March 13, 2008 Part 1


cuties n banner fake


Whatta week. I left the gate open and our two black mutts escaped. I’m turning 60–holy crap, and someone in communist China hacked Bikernet and shut us down for days… How was your week?

Here’s my Thursday update: We caught one of the dogs trying to cross the border into Mexico. We’re posting wanted posters for the other mutt, “Tank,” around SoCal. I’m still turning 60, but I’m looking for a cure to halt the process. Regarding the hacker, I wonder whether it’s that company who tried to sell me anti-hacking software, or the fact that I’m a fan of the Dali Lama and support Sherpas in Tibet. Hell I don’t know, but we’re trying to trace the source.

hank on back 2


The feeling was far worse than having a car stolen. I look at Bikernet as a 10-year compilation of weekly magazines. It’s the home and the archive, to thousands of articles, 10 years of historic chrome reporting and momentous sexual annals. I didn’t want to even begin to think about losing it. It’s my life, your life, and our history.

I need to profusely thank our master web king, Jason for coming to our rescue. He watches out for two families, works for the man full time, and lords over several other motorcycle industry web sites. He’s a biker and understands when shit must be handled. Thanks brother!

With that we better hit the news:


BIKERNET FINDS A STURGIS HOME AT THE GLENCOE CAMP– “We should do a story on the development of Glencoe from only a few acres to over 920 acres and from one food facility to three and to three shower houses, Thunder Road bike shows, the Glencoe Amphitheater etc.” said Krista from Glencoe. “That’s when the price jumped from $125 or so, to $300. This year we have two wristbands though. One is $175, if you just want to camp and then you can pay additional for the all inclusive band.”

We will bring you camping tips, the entertainment line-up and our Brouhaha bike show and party all day, Friday, at the Thunder Road. I’m bringing the famous 5-Ball trophies and Kevin Baas is making the 1st place mega trophies.


FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE SEIZURE BILL–Update re: HB137. House infrastructure committee met at 8:30 this morning to address HB137 the bill that provides for seizure of Motorcycles and revocation of Motorcycle Endorsement for up to 10 years for “certain” reckless driving offenses.

Despite calls and e-mails alerting people of the meeting and the importance of attending and voicing any concerns there were only three that showed to address the bill, one, the Motorcycle Industry Council representative who arrived late attempting to get clarification on certain issues and didn’t get to speak.

There was late notice as to the agenda of this meeting and confusion over amendments, clarifications and agreements that many in attendance were not aware of and had no chance to review.

Apparently to address questionable issues from the last committee hearing on the 137, there has been a redefinition of the term “wheelie” however if anyone knew what the final definition was it was not announced or discussed. The discriminatory issues that were addressed at the last meeting pertaining to the bill only addressing motorcycles was resolved by amending the bill to include “all vehicles.” The seizure of motorcycles/vehicles was addressed by moving the seizure option to the third offense.

One person who was present to speak on another issue, rose to voice his opposition to the bill and then waived his time.

The next person to speak was the lobbyist for ABATE of Florida who stated that his organization opposed the bill and made a pitch for stiffer penalties for those who violate motorcycle right of way causing injury and/or death to the motorcyclists.

I was called after the ABATE’s lobbyist and attempted to address the bill from a perspective relating to the state Supreme courts declaration last summer that they had significant concerns regarding the constitutionality of vehicle seizures as they are being done in Florida. Also mentioning Miami vs. Wellman (1-23-08) wherein the Third district court of Appeals with Supreme Court approval declared the city of Miami’s program of vehicle seizures unconstitutional on three points to include, denial of due process and “the city’s (Miami) preponderance of the evidence standard of guilt was too weak for a statute that deprives individuals of their personal property”. Putting the 12 million dollars Miami has earned from the sale of confiscated vehicles at risk.

I then when on to reiterate the ABATE lobbyists concerns about draconian measures to address this issue and the minimal penalties received by persons who kill and maim motorcyclists by violating their right of way. Also expressing the contention that this bill may in fact lead to more deaths as more motorcyclists may be inclined to run if they thought seizure of their bikes was imminent.

Neither the ABATE lobbyist nor I were asked any questions.

–by Robert “RC” Conroy

–from Bruce Arnold


BIKERNET BONNEVILLE BOOK TEASE–Here’s the cover of our Wolfgang Bonneville Book. I can’t tell you much more until the publisher releases the news. It will be available in less than a month. I’ll see if the most articulate biker on the planet, Bill Hayes, will write a review. It will be a must read for anyone pondering the thought of going after a Bonneville record.


THE BAKER DD7: WAY MORE TO IT THAN AN EXTRA GEAR–HASLETT, MIThe Baker DD7, Direct Drive 7-Speed is being developed as a direct replacement of the Cruise Drive Harley-Davidson factory 6-speed to improve it in many ways besides just adding another gear.

