Continued From Page 2

STEALTH REPORT–When you write every week for this site you expect to take shots concerning what you write about. I don’t expect everyone to agree with my views and what I write. This comes with the territory. Jose and Bandit have both stated before that ” it is not whether everyone agrees with you or not, it is about people reading what you write!” So when someone takes time to respond to what I have written, I appreciate the feedback, good or bad. With that being said I took a shot on “Your Shot” last weekend that went beyond what we usually do on “Your Shot!” It was personal and was aimed at something I hold near and dear to my heart. The Annual Run For Breath “In Memory Of Justin Pullin,” My son.
A “Proud H-D ” employee blasted me and the run. Blasting me was fine but when you blast the RFB, you have just crossed the line. Let me first say that I can count on one hand over the years how many “Proud H-D” dealerships have supported the run. When I am finished counting I will have at least 3 or 4 fingers left over.
Three years ago one of these “Proud H-D” dealerships agreed to be a sponsor but the deadline had passed for the sponsorship fee to be paid. I agreed to put their name on the RFB t-shirt and they could pay me later. As of this writing I am still waiting for their check! You may wonder how much the sponsorship fee is? A whole $100!
So hey “Mr. Proud Dealership Employee” are you still so proud?
Talking about being proud, if you are so proud of what you do, why don’t you sign your name to your post? Just maybe you are not as proud as you would like for us to believe? One more thing and then I will move on. Every week I sign my name to what I write and a picture is also posted each week, so I do not hide my identity. I stand behind what I write no matter the subject and who it might offend. You see here at BIKERNET, we don’t have to be politically correct like you have to be at your “Proud Dealership.” Maybe that is why you did not sign your name to your post, you want to hide and you are not as proud as you would have us believe. Enough said!
Spring is finally here and the bikes are out on the road. This weekend the Concerned Bikers Association puts on their annual spring swap meet. These are good people and do a great job with the swap meet. I will be there both days and will have a report next week on this event.
Last I would like to thank all of have supported the RFB over the years. It is hard work, but the day of the run it is all worth it.
The 7th Annual RFB is July 24th here in Charlotte. We are still looking for help with the bike show awards. If anyone would like to help, you can reach me through the “Your Shot” section,
Until next week!

