Continued From Page 2

DOHERTY MACHINE CARB BRACKET–It?s magic for Mikuni carb to allow you to bolt up any air cleaner. Only available through Doherty Machine. Doherty stepped up to sponsor our Bikernet Bonneville Worlds Fastest Panhead effort. We?re running their 1-inch axle spacers. Watch for an article on the life-saving axle spacer kits in the next couple of weeks.

S&S RACES X-WEDGE MOTORCYCLE TO THE SHORES OF DAYTONA–In a mad dash to show off their new X-Wedge engine configuration to the public the President of S&S, Brett Smith, shouted at the staff, ?We just can?t haul a box load of engines to Daytona. We?ve got to ride.?

Last night while at dinner with Brett and Michael, discussing EPA, California Air Resources Board and noise issues, Brett?s phone rang. It was staff member, Stan, reporting from Valdesta, GA after 600 miles on the road from Kentucky. Brett handed me the phone. ?It was 30 degrees when we pulled out and warmed to 50 while we peeled along at 75-85 toward warmer climes in Florida,? Stan said.

Two X-Wedge bikes were Softails, three Big Dog Wedges and three solid mounted street fighters. All 8 bikes blasted the last 200 miles into Daytona today. We?ll have more reports shortly. No engine breakdowns were reported.

Willie G. Davidson to speak at THE MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME MUSEUM?S annual fundraising breakfast–Harley-Davidson Senior Vice President and Chief Styling Officer and Motorcycle Hall of Fame member Willie G. Davidson will share his vision of Harley-Davidson?s iconic design heritage at the 19th Annual Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum Fundraising Breakfast during Daytona Bike Week. The event will take place Friday, March 9, in Daytona Beach, Fla., at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort. After the breakfast, Willie G. will host an autograph session.
The funds raised at the breakfast will support the non-profit Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum?s mission of education and preservation of America?s only Hall of Fame dedicated to motorcycling.
Davidson was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 1999 for helping usher The Motor Company into its most successful era. Willie G. introduced the design of the Harley-Davidson FX Super Glide after joining the Company in 1963. The FX laid the groundwork for some of Harley-Davidson?s best-selling motorcycles.
For more information and for a full list of events, visit the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum?s website at
MOTORCYCLE DEATH RATES RISING, CHIEF WANT MANDATORY HELMETS– February 20, 2007 It’s time to make safety helmets standard equipment for motorcyclists, as U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters sees it.Peters is calling on manufacturers to provide free or heavily discounted DOT-certified helmets or driver safety training with the purchase of every new motorcycle sold in the United States.”Helmets and proper training are just as important as brakes or headlights when it comes to the well-being of motorcyclists,” Secretary Peters said. “We shouldn’t be letting any customer take a bike out of the store without a helmet as part of the package. Safety shouldn’t have to be an option when purchasing a motorcycle.”
Secretary Peters said only 58 percent of riders wear helmets today, which is down 13 percent from just four years ago.
In addition, the Federal Highway Administration has established a Motorcycle Advisory Council to focus on making roads safer for motorcyclists and will continue work begun by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on a Motorcycle Crash Causation Study to identify why motorcycle crashes occur and find ways to reduce the fatality and injury rates.
Bullshit. They?re proven over and over that helmet free states have similar death rates has helmet states and more accidents. They also prove time after time that helmets don?t save lives, can break your neck and the culprit is always the motorists who turns left or talks on the phone. It?s not a safety issue, but a money one. Insurance companies know that every-time a helmet is passed fewer people ride–Bandit

THE BIKERNET MEDICAL STUDY DEPARTMENT CONTINUES WITH–A woman pregnant with triplets was walking down the street whena masked robber ran out of a bank and shot her three times in thestomach. Luckily the babies were OK. The surgeon decided to leave thebullets in because it was too risky to operate. She gave birth to twohealthy daughters and a healthy son.
All was fine for 16 years, and then one daughter walked into theroom in tears. “What’s wrong?” asked the mother. “I was taking aleak and this bullet came out,” replied the daughter. The mother toldher it was okay and explained what happened 16 years ago.
About a week later the second daughter walked into the room intears. “Mom, I was taking a leak and this bullet came out.” Againthe mother told her not to worry and explained what happened 16 years ago.
A week later her son walked into the room in tears. “It’s okay”said the Mom, “I know what happened. You were taking a leak and abullet came out.”
“No,” said the boy, “I was playing with myself and I shot thedog.”
–from Chris T.

