We make every effort to answers letters on a daily basis. We may not know what the fuck we’re talking about, but you’ll hear something. –Bandit

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Between The Horse, the bikes, the shop, Bikernet, Sturgis and athousand other things going on, it seems like there’s absolutely no time left.Shit, I can’t complain, I’m doing what I like to do. I hope you will get thesneak preview of the WCC bike this week. (We did, and there’s a tech on it in the garage) It’s locked so no one can see ittill it’s done, except Bikernet visitors (I always hide projects untilthey’re done).
The powdercoaters are taking their sweet time to do my parts.I guess they don’t understand the “schedule,” which means Hurry! Maybe I’lljust polish the damn parts and forget about the black. Anyway, it’s beenraining here so we don’t have to worry about riding, nor sweating our assesoff at the shop.
The “Desertores” did their second run of the summer, over 200 bikes showedup. For 10 bucks you got some goodies, free towing, ambulance service andpolice escort. Dinner was six bucks more. I guess they are showing the localHOG chapter how rides are done, and all the money was donated to the kids.They even had a bus for the broken down riders and tired ass wives. Way togo guys !
A group of friends is riding Route 66, said to report that one of them had anaccident and is in the hospital’s intensive care. They were riding inOklahoma heading to Amarillo, Texas, when his Road King’s front tire blew upand they lost control. He was riding bitch and his girlfriend was steering. Seems like he hit the curb head first. (He had no helmet on, but I humblythink that it could have been worse with a lid.) His girlfriend justsuffered some minor road rash. Witnesses say that she managed to slow thebike down to about 10 mph before both of them were bucked. We are all prayingfor Cucho, we hope you do too. (I don’t have the full details, but Ifigured the more people wishing him well, the better.)
The Horse magazine will be featuring a few choppers from Puerto Rico in thefollowing issues, the first article and girly photos are already at thelayout tableWe hope to keep on doing these for a long time.
Sturgis is less than a month away. We will be riding around and takingphotos. If you are a Bikernet user and see some PR plates, please come overand say hi.
See ya next week.–Jose – Caribbean Custom Cycles, San Juan PR
SPORTSTER HUNT–Thanks Bandit, for going out of your way for me. I am trying to find a bike for my friend’s ol’ lady. She is looking for something that runs good, isn’t chopped out and is about $6,000 or less. Most any Harley, but running, you know what I mean? This is her first bike. Thanks again brother, ride free, Mo,

MODIFIED LOGO–I wanted to do something for ya’ll at Bikernet for all the great time youhave given me on your Web site, so I did a little graphic manipulation on thelogo and now I’m sending you a copy to see what you think. Gave itsome 3-D type looks and other minor changes. I was killing time at work and thoughtwhat a better way than playing with graphics in Adobe.
By the way….ORWELL was GREAT!Please write more like it soon 🙂
Digital Matrix Systems
Dallas, Texas
It sucks, Mike. Start over.–Bandit
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD– Little Red Riding Hood was packing her things. Her mother asked, ?Where are you going, Lil’ Red??
Red said, ?To grandma’s.? Her mother said, ?Okay,but watch out for the Big Bad Wolf. He’ll pull up your little red dress, pull down your little red panties and freak your little red socks off.?
Lil’Red replied, ?Don’t worry, I’ve got a gun.? So about a mile down the road, Lil’ Red met the Three Little Pigs. Theyasked where she was going and she said, ?Grandma’s house.?
The Pigs warned,?Watch out for the Big Bad Wolf. He’ll pull up your little red dress, pull downyour little red panties and freak your little red socks off!?
She told them, ?Don’t worry, I’ve got a gun.?
About two more miles down the road, the Big Bad Wolf lept out of theforest and grabbed Lil’ Red. He shouted ?Ha! I finally caught you!?
Shecried, ?Don’t tell me you’re gonna pull up my litle red dress, pull down mylittle red panties and freak my little red socks off.?
?Yes I am,? said the Wolf, drooling.
?No, you ain’t,? said Little Red.
?What do you mean,? said the Wolf, taken aback.
Lil’ Red pulled up her little red dress, pulleddown her little red panties, pulled out her big silver gun and said, ?Nope,you’re gonna eat me like it says in the book.?