SEMINOLE HARD ROCK ROADHOUSE HITS THE ROAD AGAIN!ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?–Picture yourself basking in the sun, on a Hard Rockin’ custom bike, that youjust won, compliments of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood,Florida. You can make this dream become a reality, but you have to hit theRoad-the Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour.
The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse is back for more hard rockin’ action withthe 2005 featured custom bike builders showcasing metal-carving ingenuityand raw talent. Doug Keim, of New Jersey’s Creative Cycles, Jesse Rooke, ofRooke Customs, Phoenix, Arizona, Roland Sands “New Blood”, from in LaPalma,California and Johnny Vasko aka Johnny Chop from Southern Cal, are setcenter-stage at five key bike rallies-first stop, Daytona Bike Week.
These artists have been featured on TV shows and magazines across thecountry and around the world, and they’ll be presenting their Hard Rockin’bikes for fans to see-and WIN! Your entry could be the one-and you couldbe the one lucky biker to choose a Hard Rock bike to ride home from theseason grand finale-all you have to do is enter!
Entries are taken at each of the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse tour stops, aswell as online at or at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &Casino in Hollywood, when the featured bikes are showcased between Roadhousetrips. Just roll up to a laptop, enter your contact information and you’reon the road-the Hard Rock Roadhouse!
After touring from Daytona, to Sturgis, to New Orleans and back to Daytona,(see for the full schedule), the Seminole Hard RockRoadhouse will wrap up in South Florida for the season’s Grand Finale at thenew and smoking Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino–party central and thecustom bike Mecca for the second annual Ft. Lauderdale Bike Rally, December1-4. Entertainment, music, food-we’ve got it 24/7 at the Seminole Paradisewhere the crowd will be rocking to great music at Hard Rock Live, cruisingthe vendor booths, and gathering heat–especially during the Hawaiian Tropicbikini contest–just in time to cool down in the slick 130,000’s where the action really kicks up a notch!
Entertainment is non-stop and the nightlife is never-ending at the SeminoleHard Rock! Join sponsors Budweiser, Hawaiian Tropic Performance Machine,S&S Cycle, Baker Drivetrain, Hot Bike, and Cold Bud and HotBabes and Bikes–Are you ready to Rock? Then hit the road! Take a ride onthe Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour!
— Awards Show Competition To Be Held In Las Vegas At The Hard Rock Hotel &Casino —
Twenty four of the world’s most extreme bikers convene for the first timeunder one roof to display their moving works of art. Attending are bikergreats such as the renowned Arlen Ness, super-hunk Billy Lane, Hollywood’sRuss Mitchell, Shinya Kimura, Mondo, and last season’s biggest winner MattHotch, among others.
Special musical act includes performance by ZZ Top.
An awards ceremony to honor the craftsmen and artists who fabricatecustomized motorcycles. The awards to be given out include:
*Biker Rookie Award for Future Legend
*Biker Maverick Award for Unusual Build
*Biker Soul Award for Lifetime Achievement
*Biker Full-Throttle Award for Horsepower
Fans can get in on the action too, going online to to casttheir vote for select categories, including the coveted Ultimate Chop.
The ceremony will also pay a special tribute to cult-biker legend IndianLarry, who died tragically last year while performing one of his classicstunts
Black Carpet Arrivals — Thursday, March 31 from 5-7 PM; press event tofollow.
Awards Show Ceremony – Friday, April 1 from 6-9 PM.
The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.
Interviews with the bikers and photograph opportunities with the bikers andthe bikes will be available from Tuesday, March 29 through Friday, April 1.All media requests and access to the events must be coordinated through thecontacts listed below.
BIKER BUILD-OFF: ULTIMATE CHOP – In Biker Build-Off’s season finale, all 24contestants from this season come together in Las Vegas to celebrate oneanother’s creations and talents. Viewers will also be able to vote fortheir favorites in select categories. Awards will be given for everythingfrom building style to painting techniques, but in the end, only one biker’screation will be named the Ultimate Chop. BIKER BUILD OFF: ULTIMATE CHOPairs Sunday night, April 3 on the Discovery Channel from 9-11 PM (ET/PT).

QUICKIE–John & Marsha decided that the only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon quickie with their 8 year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a popsicle and tell him to report on all the neighborhood activities.
He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation:
“There’s a car being towed from the parking lot” he shouted.
A few moments passed.
“An ambulance just drove by”
A few moments later, “Looks like the Anderson’s have company” he called out.
“Matt’s riding a new bike…..”
“The Coopers are having sex!!”
Startled, Mother and Dad shot up in bed!!! Dad cautiously asked, “How do you know they are having sex?
“Jimmy Cooper is standing out on his balcony with a popsicle too.”.
Dave F.

Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson team OPENS ’05 SEASON WITH RECORDS– Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson team OPENS ’05 SEASON WITH RECORDS, MILESTONE PERFORMANCE Harley-Davidson Takes Multiple Honors from Season-opening Event
Both ends of the national record, career-best numbers, milestone performance and a track record – not a bad way to start the 2005 NHRA POWERADE Drag Racing season.
The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson team set out this weekend to defend the 2004 NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle championship they earned with rider Andrew Hines. The 15-race season started with the Mac Tools NHRA Gatornationals at Gainesville Raceway and so far, the season looks very promising.
“This team collected the first six-second run in NHRA history, both ends of the national record and a track record,” Harley-Davidson Racing Manager Anne Paluso said. “We want to defend our championship and this is a great way to start the season.”
On Friday, returning champion Hines put Harley-Davidson into the record books with a 6.991-second pass at 196.10 mph. It was the first pass in the six-second range and the honor was worth a $10,000 bonus from the Mickey Thompson 6-second Club. Hines later improved his speed, reaching 197.45, setting both ends of the national record.
Hines qualified in the top spot with teammate GT Tonglet closely behind in the number two spot. Tonglet set a track record, going 197.45 for a career-best speed along with a career-best elapsed time of 7.007. He and Hines recorded the same speed, but the track record went to Tonglet because he made the run first.
Both Hines and Tonglet were disappointed by losses in the second round Hines by red-lighting and Tonglet due to a mechanical gremlin – but they both gained impressive milestones and kicked off the season with high hopes of winning rounds in the future.
“We came into this event wanting both bikes to qualify in the number one and two positions,” Tonglet said. “We did that and we got into the six-second range too. I really wanted that mark but if I couldn’t do it, I’m just glad it stayed with the Screamin’ Eagle team.
“To be able to run a 7.007 at the first race of the season is saying something about the way the season is going to be. We have two great, new bikes and we’re close to having two good, consistent setups.”
At just 21 years old and with a championship on his resume, Hines had a milestone performance at Gainesville.
“It’s disappointing that we both lost and in the second round too,” Hines said. “Breaking the six-second record was amazing and it topped the entire weekend, but it would have been better to finish the weekend in the winner’s circle. This is a great accomplishment for the entire team, our family and Harley-Davidson. It’s even better that it came at the start of the season.
“Now we have to focus on winning rounds and winning races. We need to start running for our second championship, and we have 14 races left to make that happen.”

CARIBBEAN REPORT–Since I will be taking my ass kissing puckers into another immoral trip I might not be able to do the news for next week. You know I need to spend all that money that is given to me by the nay sayers and spend it well in my auto gratifying quest for self promoting. Anyway, forgetting about all that bullshit and people who don’t even have the balls to post their names and e-mail addres, here’s the weeks story and I’m fucking sticking to it.
Next week, March 29th to be exact, the Discovery channel will have the last of the bike build off shows (for this season) and the reason I mention this is because it was filmed in my home, Puerto Rico. Yes, as in Caribbean island, sun, surf, skimpy clad chicks and eternal riding weather. Roland Sands and Arlen Ness battled themselves and the mountain/ beach roads of Puerto Rico, but knowing that Discovery won’t show a quarter of the footage taken, I believe I should talk a bit more of what this West Indies rock is about, without sounding like a tourism bureau ad.
Some say I might be a cocky mother fucker, some might say the newbie from Puerto Rico, and you know what, that is totally cool. o when you come from paradise, when you come from a place that is not remotely known for it’s Harley Davidson heritage, those are simple and daring ass-umptions, people are way too quick to critique something they don’t know much about, so in order not to sin of being ignorant, let’s get into the thick of things.
To some I might have crawled under a rock, and in a certain way they are right. 16 years or so ago, I started what is now called Caribbean Custom Cycles. From that day on, I worked with a certain goal in mind, to build and promote the Harley style of bikes and get people to know what Puerto Rico. When I had the chance to invite Discovery here, I was glad they decided to visit, not because I would be part of it, but because people from the US and the TV audience would have a chance to briefly see what our country was about, they would have a chance to cruise down the roads, hugging the beach so closely that Arlen would get sand into his velocity stacks, or twisting so hard into the green lush mountains that Roland would become dizzy, even with his years of experience riding race bikes. But more so to be able to enjoy the freedom of what riding should actually be. Not having to look over your shoulder all the time scanning for cops, not worrying if your apes are a couple inches too high, not worrying if your helmet ended up in the back of a truck “by mistake”.When we all have a mental image of what the freedoms of the road should be, believe it or not, a place like PR is closer than any of the states I have had a chance to visit; it’s really easy to actually enjoy the ride. Sure it will take me a really long time to describe what is going on in here, but a good try is better than none.It’s not all a rose garden, traffic in a small island tends to get to you, getting everything here, what many take for granted is a bit more expensive and time consuming, but there’s a trade off for everything. Let’s just say that a Sunset in Rincon is worth any hassles, way over. I’ve had the chance to ride in many places, places I have been before, even places i have lived for short stints, but somehow when I got to re visit and then cruise on a bike, it all seemed different, it all had a different effect on the way I perceived things, but I guess folks, that could be a story for a following news…or maybe a string of them.I have been here so long that sometimes I take all the stuff for granted, but when people come visit, it kind of changes the perspective, I see their eyes or the way they react when we end up in a perfect road, the surf and sand , the palm trees, the smooth pavement and no cops for miles, just to stop at a little kiosk, beachfront may I add, and enjoy the surf and the beautiful senoritas catching the rays, working on their deep tans. It’s very simple and tempting to spend the whole afternoon sipping on cool drinks or ice cold beers while soaking it all in, or to the more adventurous ones, just grab the surfboard and battle the waves, all this while your motor is still clicking away while cooling down. More than once people have fallen in love with this scene, fallen in love with one of the hot (in many ways) girls and never gone back. I live here and I fall in love with that scene, over and over again. This is still home, and as it is sometimes, home is work, and daily boring living, sure I work my ass off, like I sure all of you do, and we live in a certain routine, but still I find the time to escape to those scenes described, to get away from what we really are or the actual shit that we have to go through. That is why when we have guests, not tourists, not visitors, guests, it enjoyable when they feel awed by all this surrounding them. Those of you who have been lucky enough to ride the Black Hills, or into the Grand canyon might get the feeling of what I am talking about, that feeling of being there and going, holly fuck this is cool !

