEK’S TECH QUESTION–Sirs, I am looking for the distributor or manufacturer of these two frame repair forgings, I was told that theycame from somewhere in Texas ??
Do you know where I can buy these ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gregg Robinson
Direct Voice: 253-284-3421
Cellular: 253-377-5087
Tell: 253-926-2290

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS ALERT–I hate to have to be the bearer of bad news, especially on the first day ofspring, but I guess the task falls to me. We have suffered another blow. BigRandy Howard WV ABATE Region 7 Coordinator was found dead this afternoon ofan apparent heart attack. Big Randy was instrumental in opening up theTygart Valley, in the Elkins area to ABATE of West Virginia. Along withbeing the President of the Mountain Chapter of Brothers Of The wheel, andthe leader of the Northern WV Confederation of Clubs, He will be sorelymissed. This notice along with updates will be posted at
The American Automobile Association lobbied hard in Harrisburg to fightagainst the mandatory helmet law modification in Pennsylvania. They are nowlobbying hard in Maryland in their efforts to undermine the helmet lawinitiative in that state. They have proven themselves to be enemies offreedom of choice.
A suspected child molester who fled police in a stolensport utility vehicle barreled through a stop sign Saturday and slammed intomotorcyclists, killing three people.
Steven Halbert, 19, stole the SUV after police cruisers pulled up to hishouse in Carter Lake, Iowa, to question him about accusations he sexuallyabused a child.
Police pursued Halbert at high speeds for about five miles into Omaha, whereHalbert collided with two motorcycles, said Omaha Police spokeswoman CathyMartinec.
Michael Rock, 50, of Omaha; Terry Partain, 51, of Omaha and Yvonne Campbell,41, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, were killed instantly, said Martinec. Campbellwas a passenger on Partain’s motorcycle.
Halbert was thrown from the vehicle, which went airborne and slammed into aparked semitrailer. He was taken to a hospital in critical condition withbrain and other internal injuries.
MARYLAND CALL TO ACTION–This legislative alert is a call to action requesting that EVERYONEcontact Senator Brian Frosh who is the chairman of the JudicialProceedingsCommittee and insist that he call the Motorcycle Helmet Bill (SB 611) fora vote in his committee.
He believes that the bill will have a positive outcome in his committeeand REFUSES to allow the members of his committee the opportunity to voteon the bill. His obstructionist tactics are not characteristic of theethical quality that we should expect and demand from our staterepresentatives.
Call, write, visit or fax Senator Frosh today and state that you wantSB611called for a committee vote. You may remind him of the following:

BIKERNET FISHING ADVICE– The day after losing his wife in a boating accident, a man answered hisdoor to find two grim-faced Alaska State Troopers, one of which was Trooper Baker.
“We’re sorry to call on you at this hour, Mr. Wilkens, but we have some information about your wife.”
“Tell me! Did you find her?” the man cried.
The troopers looked at each other. Baker said, “We have some bad news,some good news, and some really great news. Which do you want to hear first?”
Fearing the worst, Mr. Wilkens said, “Give me the bad news first.” The trooper said, “I’m sorry to tell you, sir, but this morning we found your wife’s body in Kachemak Bay.”
“Oh my God!” said Mr. Wilkens, overcome by emotion. Swallowing hard, he asked, “What’s the good news?”
The trooper continued. “When we pulled her up she had two five-poundking crabs and a half-dozen good size Dungeness crabs on her.”
Stunned, Mr. Wilkens demanded, “If that’s the good news, then what’s the great news?”
The trooper said, “We’re going to pull her up again tomorrow.”
–from Chris T.

