Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show
$70,000 in Total Awards! New $10,000 Cash Purse for Best of Show andBest Performance Machine Equipped Bike together with $60,000 in Awards&Trophies in all classes! See exciting new custom bike world premiers likethose like those last year from Zero Engineering and Jesse Rooke andDreamcraft Studios, plus Arlen Ness, Warren Lane, Roland Sands and other TopBuilders from around the world at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show. Buildersget invited to the next round of the Iron & Lace Calendar Show at the AMDPro Show's World Championship of Custom Bike Building at Big Twin West inLas Vegas, Nov 15-16th with its $50,000 Cash Grand Prize!
Meet the world's most beautiful pinup models including Playboy andPenthouse centerfolds of the Year, Miss America and Hawaiian TropicInternational and Hooters pageant winners and the FastDates.com CalendarAngels with the premier of our 2006 Calendars!
Activities this year July Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th 2005 at the biggestand best custom and high performance streetbike motorcycle show in America.Join us for the most incredible weekend ever of awesome streetbikes andcustoms, including the Jardine Horsepower Dyno Shootout, Iron & LaceCalendar famous Bike Builder Seminars,The Purrfect Angelz, and theexciting Iron & Lace Builder's Night Party on the Queen Mary!
Note: Event Entertainment and Activities may be subject to revisions.Check back closer to Show date for confirmation.
Saturday 16th, 11 am – 8pm in the Park 8pm – 1am Party on the QueenMaryCelebrity Calendar Builders Seminars, Live Classic Rock & Blues music,sexy Purrfect Angelz burlesque shows, Calendar Model Search Pageantfeatured.
11am to 8 PM: SHOW OPEN Bike Show at Queen Mary Event Parkwith activities Open to Spectators
12 noon: Jesse Payo Band blues androck live on stage
1:00 PM: Meet the FastDates.com Calendar Girls onstage.

Unauthorized Rolling Stones, Boudeeka classic rockand blues on stage live!
2:00 PM: Iron & lace Builders Seminar withHarold Pontarelli, Best of show winner, Infield Pavilion
2:00 PM: ThePurrfect Angelz Feature Show performance on Main Stage. 1st of 2performances
2:30 PM: Jesse Payo Band blues and rock live onstage
3:00 PM: Iron & lace Builders Seminar with Roland Sands and JesseRooke
3:30 PM: Calendar Girl Beauty Pageant Day 1http://www.fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.4ModelPageant.HTM, and meet theFastDates.com Calendar Girls on stage.
4:00 PM: Unauthorized RollingStones, Boudeeka classic rock and blues on stage live! Iron& lace Builders Seminar with Mike Stafford, MGS Customs
5:00 PM: Iron &lace Builders Seminar with Arlen & Corey Ness
5:30 PM: The PurrfectAngelz Feature Show performance on Main Stage.
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM: JessePayo Band blues and rock live on stage Iron & lace BuildersSeminar with Mitch Bergeron
8:00 PM: Bike Show Event Park closes. Grabdinner. Activities move onboard the Queen Mary.Complimentary Queen Mary admission to paid Bike Show spectators with handstamp.
9:00 PM: 11:00 PM: Iron & Lace Builders' Night Party in the QueenMary Observation Bar. Live Blues music with the ShariPuorto Band! Party with America's top bike builders, themotorcycle media, Show Exhibitors, the beautiful FastDates.com CalendarAngels, Show & Calendar producer Jim Gianatsis and his crew!
Join us onSunday July 17th 2005 for the World's premier Motorcycle Contest at the LosAngeles Calendar Motorcycle Show featuring the finest Professional andAmateur Custom, Performance, Classic American V-Twins, Metric Sportbikes,Antique Streetbikes.
$5000 Cash for Best of Show paid $4,000 for 1st / $700 2nd / $3003rd*including the prestigious Performance Machine Best of Show Award.$5,000 Cash for Best Performance Machine Equipped Bike. $60,000 introphies & gift certificate redemption prizes in all classes.Many of thecontest Show bikes are chosen to appear in the Iron & Lace and Fast DatesCalendars and are featured in America’s top motorcycle magazines.
Plus, Top Builders at our LA Calendar Show get a guaranteed invitation tothe AMD Pro Show World Championship of Custom Bike Building presented byCustom Chrome at Big Twin West, Las Vegas, Nov 18-20th with its $50,000Grand Cash Prize!
K. Randall Ball or Bandit, of Bikernet.com will announce the winners on the stage with the lovely LA Calendar Show host.
Join us again July 16th & 17th 2005 for the biggest and best Custom,High Performance and Antique Streetbike Motorcycle event in America.
Our 2-day event draws between 15,000 and 20,000 spectators with theparticipation of major manufacturers and top builders from around theworld.. Even if you could sell to or meet 100 spectators an hour in yourbooth, you’d only have time to meet and sell to some 1,500 people in thecourse of our 16 hour weekend. You will find our Exhibitor space rates areextremely affordable at around half the cost of comparable events our size.
Spectator attendance is assured by our continued 10 -20% growth each yeardue to our event's popularity and media exposure. Together with 4-6 monthsof full page advertising nationally in Iron Works, Thunder Press, BarnettsMotorcycle Showcase, 2Wheel Tuner, MotorcycleEvents.com and regionally inReCycler / Cycle Buys, Auto Trader / Cycle Trader, Full Throttle to 5million readers. Plus distribution of our color Bike Show flyers at majorbike events and motorcycle dealerships throughout the west coast, incustomer orders by our major Exhibitors and sponsors, and the internetincluding our popular FastDates.com website.

