Continued From Page 3

MAJOR MOTORCYCLE ART SHAKE-UP–Some of these artist were represented by Segal Fine Art for as long as 16 year. Segal lost the license with Harley-Davidson which meant only one thing, they had to strike out on their own.

Traditionally David Uhl, Tom Fritz, Jeff Decker and of course, Scott Jacobs have been notable licensed artists for years and now they’re back as officially licensed Harley-Davidson Artists under their own title.

Ron Copple

HARLEY-DAVIDSON INCREASES SOUTH AMERICAN SALES AND PRODUCTION– BRAZIL is to become the South American export base of Harley-Davidson.
It has been revealed that the company will distribute clothing and accessories from Brazil to a number of Latin American countries, including Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay.
This action is hoped to increase income from non-motorcycle sales in the region by 60 per cent. Brazil is one of the few large-scale manufacturers of H-D brand clothing and accessories. Currently, 50 outsourced suppliers manufacture 40 different items.
Worldwide sales of ‘general merchandise’ are increasingly important for H-D. In 2003, this sector of trade accounted for $202.1 million revenue (excluding additional sales of 100th-anniversary memorabilia), a growth of 11 per cent compared with 2002. In South America, the rate of increase is even stronger, with sales growing by approximately 20 per cent each year.
Mexico, as a country in which H-D already has 12 dealers and four stores, is a particularly important target. In this country, the manufacturer expects to increase sales of clothing and accessories, and also hopes to significantly expand the volume of motorcycles sold. Ninety per cent of these machines will be assembled in H-D’s plant in Manaus, Brazil.
FLORIDA DUI ALERT–The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has asked Florida and 12 other states to participate in a sustained enforcement effort. The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) Safety Office is responsible for implementing this You Drink and Drive. You Lose. Sustained DUI Enforcement Program in Florida. Administrative duties for the effort will be handled through a grant with the Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM).
The You Drink and Drive. You Lose. Sustained DUI Enforcement Program targets those counties that report 60% of the state’s alcohol-related crashes. Fifteen Florida counties – Brevard, Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Lee, Miami-Dade, Orange, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Leon, Manatee, Pasco, Polk, Sarasota and Volusia – accounted for 71.8% of the state’s alcohol-related crashes in 2001. These 15 counties are the focus of the sustained effort.
–from Rogue

SHOW CIRCUIT COMPETITION HECTIC– Bike Shows, Biker Build Offs and Just Every Kind Of Competition That You Can Think Of Concerning Motorcycles Has Gotten Hectic. Well known and famous builders are constantly striving to build another motorcycle that will encourage bikers to vote for them. Though the motorcycles are pieces of art in many cases the engines have been kind of blah until recently. Okay they were chromed, polished or powder coated and some times contain exotic exhaust and carburetors.
That has all changed when Bill Lane of Choppers Inc. had Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama build the engine for a Camel Show Bike. The engine was such a success that Billy continues to use them. Other builders like Indian Larry have had and continue to use Accurate Engines with their creations. As a matter of fact when Billy and Larry did the Discovery Channel Build Off they both used Accurate Engines.
OKAY, See where I am going with this? Accurate Engineering Engines are the Choice of The Show Winners. Watch for more of them in upcoming competitions and Build-Offs.
The photo is a sample. If you are interested in a engine of any kind you can visit the Accurate web site at, or phone them at 334-702-1993
Yes I do use their engines in all my motorcycles because I think they are the Best Out There.
MIAMI — A judge denied a new trial Wednesday for four Miami police officers sentenced to federal prison in a plot to plant guns after the police shootings of unarmed suspects and to cover up the wrongdoing.
But U.S. District Judge Alan Gold agreed to consider why prosecutors dropped charges against the last of 13 officers charged in the conspiracy. Two trials ended in nine convictions or guilty pleas in the biggest corruption scandal to hit the department in a generation.
The judge asked for ?a detailed explanation? and any documents from federal and state prosecutors and Miami police to justify the dismissal of charges against Sgt. Jose Acuna last month. Prosecutors must provide their reasoning and supporting papers under seal.
The four convicted officers are free on bail while appealing their convictions and sentences ranging from 13 months to three years. They are Jesse Aguero, Art Beguiristain, Jorge Castello and Oscar Ronda.?The secrecy of the dismissal and the lack of reasoning on any record is something that bothered not only us but the judge,? said Richard Sharpstein, attorney for Beguiristain and Castello. ?We believe that when all of that comes to bear, we?ll be in a new trial situation.?
The U.S. attorney?s office had no comment.
–from Rogue