BIG SHOW OFFERS BIG GO–Several years of performance R&D, market research and consumer identification by Team Matrix has culminated in a truly unique, fully polished, billet aluminum High-Flow Top End Kit for TC 95 and 103 machines. Precision machined from 6061-T651 aircraft grade aluminum, cylinders and barrels feature perfectly matched hex patterns that are worthy of any show quality machine. Cylinder heads are fit with 2″ stainless intake and 1.625″ exhaust valves feeding to the company’s computer enhanced, high-flow port designs.
In house and independent tests have revealed impressive airflow numbers of 302 cfm@ 28 inches intake and the exhaust at 216 cfm @ 28 inches, both at .650″ lift”. These revolutionary heads feature 84cc chambers; integrated compression releases and standard TC88 (4.935″) deck height. Cylinders and pistons are machined as individuals? sets then hand fit and inspected to the most exacting tolerances.
Additionally, the cutting edge cylinders and barrel combos are EFI and carburetor compatible and accept all factory H-D Screaming Eagle performance bolt-on accessories. Suggested retail for the complete, show quality package is $3295.00. If you’ve been looking for something really “on the edge” that’s certain to set your ride a step above the competition in both looks and performance, check out the High-Flow Top End Conversion athttp:// . Contact direct at or call 805-647-2117 FAX 805-647-2072
Make Plans NOW to attend the 9th Annual Spring Championships – Usually one of the WILDEST RACES OF THE YEAR !!!
SEE – The New Racers On their New Rides & WHAT HAPPENS !!
SEE – NITRO HARLEY VETERANS !!! “Layin’ Down The Passes They’ve Been Plannin’ ALL WINTER !! And been DREAMIN’ ABOUT THEIR WHOLE RACIN’ CAREER !!”
SEE – ALL The NEW HARLEY SPORTSMAN CLASS RACERS – “Shiney NEW Drag Modified Harleys – Will They WIN AGAINST Some of the Most Seasoned Harley Racers to ever go down the STRIP ?
RACE YOUR OWN BIKE FOR FUN & TROPHYS – ONLY $20(BRING; boots, full face helmet, full finger gloves, leather jacket, & attitude !!)
DISCOUNT SWAP MEET VENDORS – GREAT TRACK FOOD “Texas Style Party Drags” Caps – ONLY $5 – HURRY only 144 available
ENTERTAINMENT: 1:30 – 2pm – Rock & Blues Solo By – Rick HandleyMoto/Guitarist – He Rides Up & Rocks Out – “Self Contained, But Unrestricted!!!”
FIRST ROUND – TOP FUEL ELEMINATIONS 2 PM – – – – “Then – NON STOP ACTION – ?Till we pass out the TROPHYS – Don?t Miss IT !!
ADULT ADMISSION $20 -, KIDS 5 thru 12 – $5, – UNDER 5 free
INFO: 254-687-9066, TRACK PHONE 979-885-0731,
LOCATION: From Houston take I-10 west towards San Antonio, Go thru Sealy on I-10 and take Exit 713 (Beckendorf) track on south access road.

ASS JOKE– A boy rode on a donkey and the old man walked. As they went along somepeople remarked “it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy wasriding.”
The man and boy thought perhaps the critics were right, so theychanged positions.
Later, they passed some people that remarked, “what a shame, he makesthat little boy walk.” They decided they would both walk.
Soon they passed some people who thought they were stupid to walk whenthey had a decent donkey to ride. So they both rode the donkey.
Now they passed some people who shamed them by saying “how awful to putsuch a load on a poor donkey.” The boy and old man decided they wereprobably right so they decided to carry the donkey.
As they crossed a bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and hefell into the river and drowned.
Lesson: If you try to please everyone you will eventually lose your ass.

LET’S BAIL AND RIDE–I need a new saloon to hang at. There’s a local one across from the Union Hall, but you need a code word to get in. It’s supposedly a crack house. I’ll pass.
All is not doom and gloom. If we’re lucky, I’ll post a hot Daytona Report today from Frank Kaisler. We perused the shots last night and he photographed the girls of Bike Week masterfully. His mission was to cover the bikes and girls and he hit the nail on the head. Hang on.
We also have Jay’s CFL bike and a 1914 Indian racers to post, but first we need to fight the plumber, get an emergency SBC, DSL, crew back out here, and our Site Server needs to wake up.
Ride On,