Continued From Page 3

DALLAS OFFICER FIRED FOLLOWING DWI CHARGE–FORT WORTH, Texas — A veteran Dallas police officer is now off the streets after being arrested for drunken driving.
The department fired senior corporal James Mismash on Tuesday following his arrest. The narcotics officer is facing a DWI charge.
Mismash has been on administrative leave since his arrest last month. Mismash spent 18 years on the Dallas police force.
–from Rogue


DWI PROSECUTOR FACES DWI CHARGES–LACONIA ? A man whose job is to prosecute alcohol-related offenses was arrested at Bike Week at Weirs Beach early yesterday, charged with drunken driving, according to State Police.
Assistant County Attorney Wayne P. Coull of Laconia was arrested by State Police after midnight (early Saturday morning), behind the Dexter Plaza and charged with operating under the influence of alcohol, first offense, said State Police Sgt. Dale St. Laurent.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As always, a bit late with the news, but at least I’m making something up. And making it up is the truth, nothing but the truth.By this time next week I’ll be in the shores of Oahu, hanging out with friends, having a good time, surfing and just getting away from all the madness. At the same time we’ve had a smorgasbord of bike related stuff on TV, I have not been able to watch it all, but have been taping for further viewing…. I have seen a lot of the stuff written on Your Shot, some like it some don’t, kind of the same way it is with the stuff I write. But you know what, all those shows, the same as what I write, is here to stay no matter what people say. No matter how much it’s hated or liked, it won’t go away. I much rather see the build off’s and Motorcycle mania every single week, as bad or good you might think they are, than those Monday shows, (need I mention any names?).
Sure not everyone has the personality, nor charisma that Jesse, Billy and Indian Larry have, but they all got something in their own right, and the best deal of all is that we all learn something or see how stuff is done by others. More so the mere mortals that have not a drop of comprehension towards what it takes to actually put a bike together. So bitch all you want or praise all you want. Like Bandit told me, the important part is to catch the audience…and that has been accomplished.
By the way and along the same lines, I don’t know how many times I’ve told people that read my stuff, not to take me too seriously, then again I have been very fortunate and in a weird way, proper, not to resort to calling names to anyone. Then again, no need to stoop that low. Fifth grade was such a long time ago…..
I’m in the process of getting a new laptop, if that happens before Hawaii, I will make sure to send photos and such, as everything is happening, I don’t know when Bandit and the girls will be joining us there, but if I can, I’ll send them.
Going back to the TV shows, don’t take everything as the gospel either, remember, the editing changes a few things here and there, so if they can go with a certain flaw, or a certain character, they will go with it. Also, we must be reminded that all those shows are not just for motorcycle people, they are for everyone else as well, so maybe what does not appeal to us, might appeal to others, and such is the way things are.
I’m out of here. By the next report my Sturgis Bobber should be almost complete and I will leave it to our readers if you want to see it here first, or just wait after Sturgis. Then again, it’s up to Michael Lichter as well……
Have a good week end, while some of you are bitching at what I write and claim that I’m an ass, moron, motherfucker, etc,etc….. I’ll make sure I’ll catch a wave for you and increasing my resume.
Later guys…. enjoy the week end
Jose…..The Bikernet “nobody”, unknown, wannabe..blah,blah,blah….Caribbean reporter.

CV CARB TIPS–We mounted a Fantasy In Iron air cleaner on Busters Sportster and asked Pablo how to mess with the stock CV carb. Here’s what we had to say, ” We just mounted a new Fantasy in Iron air cleaner on a buddy’sbike. Can I adjust the CV carb? It seems to cough off the line,but the plugs are near perfect. One (the rear) is a little darkaround the base. Gimme some guidance, oh master.”
Here’s what the master told us: Check to see if the alum. plug has been removed from the idlesmixture boss under the carb all the way back by the carb spigot.This is where the carb plugs in the rubber gasket on the manifold.If its gone you can adjust the idle mixture just like any carb. Ifit’s not you have to remove it by drilling it out with a 5/32 dia.drill. Then screw in a sheet metal screw in the plug and pull itout.
Be carefull if you have to drill the plug. It’s only about a 1/8″thick. It’s easy to drill into the brass idle mixture screw. Sodrill easy Bro.
Most of the times if the carb is stock it needs a #45 slow jetwiththe mixture screw 2 to 3 turns out. Stock is #42 on the slow jet.If you have a high flow exhaust and air cleaner you’ll need a 180or185 main jet. You can also remove the slide, drill the vacuum porton the bottom to 1/8″ dia., this hole is off center. Try cutting 2coils of the spring for starters.
If the slides rubber gasket expands and won’t fit when trying toput the top back on stick the fucker in the freezer for 30 minutesor so. This shrinks the rubber diaphragm.
You can shorten the pump rod some. That will shorten the stroke of the accelerator rod. Again try adjusting the air fuel. Then tell me what the jets are in the carb if you can. You are at Sea level, if I remember right.
–PabloP.S. don’t put a fucken dynojet kit in it!! It makes your gas go tohell and doesn’t help performance. By the way how much is gas onthe Left Coast??
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – The Milwaukee World Festival Board of Directors and Michael F. Hupy, the attorney for three Outlaws Motorcycle Club members who filed a lawsuit against the organization, today announced an agreement to temporarily stay the case. As part of the agreement, the club members will delay litigation while Milwaukee World Festival implements an informal policy that individuals will not be removed from Summerfest solely for wearing Outlaws apparel. The policy will remain in effect until October, when both sides will review the matter. Festival security retains the right to eject any attendee – regardless of their clothing – for disruptive behavior or conduct.
The three Outlaws members allege in their lawsuit that they were unfairly ejected from the last year’s Summerfest for refusing to remove or cover apparel with the club symbol. Mr. Hupy said: “This is a fair agreement for both sides. The Outlaws have the freedom to wear their club logo. Milwaukee World Festival maintains the ability to enforce its security policies and help ensure a safe festival. It’s a win-win situation.” Hupy noted that he did not charge a fee to his clients and worked on this matter on a pro bono basis.
Howard Schnoll, president of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., said his board is comfortable with the arrangement. “This is a workable agreement, and our Board is willing to put it in place on a trial basis for this year’s Summerfest,” he said. “Our goal is to create safe and fun events that all festival goers can enjoy, and this agreement will allow us to do that.”
If, after the 2004 festival season, The Outlaws and Milwaukee World Festival are both willing to continue the informal policy into the future, the agreement calls for the lawsuit to be dropped.

