Justifiable Use of Deadly Force



What protections are we afforded if we use deadly force? By Tony Pan Sanfelipo

Over the last few years, we’ve seen and heard a lot about police officers using deadly force on civilians. Most often the ruling comes down as “justifiable use of force.”

What about us, as citizens? What protections are we afforded if we use deadly force? It’s widely accepted across the country that you have a right to defend yourself, using lethal force if necessary. Determining the justification of lethal force comes down to the “reasonable man” doctrine. In other words, what force would a reasonable man use if faced with the same situation as you?

Much of the country has some form of concealed carry law, making this information even more important. Generally, deadly force is justified only when the threat of death or serious injury is imminent from an attacker. If you’ve decided to carry a gun for self-defense, you have a great responsibility to know the law and how to properly handle your weapon.

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