Continued From Page 3

BIKERNET DEALS OF THE WEEK–Kirk Taylor has decided to spread the wealth and sell off a few of his prized bikes, I have included descriptions and pictures.
Zombie Specs:
Chopper 6 up 4 out 40deg rake, 250 rear 18″, 8 over wide glide, 21″ front tire,Pro one tripple trees and legs,wheels and brakes PM Tresspassers and 4 piston calipers, 100″ Hybrid motor built by Dave Mackie-t.c. top-Meerch bottom, full polish and hand made manifold w/ S&S “G” ,Thunder jet w/west coast choppers A.C., Hand made 3 step polished S/S exhaust, 3″ BDL primary and polished 5 spd, Kandy Pagan Gold with Chromallusion Flames. Best of everything. Over 40K in parts.
V-Twin Feature Bike,Major Show Winner, Corbins Ride On, American Thunder ( X2) Chopper Nation, T.V. Big Screen, Metallicas ” some Kind of Monster” ridden by James Hetfield. Art of the Chopper II big coffee table book. Own a piece of Chopper History. $45K or partial trade considered, lets talk 415 382-6662 or 415 328-0660-cell

Chopper Guy Frame 35deg rake,1 1/2 stretch, 200mm Exile rear Wheel, 21″ Spool front, 2″ under wide glide, shaved legs, internal throttle , 16″ apes, Hand Made Exhaust, 96″ real Panhead, Best of Everything. Hand picked parts, S&S bottom, STD Heads,S&S Barrels Baisley Roller Rockers, S&S Oil Pump w/ Baisley Gears S&S “E” w/ thunder jet and Goodson Air Cleaner engraved by Tay Herrera.
Over $12,500 in Motor alone, Andrews Geared polished case, 4spd w/ 3″ open belt drive and handmade tin Primary beltguard, Suicide Shift -1 or 2 Kick Bike. Awesome Paint Job- Dupont Sema Show Vehicle, Major Show Winner- Easyriders,Dave Mann Chopper Fest,S.F. Rod and Custom Show. will be April or May 09 Easyrider Centerfold Bike. $35K or partial trade considered.
–Ken and Kirk

Jail Time For Injuring Motorcyclists?–A person who causes an accident that results in the injury or death of amotorcyclist would face tougher penalties under a proposal in the stateLegislature.
The proposal is one of a series of measures that would increase finesand penalties for certain traffic offenses.
The bill would make it a second-degree misdemeanor for a movingviolation that results in the injury of a person on a motorcycle. Itwould be punishable by a fine of at least $500, incarceration for 30days, attendance at a driver improvement course, and license suspensionfor 30 days.
A driver who causes an accident that results in the death of amotorcyclist would face a first-degree misdemeanor. That punishmentwould include a fine of at least $1,000, incarceration for at least 90days, attendance at a driver improvement course, and a licensesuspension for at least one year.
Some lawmakers disagree with the stiffer penalties saying they are tooharsh.
But the sponsor of the bill says the current fines aren’t harsh enough.Rep. Greg Evers says a stronger message needs to be sent to makemotorists more cautious when it comes to motorcycles on the state’shighways.
The bill was approved today (Wednesday) by the House Roads, Bridges &Ports Policy Committee. It passed on a vote of 17-2.
–from Rogue
This is an amazing bill. We need to support and watch this closely. The public needs to recognize how important motorcycling is to this country as a representative of what America stands for–Freedom. If they truly want to reduce accidents, this measure will enhance awareness.–Renegade

PPG HONORS ACS OF GEORGIA AS THE 2008 PLATINUM DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? March 12, 2009 ? PPG has honored ACS of Georgia with its Platinum Distributor of the Year Award. The presentation was made at the annual PPG Platinum Distributor Conference held February 12-14 in Las Vegas at the Green Valley Ranch Resort.
Dave Marlow and J. P. Uren, co-owners of the Chamblee, Georgia-based company, accepted the award from John Leavy, director of the PPG Platinum Distributor program.
?This is quite an honor,? said Marlow. ?J. P. and I are thrilled, and I know everyone at ACS will be just as excited. PPG has been extremely supportive and helped keep us focused and aggressive in the marketplace.?
?Receiving this award is very gratifying,? added Uren. ?We have all worked very hard to reach our Platinum program goals. It?s wonderful to be recognized this way.?
Marlow and Uren teamed up and bought ACS in 2006. They turned it into a PPG Platinum Distributor that same year. When they purchased ACS, the company had five locations in Georgia. Today, ACS has 44 employees in seven locations in metropolitan Atlanta, and a sister company with locations in southern Georgia and Alabama.
?ACS of Georgia has done a remarkable job,? said Leavy. ?Dave and J. P. and their employees consistently exemplify the attributes of a successful Platinum Distributor?industry knowledge, technical expertise, a commitment to customer service and a concerted effort to grow their business. We?re proud to name them PPG Platinum Distributor of the Year.?
PPG initiated the Platinum Distributor Program in 1995 as a loyalty and support program for PPG single-line distributors, with the ultimate goal of providing exceptional service and benefits for PPG Refinish customers. In order to be considered for the award, a Platinum Distributor must show consistent sales growth and utilize the Platinum program?s wide array of training and business development offerings.
For more information on the PPG Platinum Distributor program, call 800-647-6050 or visit the PPG Automotive Refinish website at

