Check the Daytona Reports on the home page. Seems you can’t believe anything you read or hear. The accident statistics are blown out of proportion, so are the stolen motorcycle numbers and even the attendance numbers.
According to the Tin Man, Rogue, Lee Clemens and other worldly Bikernet sources, ya can’t trust anyone.
“Man that was too fuckin’ freaky. As soon as I sent you the story about how screwed up things are around here (someone’s reading Bikernet) your e-mail about stolen bikes was in my box,” said the Tin Man
“To answer your question, yeah I saw that tired bullshit how they doubled or tripled the numbers. Every thing here is blown out of proportion. Must be these good citizens that report this shit need to justify just how badly they’re needed. Job security I suppose. Does “Task Force” really ring true to you? Didn’t think so.”
But the bottom Line is that the brothers and sisters who dodged the cops felt the warmth of the southern sun, saw slinky bathing suits and the best the motorcycle industry has to offer. If that’s not enough Quentin Tarantino new bloody badass biker Pistolero movie is coming. That’s three Biker movies this year. Let’s hit the news:

BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES AND ITS DEALERS SCORE HIGH IN INDUSTRY REPORTS–Motorcycle Dealers Rank Big Dog Motorcycles As The #1 American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer While The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index Puts The Company’s Dealers At#2 In Providing The Best Shopping Experience.
WICHITA, Kansas (March 14, 2007) – Big Dog Motorcycles?, the world’s largest manufacturer of custom motorcycles, is pleased to announce that it has scored high marks in two industry studies: The 2007 DealerNews magazine OEM Report Card, a dealer survey, and the Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index, a customer survey.
DealerNews magazine’s OEM Report Card ranked Big Dog Motorcycles higher than competitive motorcycle brands in several categories, in turn making the manufacturer the #1 American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer. The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index placed Big Dog Motorcycles dealerships at #2 in providing the best shopping experience. This study is the first of its kind in the motorcycle industry.
“From our motorcycle styling and performance, to the programs we offer our dealers, satisfaction is at the core of everything Big Dog Motorcycles does. It’s fantastic news that our dealers continue to be extremely pleased with Big Dog Motorcycles and that customers are also having satisfying retail experiences within the dealership,” commented Sheldon Coleman, company founder and CEO.
“Receiving such high marks is great achievement by the entire Big Dog Motorcycles team – from those building the bikes to the dealer network that sales them,” he added.
2007 DealerNews OEM Report Card
In late 2006, more than 8,000 dealers graded their OEM partners on a scale from one to ten in 17 criteria in three categories: products, dealer support, and programs. Specific criteria ranged from product craftsmanship to visual appeal; promotional and training programs; and communications and credibility.
Nearly every dealer in Big Dog Motorcycles’ 100-dealer network responded to the survey.
Big Dog Motorcycles scored above the industry average in 14 of the 17 criteria and scored above Harley-Davidson and Victory in 13 criteria. These numbers clearly make Big Dog Motorcycles the number one American V-Twin Motorcycle Manufacturer.
“Exchanging ideas with our Dealer Advisory Council – and even the entire dealer body – has been integral in the constant improvement in our line of motorcycles, accessories, and apparel. The dealers are also extremely valuable as we develop the programs that support the dealer and make purchasing our bikes easier for the customer,” Coleman added.
“Seeing the results shows where we are strong, but also where we still need to focus. I am confident Big Dog Motorcycles will continue its reign in the motorcycle class as we continue to improve,” he continued.
The OEM Report Card was last issued in December 2004, in which Big Dog Motorcycles was also Ranked #1 above all other motorcycle manufacturers.
Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index
The Pied Piper Prospect Satisfaction Index report, administered by California-based Pied Piper Management Company from November 2006 to January 2007 and published in PowerSports Business magazine, rates the effectiveness of motorcycle dealer sales forces and the best shopping experience among top motorcycle brands. The report, calculated after nearly 400 shopper evaluations across the United States, was the first of its kind in the motorcycle industry.
Shoppers evaluated the retail experience for a specific motorcycle brand and never visited the same dealership twice. Evaluations were based on such criteria as the overall shopping experience, what products and services were offered, and salesman effectiveness. In total, over 50 key elements of the sales process were studied.
Big Dog Motorcycles dealers were ranked #2 (out of 7 companies) and well above the motorcycle industry average.
“The report’s findings are an amazing compliment to our dealers, their knowledge, effectiveness, and service,” Coleman added. “And it also confirms Big Dog Motorcycles’ commitment to delivering the best total customer service experience through our dealer training programs, improved product quality, forward-thinking styling, and valuable retail incentive programs,” Coleman said.
“The manufacturer that truly listens to the voice of the customer and the needs of the dealer and make necessary improvements is rewarded with great acknowledgements like these reports and, ultimately, long-term customer loyalty to the brand,” he added.

