Continued From Page 3

STEALTH NORTH CAROLINA REPORT–Around here it seems that the old Triumphs are making a comeback. In the past couple of weeks we have had two real cool Triumphs show up at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. I have never paid a lot of attention to Triumphs but these bikes have a lot of heart and soul. One thing about these bikes is that you don’t have to mortgage the house to have a nice bike. Here at SBW we are set up with British Cycle Supply to get Triumph parts. We also have Bob Engels who has agreed to help SBW out when we have a Triumph to work on. Bob built the cool Triumph you see in the pictures.
One thing I really dig here at SBW is when we get the older bikes to work on. One reason being is that these bikes bring back a lot of memories and they all have heart and soul and they all have their own story to tell. I think that is one thing about STEALTH BIKE WORKS too, is that the shop has heart. When things seem to be taking a down turn we somehow seem to bounce back. We are probably the underdog around here but we have a lot fight and we never quit.
Here at SBW we have a plasma cutter on site now. We are going to be doing our own sissy bars. We have some cool designs layed out. We have quie a network going on here at SBW. Within a mile we have a Chrome Plating shop, we also have our Painter within a mile and our Powder Coater is within 15 miles . We can get things turned around real quick if we need to. As small as SBW seems sometimes we have BIG capabilities!
I feel I am really blessed to have this opportunity in life. There is nothing I would rather do than be at SBW. I hope it never ends. No matter how busy you are, business could always be better. As long as I make a living at SBW, I am satisfied doing it on my own terms.
Hey, if you miss the way shops used to be give us a call at STEALTH BIKE WORKS, 704 -882-0889. You will be glad you did! SBW, “BIKERS SERVING BIKERS!”

Until next week, RIDE!

BIKERNET WIFE CHOOSING ADVICE–A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.
The first does a total make over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon gets her hair done, new make up and buys several new outfits and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much.
The man was impressed.
The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much.
Again, the man is impressed.
The third invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times the $5,000. She gives him back his $5000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much.
Obviously, the man was impressed.
The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money he’d given her.
Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs.
Men are like that, you know.
–from Rev CarlR

THE BROTHEL—Two Irishmen were sitting in a pub having beer and watching the brothel across the street.
They see a Baptist minister walk into the brothel, and one of them says, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see a man of the cloth goin’ bad.”
Then they see a rabbi enter the brothel, and the other Irishman says, “Aye, ’tis a shame to see that the Jews are fallin’ victim to temptation as well.”
Then they see a catholic priest enter the brothel, and one of the Irishmen says, “What a terrible pity…one of the girls must be dying.
–from Nick Roberts

HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DOESN’T SUPPORT TROOPS–WESTCHASE, Fla., (March 10) – When Stacey Kelley’s husband, Army Pvt. David Kelley who is serving in Iraq, sent her a cardboard sign expressing support for U.S. troops overseas, she put it up in the yard of her suburban Tampa, Fla., home.
Kelley, 24, never imagined that it would raise controversy, or that she would be threatened with a $100-a-day fine if she refused to take it down.
“I’ve been in tears. I couldn’t believe that they wanted me to take it down,” she said. The Westchase Homeowners Association threatened her with the $100 a day for up to 10 days because the sign is in violation of association rules, but Kelley said she was ready to pay.
“If I have to pay, I’ll pay the fines. My husband says the same thing,” she said. “If we have to pay them, we’ll pay them. If they’re gonna try to give us more than a thousand-dollar fine, there’s enough people out there that are willing to help me out.”
It was an issue that caused a conflict for the association’s president, who is also an Army reservist. Daryl Manning, an Iraq War veteran, said he hoped that some compromise could be worked out.
–ABC News affiliate WFTS-TV in Tampa, Fla., contributed to this report.

GRAVESITE FLAGS STOLEN AGAIN–Well, it’s happened again. My bro’s been at Historyland Memorial Park on Rte. 301 in King George, Va since we lost him to cancer in October 2003 at the age of 45. We have always flown Harley flags for him at his gravesite. His flags are visible from the highway because he is right under one of the three large crosses that line the road. We never had a problem until the first of this year.
This time not only was the flag removed but the flagpole as well. Just yanked right out of the ground and off it went somewhere. I can’t ride by a house between there and Colonial Beach where I live without checking everyone’s front yard. I have visions of seeing it somewhere and ripping it out of someone’s front yard and hoping no one calls the cops.
Just let me find the person doing this – I’m a redhead with a temper – maybe I’ll rig up a camera of some sort…Probably some wannabe on a Yamahaha.
Thx for your help last time, Bandit. I kind of hoped when I went to visit Woody, which I do every week, that some thoughtful biker might leave him a memorial of some sort.
This is so wrong man..
–Gayle Maxine