1). Click one of the 2005 Exhibitor Registration Form links below to open.Form shows space pricing. Reduce your printer output size if necessary tofit on 8.5×11″ sheet. Print 2 copies.
Exhibitor Registration PDF Formhttp://www.FastDates.com/BikeShow2005/2005Registration.pdf with SpacePricing
Exhibitor Registration GIF Formhttp://www.FastDates.com/BikeShow2005/2005Registration.gif with SpacePricing
Exhibitior Registration JPG Formhttp://www.FastDates.com/BikeShow2005/2005Registration.jpg with SpacePricing
2). Send Gianatsis Design (1) completed Registration form with Payment InFull:€ Payment by Postal Mail – Fax, then Mail us your completedRegistration form with full payment by Company Check or Money Order (Nocharge cards by mail. No personal checks 30 days before event date) withpayment made to Gianatsis Design to reserve your space, or…€ Paymentby Pay Pal Online Credit Card Shopping Cart- Make your secure RegistrationPayment online thru Pay Pal with a charge card using the below shopping cartbuttons. Order the cart quantities necessary to reach you total space cost.After your payment is confirmed, fax or mail us copies of your Pay PalOnline Payment Receipt and your completed Exhibitor Registration Form.
Gianatsis Design Associates, headed by renown fashion and motorsportsphotographer Jim Gianatsis, produces the FastDates.com Website and PinupCalendars, the world's most popular line of pinup model calendars, which arepremiered each year in July at the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show.
The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show's Calendar Girl Model SearchPageant offers a model a free weekend of fun and entertainment for her and afriend at the Show, and a potentially paid Casting on stage in front of manypossible clients, and most exciting of all a chance to win a paidFastDates.com Calendar shoot with celebrity pinup photographer Jim Gianatsispaying $500 or more!
Win and Earn Up to $1,500!Separate Pageants take place each day.Contestants will receive gifts and the top 3 placing girls each day will wina $500 / $200 / $100 cash award. Models can enter and compete on just oneday, or both days. The finalists from each day's Model Search will beconsidered for a $500 paid modeling shoot for the FastDates.com Calendarswith famed calendar and fashion photographer Jim Gianatsis. Winners willalso have their pictures/ banner link ad/contact information posted on thiswebsite to help refer them work.
Model Search Pageant Days & Times at the Bike Show: July 16th Saturday4:30 pm & July 17th Sunday 3:00 pmCheck-in and change 30-45 minutes beforehand at the staff tent behind the Main Stage in the Park.before the postedstart time of the Calendar Girl Pageant. You can change in the tent. Pleasewear a schoolgirl style short skirt or summer shorts outfit for a possibleon-stage interview first, before the swimsuit portion of the pageant.Tasteful swimwear and heels suggested. No wet T's or nudity allowed.Anyshow of nudity is prohibited and will result in disqualification.Anexciting weekend event, the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show draws over10,000 spectators and offers an exciting weekend of activities including 2premier bands, complimentary admission to the historic Queen Mary oceanliner with the Saturday Night Iron & Lace Calendar Party on board the ship.The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend includes the participation of 130major motorcycle product manufacturers, some of whom may use the CalendarGirl Pageant to choose potential models for their upcoming advertisingcampaigns and trade show promotions.

FREE MODEL ADMISSIONModels wishing (2) free admission passes to the Showto participate in the Calendar Girl Beauty Pageant should mail their Zedcard or a promotional photo with your phone number and contact information /return mail address to a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to: GianatsisDesign, 4801 Reforma Road, Woodland Hills , CA 91364
Or E-mail us. Please Do Not E-mail us large Picture files.Rather, send alink to your website. Do not send us questions, as we may not have time torespond to them. Everything you need to know is on this page and the otherbike show pages.Web@FastDates.com
Complimentary Model's Table Space for Self PromotionSeparate from ourModel Search pageant both days at the Show….Any attractive model wantinga complimentary model's booth table space at our 2-day Show to sell herpictures and promote herself should fill out our online ExhibitorRegistration Form http://www.fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.6Exhibitors.HTM andfax it back to Gianatsis Design with a copy of your modeling composite, Zedcard or pictures. We will provide you with tented and safe 4 foot wide tablespace and chair in a prime spectator location at the Show.Please Mail orFax this Registration Formhttp://www.fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.6Exhibitors.HTM and photo to confirmyour booth request.Pageant Times:
Saturday July 17th 4:30pm (check-in4pm)
Sunday July 18th 3:00pm (check in 2:30pm)
Please confirm theEvents Schedule a few days before: Event Schedulehttp://www.fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.2EventSchedule.HTM Note: Automobileparking at the Queen Mary may be filled if you arrive at mid day. You may bedirected to park in downtown Long Beach, which may require a 20-30 minuteshuttle ride to the Queen Mary Event Park. Be safe and arrive early and giveyourself a 1.5 hours (90 minutes) safety margin before the Model Pageantbegins.
FREE MODEL AGENCY ADMISSIONModel Agency participation is encouraged.Please contact Gianatsis Design direct to request free passes for both yourstaff and models. Model Agencies are also welcome to request a free boothspace at the event for self promotion. PH: 818.223.8550