HELLS ANGELS SUES DISNEY–Hells Angels are suing Walt Disney for copyrightinfringement. Talk about what goes around comesaround. Only this time in nightmare form.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS is gonna be a lot funniermovie than that piece of crap Wild Hogs sewerfest.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
— jj


BREAKDOWN BLUES–Bandit, I`m a little pissed at what is happening with what is supposed to be a brotherhood. I went out for a Sunday ride on my ’52 Panny, 90 degrees outside, a great day for a ride. After a couple of hour run I stopped at the chicken and a couple of cold ones and continued home. At the 10 & the 215 fwy(which is Berdoo) my Pan decided to breakdown.
So there I am on the side of the 10 fwy tools out trying to fix her for about 2 1/2 hours with hundreds of Harleys ridin by lookin and not one mother fucker stopped to offer any help. Now I know there is a lot of drug store bikers out there but old schoolers were ridin by too.
My problem was only a broken wire to my ground and it’s my own fault I had everything but pliers. Finally a little blonde stops in her car to help and she let me use her finger nail clippers and with a drink of her soda I was good to go. So I need to know what the fuck is going on, I always stop if someone is on the side of the road? Is it because I wasn’t standing there wearing $2500.00 worth of leather from head to toe. Shit, I don’t think so. I thought this whining would help, but na I`m still fucking pissed. Later
–L & R Jay

In attendance to pick up the motorcycle from LifeStyle Cycles was (left to right) Richard Porras from Ride the Coast, Ben Gonzales from the Santa Ana Fire Department, Mark “Junior” Skolnick from LifeStyle Cycles, Derald Sidler from the Boys and Girls Club, Andre Peschong donator of the motorcycle, David Ream from the City of Santa Ana and Ken Pratt from Ride the Coast.
LIFESTYLE CYCLES CUSTOMER DONATES CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE TO BENEFIT LOCAL BOYS & GIRLS CLUB–Anaheim, California – It’s all about giving back to the community. That was the sentiment behind LifeStyle Cycles’ customer Andre Peschong donating his custom motorcycle for an opportunity drawing to help benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Ana, California.
“It’s really an honor for us to play a part in this worthwhile cause” says LifeStyle Cycles owner Mark “Junior” Skolnick, “All of us at LifeStyle Cycles realize the impact the Boys and Girl’s Club has on the youth of our area, and we’ll contribute to that any way we can.” Representatives from the Santa Ana Fire Department, the Boys and Girl’s Club, the City Manager of Santa Ana and a representative from Ride The Coast came to pick up the full custom motorcycle at LifeStyle Cycles.Tickets will be sold for the opportunity drawing through the Boys and Girls Club website (www.boysandgirlsclub.com) or can be purchased direct by calling Sandy at (714) 565-1098. The tickets are $10 each, or 3 for $25. The motorcycle will be given away at the “Ride The Coast” event (www.ridethecoast.com), Sunday June 24th. Only 10,000 tickets will be printed and numbered, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!
LifeStyle Cycles 16,000 square-foot facility is located at 1534 N. State College Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806. (714) 490-0155. Or visit them on the web at www.lifestylecycles.com.

TLC BIKER BUILD-OFF AND MOTORCYCLE MANIA NEWS– Just got back from Daytona. Very difficult but very successful shoot. Russell Mitchell built a bike for John Mellencamp in five days and Mellencamp took possession of it on Friday. Then he sang “Aint that America” to the assembled thousands. Very moving.
So this show called “Motorcycle Mania 4” will air on April 15th for sure. You could post that. But as far as the Biker Build Offs go… they keep shifting the dates around. It sucks.
Here’s the new dates:
As of now, Ep. 19 will premiere on 3/29 and Ep. 18 will premiere on 4/5.
BBO 518 is Scott Webster vs. Dawn Norakas and BBO 519 is James Compton vs. Andrew Williams (Departure Bike Works)
–Hugh King and Kelly Moran
Original Productions

