Watch the site’s up-to-the-minute drag racing reports by Helen Wolfe, and the new hot fiction. We hit 1.4 million hits with 79,000 user sessions again last month. The “It’s the Tits” billboard idea didn’t fly with the Nipple Haters Society so we’re back to the drawing board. Never a dull moment.
Let’s get to the news:

BUBBA BLACKWELL CRASHES– The stunt rider’s try at breaking his own car-jumping record ended tragically Wednesday night when the Harley-Davidson XR-750 he was riding failed to clear a line of 22 vehicles.
The front wheel of the Alabama native’s bike clipped one of the last few cars in the line, sending the stuntman flying head-over-heels into a landing ramp and sliding onto the pavement.
Blackwell, 34, is known as the “American Daredevil.” In February, he jumped over 14 tractor-trailer trucks. Two years ago, Blackwell successfully jumped over 30 school buses.
Blackwell was transported to Scripps Medical Center and remains in critical condition.
Bubba’s wife called Tommy with the San Diego Star last night to say thatBubba is responding and talking and that she will call us immediately ifthere’s anything we need to know. She was confident that he will be fine.
She said, “He was given medication immediately at the fair and hewasn’t able to talk because of the medication.”
When it finally wore off, he was talking and responding to her and themedical team at the hospital. He could move his legs and toes andeverything, according to his wife.
Bubba told us on the air a few weeks ago, and the crowd last night, thatthis would be his last jump. Bubba told Jeff and Jer he would stop jumping because his wife hates the risk and that it was time for himto raise a family.
THE MAN IN THE CAFE–A man enters a cafe and sits down. He notices that the special ofthe day is cold chili. When the waitress comes to take his order,he says, “I’ll take the cold chili.”
“I’m sorry, the gentleman next to you got the last bowl,” saysthe waitress.
“Oh, I’ll just have coffee then.”
After a while the man notices that the guy next to him who gotthe last bowl of cold chili is finishing a rather large meal andthe chili bowl is still full.
He asks, “Are you going to eat that?”
The other man replies, “No.”
“Would you sell it to me?”
“You can have it for free if you want it.”
So the man takes the bowl of chili and begins to eat it. When hegets about half way through the bowl, he notices a dead mouse inthe bowl and pukes the chili back into the bowl.
The other man says sympathetically, “That’s about as far as Igot, too.”
IRON HORSE TRIKE GOD DOWNED–The main mechanic, Paul Venturo, behind the success of car-powered Iron Horse Trikes in Rosewell, N.M., was run off the road last week. Paul’s new 2000 Wide Glide H-D was totaled.
Paul has been in a coma for more than a week. Don Center, owner of Iron Horse Trikes, has been going to the hospital and spending hours talking to Paul, trying to revive him. Paul has worked for Don for 4 years. Paul broke his left foot, leg, kneecap, arm and wrist, but the crucial aspects of the accident were the brain bleeders, which rendered him unconscious.
We wish him luck and a full recovery. If you would like to send a buck or two to help defray medical expenses, his bank is Wells Fargo, Rosewell, N.M., account number 1352516198. Any donations will be acknowledged and appreciated. Thank you.