SUPER-VEE REPORT– Thought I’d bug you about your low opinion of Super Vees. I put some 700 mountain (up to 16,000 feet) miles on it a couple of weekends ago; rain, snow, hail, it just kept on going. 90 mph at 2,700 rpm and don’t even get on the cam till about 2,000 rpm–I have to run a 20 tooth trans sprocket (i.e. sidecar gearing) to be able to get out of second in town or into fourth below 70 mph on the freeway.
First kick starts (kicker only), wet or dry. About 30 mpg and probably leaks more oil than it uses.
I was off on a long run the other day and blew the 11/2″ Primo belt, had to put on a used spare at the side of the road with just my tool roll–in pouring rain! Rode it some 75 miles home then sold the used spare for $50. Now I got two new belts but no idea if either will last more than 1,500 miles. Everything is properly aligned, 1-inch play (cold), no signs of wear, no wheelies or burnouts, open application, pouring rain, blows at 55-60 mph in fourth–go figure! I reckon: too many cubes, too few inches. Have to run chain or 3-inch belt if they keep tearing up on me. Anyhow, the Vee engine just pours out power fast as you open the tap.
The stroker Harleys and Indian I’ve ridden just weren’t in the same ballpark. Long mountain upgrades really test an engine’s ponies; Indians are maybe better than Hogs on hills, but the Vee was tugging at my throttle hand like a pitbull in heat.
THE CREATOR RULES–When the Creator was making the world and all its inhabitants, hecalled man aside. I’m bestowing upon you,” the Creator said, “20years of active sex life.”
Man was dismayed. “Only 20 years?” he protested. “Great One,that isn’t enough. Can’t you add a few more years?”
But the Creator shook his head. It was 20 years or nothing, soman glumly sat down.
The monkey was called forth. He was offered 20 years of activesex life too. But the monkey suggested humbly that 10 years would be quiteenough since he seldom lived longer than that anyway.
Immediately the man leaped up. “Can I have your extra 10 years?”he cried excitedly.
“Of course,” said the monkey graciously.
The lion was then called forth and the Creator made the same offer.Twenty years of active sex life.
The lion gravely shook his mane.”MightyOne,” he roared, “I’m a monogamous animal: therefore, 10 years will beenough for me.” Again, the man stood up.
“Can I have the lion’s sharealso?”he asked eagerly. Both the lion and the Creator agreed, and the man satdown elated.
The donkey was then called up, but when the Creator offered him 20 years, he balked. “Sire,” he brayed, “I want to reserve some timeforeating sweet clover. Ten years is ample time for me.”The Creator nodded, then turned and looked at man. “I suppose youwant his 10 years as well?” Man smirked and nodded.
“So be it,” said the Creator and turned away.
And that is how it came to pass that man has 20 years of activesex life, 10 years of monkeying around, 10 years of lion about it,and 10 years of making an ass of himself.
–Chris T.
STURGIS ALERT–Johnny Pag just told me that he has a five-bedroom house available in Spearfish forthe entire Sturgis week, Saturday to Saturday. If anyone needs it, it is $2,500 forthe week. Contact Kerry at (909) 928-0309.Please put the word out.

