I’m so sick and tired of the doom and gloom news on CNN and Fox that I discovered CSPAN. No commercials, just testimony from Senate hearings. Actual shit going on in the government. Yeah, it’s nuts, but informative, if you can stay awake.
Last night the Senate was quizzing Timothy Geithner, our illustrious Treasury Secretary. I know he’s blamed for the entire financial collapse, but his report was very uplifting about the stimulus packages and our economy. According to him they allotted 780 Billion for stimulus, used only 440 billion, and have since recovered 2/3s of that. The GNP was down 6 percent last year and it’s up 6 percent this year. Even the auto makers are pulling it back together.
If you’re having a problem with your mortgage, there’s help out there. Supposedly there’s a web site where you can check on your local banks and find out who’s helping whom. Consumer confidence is still down, but recovering. Keep the faith. We’re still Americans, and Americans can do anything. Let’s hit the news:

BIKERNET HEARSE UPDATE– Hey, I was having some trouble finding a lowering kit, but I called my parts friend at the local Chevy Shop, and crossed the springs to an Impala SS, and they matched. I then called Jeg’s, and they have them in stock-Front is 1.25 in. lower, rear is 1 in. lower.

I think I’ll put air shocks on back to compensate for additional wt. of wagon/hearse. We took all the stainless trim off, including grille, etc.my guys are sanding now, I’ll take it to powder coat tomorrow, and we’ll have it back before weekend-powder number if you can. Wheels, tires should be here today or tomorrow.
Car looks like shit now.
COLE Customs

We’re working with Kevin Baas on some laser cut Bikernet signs for the sides of the car. George Fleming our Bikernet Logo Artist reworked the logo so we could do both sides.–Bandit

WHEN INSULTS HAD CLASS–“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to thedictionary.” – William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).
“Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time readingit.” – Moses Hadas
“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved ofit.” – Mark Twain
“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.” – Oscar Wilde
–Ray Russell

1. To grind or crush with or as if with the teeth in preparation for swallowing and digestion; to chew; as, “to masticate food.”
2. To crush or knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.
intransitive verb:
1. To chew food.
Honestly, folks, the people at the next table ordered the same dish, and I watched as a young couple tried in vain to masticate those fossilized pieces of “toast.”
— Pat Bruno, “Hits and misses”, Chicago Sun-Times, June 2002
Their powerful jaws allow hyenas to masticate not only flesh and entrails, but bones, horns, and even the teeth of their prey.
— Sam Tauschek, “A Hyena is no laughing matter”, Sports Afield, May 2001
In 1820, Thomas Hancock invented a machine that could masticate, mix and soften rubber.
— Rikki Lamba, “Effect of carbon black on dynamic properties”, Rubber World, April 1, 2000
We should masticate the entire federal government and spit out a new one.
–Renegade, Bikernet Redfreak Editor
Masticate comes from the past participle of Late Latin masticare, “to chew,” from Greek mastichan, “to gnash the teeth.” The noun form is mastication.

EXTENUATING 2010 DAYTONA REPORT FROM THE PUBLISHER OF DELUXE MAGAZINE–Just got back from Daytonathe streets were dead man, dead.


CANADIAN BROTHER SEEKS A SPOT AT ARTISTRY IN IRON IN VEGAS–Maybe we could do a Feature when it is all done with it set up like I had planned for Vegas.I could get Pro pictures done up here if needed?

Just think I met you in 1988, we got some history! Ha!
–Terry Lovering
Terry is finishing this bike to promote a board game he developed 30 years ago. A major game manufacturer tested it, but his time intersected with the video game outburst and he was turned down. Now, 20 years later he’s bringing it to life on his own terms. Watch on Bikernet for bike updates and more on the board game, Consigliere. Here’s his web site: consiglierethegame.com.–Wilburn Roach

