Photos By Rogue
Daytona Beach Area Bike Week 2003– is off and running. Officially starting Saturday March 1st and it is already full of controversy.
You will note that I included the word AREA as the Bikers are in an area roughly 100 miles North, West and East of the famous beach. There is a lot of speculation why, but a lot of it is the attitude of the City of Daytona Beach and the wide spread ticketing of the bikers.
The Harley dealer in Orlando is putting on a big shindig and is expecting 100,000 bikers and all the bars, fish camps, and other places you can think of within 100 miles is welcoming the bikers.

AND they are going there. Some are complaining about the rates for rooms in the Daytona area which in some cases are 2-3 times what they will be next week for college break, others the police ticketing, price gouging etc. While most of those I have talked to say they are not against spending money, and expect to but do not like to feel they are being taken advantage of. Why is the price of a bottle of beer $2.00 more down town and some other areas? Hey I can stay out side of town for $50.00- $100.00 a day and have just as much fun and spend the money on other things.
Well enough of that. We will look at it long and hard when it is all over and see. I have a Duty To Perform and that is to show you that how to have FUN. Now I realize that different people have different ideas about what fun is but this is mine.

Well there were all kinds of other things going on and some Rockin? bands. If you didn’t have a good time, it was your fault.
I decided to visit a few other places before I had too much fun and did go to the Cabbage Patch, which is right up Rt. 415 North. It had just rained a little and a lot of the people had headed for cover. A quick ride over to Club 44 to check it out and then back to the Paradise.

The TV station was saying that downtown was wet and did not have many people and was trying to blame it on the war and the economy. The Bikers are here in Florida but watching where they go, how they are treated and where they spend their money.
I will be going to the Speedway today to see the Vintage Races and work for the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum. I will be out and about the area and if you see me, have me take your picture. You might see it here on Bikernet or in one of the magazines.

Do not forget to stop in at the Camel tent and see Billy Lane and the bike he built for them.
Showers Diminish Early Bike Week Turnout
Staff Writer
Last updated: Mar 1, 04:10 AM
Friday’s festive gatherings, part of a tradition that started in 1937 withthe first Daytona 200 motorcycle race, left many wondering whether Bike Week2003 would hit or miss. Police estimated about 20,000 people on Main Streetby 9 p.m. Friday. Many seemed oblivious to the weather.
They came from Israel, Kentucky and Germany — enthusiasts who love not onlythe hair-blowing thrills, but everything about motorcycles. “I like theoriginality of the bikes,” said Dean Bozard, a biker from South Carolina.
Still, rain showers didn’t help keep pessimists quiet. The National WeatherService in Melbourne called for a chance of rain and thunderstorms throughthe weekend.”It’s not going to be a dry weekend by any means,” said meteorologist PeteBlottman in Melbourne. “It looks like things will finally start drying outon Tuesday.
Bike Week runs through March 9 and is expected to draw 500,000. Thoseselling things were keeping their hopes up. “We’re having a great crowd,”said Denise Jabaly, a merchandising manager at Daytona Harley-Davidson onBeach Street. “They’re a little wet and soggy, but they’re happy.”
Not all were having a good time, however. Roads were closed to allowmotorcycle access, parking was tight — or expensive — and the Votran bussystem expects delays or interruptions next week.
A few miles south on U.S. 1 in South Daytona, vendors sellingHarley-Davidson T-shirts and smoked turkey legs were closing as early as 8p.m. Biker traffic there was lighter than expected, police said.”It’s been very light for the kickoff night,” said Officer Pete Blottman ofthe South Daytona Police Department. “The vendors are shutting down, theyexpected quite a larger crowd.”jay.stapleton@news-jrnl.com
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