Continued From Page 2

Shuttle launch photo from Rogue.
WHERE’S THE GUN NUT REPORT?–I thought Bandit wrote it. It was a regular in ER back when I subscribed in the 70’s. A “Gun Nut Report” , or guns of interest to bikers, etc, would be fun to read in
— “Stan Jones”

FORT WORTH, TX – July 27, 2005 – Advanstar Communications – a leading provider of print, event, and online media for the powersports, off-road, and automotive aftermarket industries – today announced the launch of its website for the Arenacross Championship Series.
The site houses the most up-to-date information on the 12-event race series, including a national professional and amateur schedule, travel information, rider registration, track diagrams, purse and point funds, race results, and the latest merchandise for sale.
“ will provide a home for our racers, sponsors, the media, and fans and allow them to be a part of the racing action well before our kickoff in Fort Worth this November,” said Mike Kidd, Arenacross Race Director for Advanstar Communications. “We’re building a community in all senses of the word, and we won’t stop until we succeed in our mission: to revitalize the hearts, minds, and souls of America’s extreme sports lovers across the country, and bring a renewed sense of energy and spirit to the AX nation.”
The Advanstar Arenacross Championship Series website is located at

BLOOD SWEAT AND GEARS IN STURGIS– Please join us for Billy Lanes Blood Sweat & Gears Sturgis Grand Finale sponsored by, Thursday night from 6-8:30 at the Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle St. Press members will receive press access at stage for photography throughout the show.
While at the show please see me for a newly updated Billy Lane Media Kit featuring new bike and parts shots. PLUS, fresh off the press, just in time for Sturgis, the first Chopper’s Inc catalog in over 3 years! The first few hundred are individually numbered collector’s issues and can be signed. Again, stop by and see me to get your copy.
Blood Sweat & Gears Tour Show Times and Scheduled BuildersShow Schedule
Saturday 8/6 3-6PM
Sunday 8/7 3-6PM
Tuesday 8/9 3-6PM
Thursday 8/11 6-8:30 (Finale Show)

Billy Lane, Chopper’s Inc
Kendall Johnson, Kendall Johnson Customs
Paul Cox, Paul Cox Leather/Indian Larry Legacy
Aaron Greene, Paramount Custom Cycles
Jerry Covington, Covington Custom Cycles
Mondo, Denver’s Chopper’s
See you in Sturgis. As always some lucky person from the military will receive the bike that is built during the rally. It’s the builders’ way of saying thank you for what they do to protect our freedom. The final Tour stop for 2005 will take place in Daytona during Biketoberfest at Destination Daytona!
SOUTH DAKOTA: Work at Exit 32 Ready for 2005 Rally–STURGIS, SD – Work on Interstate 90 Exit 32 has wrapped up in time for the 2005 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has restored all lanes on I-90. Access in and out of Sturgis at Exit 32 will be maintained throughout the 2005 Rally and winter season.
All ramps are currently open to traffic however, the eastbound on-ramp is currently accessed by using Dickson Road. This is the same setup SDDOT has used throughout the 2005 construction season. It will continue through the 2005 Rally and winter season.
The SDDOT is building a new diamond interchange at Exit 32 in Sturgis which will replace the existing interchange and four bridges. The new interchange will link Junction Avenue and Vanocker Canyon Road. Plans call for reconstructing the eastbound lanes in 2006 prior to next year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The overall completion for this project is scheduled for September 15, 2006.
–from Rogue

HOT NEW TIE-DOWNS FROM POWERTYE– Anaheim, CA- Powertye Manufacturing, a market leading premium motorcycle tie down manufacturer, has introduced a new 2 inch Big Daddy Ratchet Tie-Down with built-in soft-tye and a 9 inch long genuine sheepskin sleeve. The sheepskin will protect a bike’s finish while holding a Harley or a custom bike in place. Powertye claims that these are the “Strongest Motorcycle Tie-Downs in the world!” Powertye incorporated safety hooks so that they will never come unhooked when trailering a bike over rough roads. Other features include: 2″ wide chromacoat ratchet, 7,400 lb. test nylon webbing, 2,600 lb. rated assembly, vinyl coated Snap-Hook Secure ends, 6 1/2 ft. length, plus 18″ soft-tye, double security stitching and are available in red, black and blue with black soft-tye sewn-in. The main part of the strap is in the color of your choice and the soft-tye part that wraps around the handlebars is only available in black.
Powertye is currently developing a line of “specially branded” 2 inch Big Daddy tie downs designed specifically for the world’s top custom bike builders. The tie down straps will have the name and logo of each top custom bike builder specially fusion printed on them. Currently, Powertye is making these tie downs for Orange County Choppers, Big Dog Motorcycles, and Grandeur with many others soon to follow.
Powertye Manufacturing produces a wide variety of tie downs, not just for the Harley market, but also for every type of motorcycle and ATV manufactured. For more information on Powertye tie downs and other Powertye products, please call 714-993-7400 or email them at Check out their website at for the latest news from Powertye Manufacturing..