MANCUSO HARLEY BURNS RUBBER WITH D&D PERFORMANCE EXHAUST– When enthusiasts come into the MancusoHarley-Davidson Dealership in Houston, Texas looking for more power for theirHarley, Walter Birmingham, Assistant Parts Manager, recommends a performancepackage that includes exhaust pipes from D&D Performance Exhaust.
A common way to add ponies to a V-twin engine is to add a high flow aircleaner, jet kit or fuel injection module and a high-performance exhaustpipe. These three upgrades working together will show the biggest bang forthe buck.
“We have four criteria in selecting a pipe that include performance, fit,finish and heat shields,” said Birmingham. “If D&D didn’t meet theperformance standards we wouldn’t recommend them. They are that good. Theyconsistently out perform Samson, Reinhart and Hooker.”
Birmingham has indicated that Service Technician, Jeff Skipski, is on thedealership’s dynamometer daily and acknowledges the difference betweenmanufacturers. “As an example, we started with a stock Sportster that produced60 HP at the crank,” said Skipski. “We added a pipe, high flow air cleaner anda jet kit to the package. When finished running it through its paces we weremaking 78HP. That’s a great bump in performance.”
“Horsepower at the drive-ability range from idle to 4,500 rpm is the sweetspot for Harley riders,” said Dave Rash, Mr. D&D. “You can see, feel andhear the difference immediately. Our pipes not only look good, they make theHarleys sound just the way they are supposed to.”
D&D Performance Exhaust pipes are torture-tested on D&D’s state-of-the-artin-house Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air dynamometer. This is done incombination with the Super Flow Bench and the first in the industry, multicylinder Lambda Fuel Air Ratio Sensors. They are interfaced with the Dynofor real time meter and graph analysis. Each pipe is dyno tuned for maximumperformance and sound.

AMERICA’S MOST EXCITING AND UNIQUE MOTORCYCLE EVENT —The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Sponsored by – July 15 &16th 2006.
The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend takes place every 3rd weekend in July at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach / Los Angeles.The July 15-16th 2006 weekend was the the Show’s 15th annual event. Its extraordinary growth and success is credited to its unique and exciting motorcycle pinup calendar theme based on the popular Calendars produced by Show producer Jim Gianatsis, and featuring America’s top custom builders, bikes, and manufacturers together with beautiful calendar models. The Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend has grown to become the biggest Custom and Performance Streetbike Show in America (and possibly the World) focused on the custom, cruiser and high performance sport / streetbike markets.
Spectator attendance reaches close to 20,000 hard core motorcycle enthusiasts at the exciting 2-day weekend. Exhibitors include 195 major motorcycle and parts manufacturers, with selected product and apparel venders added into the mix to keep it fun for the entire family. Spectators have a chance to meet top celebrity custom bike builders and attend free Iron & Lace Calendar Bike Builder Seminars with America’s top celebrity builders including Russell Mitchell, Jesse Rooke and Roland Sands and Chica. All weekend long you can watch or enter your own bike in the exciting Jardine World Record Horsepower Dyno Shoot Out.
Then on Sunday see the world’s top custom bikes in the Performance Machine Calendar Show Bike Building Championship with a record breaking purse of our $70,000 in cash and awards featuring the new RoadBike Magazine Metric Class, while enjoying the exciting new Metric Midway featuring Japanese Cruisers, European and Japanese Sportbikes.

BCCOM NEEDS VOLUNTEERS–We are currently looking for volunteers to help out at the BCCOM booth atthe Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show on March 25-26th at the Tradex Centrein Abbotsford.
The shifts are as follows:
Saturday, March 25th:
Sunday, March 26th:
Volunteers will receive free admission to the show the day of their shift.
If you are able to help out please contact us at , (604)580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111.
Thank you for your support!!
DATE: MARCH 25-26, 2006
LOCATION: Tradex Centre, Abbotsford, BC
Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show Inc.
Phone: (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111
Fax: (604) 580-0114