NEW MODELS ON BIKERNET FIRST–We’ve done our best to bring you all the new model info first. This way, if you make it to Sturgis you can hunt down your favorite.
We’ve all been H-D fans for decades, but try a Victory. I was knocked out by the Vegas and may build a custom Vegas next year. Check ’em out. They’re on the home page or in Special Reports now.
FINALLY, THE BLONDE JOKE TO END ALL BLONDE JOKES!– A girl was visiting her blond friend who had acquired two new dogs, andasked her what their names were.
The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one wasnamed Timex.
Her friend said, “Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?”
“HellOOOooo,” answered the blond. “They’re watch dogs!”
–from Rev CarlR

WORLD’S ONLY ANSWER TO WORN PULLEYS– After 5 years of proto-typing and testing, Super Max now offers the world’s only answer to worn pulleys.
We now can replace the teeth on almost all stock factory and aftermarket 65 and 70 tooth rear wheel pulleys, increasing their wear-ability by at least FIVE times. The fancy aftermarket pulleys that you have paid enormous buck’s for and are gone in as little as 15 to 20,000 miles can be over-layed by Super Max to retain the “LOOK” that you now have. They will outlast “ANY” pulley currently on the market regardless of who made it.
Super Max pulleys have been on the market since the early ’70s and as many of you know, They do not wear out. Our “Space Age” materials have the best “Wearability” of all.
We offer these over-Lays in a variety of colors as well as Black. They are quiet as well as functional. The ‘Squeal’ associated with many drives is gone. These pulleys are not affected by sand or small debris as long as the recommended tensions are adheared to, these pulleys should outlast the motorcycle, regardless of miles ridden.
Many customers ask, “How far will your pulleys go?” and our answer is, “We still don’t know.”
Send Super Max your old pulley to us and we will perform the conversion for you…Retail…$300.00
Supermax Belt Drives

