Continued From Page 2

NEW FROM MILWAUKEE IRON–New Milwaukee Iron rear fenders are available up to 13? wide. 11 gauge cold roll steel, available in 28 & 31 inch diameters. Many styles to choose from.
We also have our front & rear fender blanks available for you to ?design your own fender?.Offered in 180 degree & 360 degree in many different widths.
For more information visit our web site at For specific questions please email us at

TEXAS RACEWAY– known simply and affectionately for the last 40 plus years as just “Kennedale” by Harley Race Fans and the large crowds that flock to the beautiful 1/8th mile dragstrip every weekend, will host the “Texas Style Party Drags” 9th Annual North Texas Championships – THIS SATURDAY NITE – JUNE 26th!!
“Kennedale” is one of the Harley Racer’s FAVORITE TRACKS TOO !!. With it’s extra long shut off area and super flat – super sticky racing surface – RACERS KNOW !! They could very well lay down their BEST PASS OF THE SUMMER AT KENNEDALE…
Top Fuel Harleys – Top Alcohol Harleys – Nostalgia Fuel Harleys & 32 Sportsman Trophy Classes for ANY type of Harley Davidson Motorcycle!!!!!!!CHECK WWW.TEXASSCOOTER.COM FOR MORE DETAILS !!!!!!
Gates Open: 2pm
Time Trials: 4 – 7:30pm
First Round Top Fuel Eleminations: 8pm (should finish 10:30 – 11ish)
Admission : $20 adults (includes pit pass), kids 5-14 $5, Under 5 FREE
Location: Take exit 442A off I-20 in South Ft. Worth, Go South 2 miles & turn right at the red light at the top of the hill on New Hope Road (green racetrack sign). Go 1 mile & Texas Raceway is on the Right !!!! Don’t Miss it…

MUST IDENTIFY YOURSELF– In what may become a major boost to US law enforcement and antiterrorism efforts, the US Supreme Court Monday upheld a Nevada law that makes it a criminal offense for anyone suspected of wrongdoing to refuse to identify himself to police.
Civil libertarians see the decision as a significant setback. And it remains unclear to what extent it may open the door to the issuing of national identification cards or widespread identity operations keyed to terrorist profiling at bus terminals, train stations, sports stadiums, and on city streets.
“It’s a green light to explore the bounds of how much personal information can be demanded on pain of arrest,” says Timothy Lynch of the Cato Institute in Washington. “It also gives a green light to perhaps the Congress to move with a national law.”
Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, says the decision has clear implications for the war on terror. “We know identification continues to be one of the key demands of government agencies involved in homeland security,” he says. “[This decision] – depending on how broad it is – could open the door to new demands for identification.”
The ruling marks the first time the nation’s highest court has endorsed a provision compelling citizens to reveal information in a citizen-police encounter that may become a police investigation. In effect, the majority justices say that in most cases it is no significant intrusion for police to request – and a suspect to provide- his name.
Byline: Warren Richey Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor.* Linda Feldmann contributed to this report.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET ALCOHOL WARNING– A drunken biker was riding through the city one nite when his bike started weaving violently all over the road. A cop noticed him and pulled him over.
The cop looked at the biker and said, “Where have you been?”
“I’ve been to the pub”, replied the biker with a slur.
” Well” continued the cop, “It looks like you’ve had quite a few.”
“I did all right,” replied the biker with a smile.
“Did you know,” said the cop, standing straight and folding his arms, ” That a few intersections back, your wife fell off the back?”
“Oh, thank fuck for that,” sighed the biker. “For a moment there, I’d thought I’d gone deaf.”
–from the Aussie Connection

JUDGE REJECT SLAVE TRAUMA AS DEFENSE FOR KILLING BOY–HILLSBORO — A Portland lawyer says suffering by African Americans at the hands of slave owners is to blame in the death of a 2-year-old Beaverton boy
Randall Vogt is offering the untested theory, called post traumatic slave syndrome, in his defense of Isaac Cortez Bynum, who is charged with murder by abuse in the June 30 death of his son, Ryshawn Lamar Bynum. Vogt says he will argue — “in a general way” — that masters beat slaves, so Bynum was justified in beating his son.
The slave theory is the work of Joy DeGruy-Leary, an assistant professor in the Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work. It is not listed by psychiatrists or the courts as an accepted disorder, and some experts said they had never heard of it.
DeGruy-Leary testified this month in Washington County Circuit Court that African Americans today are affected by past centuries of U.S. slavery because the original slaves were never treated for the trauma of losing their homes; seeing relatives whipped, raped and killed; and being subjugated by whites.
By Holly Danks news.oregonian
–from Rogue

PAN/KNUCK PROJECT BIKE–This is an S&S knucklehead bottom with STD Gary Bang panheads. Stock frame, big cam, original seat pan cut down . It has a fabricated front fender mount that connects to the axle to move freely with the wheel. Standard springer. Jockey shift four speed. Fenders are from a Triumph .
Internal controls on bars. The pipes are handmade , first timer….. Kickstart only..Sorry for the bad pic. Will update soon…

AUSTRALIAN BIKERNET REPORT–All bike trips start out for a different reason, mine was to have an interview at the American Consulate in Sydney N.S.W., which is a 2,000 klm round trip to renew my visa to the States for a two week biking trip around the Arizona & Nevada deserts with Kerry. Originally we were to go to the “Choppers Only Show ” in Hawaii, however, we didn’t think the visa would come through so we cancelled the trip. And that’s how my journey started.
While I’m organising myself I get a call from Pete to tell me about Crystal’s Party ( another good buddy ) so I decided what’s another couple of thousand klms?? I chose the coastal route, which of course is longer but way more scenic, and I was cruisin’. I’ve ridden this road many times over the the years, on Harleys, old Trumpys, B.M.Ws even an early 250 Suzuki which was a bloody long time ago. I couldn’t fault the Electra Standard, it performed beautifully. The trip went well and I arrived In Melbourne on Friday nite freezing my arse off, but it was cool surprising everyone at the party. It was a busy weekend catching up with family and friends. I was out of there on Monday morning headed for Sydney. Ran short of juice in N.S.W. so I detoured in to Glenrowan the home of Australia’s most notorious bushranger, Ned Kelly, where I came across an impressive statue of him.

Arriving in Sydney, I checked in to my Hotel with fantastic views of the city and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, cracked a coldie and took it all in. The next morning saw me up bright and early for the Consulate appointment – that done I checked out the city of Sydney – lots of history there. If you’re ever in Sydney the “Bridge Walk” is a must, it’s unbelievable, you can see forever up on the top of the bridge – I mean right up ON TOP of the bridge with the traffic speeding by below – sensational.

I left Sydney at 4am, no bloody traffic and I was stoked. I had a great ride on a picture perfect day and arrived home at 7pm – after an 1100 klm. day on the electra – life is good!!! That was a few weeks ago, and now I really know I’m a lucky bastard ’cause I got a call today saying my Visa is good to go, and my good little wife told me to get my arse into gear, book a flight and get to the Choppers Only Show in Hawaii. Didn’t have to tell me twice!! I’m on my way next week. Don’t know where I’m staying yet, but that’s a minor detail. I look forward to catching up with you guys. Couldn’t organise for both of us to get outta here at such short notice – so I’ll be seeing you next week and Kerry sends her best.

–Glenn Priddle
(The Australian Connection)
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