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THE SEAT SEARCH–I received a request from a reader about an FLH seat upolstery job:— genosurf I suggest that the reader see the Le Pera site on Bikernet, since Le Pera does it all and features gel padded seats. Since then I received the following: CORBIN 1-800-538-7035 The #1 Think about taking it down to Tijuana. The craftsmenthere are excellent and they’ll do it for a fractionof the price. Make sure you shop around and look atthe shops work first. They usually have samples infront of their shops. They also have great leather.MP>–Andy Anderson MADE MY DAY–I’ve been following your reads for years. Started readin Easyrider when I was 17, sad to see it runnin into troubles. (I bought stock thinking it would be safe, wrong again.) Anyway I’m glad your still deliverin’ for us bros. I bought and read Prize Possession and Outlaw Justice way back when. Now it’s time to buy Orwell, so I can keep up with you. I have a request though. I’d like you to autograph my copy. Is that possible? If so how do I include my request with my order? I’d like you to address it to my son. He’s 3 and a half now but he’s definately a biker. Let me know and I’ll order it right away. Ah fuck, I’ll order it even if you won’t sign it. Glad your back from the world crusie and even more greatful that you bounced back from the deer encounter. Thanks for keepin the faith and deliverin the goods. Ride free – Rascal I wrote Rascal back and told him that I would be glad to sign the book to his kid. I’ll sign any book, just request it when ordering.–Bandit BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Another week has gone by, we are even closer to the Black Hills and therush is hitting hard, we need to get shit done by the 12th next month so wecan ship the whole thing over to the Ol ‘ USA. To top it off we are tryingto get something new for the Horse SMSO and it’s still on the drawingboard, so, we will have to super man it to be able to do it, yeap so what’snew ? I’m guessing that the bike will be a rigid and black, based on a Bourget’sframe, that’s all the info I am letting out, Bikernet will be the first tofeature the bike, that’s a promise.
Bob Lapera 818-7675110 The #2
Saddle Man 1-800-397-7709
Bar Enterprisers, Andy Amador 818-353-3888
Danny Gray Does all Arlen Ness and Jesse James seats mega bucks

By the time you read this the Desertores should be reaching Laconia intheir comfy, cd playing, full dress bikes (whimps)I wish them a safe trip and to have a hell of a time, maybe we will manageto get the true story from one of them upon their return.
I’ve heard a few more things about the Motorcycle Mania 3 show, but willwait for confirmation (unlike the Enquirer) before posting it here,remember you will get those news before anyone else. Unlike magazines weare able to report ASAP.
The Rolling Stones are on tour and we managed to score a couple tickets forMiami, Oct 23rd. It’s the week after Biketoberfest, uhmm, we might ride tothe concert, that would be fun. Would not mind riding aorund South Beacheither…..
Bourget’s Bike Works has a new web site address, it’, check those cool bikes out.
That’s about it for this week, anyway since there’s so many jokesaround …..This guy goes to the grocery store and gives the cashier a bag of potatochips a six pack and dip
The cute clerk looks at him and says “You must be single”
The guy says “Why, are youa genius? “
The girl goes, “Nope, because you’re fucking ugly”.
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet.
BARTENDER– A man walks into a bar one night. He goes up to the bar and asks for a beer.
“Certainly, sir, that’ll be 1 cent.”
“ONE CENT!” exclaims the guy.
The barman replies, “Yes.”
So the guy glances over at the menu, and he asks, “Could I have a nice juicy T-bone steak, with chips, peas, and a fried egg?”
“Certainly, sir,” replies the bartender, “But all that comes to real money.”
“How much money?” inquires the guy.
“4 cents”, he replies.
“FOUR cents!” exclaims the guy. “Where’s the guy who owns this place?”
The barman replies, “Upstairs with my wife.”
The guy says, “What’s he doing with your wife?”
The bartender replies, “Same as I’m doing to his business.

That’s Powder from the Calendar Show Band–look out.?
HOT BIKE PRESENTS THE WHITE BROTHERS LOS ANGELES CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE SHOW SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM– Exciting 2-Day Weekend Streetbike Extravaganza set forJuly 20 -21st at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach
The 2002 edition of the Hot Bike magazine sponsored White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show set for July 20-21st at the Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach, CA, is really coming together with 130 major manufacturers and the leading custom bike builders from across America. Sponsored by Hot Bike, White Brothers, Performance Machine, and The Recycler/Cycle Buys, and featured on the Speed Channel’s American Thunder, The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow every year to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in America catering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets.
Exciting features at this year’s Show include an added celebrity host, legendary biker journalist Keith Ball, a.k.a. Bandit of, together with our returning hostess, the lovely Brenda Fox. will also again be hosting the blowout Party on Saturday night aboard the Queen Mary with a huge fireworks display. Last year’s party was a huge success with standing room only, lots of free giveaways, and running until the wee hours of the morning.
And just to get things heated up beforehand, in the Event Park there will be a 6pm concert performance by LA’s hottest new performance show band Powder with lead singer Ninette. If you like the well known band No Doubt with lead singer Gwen Stefani, then the talents of Powder will blow you away even further with their electrifying stage performance and vocals focused on the beautiful Ninette in her Madonna-esque bikini costumes. Returning again this year by popular demand as the day-time band both days is the pop / jazz /salsa band Soto.
And of course, the Calendar Bike Show Show features the most competitive Bike Contest on the West Coast with it?s prestigious new Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy. Other activities include The White Brothers West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout, a Calendar Girl Pageant, and of course the premier of the 2003 Calendars with the beautiful calendar models in attendance. And one of the models will be Miss Great Britain Nicki Lane, who the weekend before will be one of our official SBK Girls at Laguna Seca World Superbike. (Nicki’s picture: Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online at Continued On Page 4