PALM BAY CLUB GODDESS AT WAR WITH CITY–After a decade-old battle with Palm Bay, Club Goddess now has filed a lawsuit against the city.
In the latest round, the club complained that Palm Bay police officers intimidated patrons by offering them free alcohol breath-testing as they were leaving the business.
The complaint said that in one case, a patron at the club blew into a breath-testing device, then said he was going to sleep in the back of his vehicle. Police told him that if he got anywhere near the vehicle, he would be arrested.
“As the city is aware, my client, Your Dreams Inc., is concerned that the city has instituted a policy of harassment geared toward closing or crippling its business,” attorney Steven Mason wrote to attorneys representing Palm Bay on the issue.
Palm Bay city manager Lee Feldman was not available last week. An assistant referred questions to an attorney for the city. The attorney did not return a telephone call to his office.
MAKE POT LEGAL, AND WE’LL BENEFIT–Ah, there’s nothing quite like summer in the Sierra. Mexican drug cartels. Hidden marijuana gardens. Camouflaged rangers armed with M-16 rifles seeking out hoodlums toting AK-47s. Know what?We can end this desecration of national parks, the threat to public safety and the drain on taxpayers by dumping the prohibition on adult marijuana use.
Before explaining why America should abandon its failed war against marijuana, I’ll answer the big question. I’ve smoked dope. More than once. Unlike Bill Clinton, I inhaled. Then, like millions of other baby boomers, I matured a little bit and stopped. But if I had kept smoking marijuana, why is it the government’s business?
Adults in this country use alcohol and tobacco without fear of being arrested or having to obtain those drugs from criminals. Marijuana shouldn’t be any different. The worst thing about it is that it’s against the law.
By deeming cannabis illegal, we waste $10 billion to $15 billion a year turning citizens into criminals and compound that mistake by turning over the cultivation, distribution and sale of the drug to gangs.
Make pot legal, and hikers don’t have to worry about getting shot because they stumble into a marijuana grove in Kings Canyon National Park.
Make pot legal, tax it and regulate it — as we’ve done with alcohol, tobacco and gambling — and everyone but the drug cartels is better off.
A marijuana tax could pay for drug education. Why is a declining percentage of Americans addicted to tobacco? Because it’s been drummed into our heads tobacco is bad for us.
The tax also could help fund schools and public safety. Freed from chasing down otherwise law-abiding pot-smokers, police could focus more on violent criminals.
Farmers would benefit, too. Instead of growing food and fiber subject to market volatility, they’d have a guaranteed cash crop. There might not be a better place than the San Joaquin Valley — with its long growing season and fertile ground — to grow the stuff.
One objection to legalizing pot is children would have more access to the drug. Actually, they’d have a harder time getting it. Legal pot would reduce the black-market trade, and approved sellers would risk losing lucrative licenses by making underage sales.
Besides, how could pot become any easier to get than it is now? Two Fresno middle school teachers I talked to last week said it’s readily available on their campuses.
Legal pot sounds like a radical idea, but it isn’t. William F. Buckley Jr., flag-bearer for American conservatives, says marijuana prohibition is costly and hypocritical.
Last month in National Review Online, Buckley wrote: “General rules based on individual victims are unwise. And although there is a perfectly respectable case against using marijuana, the penalties imposed on those who reject that case, or give way to weakness of resolution, are very difficult to defend. If all our laws are paradigmatic, imagine what we would do to anyone caught lighting a cigarette, or drinking a beer. Or – exulting in life in the paradigm – committing adultery. Send them all to Guantanamo?”
In other words, our marijuana laws smell like they were written by someone smoking too much pot. They need reform.
by Bill McEwen, The Fresno Bee
–from Rogue

JAMES STEWART AND KAWASAKI SIGN AGREEMENT– Team Chevy Trucks Kawasaki Racer Signs through 2006.
IRVINE, Calif. (July 29, 2004) James Stewart, the young supercross-motocross phenom from Florida, today signed a two-year agreement to continue with the Kawasaki motorcycles that have taken him to multiple national championships
BIKERNET LEGAL FILES–Bozeman, Montana, has a law that bans all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown – if they’re nude. (Apparently, if you wear socks, you’re safe from the law!)
–from Rogue

WE’RE CLOSING THE DOOR ON THE THURSDAY NEWS–That sounds so fuckin’ official. It’s a tad late, but the guys on the east coast will just be rolling in from work.

Here’s a couple of shots of us old farts during our Monster Garage Segment. On top is Custom Chrome master designer for 30 years, John Reed. What a character and an incredible talent. Behind him is Carl Morrow the master of Carl’s Speed Shop in Daytona.
This shot shows my ugly self and old friend Don Hotop, of Don’s Speed and Sport in Fort Madison, Iowa. If there was ever a master builder, Don’s the man. He builds nearly every Drag Specialties project bike. I’ll tell you why. When he hands over a bike, it not only looks sharp, but it will run forever. Guy has a lot of class. This segment on building an Old School Chopper from a stock 2004 Heritage Softail will air on October the 11th. Don’t miss this one.
I want to slip out of the shop this afternoon after I pound iron and shower. I need to ride to a local bar and check out the bartender. She’s a Hispanic goddess with tits forever. The bar is tiny and frequented only by longshoremen and local drunks. She doesn’t deserve to be there. I need to rescue her…
Ride Forever,