TELEPHONE SCAM ALERT–I received a telephone call last evening from an individual identifying himself as an AT&T service technician who was conducting a test ontelephone lines. He stated that to complete the test, I should touchnine(9), zero(0), the pound sign (#), and then hang up.
Luckily I wassuspicious and refused. Upon contacting the telephone company, I wasinformed that by pushing 90#, you give the requesting individual fullaccessto your telephone line, which enables them to place long distancecallsbilled to your home phone number. I was further informed that thisscamhas been originating from many local jails/prisons. I have alsoverifiedthis information with UCB Telecom, Pacific Bell, MCI, Bell Atlantic andGTE. Please beware. DO NOT press 90# for anyone. The GTE SecurityDepartment requested that I share this information with everyone I know.

DEAL OF THE WEEK–They are Atlantic Technology Speaker System Sets Atlantic Technology, makers of high-end home theater speakers and equipment, introduces an incredible set of high-end computer/multimedia speakers with sub woofer and stands.This is an outstanding speaker system that retails for $360.I am selling them for $85 a pair, plus $10 shipping.I have 800 pairs and will also consider a quanity price break. Contact me at:
–Just call me the peddle princess!
?Fit for Golf? Bootcamp–How’s this for a Bikernet exclusive? Dr. Hamster is writing a book on pain-free golf. Along with the book comes a personal seminar, and here’s his L.A. location.
Want more distance and better scores? Then improve your fitness and physical conditioning! In this workshop you will learn what top players in the game are doing to condition their bodies and swing for the maximum performance. Drills and exercises to improve stamina and strength and overall scoring potential. Taught by sports physician Christian Reichardt, aka Dr. Hamster, and PGA tour instructor, Bob Cisco. Vital to play your best golf!
Results you can expect:
– more flexibility, strength and endurance
– more distance and accuracy
– less pain and soreness
– a better game!
Dates: Saturday, March 24
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Location: Cascade Golf Course, Sylmar where the 405/5/210 freeways meet
Cost: $195 per person
For reservations, call Dr. Reichardt at (310) 829-0453
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!”— Benjamin Franklin
PARACHUTIST LANDED ON BEER VENDOR– at acoleslaw wrestling match during central Florida’s raucous “Bike Week”celebration, seriously injuring the vendor, sheriff’s deputies said.
The accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon at Sopotnick’s CabbagePatch bar in Samsala, which sponsors an annual coleslaw wrestling.
Just before the women wrestlers squared off in a pit full of cabbageand oil, a sky diver hired to parachute into the makeshift arena was blown off courseby high winds. The victim, Sherri Lee, 37, waswalking with a tray full of beer near the beverage concession, where she andother members of a local charity were working.
“We yelled, ‘Move, dummy,’ but she never looked up because it happenedso quick,” biker Dave “D.R.” Paul told the Orlando Sentinel.

MCCLURE MOVED–Maybe Out on Monday.Moments after she arrived at her Florida home, about an hour from the Orlando hospital, Phyllis McClure received a call that Jim would be moved to a room late Friday night.
“Today was a really long day. I’m just beat. But this is great news. They’re moving him tonight. They’ll give him a big dose of medicine so he’ll sleep through the night after all of that moving around. If everything goes like it’s been going, they may release him on Monday.”
“I figure that by the Richmond race, he’ll be ready. We’ll work with our orthopedic doctor at home as soon as we get there. Unfortunately, there’s no way we can run Rockingham.”
To send the McClures a note, go to A postal address for cards, etc. will be posted as soon as possible.
I love this job…. all the bikes, booze and sex I can read about.

ESCAPE TO THE CANTINA–It’s coming down to the bottom line. We’re about to finish the Buttera desk, and for some reason I seem caught up on the numerous deadlines that plague me like a recurring flu, but I love it. Even more I love the touch of a woman, a glass of Jack and a smooth running engine.
We’re planning to ride to the Beverly Hills Bike Show this weekend to rub elbows with the rich and expensive. On second thought, I might just ride on by and blaze back to the ghetto on the coast and … we’ll see.
Enjoy the weekend, it’ll never come around again, and for everyone’s hard work and dedication, join the Cantina. If for nothing else, Jon Towle’s illustrations are priceless. Let’s ride–Bandit