Lynyrd Skynyrd Brings Southern Rock mastery to Sturgis Buffalo Chip

Traditions are a major part of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip experience. One of the longest standing includes feeling the amphitheater shake with the roar of V-twins while hearing Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Free Bird” blast through the main stage speakers. The Rock and Roll Hall of Famers, wildly popular with Chip fans, will bring their hits home to the Wolfman Jack Stage in 2018 on Monday, Aug. 6. Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff’s official announcement video can be seen here.


“Lynyrd Skynyrd has been a rock ‘n’ roll staple for bikers at the Chip for years,” said Rod Woodruff, Sturgis Buffalo Chip President. “Their songs are part of a Buffalo Chip tradition and we are thrilled to have them back to perform this year.”

With a catalog of over 60 albums, and sales beyond 30 million worldwide, the self-proclaimed “Buffalo Chip house band” has become an American classic. Their rock anthem “Sweet Home Alabama” has been downloaded as a ringtone over two million times attesting to their cultural appeal.

The entertainment schedule so far announced includes:

Saturday, Aug. 4 Foreigner
Sunday, Aug. 5 Buffalo Chip TT American Flat Track Race
Monday, Aug. 6 Lynyrd Skynyrd
Wednesday, Aug. 8 Eric Church
Thursday, Aug. 9 Kid Rock
Friday, Aug. 10 John Kay and Steppenwolf


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