BIG TIME!BMC BIKE GIVEAWAY–Horse Power Promotions received such great response on the BMC bobber that we gave away last season that we went back to BMC again and Big Mike stepped up and is bringing Hooligan to the party.
The top of the line Hooligan will be given away during the season finale, the Grand National Bike Show at San Francisco?s Cow Palace.
Attendees at all 3 Horse Power Show including Motorcycle Madness May 18th-20th in Santa Maria, Ca. The 60th Anniversary Hollister Rally in Hollister July 6th-8th an d the Grand National Bike Show Oct. 13th and 14th can sign up to win at no cost.
Sign up at all 3 shows and triple your luck.
The BMC Chopper give-away is just part of the excitement at this years show?s.
else is on top at the West Coasts hottest shows.

USS NEW YORK, TRIBUTE TO 911–It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.It is the fifth in a new class of warship – designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.
Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite, LA to cast the ship’s bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept. 9, 2003, “those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,” recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. “It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.”
Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the “hair on my neck stood up.” “It had a big meaning to it for all of us,” he said. “They knocked us down. They can’t keep us down. We’re going to be back.”
The ship’s motto? “Never Forget”Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country!

2WHEELERS DAYTONA SPECIAL–You want Product. We got Product Bandit… You just have to come to Daytona Bike Week…. You can find 2Wheeler on Main in Downtown Daytona. Tell ?em Bikernet sent ya, and bring Marilyn home.

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION FIGHTS TO END BIKER DISCRIMINATION– February 21 Washington DC: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that legislation to close the loophole that currently exists in our nation’s health insurance industry has been introduced in the US Senate (S 616) and House (HR 1076).
Under current law, group market insurance customers – that’s everyone who has insurance from a job in the private sector, military or government – can be denied benefits for a particular injury just because it came from an motorcycle accident. Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act> (HIPAA) in 1996 to ensure proper access to health insurance for all American workers. Once the bureaucrats at the US Department of Health and Human Services issued their final ruling on the law they managed to allow a loophole that can be used to discriminate against motorcyclists when the need health insurance the most, after an accident.
The loophole also is used by insurance companies to deny benefits for any accidents that stem from horseback riding, snowmobiling, and snow skiing, just to name a few.
“This legislation will right an injustice done to America’s motorcycling community,” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. “We are asking the Congress to tell the insurance industry that they can no longer get away with refusing benefits that have been bought and paid for by motorcyclists”.
The House legislation has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, while the Senate bill is sitting before the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
In order to pass this legislation, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation needs your help. Please join your fellow freedom fighters and ask your Members of Congress and Senators to co-sponsor this important legislation.
Ask your federal Representative to support HR 1076 and your two US Senators to support S 616. Should you receive any commitments or denials to support the legislation, or if you have any other legislative question or concerns, please contact the MRF.

