June 21, 2001 Part 1


I can’t get into it here, it’s too terrifying. You can get a taste, if you’re a member of the Cantina, in last week’s Sunday Post. Bikers and sailors share common traits. Every sailor I’ve ever met modified his sailboat. There’s also the outlaw characteristic on the sea, with pirates like Bob Bitchin, the ex-publisher of Biker and Tattoo magazine, who is now responsible for a pirate mag called Latitudes and Attitudes.

He recently threw in with the drug running, women kidnapping Cult of the Crows. His big brother, Al, is the founder, president and furor. Last weekend was my first harrowing experience with this crew of sinners and thieves. I can’t go into it now because it would take weeks to explain my predicament. I’ve got to get to Charlotte H-D for their charity ride, to Dallas to interview Bob Kay, check on the Shovelhead and then to Caribbean Cycles to pick up a chest full of 5-Balls. Hell, I’ve got to put the Buell back together and prepare for the run to the Badlands. But the sea is calling in a big way. The gauntlet has been tossed in the surf and I picked it up–big mistake. We better get to the news:


Catalina shot with sail

Antique Babe

NEW CANTINA BABE–Everyday the girls in Bandit’s Cantina rotate. Each babe has her own shift just like the Broke Spoke Saloon in Sturgis. Bob T. turned us onto this babe. Although the shot is vintage, she’s as hot as they come. Join the Cantina for more leg, bikes and Bikernet bullshit.

NHTSA CALLS FOR MORE TRAINING– Motorcycle accident victims have unique and predictable injury patterns, which medical professions can be trained to treat correctly. This critical aspect of emergency care was underscored in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?s National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety, released in December 2000.

Ric Remz, a Motorcycle Safety Foundation certified instructor on faculty with the Motorcycle Association of New York State Inc. in cooperation with the New York City Fire Department’s Emergency Medical Service Command’s Bureau of Training, has produced a video detailing the correct methods for helmet removal.

Helmet Removal Training Video: A Guide to the Proper Removal of Helmets >From Accident Victims expands the classroom training module on primary and secondary assessment and stabilization for certified first responders, EMTs, paramedics, coaches, ski patrols, doctors and nurses. Although a relatively simple skill, the technique requires specific training and practice. It is not meant for well-meaning good Samaritans; an error can result in spinal cord damage.

Step-by-step demonstrations are made with both open and full face helmets, for motorcycling and sports enthusiasts. The standard full helmet is differentiated from newer types with flip-up chin bars. While helmets are worn for different activities, their purpose?and the removal techniques?are the same.

All information is public domain. However, the video is copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission of M.A.N.Y.S. Inc. Please state professional credentials when ordering. $35, add $5 S/H.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET BLOND GENIES– A white guy is walking along a beach when he comes across a lamp partially buried in the sand. He picks up the lamp and gives it a rub. Two blonde genies appear and they tell him he has been granted three wishes. The guy makes his three wishes and the blonde genies disappear.

The next thing the guy knows, he’s in a bedroom, in a mansion surrounded by 50 beautiful women. He makes love to all of them and begins to explore the house. Suddenly he feels something soft under his feet, he looks down and the floor is covered in $100 bills.

Then, there is a knock at the door. He answers the door and standing there are two persons dressed in Klu Klux Klan outfits. They drag him outside to the nearest tree, throw a rope over a limb and hang him by the neck until he is dead. The Klansmen walk off.

As they are walking away, they remove their hoods; it’s the two blonde genies. One blonde genie says to the other one “Hey, I can understand the first wish having all these beautiful women in a big mansion to make love to. I can also understand him wanting to be a millionaire. But to be hung like a black man is beyond me!”


Big Dog Motorcycles is proud to announce that Forbes.com has awarded Big Dog with their annual “Best of the Web” award. Picked by the editors at Forbes.com – a leading Internet media company and one of the world?s most trusted business news sources – Big Dog Motorcycles’ Web site was chosen as one of the best motorcycle sites on the web. Forbes.com used criteria such as content and ease of navigation to determine the winning sites and also included additional comments about each link.

