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S&S TO SPONSOR GOLD COAST BIKE WEEK AUSTRALIA–LA CROSSE, WI (June 9th , 2005) S&S Cycle is pleased to be an officialsponsor this year for the Gold Coast Bike Week in Australia.Representatives from S&S Cycle are planning to appear with East Coast Customat the rally, scheduled for August 30th – September 5th , 2005.
East Coast Custom, a major distributor for Proven Performance S&Sproducts, will have the biggest marquee at the event HQ and will beshowcasing the latest S&S products for race, street, and custom bikes fromWednesday till Sunday. Technical seminars will be presented at the ECC/S&Sdisplay between 11:00AM and 4:00PM on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
S&S president, Brett Smith, will lead two rides this year. The firstride will be on Wednesday, leaving at 1:00PM from Bike Week HQ at Carraraand traveling north to Willowbank Raceway for the “S&S Bike Week Drags”.Riders will receive VIP pit parking at the track and be able to meet theracers and watch the S&S 124 Challenge, S&S Pro Gas, and other streetclasses. The second ride will be on Friday, departing at noon from Carrara. This “S&S Chopper Shop Cruise” is bound for various S&S Dealers on theGold Coast and in Brisbane . Free food and refreshments will be offered ateach stop and free prizes of S&S apparel will be won at each stop with anS&S mechanics jacket being the grand prize at the final stop.
On Friday evening, after the “S&S Chopper Shop Cruise”, ECC and S&S willbe attending the Biker Ball at Carrara .
On Saturday, S&S will be sponsoring the Dyno Challenge held from noon to4:00PM. S&S is also the sponsor of the 1985 Heritage Motorcycle Display andtop Australian chopper builders, along with S&S representatives, will beavailable for an autograph session at 1:30PM. Saturday evening, ECC and S&Srepresentatives will be attending the “USA V-Twin Aftermarket IndustryDinner”.
Bike Week organizers have announced the biggest ever prize for anAustralian Bike Show. At The Australian National Chopper Show, at Bike Weekon Saturday September 3rd , 2005, all category winners will receive NationalChopper Show trophies. Five finalists will be selected and each will receive$1000 cash. The overall winner will also be presented with a brand new,fully polished 124ci S&S motor valued at over $15,000. The motor will beautographed and presented by S&S President, Brett Smith.
“The Australian market is extremely important to S&S and is one of ourmost loyal and rapidly growing V-Twin markets in the world,” said S&Spresident, Brett Smith. “When I traveled to Australia last October, I gotto meet many of our valued customers and felt very welcome. I’m lookingforward to repaying that hospitality by sponsoring this event.”
“We are very pleased that S&S Cycle is a major sponsor the Gold CoastBike Week,” said Neal Bolam, National Marketing & Racing Manager for EastCoast Custom. “Now in its seventh year, this rally just gets better everyyear and knowing that S&S is so involved with our business and our market isa boost to the V-Twin business here. Having Brett Smith , president of S&SCycle, present an autographed S&S polished 124 motor as the top prize forthe Australian National Chopper Show will be very exciting, especially tothe winner,” continued Bolam. “We’re looking forward to having S&Srepresentatives here as they travel the beautiful Gold Coast and take partin rides, races, and shows.”
For more information about this rally visit .

MIKE LEARN SIGNATURE AIRBRUSH–Mike Learn has been airbrushing for 28 years. In that time he has usednearly every airbrush on the market from Paasche to Iwata. As long as hecan remember, Mike has been performing a series of modifications to ?tuneup? his brushes and get the most out of them. For some time he has beenlooking for a company to work with on a MLearn Signature Series Airbrush.RichPen is that company. Since the day he tested the stock RichPen Phoenix213C, Mike has been impressed. ?The performance of the RichPen blew meaway,? said Mike, ?I knew right away that this was the company I wanted towork with for my signature airbrush.?
