Continued from Page 2

JIMS AND BANDIT WORKING ON BANDIT LINE–With the assistance of C.J. Allan, the engraver, we’re working on a line of completely unique Evolution motor covers. We may have something to look at next week.

A WOMAN–was complaining to the neighbor that her husband always camehome late, no matter how she tried to stop him.
“Take my advice,” said the neighbor, “and do what I did.Once my husband came home at three o’clock in the morning, and from mybed, I called out, ‘Is that you, Jim?’ And that cured him.”
“Cured him!” asked the woman, “but how?”
The neighbor said, “You see, his name is Bill.”

WANGO TANGO–Here’s a shot of my scoot “Wango Tango” for your site, if it passesinspection. It’s a 93-inch stroked Shovel. All critical parts cryo treatedand dry filmed. S&S cases, Super “g”, dual plugged heads that wereextensively reworked by Blower, Velvatouch lifters, S&S 514 cam, Dyna “s”single fire with ugly but good Compufire 4 plug single unit coil.
Stock H-D mags with GMA calipers and rotors front and rear. Maxxus V-ratedtires and it needs them!1978 4-speed tranny rebuilt by Blower with Hayden M-6 [love that damnedthing] and Barnett clutch. Pipes are different now and it’s being changedcurrently including new fenders and paint. I’ll send it along soon!

STATS AND STATS–Number of physicians in the U.S. = 700,000
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year = 120,000
Accidentaldeathsper physician = 0.171 (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)
Number of gun owners in the U.S. = 80,000,000
Number of accidental gundeaths per year (all age groups) = 1,500
Accidental deaths per gun owner = 0.0000188 (U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms)
Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gunowners.I think we can apply this to helmets also.
VICTORY MOTORCYCLES’ MARC HOFFMAN ZONED– Mark Blackwell, general manager of the VictoryMotorcycles division of Polaris Industries, announced that Marc Hoffman hasbeen appointed to the position of zone sales manager for the sales territorythat encompasses 10 north-central states.Hoffman serves as a business partner to Victory dealers in his territory,ensuring that they utilize all Victory sales and marketing programs to fulladvantage and helping them establish and attain their sales goals.”Marc understands the challenges dealers face every day and will be anexcellent resource for them,” said Blackwell. “He began his career workingat the retail level and understands all aspects of sales and dealershipoperations. I believe Marc has the knowledge, drive, and interpersonalskills needed to work with our Victory dealers and help ensure their successin the coming years.”
MURPH WILL APPRECIATE THIS ONE–A couple are attending an art exhibit and they are looking at a portrait that has them a little taken aback. The picture depicts three very black, very naked men sitting on a park bench; two have a black penis and the one in the middle has a pink penis.
As the couple looks somewhat puzzled at the picture, the Irish artist walks by and says, “Can I help you with this painting? I?m the artist who painted it.”
The man says “Well, we like the painting but don?t understand why you have three African men on a bench, and the one in the middle has a pink penis, while the other two have black penises.”
The artist says, “Oh you are misinterpreting the painting. They?re not African men, they are Irish coal miners and the one in the middle went home for lunch.”
THOUGHTS TO PONDER–I am ready to meet my maker. Whether or not my maker is prepared for thegreat ordeal of meeting me is another matter. –Winston Churchill
A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender says,”What is this, some kind of joke?”
When you do a good deed, get a receipt, in case heaven is like the IRS.
Adam to Eve: I’ll wear the plants in this family!

PROMOTION IS THE KEY– That’s why as a birthday present Oz had the Bikernet logo plastered on the home page of the Malibu Times. So next week we’ll launch our newest department: Bandit Goes Surfing, or Bandit Meets Annette.
WHERE WAS I? Oh, yeah. Three women for a day. My fingertips were all a twitter. But what about the bike show, the bros? The chances of selling the Blue Flame would be high amongst those who have cash to burn. I couldn’t decide, so I shifted my libido into nuetral, an emotional holding pattern over fresh sheets and waited. You know women. Their minds could change at the drop of a hairpin. I wasn’t going to hold my breath.
I polished the Blue Flame, but bowed out on shipping the racer to the show. Saturday night slipped by in a fog and Sunday arrived with the phone ringing. “We’re meeting at the coffee shop…”
“I’ll ride out a little later,” I returned.
The phone kept ringing and I kept bobbing and weaving. Just about the time I found my gloves there was a tentative tap on the front door. I knew it was Sin. I bolted down the hallway and there they all stood, the sun glistening in their hair and pretty pert smiles tripping across their faces. Each one wore an outfit that said undress me, quick. So I unplugged the phone and let them in.
Still had enough energy to hit Bike Night on Signal Hill on Tuesday.
–Let’s ride, Bandit