“THE LOOK”– The other day while at the hospital visiting a friend who had his lower leg amputated, my friend Charlie is 87 and he is as tough as nails. I heard something really funny to me!
While sitting in the waiting room, I over heard a conversation taking place. One lady was telling another about her son, she was telling her how he used to look like a “Harley Rider.” She went on to say how her son used to have long hair, how he used to wear the t-shirts and he even had Harley jeans and boots and he even had a chain on his wallet!
The lady being told the story asked, “Well did he have a Harley?”
The lady responded with “Oh no we got him out of that phase, he is clean cut now.” Then she went on to say how there are NO bikes in Atlanta?
That’s news to me!
She went on to say “There is a reason for no bikes in Atlanta.”
Never heard what the reason was?
When I left I wondered, did I bring that conversation on? I looked at my clothes and said “No way!” I had on my jeans, sweat shirt and athletic shoes. I had shaved and took a shower, so I thought I looked like everyone else or just maybe I had the look naturally? Ha! ha!
The more I thought about this, the funnier it got to me. Back when I first started riding, we wore jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets and engineer boots and chain wallets and a lot of us still do. We wore all of this because we rode bikes and we were bikers. Nowadays it seems to be cool or the “in thing” is to try to look and dress like a biker?
Back in the day we all knew who the bikers were in our respective communities, nowadays it is hard to tell who really has a bike and who does not because everyone seems to want “THE LOOK!” Also back in the day, the guys I hung with always emphasized to me, do not wear any of H-D stuff unless you own an H-D and rode. I never wore a H-D t-shirt until I owned my first Sportster. In those days, you may have gotten some outlaw justice for being a poser!
Yeah, times have changed, and I am glad I learned the ropes, when I did, and I am thankful for the guys who took me under their wing and guided me. I have never forgot any of them, Mike J. Neal, and Chester. They are not all here now, but I still remember them and thank them for the lessons passed onto me. Lessons like if you don’t have the bike save your money until you get the bike and then buy a t-shirt.
Next time you go out for a ride, take a peek in the mirror and make sure you have “THE LOOK” going on!
Until next time, ride!

FLATRAT DAYTONA VINTAGE ROAD RACING REPORT–Not much positive to report.Arrived Sunday for the mandatory riders meeting and Tech inspection. Things were fine, no problems.
Monday morning, I?m in practice group #1. Its frikkin cold. Run the entire session?.bike is running good?laying back in the cold conditions. Also noticed blinding sunshine coming around NASCAR turn 2, riding blind at full throttle, yeah?.that and the concrete patch from the 500 made that an interesting situation during the early morning.
Second practice, warming up, feeling good?.I hit a warm-up lap, then wick things up?..3 good laps?.coming out of NASCAR 2 I catch a glimpse of a black flag?.get to the chicane, corner workers are frantic, waving me off?.I look down, L leg is covered in oil. NOT good. I cut thru the infield and rode back to the pits. The crew from CYCO Cycles is there. A father and son team, Dillon (Ratboy) and his dad Mark Shaver. Stan Keyes let me shack with him in the pits, and I get help from his boys. We took the tank off, and noticed a broken main engine stud?.runs thru the motor from top to bottom??shit.
We decided we can get at it without pulling the motor (Mark was right), but have to break all 8 free to lift a cover?from the base gasket up, the motor is loose, but still in the bike?.nuttin like living on the edge. I have a stud in my box of parts. We get the broken one out, and replacement in. Get the bike running, no leaks, get re-tech?d?. All this during lunch?..I?m thinking, ?This is my disaster, and it’s over, time to race MF?rs???I was wrong, so wrong.
Still had some lunchtime left to go over to my Norton Club lunch / party in turn 6. These people have been doing this for years. Kegs and food put out mostly by two couples, Barney and Maggie, and Charles and Martha. They work hard. Everyone was welcome. I decided earlier in the year they deserved recognition. I had some old trophys, and Bernard Theony made plaques?..we presented the ?Hospitality Awards? during lunch, it was a hit?.neither saw it coming, just what I wanted.
I?m in race # 3, Sportsman 350. The field is thin this year. Last year there were over 20 entries, this year half that. I had a shot. I?ve beaten over half the field previously, but there are still some very fast riders, who will push me to my limits.
Get out for our warm-up lap. Get the motor up full song (about 10-11K) and check for leaks from the stud?..looking good?.hit it hard going around 2 and onto the backstraight, trying to get my tires warm. A lot of people think ?scrubbing? in a back and forth motion gets your tires warm?.it cleans them, but the only way to get them warm is go fast!
I hit the back-straight and tuck. Then??nothing?..bike just cuts off, boom, lights out. I can hear the motor cycling thru, but with no fire. I hit the ignition switch, try to bump it?..nadda?.I pulled in the clutch and coast down to the apron.
Crash truck fetches me and I take the ride of shame as my race goes green.
Back to the pits and the crew jumps in again?.tank is off, elect connections checked. I decide to pull the sidecover where my magneto resides?.looks ok, but wait a minute?.metal shavings?….wtf? I grab the bolthead that secures the rotor to the crankshaft?.and the whole dam thing comes off in my hand!!!!!! I collapsed on the concrete?.a broken crankshaft?….can’t be.
Ratboy says, ?Fuck??.a broken crankshaft?.I started packing my stuff. I was done.

