Continued From Page 3
LITTLE JOHNNY STRIKES AGAIN– A grade school teacher in Kentucky asked her students to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence.
Molly said, “My family went to my granddaddy’s farm, and we saw all his pet sheep. It was fascinating.”
The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word “fascinate”.
Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”
The teacher said, “Well, that was good, Sally, but I want the word “fascinate”.
Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher hesitated because Little Johnny was noted for his bad language.
She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word “fascinate”, so she called on him.
Johnny said, “My cousin’s wife has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big, she can only fasten eight.”
The teacher fainted.!!
–from Ken Miller

Heres another Rogue custom for sale. See Deal of The Week for contact information.
COSSACKS MC LOST GOOD BROTHER, JUNE 7 (LAST SATURDAY NIGHT)–On Monday, June 9, a Dallas radio station made a very poor call on theirremarks about this brother, and now they will probably make more newsthan they ever intended to. Texas riders will not take this lightly. Read the following messages about what they thought would be cool to sayon the air and then PASS THIS ON to all the Texas riders you have inyour address book.. We are all working together to promote MotorcycleAwareness across Texas… so let’s get together & pay a visit todefinitely make some people Aware.
Cossacks MC will probably have a plan.. Count me in.
Ride Free ~Suds
He died because he was riding a motorcycle!Motorcycles should be banned!Then I’m supposed to feel guilty when I run over them!
These comments I’ve gotten used to over the years but this time it hasgone too far.These comments were made by Kelly of the Pugs and Kelly show on 105.3during the noon hour on Monday June 9th, as their producer read the newsof two motorcyclist killed when they stuck a van in the parking lot ofTexas Motor Speedway.
Mike Johnstons funeral arrangements had not even been made when this onair personality inferred that he deserved to die because of his choiceof mode of transportation, and felt that the taking of a human life witha two ton weapon should not weigh on her conscience.
I don’t know about you but this is not the type of programing that Iwant on the air in Dallas. If you feel the same way here are a fewrecommendations.
First contact the radio station and voice your disgust with thesecomments.
Second contact the show sponsors and let them know that you will notsupport any business that supports this program and you will ask yourfriends riders and non riders to do the same. If we flood the sponsorswith calls letters and faxes they will call the station for us. It doesno good to boycott something if they don’t know that you are doing itand why. (I will get a sample letter out soon)
Most important tell every one to do the same, as we always say there isstrength in numbers.
Radio Station Info:
Live 105.3
7901 John Carpenter Frwy
214-787-1053 request line
Program Director Bob McNiell
Station Manager Dave Siebert
–from Rogue

THE MOLE FAMILY– A mama mole, a papa mole, and a baby mole all live in a little molehole.One day the papa mole sticks his head out of the hole, sniffs the air andsays,”Yum! I smell maple syrup!”
The mama mole sticks her head out of the hole, sniffs the air and says”Yum! I smell honey!”
The baby mole tries to stick his head out of the hole to sniff the air,but can’t because the bigger molesare in the way so he says, “Geez, all I can smellis….
Scroll down…….
Get ready…..
Are you sure you’re ready?
–from Rev CarlR
THE WEIGHT OF THE KILOGRAM– It turns out that the weight of the Kilogram is not a constant. To the largely quantitative world of science this could have wide sweeping implications.
The original Kilo was based on the weight of a liter of water. This was not a reliable constant so it was changed in 1889 by the International Committee on Weights and Measures.
The new definition was based on a cylinder of platinum and iridium cast in England. This standard Kilogram is (to this day) secured in a Paris adjacent chateau under armed guard. The “mystic” cylinder is inspected once yearly. Our archetypal cylinder is only accessible to three people in the entire world.
Since 1889 the cylinder has lost 50 micrograms of weight. There is no reason to expect the cylinder will not continue to lose 50 micrograms roughly every 114 years. At that rate in about 228 billion years the Kilogram will have disappeared entirely.
Good reason to stick with our system.–Bandit

CALIFORNIA SHOWS–There’s a bike show comin’ to New Port Beach this weekend. That’s all I know. Big show this weekend!!
Major antique and Outlaw Vintage Motorcycle Races the weekend of June 28 in Ventura and the Ventura County Fair Grounds. For more infor try or
Walteria Benefit Motorcycle Show, Sunday July 13, 2003 at the Walteria Business men’s Club, 24004 Neece Avenue, Torrance. Don’t miss it.
Beach Ride Sept. 7th at the Queen Mary. We’ll start building the Beach Ride Bike on Monday. Watch for reports.

PERFORMANCE MACHINE NEWS–There’s a new rear fender for the Performance Machine Phatail kits, Softail wide tire kits and an integrated license plate and lights.
PM clothes are now set up as e-commerce on our site. Check ’em out.

THE WEB MASTER’S SON–A little boy was sitting on the curb with a gallon of turpentine and shaking it up and watching all the bubbles.
A little while later a Priest came along and asked the little boy what he had.
The little boy replied, “This is the most powerful liquid in the world, it’s called turpentine.”
The Priest said, “No, the most powerful liquid in the world is Holy Water. If you take some of this Holy Water and rub it on a pregnant women’s belly, she’ll pass a healthy baby.”
The little boy replied, “That ain’t nothin’. You take some of this here turpentine and rub it on a cat’s ass and he’ll pass a motorcycle.”
–from the Digital Gangster
WE’RE BREAKIN’ RECORDS TODAY–For launching the news so damn early. We’re on a mission for Tullamore Dew Whiskey and a fountain pump. Oh, we’re researching a rare 1.25 inch brass tube bender for the exhaust system. We’ll take some shots this weekend and blow your mind next week.
Father’s Day is lingering, but the night before should be memorable. Hang on men. Be strong. This is your day. Do what you want, when you want and how you want it. I’ll tell you a Code of The West secret, soon. It’s a sizzler, but true.
Ride Forever,