AMA BONNEVILLE RACING RULES AVAILABLE–The AMA supplemental regulations are now available for free download on our website! These rules are also available on the AMA website and printed copies will be available from the AMA soon.
Now both AMA and FIM rules are available and please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding any of the rules. we can help point you in the right direction.
We have also got another great hotel dicount deal at the Wendover Nugget for the duration of our meet. Only $19.95 a night during the week (Mon-thurs) is hard to beat. Over the long weekend their rates are almost half their regular rate so get in early as rooms are limited at this great deal! Check out our website for the prices and discount codes to make your reservation.
Entry details are being finalized and details will be updated soon. An email will be sent out as soon as they are available.
There have been a number of changes to our website. We hope this helps you navigate better to find your way around (if you discover any broken links please let me know!!).
Once again if you have any questions regarding rules, or about the event in general please don’t hesitate to drop us an email or give us a call.
International Motorcycle Speed Trials by BUB Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489
OUR THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: Pingel Ent, American Dealer News/, Wendover Nugget, NHRS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros Racing,

TURN UP THE VOLUME BIKERNET RADIO RUMBLES WITH MR. D&D–Bikernet Radio interviews Dave Rash, Mr. D&D Performance Exhaust, at the V-TwinExpo in Cincinnati. Branscombe Richmond provides the on-air talent.
Tune In and Turn On – To hear the show logon to Bikernet Radio PodcastShow.
Industry Leaders Know D&D – Industry insiders know what a set of D&D pipes cando for a Harley-Davidson V-Twin engine. Dave’s years at Bonneville androad racing has allowed him to extend the performance aspects of the pipe intothe product line. “D&D provides the best combination of power and sound and theyoffer the best finish in the business,” said Bob Kay, Vice President Sales and Marketing,Hardbikes.

SMOKE OUT WEST IN DATE LIMBO–Please don’t plug the Smoke Out west yet.Well, you can say we are having itbut the weekend we had planned seems to also bea jazz weekend that we weren’t told aboutand all the rooms are booked for that date.So we are probably are going to move it back a weekendSept to the 14 and 15.

BUILD A BIKE TO FIT THIS PIPE– Doug Keim Creative Cycles’ (DKCC) 3-Oh-Nine Bare exhaust pipe is offered in raw steel, ready for your finishing touches. Features include: stepped head pipes, a 2-into-1 merge-style collector, a huge 3-inch outlet and ultra-heavy gauge steel tubing throughout the pipe. The 3-Oh-Nine Bare pipe will fit all H-D Evo and Twin Cam big twin models (except ’06 models with ’02 sensors) as well as most custom applications with forward controls.
Note: Rear head pipe may interfere with some large diameter OEM air cleaner covers. This pipe is pure potential.
For more information, contact: Doug Keim Creative Cycles, (732) 751-1403,

DEAL OF THE WEEK–Wanted to drop a line your way, as you may know someone (or a visitor toyour site) interested. I’m selling the Pyrotec feature bike that was shownon Bikernet.
I’m jonesing to build another. BAD. Anyway I’m asking $22K, ora close offer.
–John Beck
DROP THE HAMMER–We finished the news. I need to find a Happy Hour and grab a couple of shots. It’s my goddamn birthday. I’m 58 and it’s all bullshit. Why do we celebrate getting old? I’ll tell you guys something. Grab all the adventures you can while you’re young. Don’t be proud of missing vacations and working your ass off. There’s really not any amount a man can pay you for a slice of your life. You could be gone tomorrow, disabled or old. Then what the fuck are you going to do. Can’t chase girls if you can’t get out of bed in the morning. Get it. So take good care of yourselves and make sure you treat each minute like gold.
Enough of that bullshit. I’m still on the move, but slower. I’m riding to Sturgis this year, then back to LA. Then we’re riding to Bonneville to the Bubs International Speed Trials. We’re working on our bikes like crazy, tearing up this building and busting our asses on Bikernet to make it the hottest, most informative, most fun, Biker media on the planet.

We got wheels on the Bonne Belle this week and I’m pumped. We may add Performance Machine brake calipers and rotors next week. Oh, and I discovered the perfect rear fender this week from Kraft Tech. We will mount it this weekend and all the sheet metal will go to paint. I need to find a source for aircraft fasteners with safety wires. I need to hit up my connection.

Time to hit the little dive joint down the street for a stiff drink. Oh, get this from Time magazine. Some 48 million dollars was an AIDS prevention grant that the U.S. refused to renew because Brazil will not state formally that prostitution is dehumanizing. Unbelievable. I’ll bet that prostitution will be legalized here in the next five years.
Ride Forever,