Jumpin’ Jeff Schneider and ILLConduct, push motorcycle stunt riding to new limits and provide cutting-edge shows sporting D&D Fat Cat performance pipes.
Stunt riders like D&D pipes because they not only look good, they increase performance, economy and throttle response. They deliver more bang for the buck on a stunt bike or your cruiser at home.
Stunt Video
–Jeff Najar

THE 22nd ANNUAL DONNIE SMITH BIKE SHOW–It’s cold in Minneapolis in March, but sizzling at the Donnie Smith Bike Show at the Saint Paul RiverCentre on Sat, March 28th & Sun, March 29th. Don?t miss it? Those guys in the great white North have nothing but 8 months out of the year to wrench on their custom sleds.
–Jeff Najar

MORE ON NEVADA HELMET LAW REPEAL–Assemblyman Leads Effort to Repeal Motorcycle Helmet LawFreedom to choose generates positive influence to economy.
Carson City, NV – Assemblyman Don Gustavson (R-Sparks) has introduced AB300 to repeal state law which mandates usage of a helmet while operating a motorcycle. The law has been in place since 1971. Gustavson?s bill would modify the current law to allow choice for motorcyclists 21 years or older with at least one year experience.
Gustavson is citing studies which prove that mandated helmet laws injure the economy while doing little to increase safety. Using California as an example, Gustavson said the death rate was 2% higher after passage of mandated helmet usage, while revenues continually declined due to loss of registration fees and sales taxes from weakened motorcycle sales. ?California used to account for one-fifth of all motorcycles in the United States, but they now suffer their lowest totals since 1969,? said Gustavson. ?Our neighbor suffered a 26% drop in new motorcycle sales in 1992-93 after passage of their mandatory helmet law resulting in job loss and costing the state nearly $17 million in lost tax & fee revenue.?
Gustavson said that tourism will increase in Nevada after the law is modified. Using Pennsylvania as an example, Gustavson pointed out that ?Thunder in the Valley? saw attendance jump from 70,000 to over 100,000 the very first year after their law was modified.
Gustavson also emphasized that repeal of current law will add jobs and multiply revenues to Nevada through additional sales and payroll taxes without increasing any new fees or taxes. After Florida reformed their helmet law, motorcycle sales jumped 143% in Florida in five years generating $166 million in sales tax revenue.
Gustavson said that tourism will increase in Nevada after the law is modified. Using Pennsylvania as an example, Gustavson pointed out that ?Thunder in the Valley? saw attendance jump from 70,000 to over 100,000 the very first year after their law was modified.
Gustavson also emphasized that repeal of current law will add jobs and multiply revenues to Nevada through additional sales and payroll taxes without increasing any new fees or taxes. After Florida reformed their helmet law, motorcycle sales jumped 143% in Florida in five years generating $166 million in sales tax revenue.
Gustavson said that expert witnesses will be on hand during committee hearings to provide case studies proving economic gains and to dispute claims that enforced helmet wearing has provided the safety benefits that some would expect.
Contact: Don Gustavson
Office: 775-684-8851
BIKERNET WROTE THE ASSEMBLYMAN IN SUPPORT– I’m very impressed with your effort to repeal the helmet laws. We’ve become a society that ignores freedom for anything that will supposedly save money or the environment.
Here’s a couple of statistics supporting freedom to choose:
Helmets in some cases cause a false sense of security and safety, and can cause accidents. I’ve experienced near collisions due to a restricted peripheral vision. Some riders aren’t so lucky.
Riding without a helmet affords riders the pure ability to see, hear and adjust to traffic demands.
About 5,000 riders die a year on motorcycles, about 20 percent due to head injuries. Some 44,000 die in car accidents each year, about 90 percent due to head injuries.
I have often thought that if we set up a road block and forced car drivers to wear helmets while driving through town, that we would never hear of helmet laws again.
May freedom shine in this effort. We need to remember this country was based on freedom, not safety and security. There’s no safety clause in the Constitution.
All the best,
–Keith R. Ball