The RichPen / MLearn Phoenix MOJO takes an already amazing airbrush tothe next level. The MOJO is configured to Mike?s specifications withmechanical modifications to allow finer output and a series of tune ups toincrease performance. These exclusive guns are also engraved with Mike?ssignature and are currently only available through Mike Learn Airbrush &Design. Visit or call the shop at 480.557.0747 for moreinformation or to order yours today!

PRODUCT REVIEW RichPen Phoenix 213C– Mike Learn has been airbrushing for 28 years. In that time, he has usednearly every airbrush on the market, starting at the age of 12 with aPaasche and a Badger, and moving later to Thayer & Chandler. For the past10 years, Mike has been painting almost exclusively with Iwata guns, notingtheir quality and durability.
In the Spring of 2005, at Dave Perewitz?s Grand Opening party, SteveAngers of Bear Air introduced Mike to the RichPen Phoenix 213C. ImmediatelyMike noticed that the gun felt natural in his hand. The extra machining onthe sides of the body allowed a thinner and more comfortable grip. Heinstantly noticed the consistent spray. ?Honestly, I was shocked by theperformance of the stock gun,? says Learn. ?I have always ?tuned? myairbrushes. I have a certain regimen that I do the get the most out of anygun. The stock RichPen however, is every bit as good, if not better, thanthe stock Iwata Micron C+.?
Since his initial trial was so positive, Mike decided to take the RichPento the next level. He made some changes to the mechanicals to allow fineroutput, and then performed his standard set of tune-ups. The result, whatis now known as the RichPen/MLearn Phoenix MOJO, instantly performed beyondMike?s expectations. ?The level of detail I was able to get was consistentand extremely well defined,? states Mike. ?The ability of the RichPen tohold a line tighter allows detail that I have not achieved with any otherbrush. The modified RichPen clearly outperforms the modified Iwata MicronC+. It is like increasing the resolution on my creativity monitor.?
Mike is not the only airbrush artist to realize the power of the RichPen.Vince Goodeve, custom painter for Rick Fairless and Kenny Samson, has beenusing his RichPen for some time now.
Having been a micron user for years, Mike cannot stress the performanceof this brush enough. It is easy to adapt to and the significantly lowerprice point is just an added bonus. ?I?m sending a RichPen MOJO to Fitto inQuebec? Mike chuckles. ?We met recently at a show and he mentioned that hewas unhappy with his micron. I can?t wait to hear what he says about theRichPen.?
The RichPen/MLearn Phoenix MOJO Series airbrushes are speciallydesigned guns and are currently available only through Mike Learn Airbrush &Design (

ALL ABOUT TP ENGINEERING– CT- TP Engineering is the leadingpremier engine builder in the US. One of the best kept secrets in theindustry is that TP Engineering manufacturers all of their own parts, casesand internal components of each and every engine that they build. They aretotally ?self contained?! This is one of the main reasons that they havereceived numerous awards for their innovative designs including: ?PowerTrain Builder of the Year? (VQ and Hot Bike Magazines) ?Best PerformanceProduct of the Year? (V-Twin Magazine) ?Engine of the Year? (EasyriderMagazine) ?Industry Leader of the Year? (Easyrider Magazine) and ?Productof the Year-Patented Pro-Vent Rocker Boxes? (Easyrider Magazine). Custombike builders come to TP Engineering again and again because their productsare second to none.
Their 2005 engine line up includes a 114, 121 and 124-inch all packedfull of reliable ?fire breathing? horsepower and ?stump pulling? torque andfeature their new proprietary Scramjet air cleaner which performs as goodas it looks. And TP has several patented products found on each one of theirengines that are ?totally? unique to them. All TP engines are designed,engineered and manufactured in-house which simply means that they rely on noone to produce their engines. All of these factors add up to a quieter,smother running high performance engine.
For dealers or custom bike builders interested in adding TP Engineeringproducts to their line up, products please call 866-873-6446 or email themat . To see the latest fromTP Engineering, visit

MOTORSPORT ARTIST ERIC HERRMANN SIGNS MULTIPLE LICENSING DEALS WITHJACK DANIEL?S & RICHARD CHILDRESS RACING- The fine folks at Jack Daniel?s approached me with the idea of creating amotorcycle work of art with a Jack Daniel?s flair. Well I know Jack, and Iknow motorcycles, so the idea intrigued me. What I didn?t know, sent me downa three year road that educated me about the famous Jack Daniel?s.
