Continued From Page 3

Sasha completed final negotiations with Kensington Books for a March 2003 launch date: Our New York correspondent has landed a contract to produce a coffee table book on women who ride. She is an incredible writer and we look forward to it.
Sexy Powerful Free
and in control of her destiny. . .
on the road and in life
A celebration of women motorcyclists worldwide! out the website for more info.
BUELL FIREBOLT SCORES FIRST NATIONAL ROADRACE VICTORY–Eric Wood Tops Formula USA Sportbike Field at 79th Annual Loudon Classic.
Loudon, NH (June 16, 2002) – Eric Wood rode the new Buell Firebolt XB9R to its first national roadrace victory in the Formula USA Honda Pro Oils Sportbike final held at New Hampshire International Speedway. The race was Wood?s first outing aboard the Kosco Buell/Innovative Motorcycle Research Firebolt, and the first appearance of the team in the highly competitive horsepower and weight restricted class.
?This was a great start for the Firebolt,? said Wood, of Mansfield, Mass. ?We just got this bike two weeks ago and ran a club race last weekend to warm it up. The Firebolt has a lot of potential and we?re only going to get stronger as the season goes on.?
Facing a 45-bike field filled with Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha and Kawasaki riders, Wood was running a strong second when race leader Scott Greenwood (Suzuki) faltered on lap 19 of the 20-lap feature. Wood stormed into the lead and beat Suzuki riders Michael Barnes and Larry Pegram to the checkered flag.
?The Buell?s tractability and drive off the corners really worked for me at Loudon,? said Wood. ?In some turns I was able to put the Buell in places where the four-cylinder bikes couldn’t go. The Firebolt has the chassis dynamics of a Grand Prix bike, and the smooth power delivery of the V-Twin engine was really easy on the back tire. As the race worn on, I think my tire was holding up better and I was able to pull away from the field.?
BIKERNET MARRIAGE COUNSELING A woman went into a store to buy her husband a pet for his birthday. After looking around, she found that all the pets were very expensive. She told the clerk she wanted to buy a pet, but she didn’t want to spend a fortune.
“Well,” said the clerk, “I have a very large bullfrog. They say it’s been trained to give blowjobs!”
“Blowjobs!” the woman replied.
“It hasn’t been proven but we’ve sold 30 of them this month,” he said.
The woman thought it would be a great gag gift, and what if it’s true…no more blowjobs for her! She bought the frog. When she explained froggy’s ability to her husband, he was extremely skeptical and laughed it off. The woman went to bed happy, thinking she may never need to perform this less than riveting act again.
In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the noise of pots and pans flying everywhere, making hellacious banging and crashing sounds. She ran downstairs to the kitchen, only to find her husband and the frog reading cookbooks.
“What are you two doing at this hour?” she asked. The husband replied, “If I can teach this frog to cook, your ass is gone.
–from Nuttboy
FLAT TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS–On the night of the 27th of July. AMA & Progressive Insurance are putting on the U.S. Flat Track Championships. This is a half mile event. It will at Lowes Motor Speedway’s half mile dirt track.
AAA IS AT IT AGAIN, SUPPORTING HELMET LAWS IN MICHIGAN– They are saying the repeal of the helmet law here willincrease deaths and injuries in motorcycle accidents. Never mind that the accidents aremostly caused by fools driving cages. Never mind that car drivers will never wearhelmets, although if the AAA were right, it would save many more head injuries in caraccidents.
House Bill 4823, sponsored by Rep. Gene Dearest (R-Manchester), would remove themandatory helmet requirement for all riders and passengers 21 years of age or older, butdoes not require motorcycle riders to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurancecoverage. I hope the legislators keep their wits about them and pass this bill.
That’s one reason we support the Bros Club.

CRAZY HORSE DOES LACONIA–One of the wonderful aspects of the web is that we’re not confined when it comes to space. We can bring you more than one report on any given subject or event. Rogue’s Laconia report is up, here’s the Crazy Horse saga and shortly we’ll post T-bear’s sharp shots and his excuse of a story. You get three views on the third largest bike event in the country.–Bandit
I’m back. It was a wild and definately weird 11 days that involved 3 crazywomen ( 2 are me and Angie) ex boyfriends, new boyfriends, a vicious motherand daughter battle in Hershey Park, rainstorms, mud, drunks of all kinds,tons of bikes and cops, tumbling motorcycles, more mud, twisted goings on inthe no-tell motel, helicopers, new friends, old friends, court battles ofall kinds, more drunks, a broken heart (mine, my ’66 mustang was officallydeclared dead) and many, many miles of riding.
