Just returned from the first Choppers Only show in Hawaii put together by Deacon and Dan “Ozzy” Franco. It was a massive success. Wild bikes, beautiful women, beautiful beaches and warm clear days. That’s why they call it paradise. We want to extend a special thanks to Chris and Joerline Tronolone. They had to put up with our bullshit for the whole week and were very gracious about it.
Now we’re rocking with deadlines for Bikernet, the HORSE and Hard Core Choppers in Japan. Hang on for some fine material and features. Let’s get to the news:
LATE BREAKING NEWS!PENNSYLVANIA HELMET FREEDOM– Keystone State motorcyclists scored a monumental victory on July 1, 2003 when the House of Representatives voted 118-79 to modify Pennsylvania?s 35 year-old helmet law and allow adults over 21 who are experienced riders (licensed at least two years), or have passed the Motorcycle Safety Course, to make their own decisions about helmet use.
The State Senate previously approved Senator John Wozniak’s helmet law modification bill, SB 259, by a vote of 29-20 on June 16. ABATE of Pennsylvania successfully defeated several undesirable amendments. The bill now goes to Governor Edward G. Rendell, who has stated publicly that he will sign the measure if it gets to his desk.
To keep abreast of this breaking news item, you can call the ABATE of Pennsylvania Legislative Hotline at (866) PA-ABATE, sponsored by the National Coalition of Motorcyclists and the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester.

TROPHIES ARE IN FOR UPCOMING SHOW–Mike Pullin, the founder reached out to pull in handmade trophies for their upcoming charity event. Bikernet supplied the honors for the Best of show, but some of the other trophies are really cool. Don’t miss this opportunity to collect a truly original trophy.

HEY DIXIE RIDERS–My favorite time of the year is here! July 4?Independence Day?.Parades, parties, BBQ, fireworks?..and not to mention all the other stuff that happens when I leave the house!
I?m sorry, that was a lame joke but it?s deadline and my humor reservoir is running low?.
Anyway, I wanted to invite you to come to Atlanta Ga (McDonough Ga actually) this Saturday for the Liberty Bike Show. It?s our first one and we hope to make it an annual event. I?ve attached the flyer for directions and if you live anywhere close come on out and join us. MotorHeads is a brand new bar and grill and from what I?ve heard is going to be THE COOLEST BIKER BAR in the Atlanta area. Harley-Davidson?s hanging from the ceiling.. plus a ton of motorcycle memorabilia. I?m looking forward to it.
Wherever you spend this Independence Day weekend, please take a minute to say a silent prayer for our nation?s warriors who are in harms way defending our liberty. We respect and appreciate your sacrifice.
Please ride safe and have a good holiday!

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– Support the “Freedom to Read Protection Act”!From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU:Under an infamous provision in the USA PATRIOT Act, the FBI has the power tosearch your library and book-buying records by simply telling a secret courtthat the records are “sought for” an intelligence investigation.Furthermore, if the librarian or bookseller tells you that they turned yourrecords over to the government, they could be imprisoned.
Proposed legislation before the U.S. House of Representatives — the”Freedom to Read Protection Act” — would remove this power to search yourrecords without a warrant or probable cause. It is a much-needed fix to theUSA PATRIOT Act, the controversial and sweeping anti-terrorism law rushedthrough Congress just after September 11.
This positive legislation will restore constitutional protections of ourprivacy. It deserves our support!Click here to get more information and to take action!http://www.aclu.org/NationalSecurity/NationalSecurity.cfm?ID=12607&c=110
“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”~ Plato
AMA launches ridestraight.com.June 3 – The AMA has launched a website to support “Ride Straight,” anational campaign to educate motorcyclists about thedangers of drinking and riding.
The new website, www.ridestraight.com, features a wide range of educationaland informational resources, as well as linksto other motorcycle-safety programs. The site also includes public-serviceadvertisements that can be downloaded for use in print publications.
“The AMA is proud to take the lead in addressing the issue of impairedriding,” said Robert Rasor, President of the AmericanMotorcyclist Association. “We believe that ridestraight.com can be avaluable tool in raising awareness about the risks of combining alcohol andmotorcycling.”
In light of statistics showing that 41 percent of thefatally injured motorcycle riders in 2001 had a blood alcohol content (BAC)of .08 g/dl or greater – the legal limit of impairment in many states – lastSeptember the AMA announced that it had joined forces with the NationalHighway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to produceRide Straight.
Volunteers Needed:Please take a few minutes to review the following website.http://falloncommunications.com/higginsI’m involved with an organization called Operation Just Cause.http://www.ojc.org/ We use the internet to raise awareness for the POW-MIA issue.
We are undertaking a monumental task of righting a wrong, andbased on what I’ve seen during the Myrtle Beach Boycott, This list is hasthe resources across the United States to help us.
Please review the website, http://falloncommunications.com/higginsOn the last page there is a form for volunteering for a variety of tasksneeded. Please sign up for something. When we get the petitions and wordingof the bills we are seeking finalized, someone will be contacting you tohelp get this off the ground.
–Lou “Bones”
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zonehttp://solrpa.com/wwwboard/ or http://www.solriders.net