Several trips to Lynchburg Tennessee, where the distillery is located,sent me back in time, as I photographed Mr. Jack Daniel?s office and othersignificant landmarks. It was a cold early morning, ice on the trees, thefirst time I was there. There?s a cave spring that Jack Daniel?s used waterfrom in his distilling process. Steam was rising from the historic watersand I envisioned Mr. Jack as he first discovered this magical place. Thesmall town of Lynchburg is equally unique. Spring brings a wealth of colorsto this beautiful area and the riding is magnificent. So without making thisstory too long I returned to my studio armed with photos and visual memoriesto begin my painting journey.
Trying to combine the history and tell the story of Jack Daniel?s, in onepainting, is too large of a task. I thought I?d do what I do best, hidestuff. So, hidden within this work of art you?ll find over fifty JackDaniel?s, whiskey, references. I?ll overlook the obvious like Mr. Jack?sfirst office, the cave springs, and the burning bricks, which are used in themellowing process, but I will itemize some more of the subtle elements. Heregoes, starting from left to right, top to bottom: Total
1. Jack Daniel?s bottle in the trees1
2. Jack Daniel?s barrels2
3. Jack Daniel?s on the back of the trike1
4. #7 on the hubcap1
5. JD on the rear slick1
6. #7 on the floorboard1
7. #7 on the brake pedal1
8. Old No. 7 logo on the gas tank1
9. Jack Daniel?s painted on a rock pile above my signature1 ( Jack on the rocks)
10. #7 hidden in the cave (large)1
11. #7 in the grass (background)1
12. #7 in the sidewalk (shadow)1
13. #7 in the grass (foreground)1
14. Old No. 7 on the chopper gas tank1
15. Jack Daniel?s logo on the side of the tank1
16. Jack Daniel?s on the seat of the chopper1
17. #7 in the sissybar of the chopper1
18. #7 in the shadow of the sissybar1
19. #7 on the floorboard of the chopper1
20. 1866 on the license plate (founding year)1
21. Jack Daniel?s cast in the choppers shadow1
22. Repeated #7 pattern in the rear tire tread11
23. Jack Daniel?s sign on the office1
24. Jack Daniel?s in the smoke from the chimney1
25. The bushes are landscaped to look like shot glasses6
26. Jack Daniel?s on the gas tank of the foreground bike1
27. Old No. 7 in the taillight lens1
28. Jack Daniel?s cast in the shadow of the bike1
29. #7 on the rear brake caliper2
30. Hip flask used for a muffler1
32. Whiskey barrel used as an oil tank1
33. #7 on the floorboard1
34. Old #7 logo on the brake pedal1
35. #7 number plate on the front wheel1
36. #7 pool ball shifter (color correct)1
37. Jack Daniel?s logo on the seat1
38. #7 on a rock in the foreground (just for fun)1 _________
approximately 55
That?s the scoop on the first Jack Daniel?s painting from Eric HerrmannStudios. As I was painting this piece, I kept thinking of more that I coulddo, but I just couldn?t fit all that heritage in to one work of art. As luckwould have it, my friends at Jack Daniel?s enjoy the painting as much as Ienjoyed creating it. They just commissioned me to work on another paintingfeaturing their #07 Nascar. Wait until you see what I?ve got in mind forthis one!
The research took me several years but when I got down to painting, ittook me three months to complete this one. Measuring three feet by fourfeet, the original canvas is available for $37,000.00.Limited Edition prints, (1866, the founding year) are available for $150.00.They measure 26.5? x 32?. I also have a select few canvas and Gicleeeditions left from $650.00 to $2500.00. For information on prints, ordering,and availability, check out my website at www.EricHerrmannStudios.comor call me at(480) 575-7559 .
Remember to pace yourself and drinkresponsibly.
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