CRAZYHORSE UPDATE–Out of the blue Sukoshi of Avon Tyres has been so generous as to volunteer to give us a certificate for a set of AVON Tyres for the raffle and charity…She is sending me a certificate via email. I have asked if we might be able to get a “prop” tire for display since it will not be on any of the signage. I have their banners and display materials that we can use though.
Charlie can you get a couple of small signs stating that Avon Tyres has done this that we can hang or display…BR will get the word out via the PA system at the Full Throttle throughout the week, and you need to add it to your script for your PA work as well.
Great to have support from all these people…

BIKERNET FRIENDSHIP CODE STUDY– Friendship among women: A woman doesn’t come home one night. The next day she tells her husband she slept over at a friend’s house. The man calls his wife’s 10 best friends. None of them know about it.
Friendship among men: A man doesn’t come home one night. The next day he tells his wife he slept over at a friend’s house. The woman calls her husband’s 10 best friends. Eight of them say he did sleep over and two claim he’s still there.
–from Joe L.
BIKERS PARADISE IN CARLISLE–35,465 visit Carlisle Summer Bike Fest July 22-24. CARLISLE, Pa. – Thunder roared into Carlisle as the fourth annual Carlisle Summer Bike Fest brought 35,465 visitors to the Carlisle (Pa.) Fairgrounds on July 22-24. One-of-a-kind sport bikes, custom bikes, classics, choppers, touring bikes and more could be seen on a show field overflowing with thousands of motorcycles. More than 600 vendors sold all the parts, accessories and apparel motorcyclists could need. Also, four local Harley-Davidson dealers set up a 19,000-square-foot Harley-Davidson dealer mall.
Brad Whitford, guitarist in the band Aerosmith, visited the show with the Aerosmith-themed bike, built by master customizer Dave Perewitz. The Custom Builder Roundtable featured a panel of the motorcycle industry’s best-known and most talented professionals, including Perewitz, Donnie Smith, Ron Simms, Roger Bourget, Eddie Trotta and photojournalist Michael Lichter. Michele Smith, star of Speed TV’s “American Thunder,” hosted the roundtable with Brad Whitford.
Jason Sheets of Black Canyon Cycle, Hagerstown, Md., won the Mid-Atlantic Custom Builder Challenge with his modified retro 1981 Shovelhead on a Panhead straight-leg rigid frame to receive a cash prize and a feature article in V-Twin magazine, the sponsor of the contest. The 2004 Yamaha YZF-R1 owned by Jerry McCoy of McCoy Motorsports, Pikeville, Ky., won the 2Wheel Tuner Custom Sport Bike competition, earning the prize and an a feature in 2Wheel Tuner magazine.
On Saturday evening, Leo Beers of Marysville won the 2005 Ninja ZX-6R provided by Koup’s Cycle Shop and Cumberland Kawasaki in partnership with Carlisle Events. He attended with the Christian Motorcycle Association of Harrisburg, and he plans to sell the bike and give the proceeds to the association.
Don Bick of Finleyville won the 2005 Harley-Davidson FXST Softail Standard on Sunday. He came to the show with TNT & Infamous Cycles. Carlisle Events teamed with Appalachian Harley-Davidson, Laugerman’s Harley-Davidson, Susquehanna Valley Harley-Davidson/Buell and White’s Harley-Davidson/Buell to provide this giveaway.
The Carlisle Thunder Motorcycle Auction saw 138 bikes cross the block. “I thought the auction went really well,” said Scott Adcock, co-owner of Carlisle Thunder. “We really had a good group of bikes, as good a caliber of bike as I think you’ll find anywhere at any event across the country.” Carlisle Thunder plans to return next year, “bigger than ever,” Adcock said. See for more information.
The Art of Horsepower roundtable featured respected motorcycle professionals Jeff Clark of The Cycle Exchange (TCX), Joe Chowansky of TP Engineering, Dorian Swanner of Carolina Custom Products, Scott Hodgson of Progressive Suspensions, John Gabriel of Edelbrock, Mark Thompson of HHI and Danny Fitzmaurice of Zipper’s Performance.
Many other special guests and exciting activities highlight the weekend. Chef Biker Billy entertained audiences and burned taste buds as he cooked with fire. The StarBoyz street bike stunt team performed to wild crowds all weekend doing no-handed wheelies, stoppies, burnouts and other crazy tricks.
Numerous competitions were held over the weekend, with many prizes awarded. Mauro Kisak of Monroeville won Best of Show in the Bike & Rider Judged Show with his 2003 Springer Softail built by Dave Wagner/G-Spot Engineering. Adrienne Boger won the burnout contest, sponsored by Koup’s Cycle Shop. Heather Borkaski of Lavale, Md., most impressed the judges and won the title of Ms. Carlisle Summer Bike Fest 2005 in the beauty contest sponsored by Easy Life Hot Tubs.
Mark your calendar for next year’s Carlisle Summer Bike Fest, July 21-23, 2006. Also, don’t miss the York Open House motorcycle event Sept. 22-24 at the York (Pa.) Fairgrounds & Expo Center.
Visit or call (717) 243-7855 for more information. Call 1(877) 727-8573 for hotel information. Carlisle Events welcomes PPG Refinish Inc., an official sponsor of Carlisle Summer Bike Fest; Advance Auto Parts, official auto parts store of Carlisle Events; and Meguiar’s, sponsor of all Carlisle events.