DOWN SOUTH– Bubba called his attorney and asked, “Is it true they’resuing the cigarette companies for causing people to get cancer?”
“Yes, Bubba, sure is true,” responded the lawyer.
“And now someone is suing the fast food restaurants for making them fatand clogging their arteries with all them burgers and fries, is thattrue, mister lawyer?”
“Sure is Bubba,” replied the lawyer.
“And the lady sued McDonald’s for millions when she was given the hotcoffee that she had ordered?”
“And the football player sued the university when he graduated and stillcouldn’t read?”
“That’s right,” said the lawyer. “But why are you asking?”
“Well, I was thinking! What I want to know is, kin I sue Budweiser forall the ugly women I’ve slept with?”

TONGLET TAKES SCREAMIN? EAGLE TEAM TO NHRA PRO STOCK FINAL–MILWAUKEE, WIS. (June 30, 2003) – In his best performance of the season, GT Tonglet and the Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Bike drag-racing team defeated three tough opponents to make the final at the Sears Craftsman National Hot Rod Association Nationals at Madison, Ill., on June 29. Tonglet saved his best run for last as he posted his best time of the weekend, 7.177 seconds at 185.46 mph, but lost to Geno Scali by a mere 0.0177 seconds, or about five feet.
?We had everything together for that final run, and we needed it because the competition here is so tough,? said the 20-year-old Tonglet. ?It?s too bad we didn?t win, but we had a great weekend. The team is feeling really confident now. We?ve got two of the quickest bikes out there. We are going to get a win this season.?
Tonglet was joined in Sunday?s elimination rounds by Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Andrew Hines. Hines qualified sixth with a run of 7.180 seconds and 191.97 mph, a new track top speed record for Pro Stock Bikes at Gateway International Raceway. Tonglet qualified 12th with a time of 7.237 seconds and 183.49 mph.
Hines was eliminated in the first round on Sunday, losing to Mike Berry after a mechanical problem caused him to miss his shift to fifth gear near the end of his run. He was leading at the time.
In his first round, Tonglet (7.183/184.88) beat Fred Collis (7.208/184.50), chasing down the Suzuki rider after Collis got a jump on the start. Collis was the winner of the previous round NHRA Pro Stock Bike event.
In round two, Tonglet advanced after Steve Johnson red lighted for jumping the start. Tonglet?s next opponent was Shawn Gann, the number-one qualifier for the event with a run of 7.168/182.72. Tonglet got an outstanding holeshot and beat Gann?s reaction time, 0.061 to 0.088 to take the win with a run of 7.235/177.65 to Gann?s quicker run of 7.222/186.07.
That put Tonglet in the final round against Scali. According to the National Hot Rod Association, it was the first time a Harley-Davidson-powered bike had made a pro final since 1980, when Ed Ryan advanced that far at Gainesville, Fla.
Tonglet responded with an outstanding reaction time of 0.010 to Scali?s 0.031, and the Screamin? Eagle V-Rod held on to the lead until just past the 1,200-foot mark, when Scali was able to inch by at the finish.
The next stop for the Pro Stock Bikes on the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series is the Mopar Mile-High Nationals, July 18-20, in Denver, Colorado.
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