This will keep me out for awhile. To add context, I just paid to have this motor built. It was new, BUT?..I supplied the crankshaft?.I?m done for awhile, if not the year. This is devastating.

So, I didn?t turn a lap in a race. I was not happy?..didn’t even go out to the track Tuesday till after lunch, and still felt sick.

Anyhow, here are a couple pics of a broken crankshaft. There are no pictures of my broken spirit, but it’s there.
I will rise again?.but it looks like my teammate Dean will be carrying the FlatRat / Bikernet flag for awhile.
–Charlie Young

US ADVERTISERS TO SPEND MORE ON DIGITAL THAN PRINT–(AFP),WASHINGTON ? US companies will spend more this year on digital and online advertising and marketing than on print for the first time ever, according to a study released on Monday.
Companies will spend 119.6 billion dollars on online and digital strategies and 111.5 billion dollars on newspaper and magazine advertisements and other print campaigns, according to the study by California-based Outsell.
Outsell, which provides research and advisory services to the publishing and information industries, described the spending shift as “an industry milestone crossover event.”
It said overall US spending on advertising and marketing will increase by 1.2 percent in 2010 to 368 billion dollars.
Outsell said 63 billion dollars, or 52.8 percent of total online advertising spending by companies, would be on their own websites, which it said constitutes a “powerful form of direct to customer marketing.”
“Advertisers are directing dollars toward the channels which generate the most qualified leads and most effective branding,” Outsell vice president and lead analyst Chuck Richard said.”As they emerge from the recession, they need more accountability, and they’re spreading their spending over a widening set of options,” he said.
By category, Outsell said spending on print newspaper advertising was expected to drop 8.2 percent to 27 billion dollars while print magazine advertising will rise 1.9 percent this year to 9.4 billion dollars.US newspapers and magazines have been facing declining print advertising revenue, falling circulation and the migration of readers to free news online.
Outsell said that spending on direct mail marketing campaigns would rise 2.7 percent to 24.4 billion dollars and spending on custom print publications would be 3.0 percent higher at 19.3 billion dollars.Spending on print directories would fall 8.3 percent to 11.6 billion dollars while spending on print newsletters would be flat at 11.4 billion dollars.
“2010 will not suddenly erase the painful memory of crumbling ad spending in 2009, but it will provide much closer to a flat year for several of the traditional media types,” Outsell said.
“This means that publishers with significant shares of traditional media in the mix and who pounded their expenses and debt into shape sufficient to survive the brutal 2009 should be able to carry on at those levels in 2010.”
Spending on television advertising was forecast to drop 6.5 percent to 59.6 billion dollars.Outsell surveyed more than 1,000 US advertisers in December 2009 for its annual “Marketing and Advertising Study 2010.”

STUDY FROM BIKERNET ENGINEERING STAFF SPONSORED BY SPECTRO OILS–I got a new stick deodorant today. The instructions said:
Remove cap and push up bottom.
I can barely walk, but whenever I fart the room smells lovely…
–from John Reed
Bikernet Race Engineer

Kendon Debuts 2010 Stand-Up Trailer & Lift Lines At CCI Show–Custom Chrome is celebrating its 40th Anniversary of serving the V-Twin industry in a huge way for 2010, culminating in a trade show at Morgan Hill World Headquarters March 12-14. ?The past year has been a tremendous time of rebuilding and rebirth for the CCI brand ? Custom Chrome International,? said Holger Mohr, CEO of CCI. ?We will not let this milestone pass without a shout!?
Also making some noise in conjunction with the CCI event in Morgan Hill is the roll out of the 2010 Kendon Stand-Up? Trailer line. ?This is a very important time for both Custom Chrome and Kendon Industries, so what better opportunity to present our significantly improved 2010 line up of trailers and lifts to CCI reps and dealers,? notes Kendon president Frank Esposito.
?We have much to be grateful for,? added Mohr. ?Not the least of which is the partnership and support we have received from our dealers and vendors.? It is largely in this enduring legacy that its brand became synonymous with ?World?s Finest Products for Harley-Davidsons.? According to Esposito, Kendon offers a similar market leadership position in the trailer and lift world: ?Kendon is the PERFORMANCE trailer and we are proud to be affiliated with the pros at Custom Chrome.?

