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NOTICE TO ALL VIETNAM VETS–If a military member served any place in Vietnam and contracts prostatecancer, it is now consideredservice-related. If you have had prostate cancer, you are entitled to aservice-related disability. All claims should be filed at your nearest VAoffice. Widows and wives: If your husband died or dies from prostate cancer,you are entitled to dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) from the VA ($833 per month).
QUANTUM REPORT– Though I was unable to attend the recent Quantum court case on Feb. 26in Orlando, Fla., people there have reported that the judge did approve the sale of bikes and parts to Aquino’s Auto Service Inc.
It is hopeful that the monies recieved from this will go toward payingmoney owed to them for previous work prior to Quantum going bankrupt. All people who are owed money are urged to contact the court and fill outthe proper paperwork.
Aquino’s Auto ServiceInc. offered to purchase certain properties for the sum of $251,000. The trustee had recieved a deposit of $25,000. The trustee will pay a totalof $25,100 to Michael McCusker, Robert Guess and Frank Aliano for servicesrendered in finding and negotiating the sale, leaving $225,900 to the estate.
For furthur information, you will have to contact the court or the trustee. If youdo not have their address, feel free to contact me.
BUELL REPORT–New featured Buell on Bikernet:Here are some shots of Mike’s ’95 S2 Buell. Mike has just retired, again. This S2 has a really cool paint job. Pretty much stock right now, except it has a SUPERTRAPP muffler on the stock Buell pipe.Mike plans to put in Screamin’ Eagle cams and install Buell Thunderstorm heads. The heads will receive some mild port work along with Evo Big Twin-size intake valves.
Maybe I can also talk him into a Buell race header pipe. That way he can really use the full potential from the cam and the head combo. I’m also recommending the V-Thunder ignition along with some carb re-work.
I really like these S2s about the best of all the Buell models since ’95. They were pretty much a handmade, low- production bike. Lots of carbon fiber and cool body work.My other favorite Buell is the first one I ever saw in 1987 and that was the RR1000. This model had the XR1000 engine for a power plant.
This is the Buell that Don Tilley raced sucessfully in the Battle of the Twins series in the late ’80s.That’s it for now.

Gianatsis Design is happy to announce the signing of two companies as title sponsors of our popular calendars for 2002, joining our current established sponsors Mikuni and White Brothers.
One sponsorship agreement involves Performance Machine, the world’s leading manufacturer of billet- manufactured brakes, wheels and controls for the sportbikeand custom streetbike markets. Performance Machine will be joining Mikuni American as co-title sponsors of the best- selling Iron & Lace Custom Motorcycle Pinup Calendar. The calendar will be photographed by Jim Gianatsis of Penthouse, with Pet of the Year Novotna Zdenka with a Performance Machine custom Hardtail featured in a new Performance Machine national magazine advertising campaign. The agreement also welcomes Performance Machine as an associate sponsor this year of the Gianatsis Design/ produced 2001 White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show on July 21-22 at the Queen Mary, Long Beach, Calif. More bike show information is available at the Web site at
The next sponsorship agreement welcomes the Sportbike Riders Association

WORKER DEAD AT DESK FOR 5 DAYS–Bosses of a publishing firm are trying to find out why no one noticedthat one of their employees had been sitting dead at his desk for FIVE DAYSbefore anyone noticed.
George Turklebaum, 51, who had been employed as a proof-reader at a NewYork firm for 30 years, had a heart attack in the open-plan office heshared with 23 other workers.
He quietly passed away on Monday, but nobody noticed until Saturdaymorning when an office cleaner asked why he was still working during theweekend.
His boss, Elliot Wachiaski, said: “George was always the first guy in eachmorning and the last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual thathe was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything.
“He was always absorbed in his work and kept much to himself.”
Ironically, George was proofreading manuscripts of medical textbookswhen he died.
You may want to give your co-workers a nudge occasionally.And the moral of the story:Don’t work too hard. Nobody notices anyway.
SIN WU TAKES OVER BIKERNET CYBER BIKE SHOW– Sundance, the blond bombshell who developed and ran the Bikernet Cyber Bike Show, fell in love and ran off recently. Since the show that offers free enrollment to riders all over the world was growing so fast, we assigned another bombshell to keep the fires burning. Sin Wu, Bandit’s scholarly nooner, will be stroking contestants and lashing Oz when he forgets to judge the winners. Here’s some recent correspondence regarding the show.
I received the various prizes and goodies Friday afternoon. I must tell you that it was one of the BEST prizes I have ever won in a bike show. Even my wife enjoyed going through the box. It reminded me of opening packages on Christmas day. I started reading the book, man that is great stuff! The story line is outstanding. Even if you don’t ride it’s a very good story.
The only regret I have is the postcard was not signed by Brenda Fox. But what the hell, I got a postcard with her picture on it.
There is no doubt in my mind that these prizes are the most significant and meaningful awards I have ever received, the 5-ball and the book will make for a great story.
I wish to tell you how much I appreciate you hosting an event like this, and keep on truckin!
Roy Berry
1990 1200 Sportster
Got my prizes yesterday….Please tell Bandit I said THANKS!
The trophy is way cool…as well as the Orwell book (tell bandit it’s in a place of honor…my mini library -complete with throne :-). Great T-shirt too, except you could wrap it around me two or three times – it’s an XXXL and I ain’t even an XL (although I’m getting there).
Thanks again, Sundance. Thanks to Bandit as well. And tell Bandit the only complaint I got against Bikernet is that I can’t read it in the can…… Keep Bikernet alive!
Lucky Dave
Nice book! But I’m a biker… if I ain’t ridin’ down the road or in the shoppolishin’ my bike, I’m either polk’n the ole’ lady or saw’n logs. Ain’t ya gotsomethin’ with some girly pictures in it instead? But hey… you wrote it,and any man’s original work is at least worth a shot to look at. I’ll giveit a go.
What bar’d you swipe that 5-ball from that’s on the trophy you sent?Couldn’t help but notice a few gouges in it from bounc’n off walls andfloors. Oh well, guess that’s “character”, huh? What should I expect fornuth’n! At least I got a shot at havin’ my bike win a show and seein’ it on theInternet. Thanks for puttin’ on the show for us all. You guys got a greatWeb site.
Great talent with the animations, too. Jon definitely has the skillwith the pen and ink. Keep up the good work. I’ll let you know what Ithink about your book when I finish eatin’ the pages.
–Ride On!FC
HEY–Stop working on L’il John’s desk and get the Cantina open, along with themember’s only area. Buttera’s been without that desk for just aboutforever, and a few more years more or less won’t upset the apple cart ;-}
About the lame method for getting rid of your cold. It had nothingwhatsoever to do with eating fruits and vegetables, but everything to dowith whiskey drinkin’, sex and having to deal with the California Departmentof Motor Vehicles tryin’ to get the Blue Flame registered. Ya see,dealing with a bureaucrat of any kind develops an intense hatred, borderingon the psychotic. This in turn creates an artificial fever, which burns thedamn nasties up. The whiskey purges their seared and withered carcassesfrom your system into the local San Pedro sewers, while thesex……………Hell, it’s gotta do some good! Maybe it just rechargesthe batteries. Yea, that’s it!
Drive Fast………Take Chances…….,Gunracer

NEW PLATFORM ON THE MARKET–Here’s a bright idea, but it doesn’t lift. Damn, it’s sharp though, and you can move your downed bike around the shop like skates on ice. For more information, visit
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