Ride With The LeadersTM by joining the MRF at or call 1-202-546-0983

W8LESS ROTORS REPORTS FROM DAYTONA–Currently in Daytona , YAHOO!!!!! Sunshine once again . Spent the last month in Cincy, Louisville then Indy. Record snow fall and extreme cold for a month. Did not miss any of blizzards. My son and I stuffed the door cracks with shit paper, then duct taped the gaps in an attempt to stay warm. Holy shit Maynard.
A whirlwind tour with eager anticipation of production rotors. As of Friday last week WE ARE IN PRODUCTION .
Haulin ass for Gainesville Thursday for the AHDRA races on Friday, Sat and Sunday. When the finals are over, I will load my circus tent and haul ass for the BROKEN SPOKE DAYTONA BIKE WEEK EVENTS.
PROUDLY REPRESENTING W8LESS ROTORS , will also be present under the TEAMHOOTERSUZUK canopy , center stage in the paddock area during DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY sport bike races. Steve Decamp, the team owner has gone out of his way to extend a helping hand.
CYCLE PROMOTIONS USA PRESENTS THE SAN DIEGO MOTORCYCLE & HOT ROD EXPO SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM–On April 14 and 15 of 2007 Cycle Promotions USA will behostingthe San Diego Motorcycle and Hot Rod Expo at Qualcom Stadium at 9449Friars Road, San Diego California. This premier event will showcasesomeof the Nations top builders. Topping the list is Discovery Channelbikerbuild off winner Harold Pontarelli of H-D Perfomance. Harolds motorcycles have appeared in countless national motorcycle magazinesaswell as Tom Zimberoff’s Art of the Chopper.
Also on the list ofbuildersis Belgium builder Allen Lee of Gangsta Choppers. Allen’s one offmasterpieces are truely works of art. Allens metal fabrication workhas earned him the title “the Michael Angelo of metal.” Allenscreditsalsoinclude Discovery Channels Biker Build off, Tom Zimberoff’s Art ofthe Chopper Two, and countless magazines in Eroupe as well as theUnited States.
Next on the list is Nicky Bootz. Nicky is a formerBillyLanes Choppers Inc. employee who’s always the life of the party nomatter where he goes. His magazine credits and TV appearances are tooextensive to list.
Next the Trike Master himself Craig Witford of CCTrikes, another builder who’s credits include the DiscoveryChannel Biker Build Off which is just one reason why Craig isrecognized as one of the finest trike builders in the Country.
Alsoappearing will be Counts Kustoms,Kirk Taylor ofCustomDesign studios, Jeff Palhegyi, Danny Koker and Shannon Aikau of Counts Customs, and a host of other builders from around the Country aswell as some old and some new local talent to finish up this well roundedlist of builders. Also on hand will be some of the top motorcycle manufacturers and magazines in the business like American Bagger, American Cycle, PerfomanceMachine,
G P Design, and some others like San Diego Harley-Davidson have comeonboard as show sponsors. So if your addiction is Street Rods,Motorcycles, you just want to show off your latestbuild, maybe take a run down the eighth mile legal drag strip, orone of the other motorcycle and car Field Games. Maybe you want to goout shopping the vendors or you’re just out with the family to takeinall this event has to offer. You’re sure to find something foreveryonehere.
So see you all there. For more show information call1-386-252-3101 or visit us on the web at
BIKENET HAS ITS RELIGIOUS MOMENTS–An out of town biker becomes friendly with Thelma, the waitress in his hotel coffee shop, and invites her up to his room.
She is indignant.
The biker says, “Don’t get excited. This is all in the Bible.”
Thelma is appeased, and after her shift they go out and have a few drinks. Again the biker invites her up to his room, and again she is angry.
The biker explains, “It’s in the Bible.”
An hour later they’re in the biker?s hotel room and he suggests They undress and have some fun. He assures Thelma that it isn’t sinful since it’s in the Bible.
“Where?” she says. “Where does it say that?”
Taking the Bible from the hotel nightstand, he opens it to the front cover where someone has written, “Thelma the waitress is a great lay.”
–from Rogue

BIKERNET?S NEVADA CASINO CONNECTION–Joe Zanelli is a bikes and VP at Primm Properties at the Nevada State Line on interstate 15. That?s our overnight stop for the Bonneville Run. We stay at Whiskey Petes, but there?s also Primm Valley and Buffalo Bills. If you need a place to stay in Nevada for shows, gambling or a getaway and want to avoid Vegas, try Primm. Call Joe, he?ll hook you up.

?I stuck in a couple of photos, one is the first custom I built back in the early ?70s and the other is my last completed one with Shirley’s first Badass seat,? Joe said. ?I’m currently building a V- Bike similar to yours, I am going with a 124-inch twin cam in mine. I’m sorry to hear about Wil from True-track, I was on the phone with him some weeks back and he told me to call back in a week, all I got was the voicemail’s full. I felt bad when I read your site and you mentioned going to visit him in the hospital.
I’ll send you a few pictures when the V- bike is further along. Stay in touch.
–Joe Z.

MICHAEL LICHTER PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION AT CUSTOM CHROME DEALER SHOW– ACCLAIMED biker-lifestyle photographer Michael Lichter will be bringing his Sturgis photographic exhibition to the 2007 Custom Chrome dealer show in Mainz, Germany.
The display of over 25 images is a study of the Sturgis Rally & Races event over the years, which Michael has attended and chronicled with his camera.
Over the last 30 years, Michael has photographed motorcycles and events across four continents, held exhibitions at 15 galleries and museums, contributed to hundreds of magazines, and published coffee-table books.
The CCE dealer show, taking place on 24th and 25th March at the Ph?nixhalle in Mainz, is also hosting the European Championship of Custom Bike Building.
Indian Larry Legacy builders, Paul Cox and Keino, recently confirmed they will be bringing their latest Biker Build-Off bike to the Custom Chrome Europe Dealer Show.