SOMETHING NEW FOR RACE FANS– Something new this year is a daily update on the net for our competitors to be able to register and view the standings of the competition. Click on the banner above.
Got Sponsors is going to add the sponsors of the event to the registration and results pages.
Thank You,

THE POLICE STATE ACT–Congress passed legislation last week that reauthorizes the Patriot Act for another 10 years, although the bill faced far more opposition than the original Act four years ago. I’m heartened that more members of Congress are listening to their constituents, who remain deeply skeptical about the Patriot Act and expansions of federal police power in general. They rightfully wonder why Congress is so focused on American citizens, while bin Laden and other terrorist leaders still have not been captured.
The tired arguments we’re hearing today are that same ones we heard in 2001 when the Patriot Act was passed in the emotional aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. If the Patriot Act is constitutional and badly needed, as its proponents swear, why were sunset provisions included at all? If it’s unconstitutional and pernicious, why not abolish it immediately? All of this nonsense about sunsets and reauthorizations merely distracts us from the real issue, which is personal liberty. America was not founded on a promise of security; it was founded on a promise of personal liberty to pursue happiness.
One prominent Democratic opined on national television that “most of the 170-page Patriot Act is fine,” but that it needs some fine-tuning. He then stated that he opposed the ten-year reauthorization bill on the grounds that Americans should not have their constitutional rights put on hold for a decade. His party’s proposal, however, was to reauthorize the Patriot Act for only four years, as though a shorter moratorium on constitutional rights would be acceptable! So much for the opposition party and its claim to stand for civil liberties.
Unfortunately, some of my congressional colleagues referenced the recent London bombings during the debate, insinuating that opponents of the Patriot Act somehow would be responsible for a similar act here at home. I won’t even dignify that slur with the response it deserves. Let’s remember that London is the most heavily monitored city in the world, with surveillance cameras recording virtually all public activity in the city center. British police officials are not hampered by our 4th amendment nor our numerous due process requirements. In other words, they can act without any constitutional restrictions, just as supporters of the Patriot Act want our own police to act. Despite this they were not able to prevent the bombings, proving that even a wholesale surveillance society cannot be made completely safe against determined terrorists. Congress misses the irony entirely. The London bombings don’t prove the need for the Patriot Act, they prove the folly of it.
The Patriot Act, like every political issue, boils down to a simple choice: Should we expand government power, or reduce it? This is the fundamental political question of our day, but it’s quickly forgotten by politicians who once promised to stand for smaller government. Most governments, including our own, tend to do what they can get away with rather than what the law allows them to do. All governments seek to increase their power over the people they govern, whether we want to recognize it or not. The Patriot Act is a vivid example of this. Constitutions and laws don’t keep government power in check; only a vigilant populace can do that.
by Rep. Ron Paul, MD
–from Rogue

LONE STAR RALLY NEWS-Find it all at the banner above.