So speaking of cool, and of Discovery, you know what to me would be really cool? How about a bike trip island by island, enjoy the pristine Charlotte Amalie bay in St Thomas, or the Baths in Virgin Gorda, the nude beaches in St Martin, the old British dockyard where Lord Horatio Nelson watched for French attacks and fixed the fleets ships in Antigua, the awe inspiring Jaques Cousteau sanctuary in Pigeon, Guadaloupe, the never ending Friday night party in the old pirate town of Gros Ilet in St Lucia, on and on and on….. Sure the Caribbean is (to me) the greatest back yard on earth, and it’s rich with history, from the “discovery” of the New World, to the Indians before, to the pirates and trade routes. We still have 600-year-old towns, with the architecture neatly preserved, but doing so atop a cool bike with a hot chick is the real treat.
Sure I could be better off if I was in the states, sure those 16 years of work would pay off much more than it has, but why? Why should I leave a place like this, the freedom, the sun, the surf….. The swinging move of a curvaceous brown eyed beauty, the island that winks at you and makes you forget all the hardship, all the time lost, and all the cool things that makes you thank whomever is up there for having chosen you to be born here.Sure Puerto Rico is not the hotbed of bike building, but it was made for perfect riding, so the connection is totally obvious and was way overdue.It’s sad that you will just catch a glimpse of what I am trying to explain here, but at least you will be able to catch something,
Let me be frank, just like when you see that beautiful girl and you must try to conquer, every step in the right direction feels like there’s a lot gained. When I get to watch that TV show on the 29th, it will just be another small step that has been already taken towards a much higher goal. Nope, not my self-promotion like others dare to say, the exposure of my home to all of you, to what we do and who we are. The friendliness of the people and the beauty of the land. I’m sure that after that show you will fall in love with it, just like that hot girl, wearing the yellow bikini catching the winter surf.

I promise I will keep on in my tour, there’s times that is needed to explain where we come from and how we got there to be able to reach. If you have noticed in the many years I have written this column, I don’t talk about me, I talk about what?s around me, what going on and the way I see things. I have the fortune of being able to work hard to be at different places, ride at different places and enjoy those with friends. I guess it’s time to start a new chapter in whats out there. All those things that some of us are not fortunate enough to be able to enjoy.
Have a great Easter weekend, enjoy the time of rest….. I will try to have the news for next week, but I never make promises I can’t keep.
Jose – Bikernet Caribbean Report
That?s a Wrap– I?m heading out to Palm Springs in the morning for a restful weekend with the Girlies. Actually that?s a lie. When I hang out with the girls, we don?t rest. We party!
Have a great weekend and enjoy Easter Sunday with those that you love.