THE COP BIKE BOOK–Buck Lovell is searching for old cop and antique cop bike photos to beused in a book called “Old Cop Bike.” Old Cop will feature manynever-before published photos of police motorcycles and the men who rodethem from 1903 to 1974. The book will feature only black and white photos asfound or contributed by various police agencies and motorcycle historybuffs. If you have an old cop bike photo you can contribute, please send itto:
Buck Lovell
C/O Chrome Pony Marketing
PMB 389
2621 Green River Suite 105
Corona, Calif. 92882-7454
All photos will be returned immediately after scanning………..
SAVAGE DOWN, BUT NOT OUT–Savage Williamson from Easyriders sent the following report. If you are a fan of his excellent writing skills, drop him a note:
Bad news, I’m sorry to report. You have likely noticed that I haven’tbeen e-mailing my columns as usual for the past two months; my capablecolleague Kit Maira at Biker magazine has been filling in for me (again, Kit,I appreciate the hell out of it, bro).
I had hoped this would be a temporary measure, but it turns out thatwhat I’d thought was simple diabetes onset (preliminarily Type II, but nowType I) was actually a symptom of something quite a bit more serious.
The medicos have ascertained a sizeable tumor on my pancreas, and it’salready at Stage 2, rapidly growing to Stage 3. These bastards are alwaysmalignant, and unfortunately pancreatic cancer is the fastest-killing of themall, so I have anywhere from two weeks to perhaps six months left before I maybe doing daisy push-ups. –Savage Williamson,

ANOTHER STURGIS ROOM ALERT–Hi Guys,If anyone is looking for a room in Sturgis this year, there is another oneavailable. Richard and Ann Harrison will not be able to go this year, buthave a room at the Days Inn in Spearfish. If you’re interested, contact Ann Harrison at or (405) 751-9257.