Many complain that the factory 1st gear is too tall and these bikes feel bogged-down at the stoplight. The DD7 has a shorter 1st gear for improved get-up-and-go.

In transmission design low mainshaft weight is always desirable for smooth and quiet shifts. The factory mainshaft is a one-piece design that includes1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears. The audible shift clunk in the factory 6-speed is caused by the heavy rotating weight and the resultant high inertia of the 1-piece forged mainshaft. The DD7 mainshaft is light weight and only includes the small 1st gear as an integral part to keep weight down. The shift clunk is absolutely minimized.

Shift smoothness in the factory 6-speed is a definite improvement over the 5-speed. The DD7 is a big improvement over the factory 6-speed because it incorporates a new linear roller ball detent as part of the supplied billet top cover. This linear roller ball detent is similar to the technology first used in Baker TorqueBox transmissions. In the Baker DD7, the shift drum is designed to help the rider find neutral every time, like with all other Baker transmissions.

The factory 6-speed has straight cut 1st and 5th gears. This yields gear noise in 1st and 5th.The Baker DD7 has a full set of helical gears for quiet operation in every gear.

Because of the shorter first gear and following gear ratios, testers report that the bike feels like motor work has been done. The shift quality is unheard of as well.

The Harley-Davidson factory 6-speed ratios are: 1st (3.34), 2nd (2.30), 3rd (1.71), 4th (1.41), 5th (1.18), 6th (1.00).

The Baker DD7 transmission will have the following ratios: 1st (3.76), 2nd (2.75), 3rd (2.06), 4th (1.55), 5th (1.27), 6th (1.10), 7th (1.00).

The BAKER DD7 is scheduled to be available late summer/early Fall 2008.


HACKER BLUES–Damn Hacker!I’ll kill him for you!

Last week I pulled out my credit card to purchase gas and it was denied.Later in the day same deal for groceries.So I called customer service and found out some one was on a spending spree in Paris with my damn card number!

My Capital One was in someone else’s pocket!The card was stopped and it will all straighten out I’m told.

Couple Jokes to cheer you up.

What’ the difference between Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton and George Bush?Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam

Here’s my favorite:Greek and an Italian are debating.

Greek claims “We had Alexander the Great”

Italian replies “We had Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire”

Greek claims “We built the Acropolis”

Italian replies “We built the Coliseum”

Greek claims “We invented Sex!”

The Italian thought a moment and then replied ” Yes, but we introduced it to women!”

In the words of Bill Clinton “I feel your pain” about the site being down. The oilfield company I work for has one of the largest computer networks in the world. Computer and web protection is a HUGE deal and it is always threatened with compromise.

Take a ride down Long Beach, down a shot and grab a girl.Trust in God and the hacker bastard will get run over by a truck.


1772-Torx Set

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–7-in-1 Torx key SetThis tool features seven of the most popular Torx? keys in a folding pocket size case.

Torx keys are heat treated alloy steel. Folded length is 4-1/4-inch.

No.1772 – Torx Key Sizes: T-10, T-15, T-20, T-25, T-27, T-30, T-40

Suggested Retail Price $33.10

New Jims banner

BOX OF ROSES FROM BIKERNET– Went to the Post Office yesterday. Had a little yellow slip telling me a package too large for my mailbox had to be picked up at the post office box(window).

The lady closed her box (heh-heh) just as I came up. Just my luck.

Went again today and she handed me a large brown box. Return address was Bikernet.

Looked like a box of roses. I could use some roses to spiffy up the casa.

My first guess as to the contents was roses from El Bandido. Nah, couldn?t be.

Got home and tore it open ta see what the fuck was sent. I hadn?t ordered anything so whatdafuck?

In it was a buncha fanfuckintastic stuff worth gold.

Shit! It was gold.

Better than gold to me anyway.

First, before I tell you what was in it let me tell ya it was worth $ 3,540.94.Not including the $8.04 postage Bikernet paid ta send it to ME!

In the box were posters. I am going to put these up in my bike garage.

If I was married (Listen up ladies! I am divorced), the wife would definitely blow me a shitstorm of grief to take them down that would certainly lead to divorce. This saved me a lotta aggravation and anger and also saved me about three grand ($3000.oo) for a lawyer to divorce the now ex Mrs. Gootie.

Also in the box was a magazine. I just had spinal injections yesterday for pain from something called spondiolisomething. Worth $3.99 clams and it gave me awesome reading while laying down recovering.

Also in the box were two books. Orwell and Biker Code. The reading time will be worth a helluvalotmore than the $26.95 price on the covers. Worth in actuality-Priceless! Since I am down from this spinal injection procedure crap for a few days, let?s place a value on it of about $500.oo clams.