The interactive site features the complete 2001 line of motorcycles, an exhaustive list of specifications and a complete online apparel and accessory ordering section. In addition, web visitors are able to view an extensive inventory of available bikes and find their nearest dealer. Big Dog has continually updated and improved the site with additional content and new products. Big Dog has also added features like QuickTime movies that highlight the 2001 line of bikes and a downloadable owner?s manual.

The website receives on average over 2 million hits per month. It was developed by Ken Blankinship of HG Design in Wichita, Kan., in conjunction with Big Dog Motorcycles.

California Monalisa

WRONG HOUSE–Carlos calls his boss in the morning:Ey, boss I no come work today, I really sick. I gotheadache, stomachache, my legs hurt. I no come work.

The boss says:You know, Carlos, I really need you today. When I feel likethis, I go to my wife and tell her to give me a blowjob.That makes me feel better, and I can go to work. Youshould try that.

2 hours later Carlos calls:Boss, I did what you say and I feel great, I be at worksoon. And by the way, you got nice house.

OUTLAWS MOTORCYCLE CLUB TO SUE– Norwegian Gov’t. Members of outlaw motorcycle clubs from the United States and Europe are planning to sue the Norwegian govenment for being refused entry into the country to attend a motorcycle event in ?vre Eiker, Norway last July.

According to a report by the Drammens Tidende newspaper, the police acted under the authority of new regulations in the aliens’ act that allows them to deport undesirables “out of consideration for the national security.” When eighteen members of the Outlaws club landed at Gardermoen airport, they were met by the police and then deported.

Officials in Norway’s Department of Justice did not overturn the actions upon appeal, fearing that it would invite more “undesirable” motorcycle club events in Norway.

ONE OF THE SCARIEST MOMENTS EVER SEEN–By Dale Nungesser/Rocky Mann Update. Good Morning from Bandimere Speedway. It was one of the scariest moments most had ever seen,when JIMS Top Fuel Champion Dale Nungesser(Chromatic Racing) and Rocky Mann (AlleyThunder Racing) collided at the top end sending both into the wall. Both were transported via EMT to Denver’s St.Anthony’s hospital.

We spoke with Diane Nungesser, Dale’s wife, moments agoand gathered the following report. Dale underwent surgery last night for a ruptured spleen, which was removed. He hassevere injuries to his right hand, which was also operated on overnight to insert pins. He has a couple of puncture wounds and majorabrasions, especially to the shoulder area.

He has a punctured lung and broken ribs. Diane reportsthat Dale has been heavily sedated, but responds well. “He does everything I tell him too, she said this morning. He nodded his head and opened his eyes to acknowledgehis parents who arrived this morning. “The doctors say he is very lucky to be alive. They expect him to fullyrecover, although he has a long process ahead. His vitals are good and his heart is in good shape.

We were unable to reach Linda Man this morning, butDiane was able to share news with us regardng Rocky’s condition. Rocky suffered trauma to both knees and is currentlyin surgery to repair damage to kneecaps. Rocky also suffered broken fingers, on both hands, which will also requiresurgery. He is also reported to have a broken ankle, along with various abrasions.

Both riders were alert when arriving at St. Anthony’sand were placed in side by side trauma units where each made recounts of the incident. Rocky Mann says he remembersdrifting over, knowing that he was going to get the cone and was praying that Dale was far enough behind him. Thatwasn’t the case, as Dale was only seconds behind. Rocky says his next memory, is being awakened by the EMT’s. Dale, alsoalert asked what his time was, and the condition of the bike.

The accident occurred during the final round ofqualifying. Larry “Spiderman” McBride was announcing in the tower during the run.

Production Knuckle

NEW PRODUCTION KNUCKLE–Here’s a shot of the new production Knuckles. We are currently working on a full report from Rogue in Melbourne, Florida. You’ll see the stats first here on Bikernet.

Continued on Page 2

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