I was so sore from riding. I swear it was the riding that did it. Actually I was walking kinda funny. I’ve skied in Colorado 10days and didn’t get that sore. I can’t wait to count the gas slips so I cansee how many miles we rode ( speedo not working). Rode the Katamagus highwaytwice. Angie’s new boyfriend is a riding mutherfucker. He rode up to Laconiain a downpour and rode back in a rainstorm. We were a motley crew. I can’twait to see the pictures.
The cops left me alone, but they harassed nearly everyone else. Thehelicoper surveillance was a bit much. The Christmas Island Resort where westayed was the best. Burnouts and parties out front all night long, pristinelake and privacy out back.
I’ve got about a million e-mails to slog through, customers have put mypicture on their dartboards, the dog is fat as hell and needs walking, myhead is still fuzzy, and this place is a mess!! I need a vacation.
–Crazy Horse
URBAN LEGEND OR WAKE-UP CALL– ?This could be nothing more than an urban legend, but…Bob Renkes of Petroleum Equipment Institute is working on acampaign to try and make people aware of fires as a resultof “static” at gas pumps. ?His company has researched 150cases of these fires. ?His results were very surprising:
1) Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women.
2) Almost all cases involved the person getting back intheir vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas, whenfinished and they went back to pull the nozzle out the firestarted, as a result of static.
3) Most had on rubber-soled shoes.
4) Most men never get back in their vehicle untilcompletely finished. This is why they are seldom involved inthese types of fires.
5) Don’t ever use cell phones when pumping gas.
6) It is the vapors that come out of the gas that causethe fire, when connected with static charges.
7) There were 29 fires where the vehicle was reenteredand the nozzle was touched during refueling from avariety of makes and models. ?Some resulting in extensivedamage to the vehicle, to the station, and to the customer.
8) Seventeen fires that occurred before, during orimmediately after the gas cap was removed and before fuelingbegan.
Mr. Renkes stresses to NEVER get back into your vehiclewhile filling it with gas. If you absolutely HAVE to get inyour vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure you getout, close the door TOUCHING THE METAL, before you ever pullthe nozzle out. ?This way the static from your body willbe discharged before you ever remove the nozzle.
As I mentioned earlier, The Petroleum EquipmentInstitute, along with several other companies now, arereally trying to make the public aware of this danger. ?Youcan find out more information by going to MANDATORY RIDER TRAINING IN NEW HAMPSHIRE– Officials here are considering the implementation of rider courses inorder to get or retain the right to ride a motorcycle. Driving courses are required forcars and boats, but at present bikers don’t have to. 38 other states require rider edcourses now for young novice riders, but none of them require adults to pass a coursebefore getting a license. New Hampshire is trying to make sure they will be able tooffer the courses to all 65,000 who need them before making the courses mandatory. For more on motorcyclist rights and legislative news go to the Bikernet Rights Page. FRIDAY MORNING APOLOGY– I blasted back to the headquarters after my crash course in fuel injection mods and feebly attempted to complete the news to no avail. I was toast and Layla and this nasty blond were buzzing around me as if I had abandoned them for a week. I ordered a jack on the rocks and a burrito for dinner. I got the Jack but with stale Chinese food. I couldn’t seem to muster the energy to buckle down and finish the news, so here it is. Don’t ask me what I did last night. I’ll work on a Springer technology piece that involves rake and trail today. We should launch another Amazing Shrunken FXR piece today and a fresh Digital Discover piece in the Cantina. Then I’ll sneak out to the garage and fix the master cylinder on the Touring Chopper. It’s a Hurst unit and has a Teflon piston. I suspect that the DOT 5 fluid makes it swell and begin to bind in the master cylinder body. This is the second or third time that I’ve been forced to trim it with wet and dry, replace the o-ring and peel out. Have a helluva weekend and don’t forget sex. Where’s Sin? I love to celebrate another completed deadline.–Bandit