D&D EXHAUST WORKS WITH BIKERNET AND UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS ON NOISE STUDY–D&D Exhaust reviewed the Bikernet Independent Noise study and forwarded our ghetto findings to the engineering class at the University of Texas. “We set up a testing arena and tested all of our exhaust against the federal 80 db standard,” said Dave Rash, the President of D&D. “This calls for a decibel meter 50 feet from a motorcycle passing at 3000 rpm or 35 mph. In each case our exhaust systems passed the EPA requirements, some as low as 72 db. We completely agree with your standings and support your efforts to save lives and create a better understanding between motorcyclists and the community.”
Here’s a link to the Bikernet study: http://www.bikernet.com/news/PageViewer.asp?PageID=902

TEMPTRESS CHOPPERS SPORTY–Just completed a new sporty based chopper. Any interest in publishing it?
–Nick Kasik

Crazyhorse is going to handle this bike in our Reader’s Showcase area. That’s an area on Bikernet where we feature reader’s rides or you can post your own bike feature. It’s there for you.

HERITAGE RALLY CANCELLED–Effective immediately the 2007 Heritage Motorcycle Rally (also know as Bike Week Charleston) in Charleston, South Carolina has been cancelled. This cancellation includes all concerts, bike shows, car show, the Million Dollar Bike Build-Off and all other events scheduled to be held at the Exchange Park Fairgrounds and/or Kicknhorse Saloon during what was called the Heritage Motorcycle Rally. This cancellation is for 2007 and all other years following.
All concert ticket holders will receive a refund on ticket purchases. Please request refunds from the place of purchase. All radio and television stations participating in promotions have been informed of the decision to cancel the Heritage and all its associated events. All area Hotels and selected national motorcycle magazines are being notified of the event cancellation to help prevent persons coming into Charleston from traveling here for this event. The websites have been changed to reflect the cancellation as well.
The Heritage staff has always presented this event as a safe, “Family Oriented” National Motorcycle Event. And with the combined efforts of most of the motorcycle organizations in the area that has been the case. All of Charleston was promised that in 2003 by the promoter Dave Harvey when this event started. Today he does not believe that he can provide a safe environment in the Charleston area for this event to be held. It is with great sorrow that this historic event had to be cancelled due to attitudes and behaviors of some persons throughout the motorcycle community.
MAYBE WE SHOULD PRAY–There once was a religious young woman who went to Confession. Upon entering the confessional, she said, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”
The priest said, “Confess your sins and be forgiven.”
The young woman said, “Last night my biker boyfriend made mad passionate love to me seven times.”
The priest thought long and hard and then said, “Squeeze sevenlemons into a glass and then drink the juice.”
The young woman asked, “Will this cleanse me of my sins?”
The priest said, “No, but it will wipe that smile off of your face.”
ANOTHER BIKERNET RELIGIOUS MOMENT– An old Biker walks into a confessional. The following conversation ensues:
Biker: “I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years,many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday, Ipicked up two college girls, hitchhiking. We went to a motel, whereI had sex with each of them three times.”
Priest: “Are you sorry for your sins?”
Man: “What sins?”
Priest: “What kind of a Catholic are you?”
Man: “I’m Jewish.”
Priest: “Why are you telling me all this?”
Man: “I’m 92 years old …. I’m telling everybody.”
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
PRESIDENTIAL CANTIDATE TOMMY THOMPSON ON YOU TUBE WITH CHARLIE BRECHTEL–Team Tommy is a group of bikers who came together to promote and endorse Tommy Thompson for President. The group includes my wife and I, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, New York Myke, Jeff Hennie, Dave “Chubby” Charlebois, Rogue, Dave Zien and others in the motorcycle community. We want to bring as many bikers to Ames, Iowa on August 11th as possible for the Straw Poll Vote there. Tommy Thompson, former Governor of Wisconsin and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, is our candidate and should be yours too.
Visit the link below to hear what some of us are saying about him, and watch for further developments and news about the ride and party we are planning for Ames, Iowa in August.
–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Founder, ABATE of Wisconsin / BOLT

VIPER POWERSPORTS LISTED ON THE NASD–Viper Powersports Inc, the Big Lake MN motorcycle manufacturer announced today that it has changed its primary trading venue from Pink Sheets to the NASD Electronic Bulletin Board. (OTCBB: VPWS). Viper Powersports develops, produces and markets a line of premium custom V-Twin cruiser motorcycles, aftermarket engines and other related aftermarket products. Viper cruisers are distributed and sold under the Viper brand name through a nationwide independent dealer network. The Company designs and manufactures custom motorcycles, accessories and motorcycle engine component parts with patented technology using Computer Aided Design (CAD). Many of the motorcycle and motorcycle engine component parts are machined from solid billets of aluminum utilizing Computer-Numerical-Control (CNC) machines.
The above news item came from the Cyril Huze blog.

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