In the box was a black Tee shirt. Don?t know how the Bandit crew knew my favorite color (black) (and size) but it did touch my heart and almost produced a tear.Value? Well I?d say about twenty bucks.

In the box were a few outfuckinstandin stickers. Value? I?d say about ten clams more or less.

Why the fuck am I wasting your time and mine on this??????????????????

Cuz I sincerely appreciate this gift box. It came at a time that I am down for a few days. Worried as hell about if I am gonna have to have spinal fusion surgery and if I will be able to work anymore. Doctor said that these spinal injections may help for some time and might help keep me from having the final spinal bone fusion for a couple of years or more if it works.

So I went for it and receiving this gift box came at a somewhat down time when I am dying to jam on my scoot but have to heal up for a few days before I even consider getting on my bike.

This stuff will help pass the time lying in bed a few days drinking beer and whiskey and eating pain killers like candy.

I guess this is just my way of saying thanks to Bandit and his crew.

Perfect timing amigos,

Now where?s the roses?


RMD Billet Smuggler Rear

RMD BILLET ‘SMUGGLER’ WHEEL–Simple in function, superior in design. RMD BILLET has done it again. The “SMUGGLER” wheel is their latest innovation. This one-piece wheel carries a look like none other known released in the market place. There is ten interchangeable billet spokes on each wheel that can be finished in unlimited possibilities. The wheel can be finished in the same or contrast look from the spokes. Variety of sizes available.

Please contact RMD BILLET at 507-348-8877 or visit them on the web at

RMD Billet
Shannon or Lisa Rodman
212 3rd St W.
Jasper, MN 56144507-348-8877

spitfire transparent

THUNDER MOUNTAIN CUSTOMS RELEASED THE TMC SPITFIRE SPORTSTER BASED CHOPPER–Thunder Mountain Customs unveiled their TMC SPITFIRE to the public on Sunday, March 2nd at Destination Daytona. Want to ride a Spitfire? There are still some availabilities for you to take a ride on the new Spitfire to see how well it handles and looks on the road. Please contact Piper Fairbanks for questions at (970)232-6812.

Custom Chrome Banner

CUSTOM CHROME ANNOUNCED COMPLETION OF DAE-IL USA– Korean OEM manufacturer unveils plans for investment and restoration of the once iconic v-twin industry pioneer.

Morgan Hill, CA – March 10, 2008 – Global Motorsport Group, Inc., announced Friday that the sale of all GMG U.S. operations, including its Custom Chrome, Motorcycle Stuff, Jammer divisions, and the stock of Custom Chrome Europe to Dae-IL USA was successfully completed. “As of today, March 7, 2008, GMG has been reborn,” said Sung Moon Kim, Chairman of Dae-IL USA and new owner of Global Motorsport Group, Inc.

With the announcement of new ownership came the introduction of Nace Panzica, one of the original founders of Custom Chrome, and now Chief Executive Officer, Global Motorsport Group, Inc. and President, Dae-IL USA Inc. While addressing employees, Panzica made his intentions clear to restore the company’s core competencies in customer service and innovative proprietary product lines and return the company to it’s position as an industry leader. Panzica repeated the 37-year-old company’s brand statement, “World’s finest products for Harley-Davidsons,” to a roar of applause during a company all-hands meeting, emphasizing the company’s historic vision of excellence in the market and his commitment to see the company return to a position of strength.

Present for the announcement were Chairman Kim and In Hwan Kim, Vice President of Dae-IL Corp., which now owns GMG. “Today, GMG becomes a new company built on long-lasting relationships, family and friendships that will last forever,” said Chairman Kim. Indicating Dae-IL’s commitment to GMG’s success, Kim added that Dae-IL will provide the necessary investment to achieve the highest levels of industry fill rates to meet customer expectations.

Dae-IL, founded in 1976, is a world class Korean OEM manufacturer of parts for automobiles and motorcycles for companies such as General Motors, Daewoo, Mitsubishi, Polaris, Hyundai and Kia Motors, among others. Dae-IL’s relationship with Custom Chrome began in 1982, producing transmission parts and, later, the first RevTech? 4-speed transmission. Today the high performance line has grown to include RevTech? engines, transmissions and clutches.


BROTHER BILL DOWN–For the many people that knew my Brother William “BLUE” Herlihy I would like to thank All Of You For Your Recent Prayers For Bill.Bill passed away on March 8, 2008

Our family realizes that many of the people that would like to attend his service will not be able to do so.For those of you that can make it see the information below.If you can not make it Please consider thinking of him at that time.

Services For William Herlihy will be Saturday March 15th 1:00PM A Community Funeral Home & Sunset Cremation
910 West Michigan Street
Orlando, Florida 32805



Continued On Page 2

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