BIKERNET SUPPORTS NEW MEMBERSHIP DRIVE FOR ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA–SPECTRO OIL A SPONSOR–I got home two days ago, and crashed from exhaustion. I love Daytona!!! I had an amazing time, there is so much more to do there than Sturgis. I thought you would enjoy seeing a pic with a bunch of rebuilt knuckleheads. There are 9 knucks and 2 pans.
Click on the banner below to check out the essay contest to win a vintage Harley-Davidson 45 flathead and restoration schooling. Chance of a lifetime.
–Matt Olsen

BLAIR HOLT ANTI-GUN ATTACK ON AMERICA– Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House.. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009..
To find out about this – go to any government web site and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009.. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm – any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:
It is registered
You are fingerprinted
You supply a current Driver’s License
You supply your Social Security #
You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
Each update – change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 – Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.
They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.
If you think this is a joke – go to the web site and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the NRA.
This is just a “termite” approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense – chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it :

MORE BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER FINDINGS BY DR. WEIL, POM Backed by $25MM in Medical Research–Thanks to POM Wonderful 100% pure pomegranate juice, you don?t have to be young to feel young. POM Wonderful has higher levels of naturally occurring antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals. And the health benefits are backed by $25 million in medical research. Studies show promising results for heart and prostate health, diabetes, erectile function and other age-related conditions.
–Dr. Weil

Joe’s Vault: The Cyclist–Today’s Vault offering is for you motorcycle enthusiasts. In June of 1971, KOMO Special Projects presented a film by photographer Bill Jensen called “The Cyclist.” He covered the spectrum of the motorcycle – dirt bikes, racing, stunts, fund-raising, even Evel Knievel.
It’s very well done, especially when one knows how a show was put together back then compared to now. It was quite labor-intensive to edit. None of the computer drag-and-drop moves as we have now. Film was cut, workprints were made, final prints made for air. Mr. Jensen did a great job.
Time doesn’t permit me to present the whole show, so I’ve showed highlights that touch on just about all of the program. Wonderful stuff. Enjoy The Cyclist!

BIKER CLASSICS COME TO TCM, ON APRIL 6–You should know about TCM or Turner Classic Movies on cable. It’s a station devoted to old classic films, and it’s all commercial free. Here’s a news bit:
Leather, denim and the rumble of V-twin motor–the image of the biker is one indebted to Hollywood portrayals. From Marlon Brando challenging authority in “The Wild One (1953) to Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda confronting prejudice in Easy Rider (1969), the biker’s journey though cinema is the theme of our programming for April 6th. Included is the TCM premier of Roger Corman’s tour de force, “The Wild Angels” (1966). Following a successful run at the box office, Corman’s movie paved the way for a biker film renaissance in the late ’60s, including notable projects like Tom Laughlin’s “The Born Losers” (1967). Our exhaust-filled night concludes with George Miller’s desolate look into the future as Mel Gibson battles an outlaw band of bikers in “Mad Max” (1979). Hold tight, it’s going to be a wild ride on TCM.
You can also buy all the classics on DVD through TCM.

SSK’s NEW SHOP and YOU!–South Side Kustoms is moving into our NEW SHOP – APRIL 1st 2009So we would like to show support for the bands and other businesses we interact with and listen too.
We are asking if you would like to be represented in our new showroom/shop that you send us either posters/8″x10″ pictures autographed or not/or any printed media /stickers to us.
We will hang them around the new shop and email pix to you showing our support for your band/business.
Thank you for partaking in this great networking opportunity.Send All Media to Current Shop address
–South Side Kustoms
146 Barnard St.
Buffalo, NY 14206
website –

–Ross Parrow

BCCOM RECEIVES SPECIAL GRANT–On Friday, January 23, 2009, the Motorcycle & Moped Industry Council (MMIC) and the Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows (CNSS) presented BCCOM with a $15,000.00 grant at the Vancouver Motorcycle Show.
An enormous thanks goes to both of these organizations for their generous support of our efforts. This funding will be well used this spring to fund a motorcycle awareness campaign throughout BC. It is our goal to make drivers pay more attention to motorcyclists and learn how to share the road safely.
More information on the MMIC can be found at and more information on the CNSS and their shows can be found at this link: A photo of the presentation will be available soon on our website at

* Sturdy all-steel Construction
* Break light, turn signals, & markers for visibility
* Fold-down front stand holds trailer upright when detached
* Attaches easily to Royal Enfield motorcycles
* Includes Royal Enfield attachment hardware
NOTE:Standard UPS shipping is not available for this item. Regardless of what is selected at checkout, we can only ship this item using our large item flat rate ground service for $150 (normally $200).

CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS REGS OVER THE TOP–They want to test motorcycles and old cars.
California Reintroduces Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 15-Years Old and Older Here we go again! Legislation (A.B. 859) has been reintroduced in the California Assembly by Assemblyman Dave Jones ( to require annual Smog check inspections for vehicles 15-years old and older. The bill would also require that funds generated through the additional inspection fees be deposited into an account which can be used to scrap older cars.
You may recall that in 2004 a new law was enacted in California to require the lifetime testing of all 1976 and newer model-year vehicles. Pre-1976 motor vehicles would remain exempt under A.B. 859. The bill has been referred to the Assembly Transportation Committee. We Urge You to Contact Assemblyman Jones and Members of the Assembly Transportation Committee (List Below) Immediately to Oppose A.B. 859
?A.B. 859 ignores the minimal impact vintage cars have on air quality.
???A.B. 859 could entice vintage car owners into allowing these vehicles to be scrapped.
???A.B. 859 ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old and older still constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction.
???A.B. 859 ignores the fact that classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven.
???A.B. 859 would increase costs by creating an annual inspection fee for owners of these vehicles.
???A.B. 859 represents another attempt by California legislators and regulators to scapegoat older cars.
Please contact members of the California Assembly Transportation Committee immediately by phone, fax or e-mail to request their opposition to A.B. 859. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Thank you for your assistance.
ssembly Transportation CommitteeClick here to e-mail all Committee members.

BIKER?S CHOICE 1-1/4? FAT BARS– Biker?s Choice introduces 1-1/4? Fat Bars for 2008 H-D? throttle by wire bikes. These new bars come in a variety of sizes from 32.5? width to 39.5? width, and come in black or chrome. These particular bars are 1-1/4? thick with a smooth swaged design.
They are predrilled, dimpled and knurled for internal wiring and will work with all standard controls, grips and risers. These bars are proudly made in the USA.
For more information, and to look at all the bars we have to offer?from 20? Apes to Dragster bars, take a look at our new and improved website, or visit your local Biker?s Choice dealer.
Part # 40-5156?14? Ape 2008 H-D Models Throttle By Wire
39.5? Width
14? End Rise
11.5? Center Width
11.5? Pullback
Available in Black and Chrome

Part # 40-5188?18? Ape 2008 H-D Models Throttle By Wire
39.5? Width
18.5? End Rise
10.5? Center Width
10.5? Pullback
Available in Black and Chrome
–Safe Ridin!!

CHOPPER FILM NOW AVAILABLE–Do you love bikes. Do you love seeing bikes, and bikers on film. Do you love going to a great biker party. If you do then you need to come to the New Free To Wander Chopper Documentary release party at Shady Jack’s on Saturday starting at 7:00, 2/21/09.
The Trip Daddy’s will be playing along with the Free To Wander chopper film. This is a film about the modern biker life style. There is a $5.00 cover at the door.The DVD will be available for sale along with Tee shirts.This is going to be a wild party. Guys are coming from all over US and Canada.See you there: FTW DVDs are now available for $25.00 and now shipping out!

SCOTT JACOBS ORIGINALS AVAILABLE– The original paintings listed here will be sold on a first come basis verified by the time of your email response?good luck!
If you?ve ever wanted to own a Scott Jacobs original painting of the wine still-life genre your timing could not be better. The two little gems shown here are available for the asking and in addition your name will be listed in Scott?s new book (out this summer) under the title and picture: ?Collection of?your name?.
With a rapidly approaching deadline for the book to go to print, you need to act quickly to secure these artworks. Their pictures are already in the book just waiting for the names to be added. Please call me if you have any questions.
They are reasonably priced and just out of the studio so here are the specs: (these works are priced at a wholesale or dealer net level)
Silver Oak Study V. Watercolor; 27.5? x 30? overall framed dimension (picture shows unframed) $8500
Party Like It?s 1999. Watercolor w/acrylic; 29? x 34 overall framed dimension. $9500

EVERYWHERE I TURN–There’s action, new shows, New Orleans Bike Fest Coming. Carrie Rep is now seriously involved with the ROT Rally in Texas. The Chopper Challenge is back and I know Discovery is up to something, but mum’s the word. Hell Jesse James has a new TV gig. There are still new movies rolling into the streets daily, and I plan to publish a book or two this year and start on a screenplay about freedom and motorcycling.

As long as you don’t listen to the news or rely on the stock market, all is well and cranking along. Here’s a terrific example. Just next week on Bikernet we’ll bring you a report from Australia about a biker who survived the bushfires. We’ll deliver a full feature on one of the finest bikes built in America this year around a Kiwi Indian engine, by Chris Dotson. We’ll bring you wild stories, our first Custom Chrome tech in a while, and a Girl of Bikernet wrapped around a new Saxon model. Are we slowing down? No fuckin’ way.
Have a helluva weekend.
Ride Forever,