BOSS NEWS RELEASE– All are invited to the B.O.S.S. Bikers Offroad Shooting Sport, Inc. will be kicked off at 2005 Sturgus Buffalo Chip Rally will run every evening at 7:00 PM.
BOSS is a riding and shooting sport which the rider will shoot only BOSS approved blanks, at balloons, (WITH ONLY BOSS REVOLVERS FOR THE STURGIS EVENT , DO NOT BRING ANY GUNS TO THE EVENT OR LIVE AMMO, if any live ammo or revolvers are on any person they will not be allowed to make a run) The contestant will ride through shooting at 5 balloons, turn around and come back through and shoot at the final 5 balloons. BOSS has 10 riding categories, however “FULL THROTTLE OUTLAWS” will be the ONLY category for this event.TV STATIONS WILL BE FILMING THIS EXCITING NEW SPORT EVENT.
Many celebrities have already entered with ride off challenges like Barry Wardlaw challenging Billy Lane! BOSS is now taking contestant applications. Challenge your Buddy, another business, or just ride through for fun!<

While you are there come by and say hello to Larry and Sheila Crow, owners of Competitive Edge Gunworks are well known in the shooting Industry. Larry is known for his custom single action revolvers and his big bore revolvers are in high demand worldwide. Competitive Edge builds guns for many of the World-class competition shooters. Larry is also known for his Long range rifles, semi auto’s, custom AR15, and conceal carry pistols.
Larry recently built a revolver appropriately named the Outlaw 120, to go with the theme of Accurate Engineering’s Outlaw 120 engine, which has the Outlaw 120 engine engraved on the gun and offered to all of Barry Wardlaw’s customers. Larry has produced a library of gun videos that are available on his web site. He is now seen on The Outdoor Channel on “Shooting Gallery”, and “Cowboys”. Larry and Sheila are both Champion shooters, Larry is a Missouri State Champion, and Sheila a Missouri and Iowa Ladies Modern Champion.
–from Rogue

STEALTH CUSTOM CYCLES NEWS FROM NC–This past Sunday we held the 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” The weather was hot and so were the bikes in the bike show!
All week we took care of final details for the RFB. We still had awards coming in as late as Saturday and speaking of awards, guys you did an outstanding job making the awards, they get better every year. The awards table is like a bike show in itself with people passing by to take them in.
Art Woodward won the Best of Show Award this year. Art’s bike was entered in the radical class. It is a beautiful bike.! Great job Art! We had 58 bikes in the show and they were all killer bikes! Thanks to all of you who signed up for the show.
We had around 300 bikes on the poker run. A little off on the numbers but it was a hot day but the again I thought you were supposed to ride when the weather is hot?
The best part of the day for me was when 3 of Justin’s closest friends showed up. I say it was the best part for me but it was also the hardest part. A lot of memories and emotion came to the surface. Guys, it was great to see you all again and good to know you all are doing fine.
My brother Gary and my longtime friend Milo and his wife Pam rode in from Virginia and my buddy Fritz and his wife Brenda rode in from Indiana. Guys it was great having you all here!
I would like to thank all the sponsors for the RFB including Without your support there would be no RFB. Thanks to all the RFB volunteers. I could not do it without your help. Thanks to all the guys who stepped up and made the RFB awards. You all did a great job. Thanks to my wife Sandy, you know I appreciate all you do. Thanks to my good friend Mr.Bandit and all the staff at Bikernet .com for all your support. It means a lot. Last but not least thanks to all of you who participated in the 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin,” you guys have made the RFB grow to what it has become.
We raised over $8000 dollars and we still have donations coming in that puts our total raised all years combined to around $60,000! The kids and Camp Air Care really appreciate it!and thank you!
So as we close the book on The 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin,” I would like to leave you with one thought, “One of the best things in life is doing what you love with the people you love!”
Until next week, RIDE!

CALIFORNIA: NEW YORK MYKE RUNS FOR SAN DIEGO MAYOR– This just in…. I personally have met NY Mike at many national biker’srights conventions and know he is a strong supporter of all the issues thatconfront us.–Cindy
The league of women voters in CA profiles themayoral race that NY Myke is running in. The special election is being heldJuly 26th to replace Dick Murphy who resigned last week in the midst of acontroversy about the city’s deficit riddled pension fund.
Then, MichaelZucchet, who became interim mayor over the weekend, was found guilty ofconspiracy, extortion and fraud on his first business day in office. He wasimmediately suspended from the position. A federal jury convicted the newacting mayor and a city councilman of taking payoffs from a strip club ownerto help repeal a “no-touching” law at nude clubs, the latest blow to acity awash in scandal.
The race is now taking on national coverage because of the controversy. Ifyou know anyone who can help this biker candidate, please pass this on.
Jeff Hennie
Vice President of Government Relations
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
P: 202-546-0983
–from Rogue
BIKERNET PHILOSOPHY“A skittish motorbike with a touch of blood in itis better than all the riding animals on earth,because of its logical extension of our faculties,and the hint, the provocation, to excess,conferred by its honeyed, untired smoothness.”Lawrence of Arabia
–from Almorz
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