NEW CYRIL HUZE FRAME-STRAY KATS–?Take the classic chopper frame, ask Cyril to redesign it and here is the result: a New School chopper frame called Stray Kat, which accepts the 250 series tire with a stock width belt. It is constructed out of 0.95 wall, 4130 chromemoly, using 1?1/4 inch tubing for superior strength, tig welded and fixture cooled.
For a clean look, internal fork stops are integrated in the steering head. The Stray Kat features details Cyril is famous for: top and below neck areas are CNC machined with a staircase design; there is a hidden axle with Cyril’s exclusive trick billet teardrop axle covers and no visible bolts; CNC square tubing motor mount with internal wiring loom inside the backbone for ease of wiring. For this frame, Cyril designed an?innovative stainless steel teardrop oil tank (included with the frame) with center oil fill and?”hidden” battery. A chopper frame has never looked so cool. It is available in 3-inch stretch/38-degree rake, or 5-inch stretch/40-degree rake. Any other stretch or rake on request.
Cyril Huze
Tel: (561) 392-5557
Web site: http://www.cyrilhuze.com
SPORTBIKE CONTACT– Be sure to stop by and see what’s new…. ?See us at the SRA Booth at Laguna Seca Raceway for World Superbike Racing July 6-8! ? ?See us at the SRA Booth at the Los Angeles Calendar Show in Long Beach, Calif., July 21-22. ?You can find more information about the show at http://fastdates.com/BIKESHOW.HTM
Did you know the SRA is the title sponsor of the 2002 FastDates Racebike Pinup Calendar? ?Check out the SRA Web site or http://fastdates.com/FDRP.HTMfor more details!
We have more discount providers! ?This is the main reason to become a member of the SRA. ?With your help, we all benefit by the unity of our members. ?The SRA is constantly using its clout as the nation’s largest sportbike club to secure discounts from suppliers and manufacturers. ?You can easily save more than the membership fee in just one order. ?These discounts are direct from the providers. ?The SRA is not in the business of selling parts and accessories. ?We are in the business of benefiting our members.
Mike DiSabatino, President
Sportbike Riders’ Association, Inc.
Where the web meets the streets
(888) 8.DR.BIKE – Toll Free

Welcome Bikers? Is this the committee?
HUNTING ELK–Two hunters got a pilot to fly them into the far north for elkhunting. They were quite successful in their venture and baggedsix big bucks. The pilot came back, as arranged, to pick them up.
They started loading their gear into the plane, including the sixelk. But the pilot objected and said, “The plane can only takefour of your elk; you will have to leave two behind.”
They argued with him; the year before they had shot six and thepilot had allowed them to put all aboard. The plane was the samemodel and capacity. Reluctantly, the pilot finally permitted themto put all six aboard. But when they attempted to take off andleave the valley, the little plane could not make it and theycrashed into the wilderness.
Climbing out of the wreckage, one hunter said to the other, “Doyou know where we are?”
“I think so,” replied the other hunter. “I think this is aboutthe same place where we crashed last year.”

BIKERNET BIKE SHOW WINNERS FOR JUNE– Here’s the list of winnersand a picture of the Street Stock winner. Remember, it’s free to enter, and if we can find enough lying around, you’ll receive a special 5-Ball trophy, a signed book and valuable prizes from Samson, JIMS, Crime Inc., Bikernet and more.
In the Sportster Category
Mike Coffield
North Conway, N.H.
In the Radical Custom Category
John Boucher
Lewiston, Maine
In the Street Custom-Stock Category
Paul Gendron
Taylor, Mich.
In the Pro-Street Category
Atlantic choppers/Rich Santerre
Manchester, Conn.
AN ITALIAN, A MEXICAN AND A REDNECK– An Italian, a Mexican, and a redneck were building a bridge. One day at lunch, the Italian opened his lunchbox and said with disgust, “If I have to eat fettucini alfredo ONE more day, I’m going to jump off this bridge.”
The Mexican looks in his lunchbox and says, “If I have to eat tacos for lunch ONE more day, I’M going to jump off this bridge.”
The redneck then looks in his lunchbox and says, “If I have to eat a ham sandwich for lunch ONE more day, I’M going to jump off this bridge.”
The next day when the three men looked in their lunchboxes, they all had the same lunch as they’d had before and they all jumped off the bridge!
At the memorial service, the wife of the Italian said, sobbing, “If I had only known he was tired of fettucini alfredo, I could have made spaghetti with meatballs.”
The wife of the Mexican said, “If I had only known he was tired of tacos, I could have made enchiladas.”
The wife of the redneck said, “Don’t look at me… that dumbass made his own lunches!”
Continued On Page 2