LOUISIANA LEGISLATURE BRINGS BACK MOTORCYCLE HELMET LAW– BATON ROUGE, La. — Helmets will again be mandatory attire for motorcycle riders on Louisiana highways beginning Aug. 15.The state Senate voted 26-12 on Thursday to reinstate the mandatory helmet law that was repealed in 1999 at the behest of then-Gov. Mike Foster.
“We had a governor at that time that felt that his head was hard enough that the didn’t have to wear one and nobody else should have to wear one,” joked Sen. Joel Chaisson, D-Destrehan. Chaisson is the Senate sponsor of the bill by Rep. Clara Baudoin, D-Carencro.
Current Gov. Kathleen Blanco supported reinstatement and is expected to sign the bill.Baudoin’s bill had languished on the House calendar for weeks but got a boost when Blanco lent her support. It passed the House on Tuesday.
Debate in the Senate — as in the House — centered on dueling statistics and an adult’s right to choose.”This is common-sense legislation that will save lives,” Chaisson said. He cited statistics found in a recent federal study to back up his claim.
Fifty-three motorcyclists were killed in Louisiana in 1997 and 1999, the two years before the repeal. That number grew to 111 in the first two full years after the repeal, 2000 and 2001, according to a study released last year by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Sen. Robert Barham, R-Oak Ridge, opposed the bill and noted LSU statistics showing the number of deaths per accident has not increased.
“We can only go so far with taking away choice from people,” Barham said.
But other senators argued that, despite a law requiring helmet-less riders to carry insurance, many riders are uninsured, meaning public hospitals often are left with the cost of treating injured riders. “It’s no longer a matter of public choice. We all pay,” said Sen. Robert Marionneaux, D-Livonia.
The Foster-backed 1999 law allowed anyone over 18 to ride without a helmet if they had at least $10,000 of bodily injury insurance.
Several organizations of motorcycle enthusiasts opposed reinstatement of the helmet law, claiming helmets impair vision and hearing and can contribute to accidents. They said better education and training of motorcyclists is needed to reduce accidents.
Chaisson noted that he has legislation pending in the House to require that new motorcycle operators go through approved courses, and that all motorcycle operators be required to obtain a motorcycle endorsement on their driver’s licenses and have an “M” sticker affixed to their license plate to signify that they have the proper endorsement.
–Associated press
–from Rogue

BIKERNET BIKE SEARCH–I’m looking for the company that built this bike. I saw this bike at Myrtle Beach Bike Week a couple months ago. I forgot the name of the company , but I’m sure they were out of Kentucky. Hope seeing the pic will ring a bell for someone. The paint has the ghost flames with small skulls in the flames.
I’ve had this bike picture saved on my computer for over a year. Had no idea who built it. I saw it at ” broadway at the beach ” in Myrtle Beach in the spring. Couldn’t get a chance to speak to a salesman about buying it (too many people). I was going to contact them when I got back, but forgot the name of the company. any help would be appreciated. thanks ,
“chuck evans”