So What?s All The Fuss About?
Kendon Industries, the originator of the Stand-Up motorcycle trailer, continues its pioneering ways with the next generation of trailers and motorcycle lifts. The street line of lifts has been significantly updated. The 2010 street lifts offer improved performance, reliability and strength. Plus there is the all new MotoLift packed with a host of innovations specifically for the off-road market, but the biggest news really is the 2010 trailers.
?Kendon has been around for years continually creating innovative products to make a motorcycle enthusiast?s life much easier,? explains Hot Bike magazine editor Eric Ellis. ?Now I know what you are thinking ? ?there are a ton of lifts and trailers on the market, what makes Kendon so special?? ? The answer is pretty simple, space! When you?re done with the Kendon lift or trailer, it can be folded up and stood up on one end (one end has wheels) and rolled off to a corner or against the wall where it takes up minimal space.?
There is more to the story than that, however. Not only do Kendon products feature plenty of technical innovations, they work.
?Kendon trailers are strong, long-lasting, lightweight and flat out beautiful,? says company president Frank Esposito.
?Performance trailers are the ones you don?t feel that you?re towing. We have earned a reputation to towing sweeter than any other competitor but the partnership between Kendon and our proprietary axle supplier Tie Down Engineering means the best trailer on the market just got better,? exclaims Esposito. ?Kendon is a PERFORMANCE trailer!?As they say, the devil is in the details, so here is a detailed description of The Kendon Difference.

Kendon Stand-Up? Trailer Features & Benefits
?The patented Eliminator Torsion Axle from Tie Down Engineering offers completely controlled compression and rebound as each wheel is fully independent of the other side.
?This exclusive torsion bar suspension system delivers precision spring rates and dampening rates to each wheel independently to provide for a smoother and safer ride.
?Use of torsion bars rather than a conventional axle/leaf spring set-up also reduces un-sprung weight. The Eliminator torsion axle tube is bolted to the frame so the number of moving parts is reduced, lowering the weight that the ?spring action? must move. Ultimately this results in a smoother shock action and provides equal ride quality whether the trailer is loaded or empty.
?The torsion axle becomes a cross member: An added benefit of the Eliminator torsion axle is that it mounts directly to the frame, further reducing flex.
?Double Mounting Brackets ? for maximum strength and stability, all Kendon trailers feature double mounting brackets from axle to frame.
?Removable Spindle ? Tie Down Engineering?s patented Eliminator torsion axle is the only axle that has a replaceable spindle. This greatly reduces the chance of ruined trips due to an accident, bearing failure or spindle damage.
?SuperLube ? Every Eliminator torsion axle comes with SuperLube spindles as standard equipment. SuperLube has been proven to be the best method to change grease in the hub cavity.
?Totally tubular! The triangulated round-tube frame is similar to the construction of a racecar chassis (no wonder given Ken Thurm?s extensive racing background). Inspired by the strongest geometric shape, the triangle, each round-tube frame is tough as well as lightweight due to precision mandrel bends and minimal welds and cuts.
?Aesthetics ? Kendon trailers are attractive: Diamond plate decking and a beautiful powder coating process make for a striking finish with rugged durability.
?Spindle is center-line mounted to fenders with close tire to fender clearance providing improved debris control, better aerodynamics and enhanced appeal to the trailer.
?Longevity ? Kendon has a PASSION for transporting and handling your vehicle ? we are the leader in motorsports transportation. Period!
?Spare Parts ? We understand things happen on the road and we offer a full line of replacement parts.