The number of entries for the Championship now stands at over 90 bikes from 72 of the world’s best custom builders.
BIKERNET SPONSORS SAND DRAGS IN AUSTRALIA–All is good over here with the show, we’re running around like crazy as usual, had a good couple of days with Crystal and a friend on their Big Bear Choppers, the old Shovel never missed a beat, we did about 8 or 9 hundred kilometres just zooming around down Brisbane way and the Gold Coast, it was cool, the old and the beautiful. The king is coming along, the flat black paint job came out good, now I’m waiting on powdercoating and I’m putting on the Apes on Wednesday ( ya gotta bow to the Apes) I printed out your “High Bar Transformation” package from the archives, so I’m good to go. Isn’t that great news about Ray Wheeler with Harley, good for him. Well not long to go now guys, you’ll be over here judging the show. Here’s my latest seat I just finished for my good buddy “Wild Willy the Mad fabricator”. –Glenn MORE ON XTREME CHARGERS– Just wanted to make sure your readersknow that Xtreme Charge works will all types and sizes of 12-V lead-acidbatteries, including flooded, fill and charge, gel, AGM and maintenancefree. Outdoor UL approved and CE certified, Xtreme Charge? is safe and easy to use. It works with all types and sizes of 12-volt lead-acid batteries including flooded, fill and charge, gel, AGM and maintenance free (from less than 10 Ah to over 150 Ah). Xtreme Charge? includes a charger with fuse-protected quick-disconnect battery clamps and lugs, important safety instructions and a quick-start guide. It comes with a five-year warranty. Specifications for Xtreme Charge? are: For more information call 1-888-287-9314 or go to –John Bell EL LOCO HAS GOT TO GO– This bike is for sale for $18,500. It ran on the Dyno drags at 10.75 and 126 mph in the quarter. This bike has all the good stuff and only has 2,000 miles on the clock including one Build-off run with Gypsy, since Larry was involved in the build. STEALTH REPORT FROM THE FRONT?OF HIS SHOP–March is upon us and that means spring is coming soon. This year the time changes on March 11th, 3 weeks early! More daylight means more time to get things done. You know I read where some people are stiffing Mr. Bandit and Bikernet on paying bills. All of this is against the code we live by. You never cheat your brother, NEVER! On a smaller scale we deal with a similar issue everyday here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. It seems that no matter what price you give some people, it is too high or they bring a part to the counter with the price tag already on it and ask you “How much can I get this for?” What does the price tag say ? That is what you can get it for! Then we always hear “The labor is too much,” even though our labor rate is one of or the lowest in the Charlotte area. It is amazing to me, how many people that are out there who are always looking for something for nothing. I am sure we are not the only small shop who see this on a daily basis. When you run a shop, your eyes are opened to a lot of things that you never realized before. Sometimes I just sit and laugh to myself about it and other times I just sit! Hey, I got to talk to my buddy Jose this week from Caribbean Choppers. All is good with Jose! I always have liked Jose from the first time I met him. He speaks his mind and doesn’t beat around the bush about anything. I admire that in anyone. I have got to go do some work now. You know it is the time of year where things start to pick up. THE MEANEST has a list a mile long of things that need to be done around the house. I need to give my bikes their spring bath and the list goes on. You know this is a crazy business to be in sometimes. The ups and downs, the highs and lows, the busy times, the slow times. Putting up with the posers. Having good times with true friends and true bikers. Being your own boss, paying the bills every month, not making BIG money but having the time of my life! It is and adventure of a lifetime! It is a roller coaster ride that never ends! Would I do it all again? Hell yes! Until next week, RIDE!
GP leather Designs
–Input Voltage: 90-250 V ac
–Max Charge Current: 2.5 A
–Pulse Frequency: 22-28 kHz
–Main Battery Cable Length: 6?
–Lug/Clamp Cable Length: 2?
Continued On Page 4