SCREAMIN? EAGLE TEAM UNDER THE GUN AT GATEWAY–NHRA Rule Change Adds 40lbs. of Weight; Timing Forces Team to Test during Race
MILWAUKEE, Wis. (June 24, 2004) – The Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines team will be under the gun at Gateway International Raceway this weekend since the NHRA announced on Tuesday night an unprecedented rule amendment which changed the minimum weight for Pro Stock Bike push rod V-Twins from 575 pounds to 615 pounds. The rule change essentially becomes effective June 25 for the start of this weekend?s Sears Craftsman Nationals and does not give the team enough time to test the 40-pound weight increase before the start of the event.
?NHRA?s decision came as quite a shock to us. The timing and magnitude of the rule change is very frustrating at this point in the season, and since the team leaves for Gateway today, we will have no time to test before the race. But this team has overcome so much adversity, we believe we?ll get through this,? said Screamin? Eagle Racing Manager Anne Paluso.
?It will be tough to overcome the forty pound penalty and get back to a competitive position. Short term, we are very concerned about the effect of that much weight on the bike’s launch and down track performance. Without time for testing, we will have to use some or all of this weekend’s qualifying sessions to assure we still have competent motorcycles,? said Bob Farchione, Harley-Davidson Parts and Accessories chief engineer.
After six rounds of NHRA Pro Stock Bike competition, Screamin? Eagle rider Andrew Hines leads the class with 604 points, 185 points ahead of Suzuki rider Shawn Gann, in second with 419 points. Screamin? Eagle rider GT Tonglet is third with 393 points.

Click the banner for more information!
ACCURATE ENGINEERING CLEARS ITS NAME– The Discovery Channel with their biker build off?s where well know custom bike builders compete against each other to assemble motorcycles from scratch, ride them together to a specific location and then have them judged by people at the event has become a very popular show.
They shoot days and days of footage and edit to a one hour or less show, so a lot of it is never seen. Some of it is repetitious in that there are only so many way to build a motorcycle but they must still keep the audiences interest.
This is done a few ways and one of them is to give the builders a time frame. This puts the pressure on and also taxes those that are supplying parts like engines and doing paint work. Every one has a schedule and expected to stay to it.
On a show that aired Monday August 21st where Chica from California went against Hank Young of Marietta Georgia the Discovery Channel moved the shoot date up for Young.
He was waiting for one of the Custom Built Engines from Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama which have become the choice of many of the shows winners.
In the show Young calls Accurate Engineering looking for the engine and hams up about not knowing where it is or what he was going to do.
The Right Thing To Do Would Have Been To Explain That Discovery Had Changed The Schedule. But that is not as interesting to the viewer as hamming it up.
The fact is the engine was not due for delivery for another four days. Berry worked 36 hours straight to finish it and had two of his people deliver it.
There was a little blurb at the end when Young was riding through the parking lot about how good the engine sounded but you really had to be listening to hear it over the exhaust of the bike.
I have known Berry Wardlaw for a long time and I knew it was not like him to miss a delivery date, so I called him and found out what the true story was.
Maybe the people at Discovery need to stop by his shop one of these days to see what actually goes into building one of these show winning engines.
Discovery Channel: People like watching your shows so please do not insult their intelligence with cheap shots any more

K&N FILTERS LOSES STAFF MEMBER–Tom Cates, Senior Sales Manager, Powersports Division, of K&N Filters lost a long battle with cancer and passed away on 18th June, 2004.His major motorcycle interest was the flat track scene, and in 1955 he became a rookie to begin seven years of regular competition.From rookie status, he progressed to the National ranks in 1957, riding #32, and continued to ride under that number until 1962.He achieved success in both series championships and individual meetings.
The Flat Track community will pay its own tribute to Tom by dedicating the meeting at Del Mar to his memory.After employment by BSA and Triumph he was asked by Ken Johnson and Norm McDonald, the founders of K&N, to join the company as General Manager.
Tom maintained his interest in dirt track as K&N was involved in the sport as it helped out with sponsorship schemes.Another of Tom’s interests was flying and, as a private pilot, Tom often flew his own experimental airplane.
A memorial service is to be held at K&N Engineering Headquarters, 1455 Citrus Avenue, Riverside, California on Saturday, 26th June, between 2pm and 4pm where Don Emde is scheduled to pay tribute.The family has requested no gifts or flowers, but donations to the City of Hope and Beckman Research Institute.Donations can be made online through donate or by mail to City of Hope, Central Processing, 1500 E Duarte Road, Duarte, California 91010. Please mark donations as via ‘K&N Engineering’ – this will enable the company to forward cards to the Cates family.
Tom is survived by his wife Georgia, daughters Tina, Anita and Tomi, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Riverside, California, USA
Tel: 9098 826 4000
THAT’S IT, LET’S BLAZE–Regarding this monster garage opportunity I told Jesse I’m not a master builder, just an old school hack, and that was an honest assumption. It’s a perplexing situation. I’m intimidated by all this talent and don’t feel I muster the ability to compete, but I’ll be working with some of the best in the industry, Don Hotop, Lou Falcigno, Carl Morrow and Marc Rowe. Maybe they’ll make me look good. Either way, I know this will be a crash course in bike building.

We’ll see, if I’m up for the challenge, and you’ll see this bike come together on Bikernet.
Ride Forever,