CYRIL ANNOUNCES NEW ONLINE STORE–To keep up with the demand for his accessories and the expansion of his online orders, Cyril Huze is proud to announce the launching of a new online store at The online store is the result of five months of research and development to improve content, ease of navigation and security of the ordering process.
The new site features a richer content with an expanded line of accessories, a faster navigation with a new parts classification, an easier decision process with each accessory linked to the descriptions and images of related components. Buyers have the ability to create an account with password, to keep personal information on a secure encrypted server for future shopping and the ability to buy with a credit card, by check or money order. After purchasing an accessory, a client can also go back online at any time to check the status of his order from shipping to delivery.
The site was designed by Damien Huze of Huze Solutions ( with the assistance of Steve Wilding for all back end administration programming. The new online store can be accessed directly at or from Cyril Huze Website at
01NR22 – NHTSA MOTORCYCLE SAFETY PLAN REQUIRES YOUR ACTION–Washington, D.C. — Within days of a pro-helmet-law physician being named as its new leader, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration launched a poorly veiled attack on motorcyclists in the form of a plan to enhance motorcycle safety.
?[R]iding a motorcycle continues to be a risky endeavor,? warns the Motorcycle Safety Improvement Plan, published in the June 25, 2001, edition of the Federal Register. ?It is in fact the most hazardous means of travel in the United States.? Now open for public comment, the plan seeks to reduce motorcycle-related fatalities by 5 percent by 2005 ?by making progress in these areas:
?Improved rider and passenger safety
?Safer motorcycles
?Improved motorcycle crash data and analysis
?Safer riding environment.?
The plan reflects the imbalance that has governed thinking in the agency throughout must of its 35-year history, with training taking a back seat to vehicle improvements, more research and more analysis. (See the June 8 MRF MRF RIDERS? ALERT 01NR20 that discusses the revelations in the June 11, 2001, NEW YORKER article). Meanwhile, State Motorcyclists? Rights Organizations (SMROs) and the MRF are in their fifth month of advocating to Congress an aggressive, straight-forward approach to motorcycle safety, including a no-strings resource injection to state-run rider training programs and a national program of enhancing motorist awareness of motorcycles. Throughout the USA, the waiting period for vital safety training often reaches 10 months and more. And, year after year, 6 out of 10 fatalities involving a motorcycle and a car is the fault of the motorist, not the motorcyclist.
SMROs are way ahead of the federal agency in this regard, with motorist awareness training advancing in states like Massachusetts led by the Modified Motorcycle Association of Massachusetts (MMA of Mass.) and a ?Vehicular Assault? statute in Washington state. Championed by a host of groups including the Washington Road Riders Association, the new law prescribes felony penalties for negligent or reckless drivers whose misconduct causes injury. The MMA has filed a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that, among other issues, seeks Court action to enjoin its Governor’s Highway Safety Bureau from squandering pending public money (its Motorcycle Safety Fund) on such brochures as “How to tell an Unsafe Helmet.” MMA?s goal is to put the money where it belongs by directing the $2 each of the more than 116,000 annual motorcycle registrations into rider education and the promotion and advertising of motorcyclist safety and motorist awareness.
Lobbying for helmet laws tops NHTSA?s list. ?Wearing a helmet that meets the federal safety requirement will save the lives of motorcycle riders,? NHTSA proclaims flatly, citing a study of Texas and Arkansas soundly debunked by ABATE of Massachusetts. ?As NHTSA tracks motorcycle crash experiences in states which repeal their helmet laws, the agency will use the results of Texas and Arkansas studies to publicize the protective value of helmet use. This will position NHTSA to implement similar studies in Kentucky, Louisiana, Florida and other states that may repeal mandatory helmet use laws.?
The agency is also considering revising the federal helmet standard ?to strengthen the standard?s enforcement effectiveness (e.g., to distinguish ?fake? helmets from legitimate helmets).? Mandatory helmet laws and so-called ?standards? for ?enforcement effectiveness? have led directly to widespread abuse of riders? civil rights, as documented forcefully all year by ABATE of Massachusetts.
Is attire control next? The agency announced it will ?partner with appropriate organizations? and embark on a ?five-year protective gear promotion campaign.?
Regarding ?safer motorcycles,? the agency announced intention to study braking technology and ?hopes to use the test data to support its motorcycle brake harmonization proposals? (e.g., linked brakes and anti-lock braking systems).Motorcyclists nationwide must read this document and make their voices heard. This is a draft of the U.S. Government?s plan for your safety. And agree or disagree, in whole or in part you must let this agency and your U.S. Congressman know where you stand. Act today.
Here?s what to do:
1.Read the plan.
2.Submit written comments not later than August 9, 2001. You must refer to ?Docket Number NHTSA-2001-9595? in your letter:
?via mail (two copies) to Docket Management System, U.S. Department of Transportation, PL401, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590-0001.
?Via e-mail by logging on to Click on ?help & Information.
GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE !!ALERT!!–H.R. 74 (Jackson-Lee): This bill would amend the Hate Crimes Law to imposea ten-year prison sentence (life imprisonment for serious offenses) forusinga firearm to cause or attempt to cause bodily injury on the basis of, amongother things, the sexual orientation of the victim. In addition, it wouldauthorize increased funding for grants and enforcement.
H.R. 75 (Jackson-Lee): This bill would authorize $100,000,000 a year formentalhealth services for children.
For more info, contact: Chris W. Stark – Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-713-202-9548 Fax 1-810-283-7459
DEAR ABBY–Dear AbbyMy husband is a lying cheat. He tells me he loves me, but he has cheated our entire marriage. He is a good provider and has many friends and supporters. They know he is a lying cheat, but they just avoid the issues. He is a hard worker but many of his coworkers are leery of him. Every time he gets caught he first denies it all, then he admits that he was wrong and begs me to forgive him. This has been going on for so long, everyone in town knows he is a cheat. I don’t know what to do.
Signed: Frustrated
Dear Frustrated:
Why don’t you move to New York and run for the Senate?
–Kris B.

ODD FACTS– In Scotland, a new game was invented. It wasentitled Gentlemen –Only Ladies Forbidden … and thus the word GOLFentered into the English language.
THAT’S IT–Actually that’s not it, but after last night, that’s all my brain cells can handle. I picked up a new truck yesterday and need to alter it before anyone sees me in a stock truck. It’s actually raining here, the gods must have lost their way. This is the summer, goddamnit.
Sturgis is just around the corner and a new Samson exhaust system just arrived for my riding partner. It’s going to be busy for the next couple of weeks.–Let’s ride–Bandit.