2010 Improvements
As good as Kendon trailers have historically been, the best have gotten even better. A host of key improvements have been made to the 2010 models and rather than having you wait for these upgrades, Kendon has quietly been shipping the upgraded models for the past couple of months. These new and improved versions are now in stock and ready for the customer today! Specific highlights include:

?Next Generation Hybrid Axle co-developed by Tie Down Engineering and Kendon Trailers is now offered for all trailers with a 2,000 lb. GVW
?New & Improved Fenders ? All 2010 trailers have a new higher strength material ? A572/grade 50 ? fender.
?A wider rail with an adjustable wheel chock has been incorporated into each Kendon Stand-Up? trailer for the 2010 season.
Kendon Industries Incorporated
3707 East La Palma Ave. / Anaheim, CA 92806
tel 714-630-7144 / fax 714-630-7132
Toll Free 1-800-847-8618

BANDIT’S CANTINA REVIEWED BY BIKERNET READER– Just got back from a short run. I am enjoying the Cantina and some whiskey. Gotta tell ya, in case no one else does.
You’re doing a good job, amigo. Keep it up. The content is awesome and it keeps my attention. I have really bad A.D.D. so all the nekked girls keep my attention purty good.
The blog is excellent, tambien. Whatever you?re gettin paid by your advertisers, they are getting their moneys worth. Your doing a damn good job. Glad ta see your taking up a new vocation as a mortician with that new ride you bought.
–johnnie gutierrez

UNCLE MONKEY TAKES US ON A FIELD TRIP TO A FARM–Growing up on a farm there was never a shortage of dirt around. At the end of a long day there was satisfaction looking into the mirror and see the dirt and grime that hard work creates. Anyone who works with their hands can tell you that there is a twisted sense of pride in being dirty. It means that work was done. That even though there were difficulties that they had persevered and conquered. It means that they had to get dirty and that they weren’t afraid too.
We all try to keep our garages and workshops clean, and for the most part we succeed. But working on mechanical machines always leaves the element of surprise, element of dirt. No matter how much time is spent draining a system there is always a little oil left over, a little antifreeze, a little grime.
My uncle’s hands were always a darker color. The stain of years of spinning wrenches and working with his hands that would never wash away no matter what chemicals, what abrasives were used. It didn’t bother him. And as I grew up and spent more time fixing old cars and building bikes my hands too became stained from work. I understood why it didn’t bother him, why he wasn’t ashamed of them.
Some people judge people with hands like that. Stained, cut, callused. They equate it with manual labor, a lack of education, a lack of knowledge. Like all discrimination it is unfounded and untrue. At the end of the day, it is those stained calloused hands that molded this great nation.
–bad Uncle Monkey

MASSIVE GLOBAL GUN CONTROL SCHEME COMING–This is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia.I?m writing you to make sure American citizens are prepared to oppose this assault on our national sovereignty and right to keep and bear arms.
Disguised as legislation to help in the fight against ?terrorism,? ?insurgency? and ?international crime syndicates,? the UN?s Small Arms Treaty is nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.
Ultimately, the UN?s Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.
The National Association for Gun Rights has a Firearms Sovereignty Survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this global gun ban is. Please bear with me for a moment.
So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.
But looking at previous versions of the UN?s Small Arms Treaty, you and I can get a good idea of what?s likely in the works.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN?s Small Arms Treaty would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL ?unauthorized? civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
I?m sure I don?t have to tell you that this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.

SPRING PEELED BACK PRICING FROM K&G–Spring is coming and that means it’s riding season again. K and G Cycles has some Peel Back Pricing just made for getting ready to ride!

How’s the oil looking? Maybe you could use a K & N Gold Performance oil filter? We’ve got them at only $12.20. That’s over 25% off!

We’ve got the new battery you need to start that monster up and get it purring again. Maintenance free batteries from Powerhouse at 20% off.

Need a starter solenoid for that 4-speed Big Twin? We’ve got you covered at $25.00.

Now let’s get some new spark. K and G Cycles has Champion Power Sport spark plug pairs for $8.00. That’s 20% off!

We’ve got rear bob tail fenders and mini speedometers for less than $40.00, Avon Venom tires and brake pads at 20% off, and much, much more!!!
Head over to www.kandgcycles.com and check out all the great price being peeled back at K and G Cycles. We’re not the biggest in the world — we’re just the right size to make you happy you let us earn your business. At K and G Cycles, our customers are kinduvabigdeal!!!!

Continued On Page 2